Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
3 (2)
  • Информация
8+ лет
опыт работы
Родился и вырос в Южной Африке, в 23 года переехал в Лондон, где и живу сегодня ...

Я начал программировать, когда мне было шесть лет, в основном на старой машине IBM XT (процессор 8086).
Всю свою жизнь я работал в сфере высоких технологий и искусства, занимаясь исполнением и внедрением инноваций. Моя душа всегда была и остается творческой, и я больше всего счастлив, когда создаю или развлекаю ...

У меня было много разных карьер, я гнался за деньгами, боролся за финансовую свободу, но всегда стремился следовать своим мечтам и страсти ...
Я никогда не прекращал писать код для себя и, следовательно, написал множество небольших приложений для себя и других на разных языках, таких как:

Машинный язык (двоичный)
C ++

Однако мое торговое путешествие началось более 20 лет назад, когда мой отец привозил нас на торговые семинары, хотя тогда я не относился к этому достаточно серьезно.
Шесть лет назад один джентльмен, с которым я разговаривал в супермаркете, рассказал мне, как он взял 5 фунтов стерлингов на счет Metatrader с высоким кредитным плечом, используя начисление сложных процентов до 1 000 000 фунтов стерлингов за 60 дней при 23% прибыли в день ...
Это вызвало у меня интерес, он познакомил меня с платформой MetaTrader, и мое торговое путешествие началось снова ... с целью обрести полную финансовую свободу ...

Затем я посетил множество семинаров, вебинаров и тренингов по торговле, и мне пришло в голову, что компьютер должен быть намного лучше трейдера, поскольку он привязан к системе и никогда не проявляет эмоций, так почему же люди вообще делают эту работу? Все повторяющиеся и повторяющиеся вещи компьютер может сделать лучше, не отнимая у вас самое ценное - время!

Поэтому я начал кодировать свой советник Traders Toolbox ™, сначала как простую автоматизацию Heikenashi Trading, но так как это не дало ожидаемых результатов, я начал добавлять в алгоритм то, что я узнал во время обучения ... и постепенно он превратился в то, что это сегодня ...

Пытаясь найти святой Грааль торговых роботов, я также занимался торговлей и при этом обнаружил, что мне нужно автоматизировать управление капиталом и, среди прочего, прекратить размещение ... поэтому торговый робот превратился из простого торгового робота в полнофункциональную торговую систему. орудие труда.

Разработка продолжается ... инструмент становится все лучше и лучше, это достижение, которым я очень горжусь!
Требуется 3-6 лет, чтобы достичь того, что есть сегодня ... и я подумал, почему бы не поделиться этим с вами !!! Так что я!!!

Может ли это заработать деньги? Действительно может, если использовать правильные настройки !!
Облегчает ли это торговлю? 1000%

Вот еще об этом:

Traders Toolbox ™ для Metatrader 4/5 - это универсальный торговый инструмент, основанный на общих торговых стратегиях с целью автоматизации этих стратегий и расчетов.


- 19 индивидуальных сигналов
- Комплексное отображение на экране
- Автоматическое построение графиков / анализ (фундаментальный и технический)
- Торговля в один клик
- Автономная торговля
- Расширенное управление капиталом
- Несколько типов остановок и трейлов
- 3 различных режима работы
- Комплексные настраиваемые оповещения

Итак, теперь, когда вы знаете мой путь и почему я разработал Traders Toolbox ™, вам интересно?
Почему бы не попробовать? Буду признателен за ваш отзыв, если вы попробуете, и он вам понравится, оставьте, пожалуйста, отзыв ...
(Аренда — 45 долларов / Покупка — 5000 долларов / Демо-счета — бесплатно)

Рекомендуемый брокер криптовалюты / форекс:











Облегченная версия бесплатна, и все, что я прошу, это если вы используете облегченную версию, пожалуйста, пожертвуйте все, что можете, в качестве знака признательности ...
Пожалуйста, попробуйте Traders Toolbox ™ сегодня, оставьте отзыв, если он вам нравится, и присоединитесь к нашей новой социальной сети, чтобы поделиться своим опытом торговли и трейдинга с Traders Toolbox ™

Соцсети https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Веб https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

Спасибо и до встречи в сети !!!
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Traders Toolbox has been downloaded over by over 1650 people around the world and climbing ...
People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Downloads are averaging 10 per day!!! Heres to growing exponentially...

Download the Lite version to see what it can do on a demo account then buy or rent it for your live account...!!!

I cannot imagine trading with out it and you should feel the same once you downloaded it...try it now and never trade blind again...

