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MT4 Local Trade Copier Pro


About The Product

This is an mt4 expert advisor which will let the end user to copy trades from a source mt4 account to N different mt4/mt5 account in the same pc. It is specially useful when you want to copy your trades from an account to several client account or accounts which will have different parameter for those trades. This product provides options to copy trades with different options as well as copy them in reverse.

Note: Download and test the  MT4 Local Trade Copier Pro  demo version on your demo account  here

Complete User Guideline & Inputs


  • Customizable lot size in desitination account
  • Customizable stoploss and take profit in destination account
  • Copy stoploss and take profit from source account
  • Copy closing of trades from source to destination accounts
  • Martingale copy trades in destination account upon loosing
  • Copy symbols with suffix
  • Copy trade reversely(SL and TP would be reverse as well)
  • Can put the trade comments(enable/disable)
  • Copy in proportion(Fractional multipler is also supported. Example source lot 0.2 multiplier 0.5 then destination lot 0.1)
  • Copy Modification of trades
  • Copy Pending Order
  • Copy delete of Pending Order
  • Limit number of open transactions in destination account
  • Limit number of closed trades per day
  • Lots of other risk managment features
  • Copy trades from MT4 to MT5

See all the features in input section


Each time when user start from begining he should put a unique magic number. Otherwise martingale logic will not work.  This is extremely improtant. source and destination should have the same configuration. To avoid confusion save the as set files.

By default destination lot size should be 0. in this case source lot size will be copied. But if user want to copy with his own lot size in destination then destination lot size should be mention. 

e.g when destination lot size 0 and martingale cofficient is 2

if source lot size is 0.03 => destination lot will be copied as 0.03 

if lost then next lot will be .06

when  destination lot size 0.02

if source lot size is 0.03 => destination lot will be copied as 0.02

if lost next lot will be .04

Please follow the video for the detailed instruction

Отзывы 14
biller4 2024.04.19 16:37 

he gave very nice support when needed for now the product working good im still checking it

Rowskie 2024.03.19 21:38 

This trade copier works EXACTLY how you want. You can change everything how you want. 5 stars.

NOVAsolutions 2024.01.30 21:35 

Incredible support, quick response, involved in the smooth running of the program and helping you until the problem is solved (when there is a problem)! Well deserved 5 stars!

