Evgeniy Ilin / Profil
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8+ yıl
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Danışmanlarım Neon Trade ve Neon Shadow için ayarlar her gün burada güncelleniyor: https://t.me/Centropolis_Lights
Danışmanlarım için en iyi broker https://clck.ru/39fLmk
ChatGPT 4.0, MidJorney 5, Dall-e ve diğer sinir ağları, Telegram botumuzda: https://t.me/chatgpt_skylab_bot?start=1143281064
Developing the theme of the previous article, I decided to create a more flexible and functional template that has greater capabilities and can be effectively used both in freelancing and as a base for developing multi-currency and multi-period EAs with the ability to integrate with external solutions.
In this article I will show the first part of the improvements that allowed me not only to close the entire automation chain for MetaTrader 4 and 5 trading, but also to do something much more interesting. From now on, this solution allows me to fully automate both creating EAs and optimization, as well as to minimize labor costs for finding effective trading configurations.
In this article, I will show a completely different approach to algorithmic trading I ended up with after quite a long time. Of course, all this has to do with my brute force program, which has undergone a number of changes that allow it to solve several problems simultaneously. Nevertheless, the article has turned out to be more general and as simple as possible, which is why it is also suitable for those who know nothing about brute force.
Bu makalede, Uzman Danışmanlar, göstergeler ve komut dosyaları geliştirmenin zaman ve emek yoğunluğunu azaltma açısından yeteneklerini anlamak için OpenAI'dan ChatGPT ile uğraşacağız. Size bu teknolojide hızlı bir şekilde yol göstereceğim ve MQL4 ve MQL5'te programlama için doğru şekilde nasıl kullanılacağını göstermeye çalışacağım.