MetaTrader 5용 트레이딩 유틸리티 - 28

Pips Pop Up를 사용하면 수익과 손실을 핍과 포인트로 쉽게 알 수 있습니다!
이 EA가 활성화되면 포지션이 청산되는 순간 이 EA가 연결된 차트에 심볼 이름, 결과 pips, 통화로 표시된 손익 등 청산된 포지션의 기본 정보가 팝업됩니다*.
또한 글꼴 스타일, 크기, 색상, 결과 표시 위치, 스크롤 속도, 표시 기간 등을 변경할 수 있는 옵션 매개 변수를 제공합니다. 원하는 대로 변경하고 사용자 지정할 수 있습니다.
또한 Pips Pop Up는 청산된 포지션의 pips와 수익/손실을 합산하여 차트에 결과를 표시합니다. 이 EA가 추가된 차트가 활성화되어 있을 때 Esc 키(기본값)를 누르면 언제든지 도구 상자의 전문가 탭에 총 pips 및 수익이 인쇄됩니다.
*시장 상황, 인터넷 연결, 동시에 처리되는 많은 주문 등으로 인해이 EA가 결과를 표시하는 시간이 지연 될 수 있습니다 (이러한 경우 일반적으로 몇 초 이하로 표시됨). 이러한 경우 재로드 키(기본값은 F5이며,

Timing is Everything in Trading.... This Utility provides handy and fast option to manage trades easily. This will help to take Profits in time ( especially in News Times when Timing is everything for Better Profits). No Need to panic in News Time Now.. No Need to Find, Select and Click the Trades with Profits manually... Just Do ONE click and All Trades are Closed and Profits are SAVED in time... Main Features are: 1. Add Buy/Sell Trades easily with/without TP/SL 2. Close Buy/Sell Trades in Pr

AC Trade Assistant – Simplify Your Trading Experience The AC Trade Assistant is a compact and efficient tool designed to help traders execute orders quickly and manage trades with ease. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, this assistant streamlines your workflow and enhances your trading performance. Key Features : Compact Design : A non-intrusive dialog box that keeps your chart clean and organized. Fast Order Execution : Place market orders, pending orders, and manage risk

Objective: Mouse Crosshair Synchronization In multiple-charts. Syncronization crosshair for other timeframes. Syncronization mouse for other timeframes. Use: 1. Download the program and put it in the dir (MQL 5 / Indicators or MQL 4 / Indicators). 2. Load this indicator to the charts that need to be synchronized. It just work. 3. Support the left and right keys of the keyboard. When the left and right keys move crosshair on a chart, the same symbol charts will a

Trade on Binance in MT5! GRat_Crypto is a tool for manual and automated trading , including ANY available EA, ANY cryptocurrency on most popular crypto exchange Binance in the familiar MT5 environment 24/7. Features 1. ALL instruments of the 5 most popular crypto exchange Binance . 2. The ability to place ANY type of order available in MT5, both market and pending, to modify orders and positions, to delete orders and close positions (even partially), to set trailing stop and trailing profit.

Automatic Trade Calculation Panel One-Klick-Trading Automatic calculation of Lot sice Atuomatic calulation of Stop-Loss and TakeProfit Up to 3 partial closings Trailingstop (Stop-Loss moves automatically) The lot size is calculated by the previously determined risk (e.g. 1.0% of the account size) and the distance of the Stop Loss from the entry point. The distance from the Stop Loss to the entry point results from the ATR indicator multiplied by a freely selectable factor. The Stop Loss and

A depth of market product is a powerful trading tool that provides a comprehensive view of the supply and demand levels for a particular financial instrument. It provides traders with a real-time display of all the buy and sell orders that are currently available in the market, allowing them to make more informed trading decisions based on the most up-to-date information available. With Valle Depth Of Market , traders can see not only the best bid and ask prices, but also the volume of orders at

Blind Broker System 의 유일한 목적은 거래 계획을 숨기고 중개인에게 보이지 않게 만드는 것입니다. 당신이 정말로 그를 "맹인"으로 만들고 그가 당신의 손절매 수준, 이익 수준, 거래량에 대해 미리 알지 못하는지 확인하고 싶다면 이 거래 로봇을 사용하십시오.
Mr.에게 특별한 감사를 드립니다. 이 프로젝트의 시작과 아이디어에 대한 Henryk Kardas. MQL에서 제공하는 무료 데모로는 이 EA의 기능을 테스트할 수 없습니다. 실제 테스트를 위해 실제 DEMO VERSION을 다운로드하십시오.
데모 버전 링크
Blind Broker System 은 주문을 관리하는 대체 시스템입니다. 어떤 의미에서는 Meta Trader Terminal 내부의 시스템과 동일합니다.
차이점은 Blind Broker System 을 통해 제출된 모든 주문은 브로커의 서버에 기록되지 않고 프로그램