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这是一种全自动智能自适应算法。MAX Gold  系统计算历史数据,并根据即将突破支撑位和阻力位的概率百分比执行分析,并下达挂单。 EA 交易可适应任何市场条件。它使用质量为 99,9% 的真实刻度进行了回溯测试和优化。它已成功完成压力测试。 EA 包含统计信息收集算法,并在信息面板上输出。 建议选择ECN经纪商和点差最低的账户。 货币对/时间框架: EURUSD M30、 EURUSD H1、 USDJPY M30、 USDJPY  H1、   GBPUSD M30 、 GBPUSD  H1 、 XAUUSD M30 推荐货币对/时间框架: EURUSD   H1 、USDJPY   H1   or  EURUSD   M30 、 USDJPY  M30  or  XAUUSD M30 需要 VPS。 要求和建议 5 位引号。 最大点差:0 - 20 点。 最低存款额:100 美元。 最大止损水平:0 - 5 点。 建议使用 1:100 或更高的杠杆。 如果您在同一个账户上使用多个 Advisor,请确保所有 Advisor 都有不同的 Magic Numbers。 你需要
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Konstantin Baryshev
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Local Trade Copier EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (89)
Опыт экстремально быстрого копирования сделок с помощью Local Trade Copier EA MT4 . Благодаря простой установке в течение 1 минуты этот копировщик сделок позволяет вам копировать сделки между несколькими терминалами MetaTrader на одном компьютере с Windows или на Windows VPS с крайне быстрыми скоростями копирования менее 0.5 секунды. Независимо от того, новичок вы или профессиональный трейдер, Local Trade Copier EA MT4 предлагает широкий спектр опций, чтобы настроить его под ваши конкретные пот
Grid Manual MT4
Alfiya Fazylova
4.71 (17)
Grid Manual — это торговая панель для работы с сеточными стратегиями. Утилита универсальная, имеет гибкие настройки и понятный интерфейс. Работает с сеткой ордеров не только в сторону усреднения убытков, но и в сторону наращивания прибыли. Трейдеру не нужно создавать и сопровождать сетку ордеров, это сделает утилита. Достаточно открыть ордер и Grid manual автоматически создаст ему сетку ордеров и будет сопровождать его до самого закрытия. Полная инструкция и демо-версия здесь . Основные особенно
MT4 к Telegram Signal Provider - это простой в использовании и полностью настраиваемый инструмент, который позволяет отправлять сигналы в Telegram, превращая ваш аккаунт в поставщика сигналов. Формат сообщений полностью настраиваем! Однако для простого использования вы также можете выбрать предопределенный шаблон и включать или отключать определенные части сообщения. [ Демо ]  [ Руководство ] [ Версия для MT5 ] [ Версия для Discord ] [ Телеграм-канал ] Настройка Шаг за шагом руководство пользов
Мгновенно просматривайте историю закрытых сделок по дням и неделям, текущие открытые сделки и экспозицию форекс на одном графике! Используйте тепловую карту для определения прибыльных сделок и текущего проседания в вашем торговом портфеле. Кнопки быстрого закрытия Используйте кнопки быстрого закрытия, чтобы закрыть каждую сделку по одному символу, закрыть отдельные сделки полностью или зафиксировать частичную прибыль или убыток одним нажатием кнопки. Больше не нужно искать сделки в списке и ду
Vladislav Andruschenko
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Alfiya Fazylova
4.9 (86)
Trade Panel — это многофункциональный торговый помощник. Приложение содержит более 50 торговых функций для ручной торговли и позволяет автоматизировать большинство торговых операций. Внимание приложение не работает в тестере стратегий. Перед покупкой вы можете протестировать демоверсию на демо-счете. Демоверсия здесь . Полная инструкция здесь . Торговля. Позволяет совершать торговые операции в один клик: Открыть отложенные ордера и позиции с автоматическим расчетом риска. Открыть несколько ордер
The product will copy all telegram signal to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal, s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. Support to backtest signal. How to
Tired of complex order placement and manual calculations? Trade Dashboard is your solution. With its user-friendly interface, placing orders becomes effortless, by a single click, you can open trades, set stop loss and take profit levels, manage trade lot size, and calculate risk to reward ratios, allowing you to only focus on your strategy. Say goodbye to manual calculations and streamline your trading experience with Trade Dashboard. Download  Demo Version  right now. You can find  Details of
Custom Alerts: Мониторинг нескольких рынков и ни одной упущенной возможности Обзор Custom Alerts — это динамичное решение для трейдеров, которые хотят консолидированно отслеживать потенциальные сигналы на нескольких инструментах. Интегрируя данные из наших флагманских продуктов — таких как FX Power, FX Volume и IX Power — Custom Alerts автоматически уведомляет о ключевых изменениях на рынке без необходимости переключаться между множеством графиков или рисковать пропустить важные моменты. Если
News Trader Pro
Vu Trung Kien
4.41 (17)
News Trader Pro - это уникальный робот, который позволяет торговать по новостям. Он загружает все новости с нескольких популярных сайтов Forex. Вы можете выбрать любую новость и заранее задать стратегию торговли. News Trader Pro начнет торговать в соответствии с выбранной стратегией автоматически, как только выйдет новость. Выход новости дает возможность заработать, поскольку изменения в цене в этот момент могут быть значительными. С появлением данного инструмента торговать по новостям стало про
Автоматически торгуйте зонами поддержки и сопротивления или спроса и предложения, как только вы определите ключевые области, из которых хотите торговать. Этот советник позволяет вам рисовать зоны покупки и продажи одним щелчком мыши, а затем размещать их именно там, где вы ожидаете разворота цены. Затем советник отслеживает эти зоны и автоматически совершает сделки на основе ценового действия, которое вы указываете для зон. После совершения первоначальной сделки советник выйдет с прибылью в про
2025 happy new year -50% discount ($199 -> $99) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types   - Set a
Trade copier MT4
Alfiya Fazylova
4.52 (29)
