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MetaTrader 5のための有料のテクニカル指標 - 18

icon テクニカル指標からのシグナルは、株式および外国為替市場での取引の開始と終了に重要な役割を果たします。指標の本質は、将来の価格変動を予測することを目的とした金融銘柄価格の数学的変換です。 テクニカル指標をテストして、市場の動きとそれからの利益をより正確に予測します。
この指標は、市場の強気と弱気の圧力を分析する価格反転を予想しています。購入圧力は、特定の日数にわたるすべての累積バーの合計にボリュームを掛けたものです。販売圧力は、同じ数のバーにわたるすべての分布の合計に、ボリュームを掛けたものです。 [ インストールガイド | 更新ガイド | トラブルシューティング | よくある質問 | すべての製品 ] インディケーター比率は、合計アクティビティに対する購買圧力の割合を示します。この値は、0から100まで変動します。2つの移動平均、高速および低速を実装して、圧力トレンドの変化を識別し、それに応じて取引を探します。 50の比率は、市場が均衡していることを意味します 70を超える比率は、市場が買われ過ぎであることを意味します 30未満の比率は、市場が売られ過ぎていることを意味します 赤い点線は現在の比率です 青い線は信号線です オレンジ色の線がメインラインです それは簡単な取引の含意を持っています。 市場が売られ過ぎているときに購入の機会を探す 市場が買われすぎている場合に販売機会を探す 信号線が本線の上にある場合、圧力は強気です 信号線が本線より
This indicator studies price action as an aggregation of price and time vectors, and uses the average vector to determine the direction and strength of the market. This indicator highlights the short-term directionality and strength of the market, and can be used to capitalize from short-term price movements by trading breakouts or binary options   [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Find market direction easily Confirm with breakouts or other indicators
このインディケータは、トレンドまたはフラット市場を見つけるために相対的な観点でシンボルがどれだけ移動したかを計算します。最新の価格帯の何パーセントが指向性であるかを表示します。 [ インストールガイド | 更新ガイド | トラブルシューティング | よくある質問 | すべての製品 ] ゼロの値は、市場が絶対にフラットであることを意味します 値が100の場合、市場は完全にトレンドになっています 青い線は、価格帯が健全であることを意味します 赤い線は、価格帯が狭いことを意味します 移動平均はフラットマーケットインデックス(FMI)です それは簡単な取引の含意を持っています。 線が青でFMIの上にある場合、トレンドトレーディング戦略を使用する 線が赤でFMI未満の場合は、範囲トレーディング戦略を使用します FMIに基づいて機器の選択を実行する このインジケーターは、Expert Advisorsでフラットマーケットを回避するのに特に役立ちます。 入力パラメータ 最大履歴バー:ロード時に過去を調べるバーの量。 ルックバック:フラットマーケットインデックスを調査するためのバーの量。 期間:イ
This multi-timeframe indicator identifies the market's tendency to trade within a narrow price band. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] It is easy to understand Finds overbought and oversold situations Draws at bar closing and does not backpaint The calculation timeframe is customizable The red line is the overbought price The green line is the oversold price It has straightforward trading implications. Look for buying opportunities when the market is o
The Stretch is a Toby Crabel price pattern which represents the minimum average price movement/deviation from the open price during a period of time, and is used to calculate two breakout levels for every single trading day. It is calculated by taking the 10 period SMA of the absolute difference between the open and either the high or low, whichever difference is smaller. This value is used to calculate breakout thresholds for the current trading session, which are displayed in the indicator as
This indicator measures volatility in a multi-timeframe fashion aiming at identifying flat markets, volatility spikes and price movement cycles in the market. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Trade when volatility is on your side Identify short-term volatility and price spikes Find volatility cycles at a glance The indicator is non-repainting The ingredients of the indicator are the following... The green histogram is the current bar volatility The bl
Pavel Gotkevitch
The Grab indicator combines the features of both trend indicators and oscillators. This indicator is a convenient tool for detecting short-term market cycles and identifying overbought and oversold levels. A long position can be opened when the indicator starts leaving the oversold area and breaks the zero level from below. A short position can be opened when the indicator starts leaving the overbought area and breaks the zero level from above. An opposite signal of the indicator can be used for
The standard Commodity Channel Index (CCI) indicator uses a Simple Moving Average, which somewhat limits capabilities of this indicator. The presented CCI Modified indicator features a selection of four moving averages - Simple, Exponential, Smoothed, Linear weighted, which allows to significantly extend the capabilities of this indicator. Parameter of the standard Commodity Channel Index (CCI) indicator period - the number of bars used for the indicator calculations; apply to - selection from