FinestFx order PRO is easy order execution and auto risk management tool developed by FinestFx official Programmer : Mohammed Rafi Just move SL,TP , Entry lines or Type SL,TP on entry columns . Lot are calculated automatically by fill out the loss cut amount. Work with all base currencies Fixed loss amount can be selected. Calculate risk rewards. Market order, limit order, and stop order are selected using buttons Supports FX, CFD, and crypto currency on MT5 Visit the owner website to see it

MAMMA 표시기는 STOP, 볼륨 또는 위험 수준을 계산하는 고급 트레이더뿐만 아니라 초보자에게도 이상적입니다. 매개 변수를 제어하고 도구를 거래에 적용할 수 있는 조종석이 있습니다. 이 조종석은 필요할 때 이동하거나 간단히 축소하여 확대할 수 있습니다. 3가지 계산 방법이 있습니다. 로트 크기 및 중지 크기로 수행할 계획에 따라 자동으로 위험을 계산할 수 있습니다. 예상 위험 및 스탑 크기를 기반으로 로트 크기를 설정할 수 있습니다. 예상되는 위험과 로트 크기에 따라 이상적인 스탑 크기를 설정할 수 있습니다. 각 계산을 통해 정확한 위험량을 알 수 있으며 계획된 정류장의 위치를 차트에서 직접 볼 수도 있습니다. 계획을 놓치지 않으려면 그날의 목표와 최대 손실을 설정할 수 있습니다. 마지막으로 현재 시장 또는 단순히 현재 요일, 주 및 월에 대한 진행 상황을 종합적으로 볼 수 있습니다. 보너스로 제안된 이상적인 스탑과 함께 각각의 새로운 오픈 포지션에 대한 알림을 받게 됩니다.

이 EA를 사용하면 거래량을 다시 계산할 필요가 없습니다. 그리고 이것은 또한 당신이 할 수 있다는 것을 의미합니다 분석에 더 집중하세요 트레이딩 사고방식에 더 집중하세요 더 나은 결정을 내리다 더욱 안정적이고 지속적인 수익을 얻으세요 또한 사용자가 각 거래를 보다 쉽고 규칙적으로 실행할 수 있도록 자동 이익 가격 계산 및 일일 손실 관리 시스템이라는 두 가지 기능도 추가했습니다. 사용 가능한 통화: 통화쌍 암호화폐 금속 색인 재고 사용하는 방법: MT5를 열고 "알고리즘 트레이딩"을 클릭하세요. 차트를 열고 EA를 차트로 드래그하세요.
창 분야 소개: 선택_보호_유형: 두 가지 옵션이 제공됩니다: DailyBalanceAndEquity 초기화BalanceAndEquity 여기서는 두 가지 보호 방법에 대해 자세히 소개하지 않습니다. 더 자세히 알고 싶다면 FTMO 및 TFT의 일일 손실액 규칙을 확인하세요. InitBalanceAndEquity는 FTMO용이고 DailyBala

Line function : Displays the opening line, Stop Loss, Take Profit( 3:1 RR ) on the chart. Risk management : The risk calculation function calculates the volume of a new order taking into account the established risk and the size you want to risk. It allows you to set any Stop Loss size between 3 and 10 pips. Breakeven Button : Brings all open orders to Breakeven. Clear button : Clears the graph and the selected parameters. Trade Button : Execute the idea. Partials Button : Taking partials of al

Auto Take Profit MT5 is designed to take profits in automatic way.
As a trader (manual or auto), you define your own expected profits schema. When you open one or several orders, the AutoTP program calculates profits then update into SL or TP automatically. It also re-calculates and updates accordingly for remaining open positions when a new order opened or an existing position closed. ---------------------------------- (Watch live in this DEMO ONLY signal

This bot is designed to compliment your existing trading strategy. The Advanced Entry Bot is NOT FULLY AUTOMATED. Once the user finds an area of interest, he or she can set the bot to BUY or SELL and input their area of interest into the settings. In essence, this bot enables traders to do their analysis of the market; then utilize the Advanced Entry Bot to benefit from a mechanical and automated system that takes entries once price reaches their area of interest. I created this bot as a way to

A professional tool for real-time monitoring of the account status and the work of Expert Advisors. Information about the account status can be sent to Telegram chats automatically at a specified interval or upon request.
From the screenshots of the open charts of the terminal, you receive upon request from your Telegram bot. Account information includes: 13:02 Trade monitoring by Telegram v.1.0 (headline) Account : 6802ххх RoboForex-Pro (account information)
Profit start: 2661 USD (profit earne