Trade Copier — это профессиональная утилита, предназначенная для копирования и синхронизации сделок между торговыми счетами. Копирование происходит от счета/терминала поставщика к счету/терминалу получателя, которые установлены на одном компьютере или vps. Перед покупкой вы можете протестировать демо-версию на демо-счете. Демо-версия здесь . Полная инструкция здесь . Основной функционал и преимущества: Русифицированный интерфейс, поддержку на русском языке. Поддерживает копирование МТ4 > МТ4, МТ
Trade Manager, который поможет вам быстро входить и выходить из сделок, автоматически рассчитывая риск. Включает функции, которые помогут предотвратить чрезмерную торговлю, торговлю из мести и эмоциональную торговлю. Сделками можно управлять автоматически, а показатели эффективности счета можно визуализировать в виде графика. Эти функции делают эту панель идеальной для всех трейдеров, занимающихся ручной торговлей, и помогают улучшить платформу MetaTrader 4. Многоязычная поддержка. Версия MT5  |
Советник Price Action Toolkit в первую очередь предназначен для скальперов, но может использоваться на всех таймфреймах для быстрого входа в рынок с правильно рассчитанным размером лота на основе уровня стопа. Он позволяет быстро открывать сделки (мгновенно или на максимумах и минимумах свечей с отложенными ордеров), а затем корректировать стопы и фиксировать прибыль по мере движения рынка. Полный список всех функций, настроек и лучших практик можно найти здесь: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/p
Доступна демо-версия панели Dashboard Currency Strength Meter Advanced Demo , для начала ознакомьтесь с ее функциональностью в бесплатной версии ( ссылка ). Программа Dashboard Currency Strength Meter Advanced отображает сильные и слабые валюты на настраиваемых графиках четырех таймфрйемов и за выбранный период. Благодаря комбинации четырех индикаторов Currency Strength Meter вы можете отследить практически все виды ценовых паттернов (см. скриншоты 3, 4 и 5), а также включить формирование сигнал
MT4 to Discord Signal Provider — это удобный, полностью настраиваемый инструмент, предназначенный для отправки торговых сигналов напрямую в Discord. Этот инструмент превращает ваш торговый счет в эффективного поставщика сигналов. Настройте формат сообщений под свой стиль! Для удобства выберите из предварительно разработанных шаблонов и решите, какие элементы сообщения включить или исключить. [ Демо ] [ Руководство ] [ Версия MT5 ] [ Версия Telegram ] Настройка Следуйте нашему подробному пользов
Summer 40% discount ($149 -> $88) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt4 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .  Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extende
FSS Report
Bao Ying Huang
5 (1)
This is a professional report statistical indicator, which can be counted by day, week, month, quarter, year, magic and comment, and display the growth curve. install: select "File" in your MT4 client,and open the folder "MQL4\indicators",then copy file "FSS_Report.ex4",reload MT4 and enjoy. Para List: UI_XY_Setting=21 UI_X_default=0 UI_Y_default=21 custom_title=FSS Report UI_reload_time_interval=5 report_time_from=0 report_time_to=0 filter_demo=____________symool, magic and comment, all supp
Bermaui Manual EA
Muhammad Elbermawi
5 (10)
Полуавтоматический советник, торгующий по сеточной системе. Идея состоит в том, чтобы постепенно занимать разные позиции на рынке, а затем рассчитывать для них уровень безубыточности. Когда цены проходят этот уровень безубыточности на заданное расстояние, все открытые ордера закрываются. Важная информация Вот руководство пользователя:   https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/730567 Вы можете попробовать этот советник с другими моими продуктами здесь: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/bermaui314/seller
VirtualTradePad mt4 Extra
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.86 (58)
Торговая Панель для торговли в 1 клик.  Работа с позициями и ордерами!  Торговля с  чарта  (график) или с  клавиатуры . С помощью нашей торговой панели Вы можете торговать   в один клик с графика   и совершать торговые операции в   30   раз быстрее стандартного управления в MetaTrader.  Автоматические расчеты параметров и функции, которые облегчают жизнь трейдеру и помогают трейдеру вести свою торговую деятельность в разы быстрее и удобнее. Графические подсказки и полная информация по торговым с
Ultimate Trailing Stop EA
4.33 (15)
This EA Utility allows you to manage (with advanced filtering) unlimited open orders (manual or EA) with 16 trailing stop methods: fixed, percent, ATR Exit, Chandelier Exit, Moving Average, Candle High Low Exit, Bollinger Bands, Parabolic, Envelope, Fractal, Ichimoku Kijun-Sen, Alligator, Exit After X Minutes or Bars, RSI and Stochastic. The trailing stop can be either real or virtual, and you can exit fully or with a partial close percent on touch or bar close.  Moreover, you can add (overrid
Exp SafetyLock PRO
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.7 (27)
Советник SAFETYLOCK — это ваш надежный защитник на финансовом рынке. Он эффективно помогает трейдерам защитить свои позиции от неожиданных рыночных разворотов, автоматически устанавливая противоположный отложенный ордер для уже открытой сделки. Когда трейдер или советник открывает позицию, SAFETYLOCK мгновенно создает защитный отложенный ордер. Если сделка начинает приносить убытки, этот ордер активируется, образуя замок и минимизируя потенциальные потери. Функционал советника не ограничивается
Eezeorder 2
Tawanda Tinarwo
5 (2)
NEW VERSION!  NB: IF YOU ARE USING A VERY HIGH RESOLUTION MACHINE AND THE EA DISPLAY LOOKS TOO SMALL, CONTACT ME SO I CAN HELP YOU. Open Multiple Trades on MT4 in 1 click at one price. Enter the Lot size Specify the number of trades you want to open Choose whether you want TP SL or Trailing Stop Once you are done, click Buy or Sell Open Multiple Pending Orders on MT4 in 1 click at one price. Enter the Lot size Specify the gap from the current price, where you want to place the pending order Spe