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

please leave a review...

The lite version is free and all I ask is if you use the lite version please donate whatever you can as a token on appreciation...

Please note MQL may take down the lite version but it will be available in our web store with a 14 day day premium product key should you want to download it and try it...

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/
Donations https://donorbox.org/help-us-improve-traders-toolbox

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#boom1000 #crash1000 #volitilityindex #tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #stocks #derivatives #derivativestrading #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Traders Toolbox Lite will be available for download at our web store regardless of what happens following 1st august see:


We will also be selling cross platform account linked licences and profitable .set files… bookmark our store and keep your eyes peeled… and please also join our social network at


New .set file results below coming soon...

Keep on downloading and let’s make money together!!!
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Traders Toolbox Lite will be available for download at our web store regardless of what happens following 1st august see:


We will also be selling cross platform account linked licences and profitable .set files… bookmark our store and keep your eyes peeled… and please also join our social network at


Keep on downloading and let’s make money together!!!
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Traders Toolbox Lite may be not be permissible for downloads on the MQL Website from august 2021, so please download the demo of our Full version and trial it out for at least a month in order that we do not lose our popularity in the store...

Our free versions was something we wanted to give free to help you and show you what the full version can do... unfortunately the mql site doesn't want that and do not really provide any viable options for the features to be demo'd free on any account... so worst case scenario the lite version of traders toolbox will become an indicator only after august...whether a demo or a live account, so you download it quickly before its gone... and please help us get our Full Versions ranked by downloading demos and where possible trying them out for a month?

See MQL sites notice below:

From July 1, 2021, Metquotes introduce additional requirements for products offered via the Market:


Intrusive adware

We prohibit intrusive functions in products, including pop-ups and numerous links on charts or panels.

We understand that sellers wish to promote their services, but this should be done in a reasonable manner. You can specify a link to your website in the product description and add #property link to program code — this link will be displayed in a standard dialog during program start. Sellers are not allowed to advertise their websites or other products on charts, in dialog boxes or on graphic panels.

Restricting product functionality under Demo/Free/Trial/Light version is prohibited

According to the Market rules, Products may not contain any operational restrictions which limit application usage (such as time, account, trading symbol and other restrictions). Any paid or free product must not have time limitations and must be fully functional on any trading account.

To protect paid versions, the Market enables the downloading of an Expert Advisor or indicator trial version allowing users to test the product in the Strategy Tester. Such versions cannot be run on live charts. Sellers can additionally provide monitoring results via the Signals service to demonstrate the performance of Expert Advisors.

Some sellers violate the Market rules and create so-called "demo versions" to promote paid products. Such "demo versions" have trading, display or other functional restrictions. As a result, it is difficult for buyers to find truly useful free programs.

Therefore, the following products will be considered as spam:

products having words Demo, Free, Trial, Light or similar in their name
products displaying a link to another fully functional product of the author in the description or on a chart during operation
products with functional restrictions
To demonstrate all features of paid products (including trading panels and analytical applications), sellers can add videos in the description and provide a one-month product rental option for a small fee.

Market sellers must remove functionality restrictions, fix product names and delete links to other products by August 1, 2021.
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo 2021.06.24
Traders Toolbox Lite will be available for download at our web store regardless of what happens following 1st august see https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/ we will also be selling cross platform account linked licences and profitable .set files… bookmark our store and keep your eyes peeled…
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
#Nasdaq hits all time highs will it continue? Check out the action with Traders Toolbox....

Traders Toolbox breaks it maximum downloaded record in a month this May 2021... Lets keep on growing...

Downloads are averaging 10 per day!!! Lets double it!!! Download the Lite version to see what it can do on a demo account then buy or rent it for your live account...!!!

I cannot imagine trading with out it and you should feel the same once you downloaded it...try it now and never trade blind again...

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

please leave a review...

The lite version is free and all I ask is if you use the lite version please donate whatever you can as a token on appreciation...
Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

If you are enjoying Traders Toolbox™ Lite (complimentary version) feel free to show your appreciation with a small donation through link below:

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#boom1000 #crash1000 #volitilityindex #tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #stocks #derivatives #derivativestrading #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Опубликован скриншот
Nasdaq, H1XM Global Limited
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Which way is gold headed? Check out the action with Traders Toolbox....

Traders Toolbox breaks it maximum downloaded record in a month this May 2021... Lets keep on growing...

Downloads are averaging 10 per day!!! Lets double it!!! Download the Lite version to see what it can do on a demo account then buy or rent it for your live account...!!!