Type: Oscillator This is Gekko's Cutomized Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD), a customized version of the famous MACD indicator. Use the regular MACD and take advantage of several entry signals calculations and different ways of being alerted whenever there is potential entry point. Inputs Fast MA Period: Period for the MACD's Fast Moving Average (default 12); Slow MA Period: Period for the MACD's Slow Moving Average (default 26); Signal Average Offset Period: Period for the Signal A
Pavel Gotkevitch
The Unda indicator determines the trend direction and strength, as well as signals about trend changes. The indicator uses price extremums for the previous periods and calculates the ratio between the current price and extremums. Therefore, the only parameter is Period (default = 13), which sets the number of bars to determine extremums. The higher the Period, the less the number of signals about trend changes, but the greater the indicator delay. Uptrends are shown by blue color of the indicato
K_Channel is a technical indicator defining the current Forex market status - trend or flat. The indicator works on any timeframe. H1 and higher timeframes are recommended though to minimize false signals. The indicator is displayed as lines above and below EMA. Average True Range (ATR) is used as bands' width. Therefore, the channel is based on volatility. This version allows you to change all the parameters of the main Moving Average. Unlike Bollinger Bands that applies the standard deviation
Introduction To Turning Point Indicator The trajectories of Financial Market movement are very much like the polynomial curvatures with the presence of random fluctuations. It is quite common to read that scientist can decompose the financial data into many different cyclic components. If or any if the financial market possess at least one cycle, then the turning point must be present for that financial market data. With this assumption, most of financial market data should possesses the multipl
This indicator provides the analysis of tick volume deltas. It monitors up and down ticks and sums them up as separate volumes for buys and sells, as well as their delta volumes. In addition, it displays volumes by price clusters (cells) within a specified period of bars. This indicator is similar to VolumeDeltaMT5 , which uses almost the same algorithms but does not process ticks and therefore cannot work on M1. This is the reason for VolumeDeltaM1 to exist. On the other hand, VolumeDeltaMT5 ca
This indicator provides a true volume surrogate based on tick volumes. It uses a specific formula for calculation of a near to real estimation of trade volumes distribution , which may be very handy for instruments where only tick volumes are available. Please note that absolute values of the indicator do not correspond to any real volumes data, but the distribution itself, including overall shape and behavior, is similar to real volumes' shape and behavior of related instruments (for example, c
This is a special edition of the On-Balance Volume indicator based on pseudo-real volumes emulated from tick volumes. It calculates a near to real estimation of trade volumes distribution for Forex instruments (where only tick volumes are available) and then applies conventional OBV formula to them. Volumes are calculated by the same algorithm used in the indicator TrueVolumeSurrogate . The indicator itself is not required but can be used for reference. OnBalanceVolumeSurrogate is also available
The indicator builds a moving line based on interpolation by a polynomial of 1-4 powers and/or a function consisting of a sum of 1-5 sine curves. Various combinations are possible, for example, a sum of three sine curves about a second order parabola. The resulting line can be extrapolated by any of the specified functions and for various distances both as a single point at each indicator step (unchangeable line), and as a specified (re-painted) function segment for visualization. More details:
The indicator trades during horizontal channel breakthroughs. It searches for prices exceeding extreme points or bouncing back and defines targets using customizable Fibo levels with a sound alert, which can be disabled if necessary. The indicator allows you to create a horizontal channel between the necessary extreme points in visual mode quickly and easily. It automatically applies your selected Fibo levels to these extreme points (if the appropriate option is enabled in the settings). Besides
RFX Market Speed is an indicator designed to measure a new dimension of the market which has been hidden from the most traders. The indicator measures the speed of the market in terms of points per seconds and shows the measurement graphically on the chart, and saves the maximum bullish and bearish speeds per each bar. This indicator is specially designed to help the scalpers of any market with their decisions about the short bias of the market. The indicator uses real-ticks and cannot be fully
どんなツール(シンボル)でも、グラフのどんな期間でも、買いと売りのフィボナッチレベルの自動的な作成とフォローアップ。 FiboPlus Trend は、次のものを表示している: すべての時間枠と指標値の傾向。 アップかダウン方向、 ありそうな 値動きのフィボナッチレベル。 エントリーポイントは「アップ矢印」、「ダウン矢印」アイコンで示され、情報はボタンにて再度表示されている。(SELL, BUY) 0から100までのレベルで限られた直角的エリア。トレードは、一つのレベルから他のレベルへ(トレンドなし)。 特長 指標のトレンドの計算(RSI, Stochastic, MACD, ADX, BearsPower, BullsPower, WPR, AO, MA - 5, 10 , 20, 50, 100, 200). 値動きの予測、市場エントリーポイント、オーダーのための stop loss とtake profit。 作成済みのトレードシステム。 管理ボタンは、フィボナッチオプションの度リラかを選択できるようにする。 買いか売りのオプションを非表示にする。 グラフの他の期間を参照する。
The indicator displays in a separate window a price chart as bars or Japanese candlesticks with a periodicity below a minute. Available periods (seconds): 30, 20, 15, 12, 10, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. The display mode (bars or candlesticks) is switched by clicking on the chart. Parameters Period in seconds - the period of bars in seconds Price levels count - the number of price levels on a chart Buffer number: 0 - Open, 1 - High, 2 - Low, 3 - Close, 4 - Color.
Think to an elastic: when you stretched it and then you release…it returns to its state of rest. ELASTIC STRETCHED indicator display in real time distance of any bar:when price is above sma,indicator diplay distance in pips of HIGH from sma....when price is below sma,indicator display distance in pips of LOW from sma. When price goes far from its sma during (for example) downtrend ,can happen two things: A) price returns to sma (reaction) and goes up OR B) price goes in trading range....but in a
Stochastic Oscillator displays information simultaneously from different periods in one subwindow of the chart. Parameters %K Period — K-period (number of bars for calculations). %D Period — D-period (period of first smoothing). Slowing — final smoothing. Method — type of smoothing. Price field — stochastic calculation method . Timeframes for Stochastic — list of periods, separated by a space or comma or semicolon. Number of bars for each period — the number of bars displayed for each period. S
DSignal for "Brent" is a new indicator for buying and selling in MetaTrader 5. This is a simple indicator that shows market entry points. Perfect for both beginners and professionals. Recommended time frame is H1. Recommended financial instrument for trading is Brent oil. Work with 4-digit and 5-digit quotes. Never repaints signal. Features A market entry is possible at the close of H1 candlestick if the indicator draws an arrow (sell when crimson, buy when blue). Never repaints signal. Indicat
The new product Time IV (2013) is an updated version of Time III introduced earlier in the Market. The indicator displays the work time of world marketplaces in a separate window in a convenient way. The indicator is based on the TIME II (VBO) indicator rewritten in MQL5 from a scratch. The new version Time IV is a higher quality level product. Comparing to Time III it consumes less resources and has optimized code. The indicator works on Н1 and lower timeframes. Adjustable parameters of the in