With the 2UP Risk & Trade Management EA you will be able to enjoy seeing your positions being fulfilled all you gotta do is take the position and have the right lot size and the 2UP EA will do the rest
- You can set your risk per position so your account never losses more than what is supposed to, it will close automatically once you reach a certain % of DrawDown. - You can set your reward as well based on %, how much do you wanna grow your account in % per trade ?, it will close automatically

OrderHelper script is super easy and trader friendly to use. It would boost your trading experience. Because it is designed to open one to multiple orders quickly with just one click. Besides using the OrderHelper script, traders can define various parameters for open orders such as the symbol, order type, lot size, stoploss, takeprofit and more. Basically, with this script traders can manage their open orders more efficiently and save their trading time. OrderHelper manages:
Open the number of

Introducing the ATR EA Position Manager, a comprehensive tool designed for traders seeking advanced control. With this manager, you can effortlessly set ATR sizes for stop loss and take profit and conveniently determine Breakeven and Trailing sizes. Enjoy the flexibility of trailing on candle close or real-time, utilizing trailing distances based on ATR. Adjust Preview SL and TP lines based on % or lot size before position entry and secure profits with the automated ATR Breakeven or manual brea

Hello Partial N Trail Ea exists to make your trader life easier. How? Well.. With this ea you can be sure that your positions are safe when you´re away or doing something else! Features: 1) -Activate/Deactivate Partial Close -Partial Close at X Pips -% to be closed 2) - Activate/Deactivate SL to Break even -Break even start -Break even Profit 3) -Activate/Deactivate Trailing Stop -Trailing Start -Trailing Distance 4) Auto place TP at x pips Auto place SL at x pips above/below last closed c

r -2aw+9 521q-
5f2 a 13r faw+ 2r 1faw +1 rf5a2- 5123r-fa 96 *123+faw1*rfa--
A FAD+6 FQ139 ,FW*+ADS,1134+* ,G1 S+ *,AS12FV *123AG*9,
24*,G A*-CVC, D*2, 2FG S,A5* 2Q,5TF DSZ/5*2,GA3S, FD,+8 AFSDV-*/5,Q21FE A/DBGEA-GT453,WS -V/A,42-*4 * S F 5 G BA 522
A +
DS 9 2G -2/*Q2G+SBZD5, 2+*V 21Q4G25W2AGB+ *522G+AS5DZ2F+G FA9BD 01 -Q2*1GGSDZ+ 52/ 521Q2FWAV92+2A,5/GEB+ F3,DV *-2Q 4WG-A+* W4*25,+*ADF 5,VA, 2, A V+, D, T24 AFED* AW*GR 85*2 45*DFA B2DA*+ 254W9BDF+A 5ZSB*AG5 2*452W 5GAEFD29G+2

Copy Trade EA (Expert Advisor) is an automatic trading software that can help investors automatically replicate the trading strategies and operations of other traders, thus obtaining trading results similar to those of other traders. The software is based on the MetaTrader platform and has the characteristics of easy-to-use, efficient, flexible, and adaptive, providing investors with a one-stop solution for automated trading. The software supports multiple trading varieties, including Forex, com

In trading, losses are inevitable, but they can be managed effectively with the right tools. Lock Guard can be used for insuring positions in manual trading or as an addition to another robot. It is a powerful tool for saving a trader's main positions because it can prevent losses from getting out of hand. Lock Guard is a trading tool that helps manage losses by automatically placing pending stop orders, which act as counter orders that become market orders when the price moves against t

This EA Trails your stops for both manually and auto-opened trades. This EA will work whether you have manually or automatically set stop loss or not. Trailing stop is a more flexible variation of a normal exit order. T railing stop is the practice of moving the stop-loss level closer to the current price when the price moves in your favor. Trailing the stop-loss allows traders to limit their losses and safeguard their positive trades. It is a very popular practice. This EA will manage your

Торговая панель предназначена для установки сетки ордеров с различными параметрами. Предназначена для торговли акциями, где в одном лоте будет одна акция, на неттинговых видах счетов. Панель не дает дает открывать сетки на продажу, если уже стоят ордера на покупку и наоборот, есть возможность только управления текущей сеткой. Имеет несколько основных функций по установке ордеров в заданном диапазоне и с заданным риском, закрытию части ордеров из сетки, переносом в безубыток, закрытие части по п

Multi Chart Sync MT5 is a tool that synchronizes the chart symbol it is placed on to other charts, it can also be customized to exclude/skip some pairs from being synchronized to other charts, It also supports prefixes and suffixes that can be set from the input parameters for brokers with none-standard symbol formats, Synchronisation can be done once or continuously where if a synchronized chart symbol changes it will be reverted to the original/master symbol. This tool comes in handy for mult

