Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
3 (2)
  • Информация
8+ лет
опыт работы
Родился и вырос в Южной Африке, в 23 года переехал в Лондон, где и живу сегодня ...

Я начал программировать, когда мне было шесть лет, в основном на старой машине IBM XT (процессор 8086).
Всю свою жизнь я работал в сфере высоких технологий и искусства, занимаясь исполнением и внедрением инноваций. Моя душа всегда была и остается творческой, и я больше всего счастлив, когда создаю или развлекаю ...

У меня было много разных карьер, я гнался за деньгами, боролся за финансовую свободу, но всегда стремился следовать своим мечтам и страсти ...
Я никогда не прекращал писать код для себя и, следовательно, написал множество небольших приложений для себя и других на разных языках, таких как:

Машинный язык (двоичный)
C ++

Однако мое торговое путешествие началось более 20 лет назад, когда мой отец привозил нас на торговые семинары, хотя тогда я не относился к этому достаточно серьезно.
Шесть лет назад один джентльмен, с которым я разговаривал в супермаркете, рассказал мне, как он взял 5 фунтов стерлингов на счет Metatrader с высоким кредитным плечом, используя начисление сложных процентов до 1 000 000 фунтов стерлингов за 60 дней при 23% прибыли в день ...
Это вызвало у меня интерес, он познакомил меня с платформой MetaTrader, и мое торговое путешествие началось снова ... с целью обрести полную финансовую свободу ...

Затем я посетил множество семинаров, вебинаров и тренингов по торговле, и мне пришло в голову, что компьютер должен быть намного лучше трейдера, поскольку он привязан к системе и никогда не проявляет эмоций, так почему же люди вообще делают эту работу? Все повторяющиеся и повторяющиеся вещи компьютер может сделать лучше, не отнимая у вас самое ценное - время!

Поэтому я начал кодировать свой советник Traders Toolbox ™, сначала как простую автоматизацию Heikenashi Trading, но так как это не дало ожидаемых результатов, я начал добавлять в алгоритм то, что я узнал во время обучения ... и постепенно он превратился в то, что это сегодня ...

Пытаясь найти святой Грааль торговых роботов, я также занимался торговлей и при этом обнаружил, что мне нужно автоматизировать управление капиталом и, среди прочего, прекратить размещение ... поэтому торговый робот превратился из простого торгового робота в полнофункциональную торговую систему. орудие труда.

Разработка продолжается ... инструмент становится все лучше и лучше, это достижение, которым я очень горжусь!
Требуется 3-6 лет, чтобы достичь того, что есть сегодня ... и я подумал, почему бы не поделиться этим с вами !!! Так что я!!!

Может ли это заработать деньги? Действительно может, если использовать правильные настройки !!
Облегчает ли это торговлю? 1000%

Вот еще об этом:

Traders Toolbox ™ для Metatrader 4/5 - это универсальный торговый инструмент, основанный на общих торговых стратегиях с целью автоматизации этих стратегий и расчетов.


- 19 индивидуальных сигналов
- Комплексное отображение на экране
- Автоматическое построение графиков / анализ (фундаментальный и технический)
- Торговля в один клик
- Автономная торговля
- Расширенное управление капиталом
- Несколько типов остановок и трейлов
- 3 различных режима работы
- Комплексные настраиваемые оповещения

Итак, теперь, когда вы знаете мой путь и почему я разработал Traders Toolbox ™, вам интересно?
Почему бы не попробовать? Буду признателен за ваш отзыв, если вы попробуете, и он вам понравится, оставьте, пожалуйста, отзыв ...
(Аренда — 45 долларов / Покупка — 5000 долларов / Демо-счета — бесплатно)

Рекомендуемый брокер криптовалюты / форекс:











Облегченная версия бесплатна, и все, что я прошу, это если вы используете облегченную версию, пожалуйста, пожертвуйте все, что можете, в качестве знака признательности ...
Пожалуйста, попробуйте Traders Toolbox ™ сегодня, оставьте отзыв, если он вам нравится, и присоединитесь к нашей новой социальной сети, чтобы поделиться своим опытом торговли и трейдинга с Traders Toolbox ™

Соцсети https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Веб https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

Спасибо и до встречи в сети !!!
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

We have significantly breached the maximum downloads in any one month since release and about to breach the max paid downloads in a month and December is not over yet!!! Its a Great way to end the year!!!

Thank you to all our free and paid patrons we hope its brought you as much value as it has us!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2950 people around the world approaching the 3000 milestone quickly!!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1. Brazil
2. Iran
3. Russian Federation
4. South Africa
5. Germany
6. Thailand

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. USA
4. Germany
5. Australia
6. South Africa

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

We have significantly breached the maximum downloads in any one month since release and about to breach the max paid downloads in a month and December is not over yet!!! Its a Great way to end the year!!!