Multi-timeframe indicator Relative Strength Index displays information simultaneously from different periods in one subwindow of the chart. Parameters Period of averaging — averaging period for the RSI calculation. Type of price — price used. Timeframes for RSI — list of periods, separated by a space or comma or semicolon. Number of bars for each period — the number of bars displayed for each period. Sort periods — sort periods if they are listed in no particular order. Current period first — d
Linear Regression Angle is a directional movement indicator which defines a trend at the moment of its birth, and additionally defines trend weakening. The indicator calculates the angle of the linear regression channel and displays it in a separate window in the form of histogram. The signal line is a simple average of the angle. The angle is the difference between the right and left edges of regression (in points), divided by its period. The angle value above 0 indicates an uptrend. The higher
Multi-timeframe indicator Commodity Channel Index displays information simultaneously from different periods in one subwindow of the chart. Parameters Period of averaging — averaging period for the CCI calculation. Type of price — price used. Timeframes for CCI — list of periods, separated by a space or comma or semicolon. Number of bars for each period — the number of bars displayed for each period. Sort periods — sort periods if they are listed in no particular order. Current period first — d
The Moving Averages Convergence/Divergence indicator displays information simultaneously from different periods in one subwindow of the chart. Parameters Fast EMA — period for Fast average calculation. Slow EMA — period for Slow average calculation. MACD SMA — period for their difference averaging. Type of price — price used. Timeframes for MACD — list of periods, separated by a space or comma or semicolon. Number of bars for each period — the number of bars displayed for each period. Sort peri
The indicator displays a matrix of indicators across multiple timeframes with a sum total and optional alert. Custom indicators can also be added to the matrix, in a highly configurable way. The alert threshold can be set to say what percentage of indicators need to be in agreement for an alert to happen. The alerts can turned on/off via on chart tick boxes and can be set to notify to mobile or sent to email, in addition to pop-up. The product offers a great way to create an alert when multiple
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. To access the free demo version, please re-direct to this LINK . To access the single pair version, please re-direct to this LINK . Price is likely to pullback or breakout at important support and/or resistance. This dashboard is designed to help you monitor these critical support and resistance area. Once price moves close to these important support and
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. To access the free demo version, please re-direct to this LINK . To access the dashboard version, please re-direct to this LINK . Critical Support and Resistance is an intuitive, and handy graphic tool to help you to monitor and manage critical support and resistance price point easily with one glance to know status of all important S&R. Price is likely
インジケーターは、可能な限り最小のラグで 再描画せず にチャートに高調波パターンを表示します。インディケータトップの検索は、価格分析の波動原理に基づいています。 詳細設定では、取引スタイルのパラメータを選択できます。ろうそく(バー)のオープニングで、新しいパターンが形成されると、価格変動の可能性のある方向の矢印が固定され、変更されません。 インジケーターは、次のパターンとその種類を認識します:ABCD、Gartley(Butterfly、Crab、Bat)、3Drives、5-0、Batman、SHS、One2One、Camel、Triangles、WXY、Fibo、Vibrations。デフォルトでは、ABCDとGartleyの数字のみが設定に表示されます。多くの追加の構成可能なパラメーター。 主なパラメータ: ShowUpDnArrows-予想される方向矢印を表示/非表示 ArrowUpCode-上矢印コード ArrowDnCode-下矢印コード Show old history patterns-古いパターンの表示を有効/無効にします Enable alert messages,
AIS 正しい平均インジケーターを使用すると、市場でのトレンドの動きの始まりを設定できます。インジケーターのもう 1 つの重要な品質は、トレンドの終わりの明確なシグナルです。指標は再描画または再計算されません。 表示値 h_AE - AE チャネルの上限 l_AE - AE チャンネルの下限 h_EC - 現在のバーの高予測値 l_EC - 現在のバーの低い予測値 インジケーターを操作するときのシグナル 主な信号は、チャネル AE と EC の交差点です。 l_EC ラインが h_AE ラインより上にある場合、上昇トレンドが始まる可能性があります。 h_EC ラインが l_AE ラインを下回った後、下降トレンドの始まりが予想されます。 この場合、h_AE ラインと l_AE ラインの間のチャネル幅に注意する必要があります。両者の差が大きければ大きいほど、トレンドは強くなります。 AEチャンネルによる局所的な高値・安値の達成にも注意が必要です。この時、価格変動のトレンドが最も強くなります。 カスタマイズ可能な指標パラメータ インディケータを設定するには、時間枠に応じて