I cannot imagine trading with out it and you should feel the same once you downloaded it...try it now and never trade blind again...

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

please leave a review...

The lite version is free and all I ask is if you use the lite version please donate whatever you can as a token on appreciation...
Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

If you are enjoying Traders Toolbox™ Lite (complimentary version) feel free to show your appreciation with a small donation through link below:

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#boom1000 #crash1000 #volitilityindex #tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #stocks #derivatives #derivativestrading #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Which way is gold headed? Check out the action with Traders Toolbox....

Traders Toolbox breaks it maximum downloaded record in a month this May 2021... Lets keep on growing...

Downloads are averaging 10 per day!!! Lets double it!!! Download the Lite version to see what it can do on a demo account then buy or rent it for your live account...!!!

I cannot imagine trading with out it and you should feel the same once you downloaded it...try it now and never trade blind again...

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

please leave a review...

The lite version is free and all I ask is if you use the lite version please donate whatever you can as a token on appreciation...
Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

If you are enjoying Traders Toolbox™ Lite (complimentary version) feel free to show your appreciation with a small donation through link below:

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#boom1000 #crash1000 #volitilityindex #tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #stocks #derivatives #derivativestrading #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Which way is gold headed? Check out the action with Traders Toolbox....

Traders Toolbox breaks it maximum downloaded record in a month this May 2021... Lets keep on growing...

Downloads are averaging 10 per day!!! Lets double it!!! Download the Lite version to see what it can do on a demo account then buy or rent it for your live account...!!!

I cannot imagine trading with out it and you should feel the same once you downloaded it...try it now and never trade blind again...

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

please leave a review...

The lite version is free and all I ask is if you use the lite version please donate whatever you can as a token on appreciation...
Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

If you are enjoying Traders Toolbox™ Lite (complimentary version) feel free to show your appreciation with a small donation through link below:

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#boom1000 #crash1000 #volitilityindex #tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #stocks #derivatives #derivativestrading #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Head and Shoulders on ZoomVideo, projecting a drop to 316.31 imminent... watch the action happen with Traders Toolbox™

Traders Toolbox breaks it maximum downloaded record in a month this May 2021... Lets keep on growing...

Downloads are averaging 10 per day!!! Lets double it!!! Download the Lite version to see what it can do on a demo account then buy or rent it for your live account...!!!

I cannot imagine trading with out it and you should feel the same once you downloaded it...try it now and never trade blind again...

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

please leave a review...

The lite version is free and all I ask is if you use the lite version please donate whatever you can as a token on appreciation...
Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

If you are enjoying Traders Toolbox™ Lite (complimentary version) feel free to show your appreciation with a small donation through link below:

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#boom1000 #crash1000 #volitilityindex #tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #stocks #derivatives #derivativestrading #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Traders Toolbox breaks it maximum downloaded record in a month this May 2021... Lets keep on growing...

Downloads are averaging 10 per day!!! Lets double it!!! Download the Lite version to see what it can do on a demo account then buy or rent it for your live account...!!!

I cannot imagine trading with out it and you should feel the same once you downloaded it...try it now and never trade blind again...

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

please leave a review...

The lite version is free and all I ask is if you use the lite version please donate whatever you can as a token on appreciation...
Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

If you are enjoying Traders Toolbox™ Lite (complimentary version) feel free to show your appreciation with a small donation through link below:

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#boom1000 #crash1000 #volitilityindex #tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #stocks #derivatives #derivativestrading #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Traders Toolbox breaks it maximum downloaded record in a month this May 2021... Lets keep on growing:

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

please leave a review...

The lite version is free and all I ask is if you use the lite version please donate whatever you can as a token on appreciation...
Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

If you are enjoying Traders Toolbox™ Lite (complimentary version) feel free to show your appreciation with a small donation through link below:

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#boom1000 #crash1000 #volitilityindex #tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #stocks #derivatives #derivativestrading #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New backtest on Boom 1000 .set file posted on our hub, 850% profit for 2020…

check it out on https://hub.traderstoolbox.Uk/

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

please leave a review...

The lite version is free and all I ask is if you use the lite version please donate whatever you can as a token on appreciation...
Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

If you are enjoying Traders Toolbox™ Lite (complimentary version) feel free to show your appreciation with a small donation through link below:

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New backtest on Boom 1000 .set file posted on our hub, so far 6 months 1000% profit…

Backtest still going… check it out on https://hub.traderstoolbox.Uk/

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

please leave a review...