Thank you to all our free and paid patrons we hope its brought you as much value as it has us!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2950 people around the world approaching the 3000 milestone quickly!!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1. Brazil
2. Iran
3. Russian Federation
4. South Africa
5. Germany
6. Thailand

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. USA
4. Germany
5. Australia
6. South Africa

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Boom500 on Deriv.com running Traders toolbox with a TP only strategy... Risky but so far soo good....
( https://deriv.com/?t=yCe4nsGJqd30iKy7VsyUpmNd7ZgqdRLk&utm_source=affiliate_167207&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=MyAffiliates&utm_content=&referrer= )

1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

We have significantly breached maximum downloads in any one month since release and about to breach the max paid downloads in a month and December is not over yet!!! Its a Great way to end the year!!!

Thank you to all our free and paid patrons we hope its brought you as much value as it has us!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world approaching the 3000 milestone quickly!!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. USA
6. Austria

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

We have significantly breached maximum downloads in any one month since release and about to breach the max paid downloads in a month and December is not over yet!!! Its a Great way to end the year!!!

Thank you to all our free and paid patrons we hope its brought you as much value as it has us!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world approaching the 3000 milestone quickly!!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. USA
6. Austria

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

We have just breached maximum downloads in any one month since release by two downloads and December is not over yet!!! Its a Great way to end the year!!!

Thank you to all our free and paid patrons we hope its brought you as much value as it has us!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world approaching the 3000 milestone quickly!!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. USA
6. Austria

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

We have just breached maximum downloads in any one month since release by two downloads and December is not over yet!!! Its a Great way to end the year!!!

Thank you to all our free and paid patrons we hope its brought you as much value as it has us!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world approaching the 3000 milestone quickly!!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. USA
6. Austria

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Updates, bug fixes and enhancements dropped…

1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

Approaching two new milestones of most downloads in any month and 3000 all time downloads!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world and and already 240 time this december!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. USA
6. Austria

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Updates, bug fixes and enhancements dropped…

1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

Approaching two new milestones of most downloads in any month and 3000 all time downloads!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world and and already 240 time this december!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. USA
6. Austria

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Updates, bug fixes and enhancements dropped…

1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

Approaching two new milestones of most downloads in any month and 3000 all time downloads!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world and and already 240 time this december!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. USA
6. Austria

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Updates, bug fixes and enhancements dropped…

1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

Approaching two new milestones of most downloads in any month and 3000 all time downloads!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world and and already 240 time this december!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Top 6 paid Download locations:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. USA
6. United Kingdom, South Africa, Mongolia, Austria, France, Germany, Portugal (equal)

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
$100-$2000 in 5 days on USDJPY? See: https://hub.tradersoolbox.uk/ for .set file
(Boom500 Index Demo account Test so far in picture below...)

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
$100-$2000 in 5 days on USDJPY?

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2560 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
$100-$2000 in 5 days on USDJPY?

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2560 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Version of Traders Toolbox™ dropped…

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2560 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Version of Traders Toolbox™ dropped…

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2560 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Crypto Markets have taken a nose dive? How much further will they go? Watch the action unfold with Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5...

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2500 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Version of Traders Toolbox™ dropped with Enhanced Action Panel... and some new settings…

New action panel Features:

1. Additional Close Position Options - Close All, Close All Profiting, Close All Losing, Close All Buying (Long) and Close All Selling (Short).
2. Quick and Easy Pending Orders - Put in your Required Entry Price, hit buy or sell everything else is done for you...

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2500 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Version of Traders Toolbox™ dropped with Enhanced Action Panel... and some new settings…

New action panel Features:

1. Additional Close Position Options - Close All, Close All Profiting, Close All Losing, Close All Buying (Long) and Close All Selling (Short).
2. Quick and Easy Pending Orders - Put in your Required Entry Price, hit buy or sell everything else is done for you...

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2500 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Version of Traders Toolbox™ just dropped with Enhanced Action Panel...

New Features:

1. Additional Close Position Options - Close All, Close All Profiting, Close All Losing, Close All Buying (Long) and Close All Selling (Short).
2. Quick and Easy Pending Orders - Put in your Required Entry Price, hit buy or sell everything else is done for you...

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2350 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
MQL Market Place no longer Supports the download of 32Bit Versions...

If you are running a 32 bit version of Metatrader 5 (32 bit PC)...
You will need to download the Traders Toolbox™ Bundle where we include 32bit compiled version...


Recommended Crypto/Forex Broker: Evolve Markets (Account Base in Bitcoin BTC)