The "Lot Size" button toggles between fixed and auto lot size modes. Fixed mode uses a predetermined lot size, while auto mode calculates lot size based on a customizable percentage of the account balance, displayed at the bottom. The "Trailing Stop" button enables the activation or deactivation of the trailing stop feature. Initially set to "No Trailing," clicking the button changes it to "Trailing ON" when the trailing stop is active, and "Trailing OFF" when it is inactive. Below the button,

基于Goodtrade/GoodX 券商推出的黄金双仓对冲套利的交易模型/策略/系统,在日常的操作遇到的问题: 1、B账户跟随A账户即刻下单。 2:A账户 下单后 B账户 自动抄写止损止盈。 3:A账户平仓B账户同时平仓。 4:B账户平仓A账户也平仓。 5:不利点差下拒绝下单。 6:增加有利点值因子。 通过解决以上问题,改变了熬夜、手工出错、长期盯盘、紧张、恐慌、担心、睡眠不足、饮食不规律、精力不足等问题 目前解决这些问题后,有效提升了工作效率和盈利比例,由原来月10%盈利率提升到月45%的最佳盈利率。 原来的一名交易员只能管理操作两组账户,通过此EA提高到操作管理高达16组交易账户,或许你可以超越我们的记录,期待你的经验交流。 此EA分为: GoodtradeGoodX Tradercropy A GoodtradeGoodX Tradercropy B 是一个组合EA,假设您购买的额 GoodtradeGoodX Tradercropy A 必须同时购买 GoodtradeGoodX Tradercropy B 两个组合使用会到最佳效果。

Close it All is the EA that most of traders want because it help them did not miss their profit or protect them from the loss. Why you need the Close It All ? the EA work to close all open positions and the pending orders in the account when its reached to specified profit or loss. Input Parameters : ProfitInMoney : the number of profit in USD. LossInMoney : the number of loss in USD.
the upcoming versions including more helpful tools.

Trade Mate is the trading tool for manual traders who want to take their trading to the next level. Packed with advanced features like automatic trailing stop loss, lot size calculation, pending orders, partial close, open trade management, and daily drawdown protection(makes it easier to stick to your daily equity risk). Trade Mate offers everything you need to trade with precision and confidence. Don't settle for less - try Trade Mate today and see the difference for yourself! Check it on You

This EA will set breakeven or breakeven-plus for your trades, whether you have manually or automatically set stop loss or not. If your broker charges commissions per trade, you need to set breakeven plus, not just breakeven, in order to cover up those charges and properly let your trades run at zero risk. Inputs:
In the inputs section , set BEPoffsetPips to 0, to use it as a "breakeven" EA. Or set BEPoffsetPips to any amount of pips you want, to use it as a "breakeven-plus" EA. "OnProf

Trade the BOX
It is the must-have utility to help you automate the execution of your trading plan, managing scale-up, partial profit booking, and trade managing. It is very intuitive. You need to load it on a chart, set your trading plan, select your range with the BOX, and double-click to activate the trades. Trade the BOX will take it over, ensuring your trading plan is mechanically executed without deviation. As it is a bot handling your trades, Scalpers, you will adore this utilit

이 도구는 귀하의 위치에 정류장을 배치합니다
Metatrade Strategy Tester로 빠르게 테스트하십시오. 긴 위치의 경우 마지막 바닥에 중지됩니다. 또는 짧은 위치의 경우 마지막 상단에 중지됩니다.
또한 이 도구는 오픈 포지션의 후행을 관리합니다. 항상 마지막 고점 또는 마지막 형성된 저점에 스톱을 놓으십시오.
고점과 저점을 만들기 위해 이 링크에서 다운로드할 수 있는 무료 지표인 "지지 및 저항선"을 사용합니다. metatrade 5에 대한 무료 고점 및 저점 지표 다운로드
이 도구는 삽입된 자산의 모든 열린 위치의 정지점을 이동합니다. i doguneun gwihaui wichie jeonglyujang-eul baechihabnida
Metatrade Strategy Testerlo ppaleuge teseuteuhasibsio. gin wichiui gyeong-u majimag badag-e jungjidoebnida. ttoneun jjalb-eun w

IMPORTANT: Blocks&Levels Alerts MT5 indicador.
Gives you the ability to easy draw Blocks and Levels (support and resistance) using key shortcuts and Alerts when price touch them. Please use it and give me feedback!! It really helps! Thank you very much! DESCRIPTION:
Blocks&Levels Indicator, has useful key shortcuts for draw Levels, Blocks Zones, change chart Time Frames, Select or Deselect all drew objects. SETUP: Just install the Indicator on the Chart
Open and navigate Indicator properties

It contains four major utilities: ZeroRisk Trade Pad to open and manage trades, ZeroRisk Manual Trader , a ssistant for manual traders to control the trading plan and prop firm rules, ZeroRisk Algo Trader , assistant for algo traders to control and monitor EAs and ZeroRisk Telegram Signal Provider to send manual or EA signal to telegram. This assistant supports news filter from top 3 trusted news website (, Daily FX , Forex Factory ) and auto GMT offset from Worl