Trade history
Andriy Konovalov
5 (2)
The indicator plots charts of profit taken at the Close of candles for closed (or partially closed) long and short positions individually. The indicator allows to filter deals by the current symbol, specified expert ID (magic number) and the presence (absence) of a substring in a deal comment, to set the start time and the periodicity of profit reset (daily, weekly or monthly) to calculate the profit chart. The indicator also displays the floating (not fixed) profit of the opened positions at th
The indicator displays in a separate window a price chart as Heiken Ashi candlesticks with a periodicity below a minute. Available periods (seconds): 30, 20, 15, 12, 10, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. It is possible to select the base price for calculations. Parameters Time frames - the period of candlesticks in seconds. Price levels count - the number of price levels on a chart. Applied price - the price used in calculations. Buffer number: 0 - Heiken Ashi Open, 1 - Heiken Ashi High, 2 - Heiken Ashi Low, 3
The Regression Momentum is an indicator of directional movement, built as the relative difference between the linear regression at the current moment and n bars ago. The indicator displays the calculated Momentum in a separate window as a histogram. The signal line is a simple average of the histogram. The histogram value above 0 indicates an uptrend. The higher the value, the stronger the trend. A value below 0 indicates a downtrend. The lower the value, the stronger the downtrend. Intersection
This indicator calculates and displays Murrey Math Lines on the chart. This MT5 version is similar to the МТ4 version: It allows you to plot up to 4 octaves, inclusive, using data from different time frames, which enables you to assess the correlation between trends and investment horizons of different lengths. In contrast to the МТ4 version, this one automatically selects an algorithm to search for the base for range calculation. You can get the values of the levels by using the iCustom() funct
RFX Forex Strength Meter is a powerful tool to trade 8 major currencies in the Forex market, U.S. Dollar ( USD ) European Euro ( EUR ) British Pound ( GBP ) Swiss Franc ( CHF ) Japanese Yen ( JPY ) Australian Dollar ( AUD ) Canadian Dollar ( CAD ) New Zealand Dollar ( NZD ) The indicator calculates the strength of each major currency using a unique and accurate formula starting at the beginning of each trading day of your broker. Any trading strategy in the Forex market can be greatly improved b
Linear Regressions Convergence Divergence is an oscillator indicator of a directional movement plotted as a difference of two linear regressions with lesser and greater periods. This is a further development of the ideas implemented in the standard MACD oscillator. It has a number of advantages due to the use of linear regressions instead of moving averages. The indicator is displayed in a separate window as a histogram. The signal line is a simple average of the histogram. The histogram value a
Ultimate Trend Finder (Multi Pair And Multi Time Frame) :   ---LIMITED TIME OFFER: NEXT 25 CLIENTS ONLY ---46% OFF REGULAR PRICE AND 2 FREE BONUSES ---SEE BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS Institutional traders use moving averages more than  any  other indicator. As moving averages offer a quick  and clear indication of the institutional order flow. And serve as a critical component in the decision making  within numerous institutional trading rooms. Viewing the market through the same lens as the inst
Ultimate Divergence Scanner (Multi Pair And Multi Time Frame) :   ---LIMITED TIME OFFER: NEXT 25 CLIENTS ONLY ---46% OFF REGULAR PRICE AND 2 FREE BONUSES ---SEE BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS It is a widely known market principle that momentum generally precedes price.  Making divergence patterns a clear indication that price and momentum are not in agreement.  Divergence patterns are widely used by institutional traders around the world. As they allow you to manage  your trades within strictly defin