Копируйте сигналы из любого канала, участником которого вы являетесь (в том числе частного и ограниченного), прямо на свой MT4. Этот инструмент был разработан с учетом потребностей пользователей и предлагает множество функций, необходимых для управления и мониторинга сделок. Этот продукт представлен в простом в использовании и визуально привлекательном графическом интерфейсе. Настройте свои параметры и начните использовать продукт в течение нескольких минут! Руководство пользователя + Демо  |
Auto Trade Copier
Vu Trung Kien
4.7 (90)
Auto Trade Copier предназначен для копирования сделок между несколькими счетами / терминалами MT4 / MT5 со 100% точностью. С помощью этого инструмента вы можете действовать как поставщик (источник) или получатель (пункт назначения). Все торговые действия будут скопированы от поставщика к получателю без задержки. Этот копир можно использовать только на счетах MT4. Для счетов MT5 вы должны использовать Auto Trade Copier для MT5 или Trade Receiver Free для MT5. Демо-версия : Демо-версию для тести
Telegram to MT4: Идеальное решение для копирования сигналов Упростите свою торговлю с Telegram to MT4 — современным инструментом, который копирует торговые сигналы прямо из каналов и чатов Telegram на вашу платформу MetaTrader 4, без необходимости использования DLL. Это мощное решение обеспечивает точное исполнение сигналов, широкие возможности настройки, экономит время и повышает вашу эффективность. [ Инструкция ] [ ДЕМО ] Ключевые возможности Прямая интеграция с Telegram API Аутентификация че
Take a Break
Eric Emmrich
5 (29)
The most advanced news filter on MQL market - free demo available Take a Break has transformed from a basic news filter into a comprehensive account protection solution. It seamlessly pauses any other Expert Advisors during news events or based on your custom filters, all while safeguarding your EA settings - restoring them automatically when trading resumes for complete peace of mind. Typical use cases: A single news filter for all your EAs. Stop trading during news/high volatility (+ close all
Другие продукты этого автора
The   Bollinger Band Strategy EA MT5   is an automated trading tool tailored to capture trading opportunities based on Bollinger Bands' reversal conditions. This EA executes buy or sell trades upon detecting a bullish reversal near the lower band or a bearish reversal near the upper band. A bullish reversal is identified when the previous candle closes below the lower band, and the current candle closes above the lower band, transitioning from a red to a green candle. Conversely, a bearish reve
GG TrendBar Indicator - Your Multitimeframe ADX Trading Solution Experience the power of multi-timeframe trading with the "GG TrendBar MT5 Indicator." This versatile tool, built upon the ADX indicator, offers precise insights by considering multiple timeframes, ensuring you make well-informed trading decisions. Basic Details : Indicator Type : GG TrendBar Indicator (Multi-Timeframe ADX) Key Metrics : Real-time ADX analysis across multiple timeframes. Customization : Enable or disable specific ti
Moving Average Strategy EA MT5 Welcome to the pinnacle of automated trading with the Moving Average Crossover EA for MetaTrader 5. This expert advisor is meticulously designed to harness the power of moving averages, offering traders a versatile solution for capturing trend reversals and potential entry points. With an array of customizable settings and robust features, this EA is set to redefine your trading strategies and amplify your trading experience. For detailed documentation    General
MT5 Candlestick Pattern Alert Indicator: Enhance Trading Precision and Speed Overview The MT5 Candlestick Pattern Alert Indicator stands as a robust solution tailored to empower traders by swiftly detecting candlestick patterns and delivering timely alerts through various channels. This advanced tool facilitates efficient analysis of patterns, enabling traders to seize potential profitable trades promptly. Significance of Candlestick Patterns Candlestick patterns play a pivotal role in technical
Product Name: Grid Trade Manager MT5 Description: The Grid Trade Manager EA for MetaTrader 5 is meticulously crafted to oversee trades employing a grid trading strategy. It strategically places a sequence of pending buy and sell orders at predefined intervals, forming a grid pattern. This EA vigilantly monitors market fluctuations, dynamically adjusting the grid to optimize potential profits. Additionally, it incorporates robust risk management features to control grid size and curtail potential
This is a pure grid strategy which completely works on pricelevel. So the idea behind this simple algo is when it starts it places 6 orders.  Buy- Current price Sell- Current price BuyStop-  Current price+ Some Pip Configurable distance Sell Limit -   Current price+ Some Pip Configurable distance BuyLimit-    Current price- Some Pip Configurable distance SellStop -     Current price- Some Pip Configurable distance When any order hits its take profit it fill the gap with pending order. and When
Super Trend Alert Indicator for MT5 is a powerful tool designed to help traders identify and follow market trends with precision. This indicator uses a proprietary algorithm to analyze price movements and provide clear trend signals, making it suitable for traders across all experience levels. You can find the MT4 version here Key features of the Super Trend Indicator include: Advanced trend analysis with real-time market scanning to detect potential trend directions. Real-time alerts that not