交易者的最佳伙伴! 基本使用设置 基本: 支持语言的选择切换(目前支持中文和英文) 自动识别语言 划线交易
1.划线交易 ( 支持拖拉,支持多个订单线 ) 2.手数管理: 两种手数计算模式 ①资金的风险比例,例如设置风险百分比为1的时候,1万美金可交易1手. 计算手数 = 资金(净值或者余额或者剩余保证金) * RISK /10000 ②按亏损金额计算,本设置需要配合止损设置, 计算手数 = ( 当订单被初始下单设置的止损所止损的时候所亏损金额 计算得到的手数,小于最低手数会等于最小手数) ; 3.盈亏比等设置,
设置部分 1. 自动吸附最近高低点 2.高低点偏移 3.自动选择订单习惯 4.SL TP设置方式 5.语言设置

Bot to attach to any different chart than the one using to get the orders and send them to telegram Inputs: Telegram Bot Token, Telegram Chat ID Sends Open Price, Order Type, Lots, Take Profit and Stop Loss instantly after the trade is executed. Easy to SetUp and to use My other Bot for XAUUSD and USDCHF: Just remember to go to Tolls->Options->ExpertAdvisors->Allow Web Request for listed URL:

Here is a powerful trading tool that will allow you to trade manually or automatically in any market, but is especially useful in markets with high volatility and liquidity.
This system has two EAs (Expert Advisors): one for Buy and one for Sell, which work independently. The operation is based on the hedging strategy and the increase in lots based on the Fibonacci sequence, which will allow you to always add the two previous lots: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13...
You decide how you want to trade: you ca

PropAngel EA is a manager EA to help you to pass proprietary firm challenges and evaluations and to keep your funded accounts. PropAngel EA makes sure you do not breach daily drawdown limit which gives you change to continue trading the account and recover from the drawdown. PropAngel EA makes sure that at the moment you have reached your challenge, evaluation or scaling target all trading will be immediately stopped. This is done to prevent account falling away from the target. PropAngel EA giv

This utility copies the trading activity from MT5 to Binance Spot. As copies to SPOT, only supporst LONG positions. - Can handle multiple orders with different SL and TP. Can handle partial closes. - In the parameters, you can establish a mutliplier between the size on MT5 and the size to open on Binance. - You can filter use or not manual trades and EA trades.
Look the video to see how to use it.

클릭 무역 관리자는 지금까지 최고의 제품입니다! 초보 및 전문 소품 회사 거래자 모두를 위한 최고의 솔루션! 인출 한도를 위반하지 않도록 FTMO/MFF 소품 회사 또는 개인 계정을 보호하십시오. EA는 자동으로 모든 거래를 종료하므로 인출 한도에 도달하지 않습니다. 거래가 인출 한도를 초과할 수 있는 경우 경고합니다. 수익 목표에 도달하면 자동으로 거래를 종료합니다. 브로커에서 매직 넘버를 숨기도록 설정할 수 있습니다. 단 한 번의 클릭으로 위험을 계산하고 SL 및 TP로 거래하십시오. 한 번의 클릭으로 정지 및 제한 주문을 넣으십시오. 한 번의 클릭으로 각 거래에 대해 서로 다른 SL 및 TP로 여러 fib 수준 거래를 설정하십시오. 키보드의 키를 한 번만 눌러 부분 가져오기, SL을 BE로 이동, 열려 있는 모든 거래 청산, 보류 중인 모든 주문 삭제 하루 중 사전 설정된 시간에 모든 거래를 마감하십시오. 모든 거래에 대한 알림을 Telegram으로 보냅니다. 고도로 사용자 정

TrendFollowing is an multi-currency scanner that just indicates where to buy/sell: Abilities: Opens up the chart automatically with and arrow indicating where to take action. Send the signal to a telegram channel, see @fx_signal_com channel to get the idea. Configuration: Configure "Market Watch" with all the symbol you like to trade. Open a chart and attach the scanner to it. Trading Rules: Use only buystop/sellstop orders above/below arrow on the chart Delete the pending order if price retrac