Ultimate Pinbar Scanner (Multi Pair And Multi Time Frame) :   ---LIMITED TIME OFFER: NEXT 25 CLIENTS ONLY ---46% OFF REGULAR PRICE AND 2 FREE BONUSES ---SEE BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS A strong pinbar is clear evidence that the institutions are rejecting a particular price level. And the more well defined the pinbar, the higher the probability that the institutions will  soon be taking prices in the opposite direction. Pinbar patterns are widely used by institutional traders around the world. As
Ultimate Reversal Scanner (Multi Pair And Multi Time Frame) :   ---LIMITED TIME OFFER: NEXT 25 CLIENTS ONLY ---46% OFF REGULAR PRICE AND 2 FREE BONUSES ---SEE BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS Reversal patterns are some of the most widely used setups in the institutional trading world. And the most (statistically) accurate pattern of them all is called the ' Three Line Strike '. According to Thomas Bulkowski ( best selling author and a leading expert on candlestick patterns ), the ' Three Line Strike ' ha
Ultimate Range Trade Scanner (Multi Pair And Multi Time Frame) :   ---LIMITED TIME OFFER: NEXT 25 CLIENTS ONLY ---46% OFF REGULAR PRICE AND 2 FREE BONUSES ---SEE BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS The FX market is range bound at least 70% of the time. And many of the largest institutions in the world focus on range trading. Such as BlackRock and Vanguard , who have a combined $15 TRILLION under management. Range trading has several distinct advantages that make it safer and more predictable than most ot
Ultimate Pivot Point Scanner (Multi Pair And Multi Time Frame) :   ---LIMITED TIME OFFER: NEXT 25 CLIENTS ONLY ---46% OFF REGULAR PRICE AND 2 FREE BONUSES ---SEE BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS For over 100 years (since the late 19th century), floor traders and market makers have used pivot points to determine critical levels of support and resistance. Making this one of the oldest and most widely used trading approaches used by traders around the world. Due to their widespread adoption, pivot point le
Full Market Dashboard (Multi Pair And Multi Time Frame) :   ---LIMITED TIME OFFER: NEXT 25 CLIENTS ONLY ---46% OFF REGULAR PRICE AND 2 FREE BONUSES ---SEE BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS One of the biggest advantages the institutions have, is their access to enormous amounts of data. And this access to so much data, is one of the reasons they find so many potential trades. As a retail trader, you will never have access to the same type (or amount) of data as a large institution.  But we created this da
Round Numbers And Psychological Levels (Multi Pair And Multi Time Frame) :   ---LIMITED TIME OFFER: NEXT 25 CLIENTS ONLY ---46% OFF REGULAR PRICE AND 2 FREE BONUSES ---SEE BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS Studies show that more orders end in '0' than any other number.  Also know as 'round numbers', or 'psychological levels', these levels act as price barriers where large amounts of orders will generally accumulate. And the larger the number, the larger the psychological significance. Meaning that even mo
The Expert Advisor and the video are attached in the Discussion tab . The robot applies only one order and strictly follows the signals to evaluate the indicator efficiency. Pan PrizMA CD Phase is an option based on the Pan PrizMA indicator. Details (in Russian). Averaging by a quadric-quartic polynomial increases the smoothness of lines, adds momentum and rhythm. Extrapolation by the sinusoid function near a constant allows adjusting the delay or lead of signals. The value of the phase - wave s
トリプルの上下パターンは、トレンドの反転を予測するために使用されるチャートパターンの一種です。このパターンは、価格がほぼ同じ価格レベルで3つのピークを作成するときに発生します。 3番目のピーク付近でレジスタンスが跳ね返るということは、買いの関心が枯渇しつつあることを明確に示しており、これは反転が起きようとしていることを示しています。 [ インストールガイド | 更新ガイド | トラブルシューティング | よくある質問 | すべての製品 ] クリアな取引シグナル カスタマイズ可能な色とサイズ パフォーマンス統計を実装します カスタマイズ可能なフィボナッチリトレースメントレベル 適切なストップロスおよび利益レベルを表示します インジケーターを使用して、継続パターンまたは反転パターンを見つけることができます 電子メール/音声/視覚アラートを実装します これらのパターンは拡張でき、インジケーターは再描画によってパターンに追従します。ただし、インジケーターはトレードを容易にするためにツイストを実装します。トレードをシグナルする前に正しい方向へのドンチャンブレイクアウトを待機し、シグナルを非常に