Introducing the Consecutive Green/Red Candle Alert Indicator for MT5 - Your Trend Spotting Companion! Are you ready to take your trading to the next level? We present the Consecutive Green/Red Candle Alert Indicator, a powerful tool designed to help you spot trends and potential reversals with ease. Whether you're a new trader looking for clarity in the market or an experienced pro seeking additional confirmation, this indicator is your trusted companion. Key Features of the Consecutive Green
Double top and bottom indicator is a pattern scanning indicator which scans the tops and bottoms using zig zag pattern. When it find price bouncing back from the same point twice after a long trend then it generate arrow signals whenever the last resistance points is broken for double bottom and last support price broken for double top. Unlike other top bottom scanner it does not give only 1 signal. it alerts user when ever the last support /resistance is broker from double top/bottom pattern un
Product Name: Hedge Trade Manager MT5 Description: The "Hedge Trade Manager" EA for MetaTrader 5 is a sophisticated solution designed to adeptly manage trades through a hedge trading strategy. With a range of configurable settings, this EA provides comprehensive control over hedge trades. The documentation below outlines the various inputs and parameters to assist you in customizing the EA to suit your trading preferences. Overall Settings/Input Guide Name Setting Description General Settings Ma
Brilliant Reversal Indicator for MetaTrader 5 - Your Ultimate Alert-Driven Trading Solution Unlock unparalleled trading success with the "Brilliant Reversal Indicator" tailored for MetaTrader 5. This powerful tool has been meticulously designed to empower traders by identifying critical reversal opportunities with lightning-fast alerts. Key Features: Precise Reversal Detection: The Brilliant Reversal Indicator for MT5 specializes in pinpointing potential trend reversals, providing you with a str
Super Trend Alert Indicator for MT4 is a powerful tool designed to help traders identify and follow market trends with precision. This indicator uses a proprietary algorithm to analyze price movements and provide clear trend signals, making it suitable for traders across all experience levels. You can find the MT5 version   here You can find the MT5 version here   SuperTrend Multicurrency Scanner MT5 Download the Expert Advisor    Supertrend Strategy EA MT5 Key features of the Super Trend Indic
The Nadaraya Watson Envelop indicator for MT5  is a popular tool used by traders to identify trends and potential buy/sell signals. The indicator is based on a non-parametric regression model that uses kernel smoothing to estimate the underlying trend of the market. The resulting envelopes are then plotted around the trend line, providing traders with an indication of where prices are likely to fluctuate. One of the key features of this indicator is its ability to send alerts, emails, and notifi
Product Name: Trailing Stop and Breakeven Management EA Description: This EA (Expert Advisor) is designed to set trailing stops and breakeven levels for trades based on input parameters and a magic number in MT5. It can be used to manage trades placed manually or by any other EA. The EA allows customization of various settings to suit your trading strategy. General Settings: Enable Magic Number (ENABLE_MAGIC_NUMBER): Enable to use a magic number for trades. Set to false for manual trades. Magic
MT4 Candlestick Pattern Alert Indicator: Stay Ahead of Trading Opportunities Overview The MT4 Candlestick Pattern Alert Indicator is a robust tool designed to empower traders by detecting candlestick patterns and delivering timely alerts through notifications, emails, and pop-up alerts. This invaluable tool saves traders precious time, allowing focused analysis on patterns and potential profitable trades. Importance of Candlestick Patterns Candlestick patterns are pivotal in technical analysis,
About The Product This is an MT5 expert advisor which will let the end user to copy trades from a source mt5 account to N different mt5/mt4 account in the same pc. It is specially useful when you want to copy your trades from an account to several client account or accounts which will have different parameter for those trades. This product provides options to copy trades with different options as well as copy them in reverse. Note: Download and test the  MT5 Local Trade Copier Pro   demo versio
Account Trailing Stop Manager MT5 Description: The "Account Trailing Stop Manager MT5" EA is designed to automatically calculate and remember the profit of the entire account or specific magic number, and trail it like a trailing stop loss. When the current profit becomes lower than the last saved profit, it will close all trades. This EA provides a convenient way to manage trailing stops for your account. For detailed documentation  Overall Settings/Input Guide   High Level Overview of Feature
The MT4 indicator that we are describing is designed to provide traders with an alert, notification, and email when Fibonacci levels are crossed. The Fibonacci levels are calculated based on the zigzag indicator, which helps to identify potential trend reversals in the market. When the indicator detects that a price has crossed a Fibonacci level, it will trigger an alert and send a notification to the trader's MT4 mobile app. Additionally, the indicator can be configured to send an email to the
Close Manager MT5
Biswarup Banerjee
5 (1)