简介 本产品迈达量化全系列一款集很多功能为一体的交易面板。 支持便捷性交易,风控系统,跟单系统及图形绘制。 它会是你交易路上的得力助手。 功能介绍
第一个标签是常用的交易工具,支持划线下单,鼠标下单等快捷开仓和挂单工具。 第一个标签是关闭仓位和删除挂单功能,支持按比例,魔术编号,产品符号操作。 第三个标签是工具集合栏目,支持各种常用的交易工具。 订单管理,可实现订单批量选择操作,更直观简介。 风控系统,支持净值风控,手数,单数控制,支持手机挂单风控。 键盘交易,可以实现键盘按键成交和关闭仓位,同时可实现组合操作。 图表管理,可绘制交易时段,也可分类删除图表绘制的各种构件,也可绘制交易时段。 信息统计,统计账户信息,产品信息及终端信息。 跟单系统,支持开仓,挂单,删除挂单,部分平仓,可选择定制信号,如魔术编号等。 特色的优点 各种支持交易的工具组合一体,不用来回切换多个软件。 软件设计漂亮美观,高亮显示,运行流畅,模块紧凑,用户体验好。 各种工具互相搭配使用可实现复杂的交易操作。 关于我们 欲了解更多我们产品信息,请[点击这里](

1. What is this Many of the EA's on the market have cheats inside to optimize its money curve, which results in the buyer wasting money and effort and buying a junk EA . This tool is an effective tool for detecting whether an EA is cheating by allowing the data to be panned to the left for 28 years. 2. How to use a. Load it and it will generate a new symbol, usually it will be named with a suffix. For example, EURUSD --> EURUSD_28year. b. If your want to test one EA, you should open The time fr

This utility is a stop loss assistant simply make a trade as you desire, ether a buy or a sell. Manually set your own stop loss as you desire the higher the timeline the lower the stop loss.
When the Algorithm Trading or Auto Trading is enabled the stop loss will follow the market price. Stop/disable the Algorithm Trading or Auto Trading.
This is a simple stop loss tailing utility use at own risk or pleasure.

El EA Boton pone botones de Buy y Sell en la pantalla Ideal para usuarios que habren muchas ordenes y diferentes pares
9 botones buy desde 0.01 al 0.09 y 9 botones sell de 0.01 al 0.09 9 botones buy desde 0.1 al 0.9 y 9 botones sell de 0.1 al 0.9 Boton Close buy y sell Boton Close buy positivos y Boton Sell positivos Boton Close buy negativos y Boton Sell negativos un boton close all y botones buy de 1, 5 y 10 y botones de sell 1,5, 10

The application works as a service. It sends the report to the e-mail address you enter in your Meta Trade program.
Prepares H1 analysis reports every hour.
Prepares and sends D1 analysis reports after 00:00 at night.
Meta Trader analyzes all symbols loaded from the watch screen.
Below is a report for H1. I have added 2-3 symbols in the market watch as an example.
You have an assistant who does these analyzes for you every hour and sends you an e-mail. All the analysis is now done for yo

Simple instruction : Just enter drawdown percentage value, it will monitor the equity and close all position if it reach our max drawdown. It also known as hard stop loss.
Max drawdown refers to the maximum loss an investment or portfolio experiences from its peak value to its lowest point, before it eventually recovers. In other words, it measures the largest drop from the highest point to the lowest point of an investment's value. For example, let's say that an investment's value was at $100

It Will Close Your All Trade in Half of second no matter you open 100 plus trade open it will close all trade half of second .
it good work for 1 -5 min scalping this Ea have many function see the pic i uploaded there .
ea that have function close all trade , close all lossing trade , close all profit trade . also have lot system where you can put your expected lot and buy sell button and it can close 100 trade in 1 second

Easy Dashboard MT5 is more than just a trade management tool - it's a powerful solution designed to help you manage risk and make better trading decisions in less time. With its sleek design and user-friendly interface, Easy Dashboard MT5 makes trading on the Meta Trader 5 platform a breeze. Best MT5 Dash Board for manual traders to boost their performance.
One of the key features of Easy Dashboard MT5 is its ability to buy, sell, and manage limit and stop orders with a fixed lot or by using ris

Индикатора группирует исторические и актуальные данные по наименованиям инструментов. Индикатор работает с любыми инструментами. Сортировка по наименованию инструмента и прибыли, убытку. Движение средств (ввод / вывод), прибыльность за последние две недели. Информация сведена в таблицы с возможностью настройки формата таблиц. В одном окне информация по всем инструментам с которыми вы когда - либо работ работали.

Because of the variety of strategies that traders and investors have developed over time, quantified, statistics-based strategies over time stand out. Statistical strategies are not based on technical analysis or similar patterns, as some might expect, but on the approach of using recurring patterns in the market, caused, for example, by liquidity effects, on the basis of a period-based entry and exit.
The Quantifier Expert Advisor therefore offers the possibility to implement exactly these sa

The E.A listens for keyboard events and performs specific actions based on the keys that are pressed. When the "C" key is pressed, the script iterates through all open positions and closes them. When the "D" key is pressed, the script iterates through all pending orders and deletes them. This E.A could be useful for traders who want to quickly close all open positions or delete all pending orders with a single keystroke. and specially in times of strong news. if you are SCALPER facing many Prof

