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Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Mid-Year Check: Are You Meeting Your Trading Goals?
Can you believe it’s almost July?! With almost half of the year behind us, it’s time to look back on the trading goals that you made at the beginning of the year and see if you need to make changes to your goals, trading processes, or strategies. Here are some tips to get you started! 1...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост How the Brexit Has Affected the Forex Industry So Far
Phew! It looks like forex brokers can breathe easy now that the EU referendum has come and gone. The Brexit decision did wreak some havoc across the charts but industry players are looking unshaken so far...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Germany retail sales May mm +0.9% +0.6% exp
Germany May retail sales report 30 June 2016 -0.3% prev revised up from -0.9% yy +2.6% vs +2.5% exp vs +2.7% prev revised up from +2.3% prev Stronger retails welcome news for the German domestic economy. EURUSD 1.1090 EURGBP 0.8286 EURJPY 113.82...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Expect month-end EURGBP demand for a while yet despite Brexit
Despite the Brexit result it's still business as usual as far as UK payments to the EU are concerned 30 June The German Bundesbank buys euros each month-end, in excess of €2bln, to cover the UK's EU membership fee...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Chinese fund managers recommend cutting bond allocations to 6.3% vs 7.5% prev
The results of a Reuters poll of 8 Chinese fund managers 30 June recommend cash holdings to be reduced to 16.9% vs 20.6% last month suggest raising equity exposure for next 3 months to 76.9% vs 71...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Japan housing starts May yy +9.8% vs +4.8% exp
Japan May housing report 30 June 2016 +9.0% prev annualised starts +1.017m vs +0.973m exp vs +0.995m prev Slightly delayed but now out. Not a price changer in its own right. USDJPY 102.64 .Expect bids/demand into 102.50 after its retreat from 103.00...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Heads up - BOE's Carney speaks on Brexit at 15.00 GMT today
BOE governor Mark Carney delivers a post-Brexit market update today 30 June Carney is set to outline his thinking on how Britain's economy is coping with last week's vote to leave the EU, his second response since the Brexit result. BoE says Carney will deliver a speech at 15...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Data coming up in this session 30 June
Your Economic Data/Event Calendar for today in Europe 30 June 2016 Greetings and welcome to month-end. And that's means month-end flows ( don't forget the usual EURGBP demand for the UK's EU membership fees. Yes we've still got to pay those for a while yet!). Also keep an eye on the 15...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Fitch on Brexit impact in Asia - No direct APAC sovereigns, bank ratings impact
Reuters with the news from Fitch ratings: Brexit has no direct APAC sovereigns, bank ratings impact UK's vote to leave European Union has no immediate direct ratings impact on Asia-Pacific sovereigns or banks Spike in political uncertainty in UK - and resulting effects on investor risk appetite...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Fitch on China - overcapacity, indebtedness, over-leverage
Fitch with a dour assessment on China Overcapacity weighs on china bank operating environment Over-capacity and over-leverage remain significant challenges for Chinese steel industry Expects steel sector to continue relying on commercial paper refinancing High levels of indebtedness in industrial...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Australia May Job vacancies: -1.9% (prior +2.7%) & Private Credit: +0.4% m/m (exp.+0.5%)
Aussie data Job vacancies for May, -1.9% m/m prior 2.7% Private Sector Credit for May, +0.4% m/m expected 0.5%, prior 0.5...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост NZ data - ANZ Business Confidence for June: 20.2 (prior 11.3)
ANZ data for June Activity Outlook 35.1 prior 30.4 Business Confidence 20.2 prior 11.3...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост China’s analysts haven’t been this wrong on equities since 2009
Here's a piece in Bloomberg on China stockmarkets, and it isn't cheery: Shanghai Composite Index firms reported earnings per share for the past year that were 33% below what analysts had predicted 12 months ago The gap widened to the most since 2009 The gap , far outstrips the difference between...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост China Beige Book shows rebound in Q2
Some highlights from the latest 'China Beige Book' analysis on China's economy Economy bounced in Q2 from the slowdown in the previous two quarters (Q4 of 2015 and Q1 of 2016 were the weakest in the history of the beige Book report) Services and construction the bigger drivers of the bounce Servi...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост NZ Building Permits for May: -0.9% m/m (prior +6.6%)
New Zealand Building Consents for May For the m/m, down 0.9% (prior +6.6% For the y/y, up 13% to an 11 year high From Stats NZ: consents for new dwellings are at a higher level than in 2015, but there has been little growth in recent months...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост UK data - GfK Consumer Confidence for June: -1 (expected -2)
GfK Consumer Confidence for June A beat, coming in at -1 expected -2 prior -1 This was a pre-Brexit vote survey (conducted June 1 to June 15...
Sherif Hasan
Опубликовал пост Japan data: Industrial Production (May, preliminary): -2.3% m/m (expected -0.2%)
Japan preliminary Industrial Production data for May -2.3% m/m expected -0.2%, prior 0.5% And -0.1% y/y expected +1.9%, prior was -3.3...