Close Manager EA for MetaTrader 5 Introduction: Welcome to the Close Manager EA, an essential tool designed exclusively for MetaTrader 5. This expert advisor has been meticulously crafted to streamline and enhance the trade closure process. Whether trades are initiated manually or by other EAs, this tool offers a diverse range of customizable criteria, empowering traders with enhanced control over their trade exits. You can find the MT4 version here Key Features: Logs Capture (SHOW_LOGS): Enable
Simple trade manager panel is a very usefull utility which gives the trader a flexibility to place orders and close them by profit and loss amount . It also helps in trailing the profit with amount.  It works seamlessly on mt4 terminal. It has features to close specific order type or close all trades Features in nutshell Stoploss ,Takeprofit and Lot size control Book Profit based on amount Cut Loss based on amount Trail Profit after some time Close specific order Type Close all orders
Day and Week separator is a very simple tool to show day and week separator lines from a specific time mentioned in the input. This is specially helpful for the trades who has time zone differences in their broker terminal. Let us take an example  If user know that at 7:00 in the chart his local time 00:00 then he will simply put 7:00 in the input . Separator lines will starts drawing from current day's 7:00 There is also a bold line for weekly separator
This is very simple strategy based on martingale and reverse martingale strategy. When Ea keeps on winning it multiplies with winning multiplier ,when it has a loosing streak it multiplies with loosing multiplier. Whenever cycle goes from winning to loosing or vice versa the lot size will be reset to default one. This will keep the risk minimized as we are using it for both side. Also when we are in loosing streak we keep on changing the order type from its previous example for example if we hav
Whether you're a seasoned forex trader or just starting, Telegram Signal Sender is a must-have tool for anyone looking to start their telegram channel as a forex signal provider. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, you can easily set up your signals and watch as your followers start to grow. So, what are you waiting for?  Features:  Highly customizable panel for calculating stop loss and take profit values  User-friendly interface for easy setup of forex signals Ability to se
Description This Expert Advisor mainly works on range breakout on a particular timeframe. The logic behind the this pretty simple. When a range is formed in any time frame (e.g. the range should be less than 20 pips and there must be atleast 30 candle in that range), this ea will wait for the range to be broken out on any direction. If the range is broken on the upper side it will enter into the buy position and hedge the lower ragne with sell position(Could be martingale multiplied lots). If i
Nadaraya Watson Envelope Strategy EA MT4 is a single-currency expert advisor designed for traders focusing on trend reversals using the Nadaraya-Watson Envelope indicator. By identifying price reversals at the envelope's bands, the EA provides a robust yet straightforward trading strategy for specific markets. For detailed documentation  Overall Settings/Input Guide   |   Indicator Settings, Backtest and Set files  You can download the MT5 version here  Nadaraya Watson Envelope EA MT5 High Leve
This is very simple strategy based on martingale and reverse martingale strategy. When Ea keeps on winning it multiplies with winning multiplier ,when it has a loosing streak it multiplies with loosing multiplier. Whenever cycle goes from winning to loosing or vice versa the lot size will be reset to default one. This will keep the risk minimized as we are using it for both side. Also when we are in loosing streak we keep on changing the order type from its previous example. For detailed documen
Ultimate Trade Panel
Biswarup Banerjee
5 (1)
Introducing the Ultimate Trade Panel - Your All-in-One Trade Manager for MQL4 Trading Are you a trader seeking to streamline your trading activities and gain a competitive edge in the market? Look no further! The Ultimate Trade Panel is here to revolutionize your trading experience on the MQL4 platform. With a host of unique and time-saving features, this expert advisor is designed to be your trusty companion for day-to-day trading activities. Key Features : Indicator Manager - Say goodbye to t
Angle of Moving Averages This indicator is very simple yet powerful concept which constantly calculate the slope of the current bar moving average with respect to the N bar before moving average value. This no only give a good entry and exit signal but also it shows traders the strength of the signal. It shows positive green histogram when market is moving toward upward direction and red histograms for downtrend. When large histograms found means market has  very strong trend. Inputs Available
Introducing the Ultimate Trade Panel MT5 - Your All-in-One Trade Manager for MQL5 Trading Are you a trader looking to streamline your trading activities and gain a competitive edge in the market? Look no further! The Ultimate Trade Panel MT5 is here to revolutionize your trading experience on the MQL5 platform. With a plethora of unique and time-saving features, this expert advisor is designed to be your reliable companion for day-to-day trading activities. Key Features: Indicator Manager: Say g
Volume Oscilator is a popular indicator available in trading view which is very popular among traders Definition The Volume Oscillator is an indicator made up of two Moving Averages (MA) surrounding volume, one being fast and the other slow. The slow volume MA value is then subtracted from the value of the fastlow Moving Average. The Volume Oscillator measures volume by analyzing the relationship between the two Moving Averages mentioned. When combined with other indicators it provides a very st
Simeon Ojabuno-Matoyeno
Simeon Ojabuno-Matoyeno 2024.11.06 17:04 