MQL5 Trading Panel SL TP — это мощный инструмент, призванный помочь трейдерам эффективно управлять своими позициями на платформе MetaTrader 5. Эта торговая панель предоставляет простой в использовании интерфейс для установки уровней Stop Loss (SL) и Take Profit (TP) для открытых позиций. MQL5 Trading Panel SL TP обладает широкими возможностями настройки и может быть адаптирована к конкретным потребностям отдельных трейдеров. Панель можно изменять в размере, перемещать и настраивать с помощью ра

--- StudentK Strategy EA --- 1. Various strategies available 2. Private channel for discussion 3. Keep going improvements for opportunities
4. Adapt StudentK's Indicators for advanced usage
5. ** Price must be increased from time to time (old 1-year members will get discount) **
--- Context --- StudentK is not indicated as a master or K Sir for knowledgeable person who claims for winning all the time. (But lots of traders should know the fact that it is rarely truth, especially in fluctuated p

product video: Trade Assistant, Trade Manager, Trade Panel for MetaTrader 5 with the following functions:
- Display the remaining candle time and the current time of day
- Open long and short positions without SL and TP at the current market price
- Display of the current ask, bid and spread
- Open long and short positions with predefined lot size, SL and TP at the current market price
- Quick selection of the lot size (freely selectable lot sizes)

AIP – TradeManagement (Telegram Contact: @AutoInvestorPro) The main functions of Ea TradeManagement 1. GUI o Interact with running EAs o GUI for placing orders o Closing orders by Ticket o Closing orders by MagicNumber o Closing all orders o Delete Pending orders 2. General management: o Management based on Symbol, manually orders , orders from the EA, and orders from other EAs o User-friendly trade interface with the ability to drag and drop SL,TP,Entry o

Instead of sticking to the Charts,let's use OneKey.
Welcome to our new product - OneKey ! This is a great product written in MQL5, a streamlined version of the ALL IN ONE Keylevel product with the only feature removed being Algo trading. Other features of the product are kept intact and not affected. OneKey integrates many notable functions, including trend determination and Kelevel drawing, detecting Engulfing candle signals, Pinbar, Sideway breakout patterns, BOS, CHOCH, along with profession

Bekenet 신호 생성기.. 이 소프트웨어는 전문가 조언자이지만 거래는 하지 않습니다. metaqote ID가 활성화되면 사용자 모바일 mt5 앱에 수익성 있는 신호만 보냅니다. 이 소프트웨어는 정지 손실이 있는 매수 및 매도 신호를 제공합니다. 이 소프트웨어는 MT5 및 15분 시간 프레임으로 작동합니다. Bekenet 신호 발생기는 가격 조치만을 사용하여 설계되었습니다. 일간, 주간 및 4시간 시간대의 주요 수준을 계산하고 15분을 사용하여 시장에 완벽하게 진입합니다. 이 소프트웨어는 통화, 합성, 암호, 주식 및 지수에 이르는 모든 쌍에 대해 수익성 있는 신호를 생성합니다. Bekenet 신호 발생기에는 a가 필요합니다. VPs 서버와 모든 신호는 metaqote Id로 전송됩니다.

Breaking TrendLine This Forex Expert Advisor is a semi-automated trading system that utilizes trend lines and support/resistance levels to execute buy and sell orders in the foreign exchange market. The system automatically places stop-loss and take-profit orders based on predefined parameters set by the user. The Expert Advisor operates on an algorithmic approach to trading, allowing for precise and timely execution of trades without the need for human intervention. This system provides traders

Telegram Bot EA This Expert Advisor (EA) is a powerful tool that allows traders to receive Telegram notifications, manage Drawdown alerts, set up charts, and much more, all directly from the MetaTrader 5 platform.
The Expert Advisor (EA) tool, integrated with Telegram, offers extensive customizable options to enhance your trading activities. The product allows you to display the signal name in the messages for easy tracking. It further provides the feature of sending the MQL5 link, either with

Introducing our MT5 Expert Advisor (EA) with advanced functionality to optimize your trading strategy: Current/All Button: Choose between closing trades on the current chart or all running trades across multiple charts. Enjoy flexibility in managing your positions with a single click. Pips Display Toggle: Easily view or hide your running pips and total pips. Stay informed about your trade progress with real-time updates. Full Close Button: Close all active trades swiftly and efficiently. Streaml

Introducing KML Grid: Maximize Your Trading Potential with the Grid Strategy
KML Grid is the ultimate tool to take your trading to the next level with the Grid strategy. Designed for ambitious traders, KML Grid provides you with an innovative way to capitalize on market fluctuations and maximize your profit potential.
Empower Your Trading with the Grid Strategy: The Grid strategy is known for its ability to harness market conditions within a range. KML Grid intelligently utilizes this strateg

