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Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост GBPUSD breaks resistance as it continues its recovery
Small steps for the pound but the buyers are gaining traction 1.3420 was resistance yesterday and today and was S&R on Monday too. GBPUSD 15m chart We've hit minor resistance up around 1.3450 and there's more waiting at 1.3470/75. 1...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Cameron: New PM could hold discussions with EU before enacting article 50
The game of 'who blinks first' is on Just in case you're unsure what article 50 is, it's the formal notice that a country wants to leave. "Article 501. Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements. 2...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост June 2016 German HICP flash 0.2% vs 0.2% exp y/y
June 2016 German HICP and CPI flash report 29 June 2016 Prior 0.0% 0.1% vs 0.1% exp m/m. Prior 0.4% CPI 0.3% vs 0.3% exp y/y. Prior 0.1% 0.1% vs 0.2% exp m/m. Prior 0.3...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост There will be no second Brexit referendum says Conservative leader candidate
Stephen Crabb has thrown his hat into the leadership ring and is making his case Brexit result was clear, UK will leave the EU Article 50 discussion must happen after uniting the party and the country My goal is to create stability (when asked about a possible General election) Control in immigra...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Fitch sees BOE lowering rates by 0.25% by year-end
US ratings agency out with a client note 29 June 2016 UK to face large investment shock post-Brexit 2017 & 2018 GDP to fall to around 1% uncertainty to prompt firms to delay investment, hiring decisions Say Fitch...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Here's what to look for when trading Brexit
A few items to keep an eye to gauge the reaction to Brexit I won't labour the point that we face many months of uncertainty now the vote is cast but even with that uncertainty, we can still identify the clues that will tell us how to trade it...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост June 2016 Eurozone economic sentiment 104.4 vs 104.7 exp
June 2016 Eurozone economic sentiment and final consumer confidence report 29 June 2016 Prior 104.7 Business climate 0.22 vs 0.26 exp. Prior 0.26 Industrial sentiment -2.8 vs -3.4 exp. Prior -3.6 Services sentiment 10.8 vs 11.0 exp. Prio r11.3...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост May 2016 UK mortgage approvals 67,042 vs 65,250 exp
UK mortgage approvals and consumer credit data Prior 66,250. Revised to 66,205 Mortgage lending 2.842bn vs 2.200bn exp. Prior 0.281bn. Revised to 0.112bn BOE consumer credit 1.503bn vs 1.400bn exp. Prior 1.287bn. Revised to 1.294bn credit card lending 418m vs 333m prior. Revised to 326m...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Euro wobbles giving the pound a helping hand
European equity rally is bringing a few euro sellers out of the woodwork 29 June Funding currency correlation returns along with some Brexit fallout concern...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Brandenburg CPI June mm +0.1% vs +0.3% prev
More German regional CPI readings 29 June yy-0.1% vs -0.2% prev Hesse mm -0.1% vs +0.4% prev yy 0.0% as prev Bavaria mm +0.1% vs +0.4% prev...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Spain CPI June flash mm +0.5% as prev
Spanish June CPI report 29 June 2016 yy -0.8% vs -0.9% exp vs -1.0% prev HICP flash mm +0.4% vs +0.3% exp vs +0.5% prev yy -0.9% vs -1.0% exp vs -1.1% Stronger than expected inflation data will be welcome news but still wobbly...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Saxony CPI June mm +0.1% vs +0.4% prev
Saxony June CPI report 29 June 2016 yy+ 0.4% vs +0.1% prev ex-fuel/heating mm +0.1% yy +1.0% ex energy/seasonal foods mm+0.1% yy +1.4% Lower mm. Higher yy. First of the German regionals with whole of German CPI out at 12.00 GMT...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост 5 Ways Major Policymakers Are Reacting to Brexit
Can you believe it’s only been four days since Britain has officially voted OUT of the EU? Over the past couple of days the U.K. has lost its Prime Minister, companies have lost millions (if not billions) in financial market losses, S&P and Fitch have downgraded the U.K...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост European equities firmer in early trading 29 June
Positive tones following on from the futures market 29 June 2016 FTSE +1.4% DAX +1.2% CAC40 +1.2% FTMIB +1.6...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост ECB's Constancio says fall in bank stock prices reflects lack of confidence
European Central Bank vice-president Constancio talking to CNBC 29 June Inspired. Just where does he pull these huge insights from?! must wait some days to see market development post- Brexit fundamentals have not changed for banks after Brexit Thanks for popping in. See yourself out...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Nikkei 225 closes up +1.59% at 15,566.83
Positive session for Japanese equities 29 June 2016 +243.69 open 15523.35 high 15626.66 15398.31...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Data coming up in this session 29 June
Your Economic Data/Events Calendar for today 29 June 2016 Sad news to greet me this morning, as if we needed reminding how fragile is this world of ours right now, and seemingly on a downward spiral. Busy data calendar ahead. As always I wish you a good session. Times GMT...