I just had a painful experience with this EA, from what @Biswarup said the Copier stop copying trade when the safeguard percentage drawdown is reached but in my own case after the percentage was reached it closed all open trades, and I just lost USD237. I was not expecting it to close all the trades rather to close few trades to keep it within the drawdown limit. Please look into this.

Beside this the EA is working fine.

Biswarup Banerjee
Ответ разработчика Biswarup Banerjee 2024.11.06 17:10
Sorry for your inconvenience. I have recently added one input for this close option to be optional. Please take the latest version and set it false
biller4 2024.04.19 16:37 

he gave very nice support when needed for now the product working good im still checking it

Biswarup Banerjee
Ответ разработчика Biswarup Banerjee 2024.04.19 16:49
thanks a lot for your support. Please let me know in case you need any assistance in future regarding setup.
Rowskie 2024.03.19 21:38 

This trade copier works EXACTLY how you want. You can change everything how you want. 5 stars.

Biswarup Banerjee
Ответ разработчика Biswarup Banerjee 2024.03.20 02:27
Thank you so much for your feedback.
Moidu Parol
Moidu Parol 2024.02.27 18:58 

Hi sir, He ea working good. But we forced to use the end time and it's closes at the end time. How I can hold more than 24 hours or more days. Please let me know asap to avoid loosing more.

naveen prabhu
naveen prabhu 2024.02.12 16:56 

its working great, Martingale option working well. Thanks for faster response...

NOVAsolutions 2024.01.30 21:35 

Incredible support, quick response, involved in the smooth running of the program and helping you until the problem is solved (when there is a problem)! Well deserved 5 stars!

nikos arvanitakis
nikos arvanitakis 2023.12.21 22:49 

This robot doesn't work unfortunately it's a failure it keeps crashing and puts whatever it wants this I bought it for signal copying after a lost in the change to multiply and it doesn't work I paid them or send me my money back or send me a program that works properly Otherwise you are a fraud and I will report you here

Biswarup Banerjee
Ответ разработчика Biswarup Banerjee 2023.12.22 05:07
If you have time to get into video call I can show you the proper steps to setup. My telegram pops1990
Gold State
Gold State 2023.12.03 05:36 

do not waste your money i spent 40 dollars it was a waste the graphic is so bad I'm not going into it this guy is bad news bad bot bad everything

Biswarup Banerjee
Ответ разработчика Biswarup Banerjee 2023.12.03 07:09
I don't understand what do you mean by graphics here. It is a trade copier. If you have proof something is not working. Please show me that. Among so many features it may happen that something is not working for you for wrong setup. If you follow the setit properly it should work.
Manjunath Suresh Vaidya
Manjunath Suresh Vaidya 2023.12.01 14:11 

Пользователь не оставил комментарий к оценке

Ahmed Tarek Zaghloul Mohamed
Ahmed Tarek Zaghloul Mohamed 2023.06.13 19:37 

It's been more than four months since I began raising critical issues and offering suggestions to enhance the EA. Unfortunately, there has been no response or action from the author's side, despite promises of necessary updates,

I had provided feedback in the form of issues and suggestions to be considered, but regrettably, no progress has been made,

In the end, I find myself unable to apply the EA to a real account, and it feels like a waste of time and money to have purchased this EA.