The lite version is free and all I ask is if you use the lite version please donate whatever you can as a token on appreciation...
Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

If you are enjoying Traders Toolbox™ Lite (complimentary version) feel free to show your appreciation with a small donation through link below:

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Traders Toolbox™ is about to exceed the maximum downloaded in one month since it's initial release!!! how much we going to beat the January Record by? Can you guess? Win a one month free licence if you guess correctly?

It indicates the value it brings to you the traders all over the world… As we continually work in through these volatile times… we need as much helps as we can get… rather than buy into these endless scams flying around the internet we are transparent and here to help each other become financial independent with our faith in Traders Toolbox™ and our community!!! Please do share your .set files and experiences on the hub here: https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/ and May we all prevail together!!!! thank you for your continued support!!!

Haven't tried or downloaded it yet?

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

please leave a review...

The lite version is free and all I ask is if you use the lite version please donate whatever you can as a token on appreciation...
Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

If you are enjoying Traders Toolbox™ Lite (complimentary version) feel free to show your appreciation with a small donation through link below:

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Traders Toolbox™ is about to exceed the maximum downloaded in one month since it's initial release!!! how much we going to beat the January Record by? Can you guess? Win a one month free licence if you guess correctly?

It indicates the value it brings to you the traders all over the world… As we continually work in through these volatile times… we need as much helps as we can get… rather than buy into these endless scams flying around the internet we are transparent and here to help each other become financial independent with our faith in Traders Toolbox™ and our community!!! Please do share your .set files and experiences on the hub here: https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/ and May we all prevail together!!!! thank you for your continued support!!!

Haven't tried or downloaded it yet?

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

please leave a review...

The lite version is free and all I ask is if you use the lite version please donate whatever you can as a token on appreciation...
Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

If you are enjoying Traders Toolbox™ Lite (complimentary version) feel free to show your appreciation with a small donation through link below:

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Traders Toolbox™ has been consistently downloaded over 1.3k since release in September 2020!!! (averaging 200 downloads / month)

It indicates the value it brings to you the traders all over the world… As we continually work in through these volatile times… we need as much helps as we can get… rather than buy into these endless scams flying around the internet we are transparent and here to help each other become financial independent with our faith in Traders Toolbox™ and our community!!! Please do share your .set files and experiences on the hub here: https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/ and May we all prevail together!!!! thank you for your continued support!!!

Here's more about it if you havent tried it:

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

please leave a review...

The lite version is free and all I ask is if you use the lite version please donate whatever you can as a token on appreciation...
Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

If you are enjoying Traders Toolbox™ Lite (complimentary version) feel free to show your appreciation with a small donation through link below:

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Traders Toolbox™ has been consistently downloaded over 1.3k since release in September 2020!!! (averaging 200 downloads / month)

It indicates the value it brings to you the traders all over the world… As we continually work in through these volatile times… we need as much helps as we can get… rather than buy into these endless scams flying around the internet we are transparent and here to help each other become financial independent with our faith in Traders Toolbox™ and our community!!! Please do share your .set files and experiences on the hub here: https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/ and May we all prevail together!!!! thank you for your continued support!!!

Here's more about it if you havent tried it:

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

please leave a review...

The lite version is free and all I ask is if you use the lite version please donate whatever you can as a token on appreciation...
Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

Thanks and see you online!!!
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Traders Toolbox™ has been consistently downloaded over 1.3k since release in September 2020!!! (averaging 200 downloads / month)

It indicates the value it brings to you the traders all over the world… As we continually work in through these volatile times… we need as much helps as we can get… rather than buy into these endless scams flying around the internet we are transparent and here to help each other become financial independent with our faith in Traders Toolbox™ and our community!!! Please do share your .set files and experiences on the hub here: https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/ and May we all prevail together!!!! thank you for your continued support!!!

Here's more about it if you havent tried it:

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

please leave a review...

The lite version is free and all I ask is if you use the lite version please donate whatever you can as a token on appreciation...
Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

Thanks and see you online!!!
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Strong Double Top Signal on Nasdaq100, looks like the sell off may continue!!! Check out the action with Traders Toolbox™

Traders Toolbox™ the all in one tool no trader should do with out... The Technical analysis, stop distances and money calculations are automated so you can just trade with one click buy, sell or hedge. You can optimise and allow the EA to trade for you or just one click and enter the market when you ready... no more need for tedious calculations... leave the menial calculations to the EA... Test it out now!!! I can't trade without it!!!

New Automated trading.set file released on social hub below: Nasdaq100 fully automated 2020...

Download links here:

Social Community (please join):

If you are enjoying Traders Toolbox™ Lite (complimentary version) feel free to show your appreciation with a small donation through link below:

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4