AIS 加重移動平均インジケーターは、加重移動平均を計算し、トレンド市場の動きの始まりを判断できるようにします。 重み係数は、各バーの特定の機能を考慮して計算されます。これにより、ランダムな市場の動きを除外できます。 トレンドの開始を確認する主なシグナルは、インジケーター ラインの方向の変化と、インジケーター ラインを超える価格です。 WH (青い線) は高値の加重平均です。 WL (赤い線) は安値の加重平均です。 WS (緑色の線) は、すべての価格ポイントの加重平均です。 オプション LH - 値を計算するバーの数。 LH をすばやく選択するには、まず、より高い時間枠の倍数である値を確認する必要があります。 たとえば、インジケータは M15 に設定されます。 次に、LHの次の値を確認します M30/M15=2 H1/M15 = 4 H4/M15 = 16 D1/M15 = 96 W1/M15=480 それらの中間の値も興味深い場合があります。
D-Channel is a technical indicator defining the current Forex market status - trend or flat. The indicator is based on DEMA (Double Exponential Moving Average). The advantage of DEMA is that it eliminates false signals at the saw-toothed price movement and allows saving a position at a strong trend. The indicator can work on any timeframe, though H1 and higher timeframes are recommended to minimize false signals. The indicator displays a channel as lines located above and below the average line.
Stips is a histogram indicator that determines trend direction and strength, as well as trend changes. The indicator can be used as a normal oscillator, i.e. analyze its trend change signals (crossing the zero line), as well as divergence and exit from overbought and oversold zones. The indicator uses extreme prices of previous periods and calculates the ratio between the current price and extreme values. Therefore its only parameter is Period (default is 13), which sets the number of bars to de
F-Channel is a technical indicator defining the current Forex market status - trend or flat. The indicator is based on FRAMA (Fractal Adaptive Moving Average). The FRAMA follows strong trend movements and slows down significantly during price consolidation. The indicator is able to work on any timeframes, but H1 and higher timeframes are recommended to minimize false signals. The indicator displays a channel as lines located above and below the middle line. The upper and lower lines can serve as
Labor is a technical analysis indicator defining trend direction and power, as well as signaling a trend change. The indicator is based on a modified EMA (Exponential Moving Average) with an additional smoothing filter. The indicator works on any timeframe. The uptrend is shown as a blue line, while a downtrend - as a red one. Close a short position and open a long one if the line color changes from red to blue. Close a long position and open a short one if the line color changes from blue to re
Identifying the trend of the market is an essential task of traders. Trendometer implements an advanced algorithm to visualize the trend of the market. The major focus of this indicator is to evaluate the market in the lower time frames (i.e., M1, M5 and M15) for the scalping purposes. If you are a scalper looking for a reliable indicator to improve your trade quality, Trendometer is for you. The indicator runs on a separate window showing a histogram of red and green bars. A two consecutive gre
The principle of the indicator operation lies in the analysis of the currency pair history and determining the beginning and the end of the "power" driving the current trend. It also determines the Fibonacci levels in the main window. The indicator also shows how long ago the local Highs and Lows have been reached. How to Use Waves in the subwindow show the strength and the stage of the trend movement. That is, if the waves only start rising, then the trend is in the initial stage. If the waves
P-Channel is a technical indicator determining the current Forex market status - trend or flat. The indicator is able to work on any timeframes, but H1 and higher timeframes are recommended to minimize false signals. The indicator displays a channel as lines located above and below the middle line. The upper and lower lines can serve as the resistance and support levels. Sell when the price reaches the upper line, and buy when the price reaches the lower line. It is recommended to use a small st