Biswarup Banerjee
Ответ разработчика Biswarup Banerjee 2023.10.31 04:50
I have provided support multiple times, but if you want the product to be completely changed then it is your own requirement. I cant change the basic functionalities of the EA and rewrite it entirely. what it should do, it does without flaw and I have evidence for that.
Woot Suraphanphithak
Woot Suraphanphithak 2023.05.04 07:46 

Good Product, Good Support, Fast Response

L Fiabu
L Fiabu 2023.04.25 15:47 

Пользователь не оставил комментарий к оценке

Biswarup Banerjee
Ответ разработчика Biswarup Banerjee 2023.04.25 16:32
Thank you so much Faibu. I really appreciate your feedback.
Sleepyman18 2023.04.17 20:39 

Great product and great seller! Helped me install the program quickly. Thanks for the help! Definitely a seller you can trust

Biswarup Banerjee
Ответ разработчика Biswarup Banerjee 2023.04.17 20:42
Thank you so much for your patience. If you face any challenges later please let me know.
adamtraders 2023.01.02 19:15 

Not long ago I bought the MT4 Local Trade Copier Pro adviser, I am satisfied with the product, but even more pleased with its author, for responsiveness, he goes to the meeting, you can safely ask him if you find a flaw in the product, he always goes to the meeting, a serious and experienced programmer , I advise everyone to buy this copier!

Biswarup Banerjee
Ответ разработчика Biswarup Banerjee 2023.01.02 19:17
Thank you so much sir. I am grateful to your initial testing. A major credit goes to you for improving this product day by day
Ответ на отзыв
Версия 25.0 2024.12.16
faster trade copy
url inclusion
Версия 24.0 2024.11.06
enable/disable all time filter option is removed
Версия 23.0 2024.11.06
closing all trade is made optional for drawdown and time filter
Версия 22.0 2024.10.25
time filter is corrected
Версия 21.0 2024.07.21
enable/disable all time filter
Версия 20.0 2024.06.04
lot size fix for multiplier when martingale is enabled
Версия 19.0 2024.06.04
fractional lot multiplier
lot modification logic corrected
performance improvement
unwanted logs removed
Версия 18.0 2024.05.15
updated the max open and pending trade logic with source trades
Версия 17.0 2024.05.13
max open,pending ,long and short orders are fixed
Версия 16.0 2024.04.17
default values are revised
Версия 15.0 2024.04.13
mt4 to mt5 copy
Версия 14.0 2024.04.11
copy delay input is added
Версия 13.0 2024.02.12
unwanted options removed
Версия 12.0 2024.02.12
symbol dependency removed
Версия 11.0 2024.02.06
performance improvement
source and destination filter add
Версия 10.0 2024.01.30
unnecessary alerts are removed
close made faster during high volatility
Версия 9.0 2024.01.29
order modify for pending orders fixed
Версия 8.0 2024.01.29
issue on first martingale is fixed
Версия 7.0 2023.12.01
number of trades are fixed
Версия 6.0 2023.11.23
copy n times option and more refinement
Версия 5.0 2023.11.23
lots of improvements is made on the copier
risk management feature is added
copy of pending orders
copy of modification
Версия 4.2 2023.06.07
minor change in calculation of manual sl tp
Версия 4.1 2023.06.05
added support for magic numbers
Версия 3.3 2023.04.28
source suffix is added.
dashboard added
copyright info updated
Версия 3.1 2023.04.01
some text corrections
Версия 3.0 2023.04.01
fixed the transaction limit feature
closing while transaction limit feature
total orders display
Версия 2.11 2023.01.29
added the limitation of number of open transactions
Версия 2.10 2023.01.05
max transaction limit added
Версия 2.9 2023.01.02
multi-account trade fix
Версия 2.8 2022.12.24
Huge performance improvement
Fast order missed trade issue is resolved
The fast closed trade issue is resolved
No Tick based dependency
Версия 2.6 2022.12.21
faster trade execution
Версия 2.5 2022.12.15
fixed the initial lot for martingale
Версия 2.4 2022.12.14
configured alert based on input
Версия 2.3 2022.12.09
fixed file handle and vps fix
Версия 2.2 2022.12.09
default martingale is 1
Версия 2.1 2022.12.09
Fixed the issue related to closing of orders
Версия 1.10 2022.12.07
Comments were made as optional. (IMP for prop firm)
Warning messages were resolved in the console
Unwanted Alerts were removed
Версия 1.1 2022.12.04
Added an input "Drawdown % to start[0 to disable]". This will give the option to the Ea user to start copy to destination account when a certain drawdown is reached