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Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Forex like a Farmer
Trading in Forex is not much different from most traditional businesses that we can find in our economy and it this case in a farmer...
Sherif Hasan
There is no trade call for the session. Ahead we will focus on UK Retail Sales. A deviation in either direction can dictate sterling bias for the session...
Sherif Hasan
There is no trade call for the session. Ahead the European calendar is light aside from employment data from Switzerland. Familiarize with the latest market changes by reading through my analysis of the current market sentiment below...
Sherif Hasan

Trading Is a Business

17 февраля 2016, 15:19
All Traders start their career from the same point – Zero . All of them have similar difficulties , obstacles and challenges but every single Trader take different distance...
Sherif Hasan

Compounded Interest and Money Management

17 февраля 2016, 15:12
This article is about money management and compounded interest, which in my opinion is the most important part of trading, and can turn even a small account (1000$ starting equity) using a mediocre strategy and trading plan but with solid discipline into a small fortune that would assure our fina...
Sherif Hasan

Currency Correlation

17 февраля 2016, 14:52
Currency correlation happens when the price of two or more currency pairs moves in conjunction with one another...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Introduction to Forex Brokers
All new traders know that Forex brokers are a part of trading but with so many around and each claiming they are the best, it is beneficial that traders know where they stand with brokers and vice versa. In simple terms, Forex brokers are the middle man between the trader and the market...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Are All Forex Brokers on Our Side?
What we see more than often these days are Forex brokers offering advice and trading tips. They are beamed to us in forms of videos or written educational content that looks pretty good to a naked eye...
Sherif Hasan
While the ECB failed to meet market expectations by expanding the current QE program at the December 3 meeting, the prospects for another round of easing were announced at the January 21 meeting...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост USD/JPY - comments from Aso, Ishihara
Morning in Tokyo, time to wheel out the taking heads...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Cable falls after McCafferty mentions negative rates
GBP/USD down to 1.4430 from 1.4475 There were no big surprises from McCafferty but he said negative rates are a tool the BOE could use. He also said that he expects the next rate move to be up. The pound was probably ready to roll over anyway as the US dollar catches a broad bid...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост EUR/USD down 111 pips to 1.1144
The euro hit stops on the break of the Feb 10 low of 1.1159 as the market circles back towards the idea that ECB action is coming in March. The pair also broke 1.1150, touching a few pips below. Technically, the break clears the way to last week's low of 1.1085...
Sherif Hasan
European stock market close 15 February 2016 FTSE +2.2% Cac +3.0% Dax +2.7% Ibex +3.6...
Alexander Voronkov
Alexander Voronkov
Комментарий к теме Traders Joking
Candle in the 144 hours of burning
Traders Joking
Sherif Hasan

Currency Update 15th of February

15 февраля 2016, 10:03
There is no trade call for the session or tier one data on the calendar for the London session. The main event for the day will come in NY with ECB’s Draghi who is due to testify on monetary policy before the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, in Brussels...
Sherif Hasan
Highlights from Yellen's statement Inflation continues to run below the (FOMC) Committee's 2 percent objective The Committee did not adjust the target range in January U.S...
Sherif Hasan
Mathematics is an essential tool in many fields, and it should be used extensively in trading as well. By using mathematics you will reduce emotion and uncertainty, two of the biggest hurdles a trader faces...
Sherif Hasan
As a professional trader it's important to know when and what instrument to trade, as well as knowing when not to trade and "sit on your hands". Preservation of capital during times of low profit probability is essential for a long term trading career...
Sherif Hasan
Yellen’s monetary policy testimony will be released today 3:00pm GMT. Any comments regarding monetary policy from Yellen have the capacity to move the USD...