Introducing our Trailing Stop Tool, a powerful solution designed to enhance your trading strategy by trailing your trades based on a selected number of candles. This tool provides an advanced feature that allows you to dynamically adjust your stop loss level as the market moves in your favor, aiming to lock in profits while minimizing potential losses. With the Trailing Stop Tool, you have the flexibility to choose the number of candles you want the tool to trail. Whether you prefer a conservat

This EA automatically moves SL to Entry Price (i.e. Breakeven), after your specified condition i.e. Market Price or Profit is achieved. Example Suppose, you want to move your trade’s SL to Breakeven i.e. same as its entry price, on fulfilling certain condition. But you don’t want to sit in front of PC or mobile for long time, waiting for market to fulfill your desired condition. Then this EA is for you, as Meta Trader has no option to automatically move SL to Breakeven. Just enter Ticket Numbe

Monitoring your trades over time helps you build up your account balance and shows when you miss your goals. Viewing the closed trades of a symbol on the chart can help you adjust your strategy for better results. Maintaining a trade book allows you to record the applied strategy and note the reason for taking each trade. It helps you to evaluate and refine strategies based on its profitability. A possibility to download the Account history as a text file with delimited fields, allows upload to

거래 계산기를 사용하면 거래를 열기 전에 거래의 매개 변수를 계산하고 마진, 거래량 및 위험의 값을 얻을 수 있으므로 가능한 손실 및 이익 측면에서 거래를 상당히 정확하게 평가할 수 있습니다. 또한 현재 상품, 이익 통화, 전환율, 기준 통화, 자기자본 크기, 포지션 볼륨, 퍼센트 위험, 손절매 및 이익실현 크기(포인트, 돈 및 백분율), 손절매 크기 비율에 대한 계산 방법을 표시합니다. 이익을 얻으십시오. 거래 계산기는 두 가지 모드로 작동할 수 있습니다. 그 중 하나는 주어진 거래량에 따라 거래당 위험을 백분율로 계산하는 것입니다. 다른 하나는 사용 가능한 자금의 백분율로 주어진 위험에 따라 거래량을 계산하는 것입니다. 마우스로 차트 주위를 이동할 수 있는 해당 수평선을 표시하여 포지션 개시 지점, 손절매 및 이익 실현의 특정 조건에서 계획된 거래 값의 변화를 시각적으로 모니터링할 수 있습니다. 따라서 차트에서 원하는 위치로 선을 이동하면 거래 매개변수가 실시간으로 계산되고 표

Advanced harmonic filter is a reliable and smart utility that uses an author's algorithm to process continuous data and present them in the form of harmonic oscillations. The utility can identify regularities and patterns in the input data, which are then used to generate output data that is most similar to the input data. This makes it a powerful tool to use with other indicators to predict future trends and identify Elliott waves on selected intervals. The utility is most effective when us

Pro Minimalist Trade Assistant : Focusing on Risk Management and Strict Trade Discipline for Each Trading Style The benefits of this Utility: 1.Intuitive Graphical Interface: Take control with an excellent graphical dashboard featuring outstanding parameters for swift order execution. Enjoy a sleek and customizable interface with the option to switch between dark and light themes. 2.Support for Cultivating Trading Discipline Habits Adhering to your trading style is essential. Each Trading styl

This EA is made for manual trading. It cannot open orders by itself. But it can help close orders according to the conditions that are placed, for example, the profit meets the target or the loss reaches the specified value. so that after opening the order manually, you don't have to waste time watching Don't worry that the investment will be damaged too much . The EA can display an identity message after finishing the job as well. It can display both numbers and letters, but if you don't want t

Close Partial: You can close half of your opened positions (Close Partial). If, for example, you set a predefined number of 100 points, the system will immediately close half of your position when it reaches that profit level. Risk-Free: All your positions in various symbols. For example, when your profit reaches 120 points, the system will automatically adjust your stop loss to secure your profits and minimize risk. Trail Stop: All your positions in various symbols. For example, when your prof
MetaTrader 마켓은 과거 데이터를 이용한 테스트 및 최적화를 위해 무료 데모 거래 로봇을 다운로드할 수 있는 유일한 스토어입니다.
어플리케이션의 개요와 다른 고객의 리뷰를 읽어보시고 터미널에 바로 다운로드하신 다음 구매 전 트레이딩 로봇을 테스트해보시기 바랍니다. 오직 MetaTrader 마켓에서만 무료로 애플리케이션을 테스트할 수 있습니다.

트레이딩 기회를 놓치고 있어요:
- 무료 트레이딩 앱
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계정이 없으시면, 가입하십시오 웹사이트에 로그인을 하기 위해 쿠키를 허용하십시오.
브라우저에서 필요한 설정을 활성화하시지 않으면, 로그인할 수 없습니다.