Классификатор силы тренда. Показания на истории не меняет. Изменяется классификация только незакрытого бара. По идее подобен полной системе ASCTrend, сигнальный модуль которой, точнее его аппроксимация в несколько "урезанном" виде, есть в свободном доступе, а также в терминале как сигнальный индикатор SilverTrend . Точной копией системы ASCTrend не является. Работает на всех инструментах и всех временных диапазонах. Индикатор использует несколько некоррелируемых между собой алгоритмов для класси
The FRAMA Crossing indicator displays on a chart two FRAMAs (Fractal Adaptive Moving Average) and paints their crossing areas in different colors – blue (buy) and red (sell). FRAMA follows strong trend movements and slows down significantly during price consolidation. The indicator clearly defines the trend direction and power and simplifies the perception of market signals. The indicator can work on any timeframes may be useful in the strategies involving two moving averages' crossing method. T
The CCI Crossing indicator displays the intersection of two CCI (Commodity Channel Index) indicators - fast and slow - in a separate window. The intersection area is filled in blue, when the fast CCI is above the slow CCI. The intersection area is filled in red, when the fast CCI is below the slow CCI. This indicator is a convenient tool for measuring the deviations of the current price from the statistically average price and identifying overbought and oversold levels. The indicator can work on
In today’s market, an objective counter trend technique might be a trader’s most valuable asset. Most of the traders in the financial market must be familiar with the name "TD Sequential" and "Range Exhaustion". The Sequential R is a Counter-Trend Trading with Simple Range Exhaustion System. Sequential R is useful to identify trend exhaustion points and keep you one step ahead of the trend-following crowd. The "Sequential R" is designed to recognize profitable counter trend patterns from your ch
Exclusive Oscillator is a new trend indicator for MetaTrader5, which is able to assess the real overbought/oversold state of the market. It does not use any other indicators, it works only with the market actions. This indicator is easy to use, even a novice trader can use it for trading. Learn more about trading by subscribing to   our channel . Advantages of the indicator Generates minimum false signals. Suitable for beginners and experienced traders. Simple and easy indicator setup, minimum
This indicator helps to visualize the Bollinger Band status of 28 pairs. With the feature of color panel, alert, and notification features, user can catch the potential Bollinger Bounce opportunities from 28 main pairs on one Dashboard quickly. Dashboard Bollinger Band is an intuitive and handy graphic tool to help you to monitor all 28 pairs and provide trading signals based on the Bollinger Bounce Rules (Overbought/Oversold and Bollinger Band Cross). Color legend clrOrange: price is above the
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. This indicator helps to visualize the Stochastic status of 28 pairs. With the feature of color panel, alert, and notification features, user can catch the potential buy and sell opportunities when the 28 main pairs cross the oversold/overbought area on one Dashboard quickly. Dashboard Stochastic is an intuitive and handy graphic tool to help you to monit
This indicator helps to visualize the RSI status of 28 pairs. With the feature of color panel, alert, and notification features, user can catch the potential buy and sell opportunities when the 28 main pairs cross the oversold/overbought area on one Dashboard quickly. Dashboard RSI is an intuitive and handy graphic tool to help you to monitor all 28 pairs and provide trading signals based on the RSI Rules (Overbought/Oversold and Stochastic Cross). Color legend clrOrange: RSI signal is above th
This indicator helps to visualize the MACD status of 28 pairs. With the feature of color panel, alert, and notification features, user can catch the potential buy and sell opportunities when the 28 main pairs’ fast EMA cross the slow EMA on one Dashboard quickly. Dashboard MACD is an intuitive and handy graphic tool to help you to monitor all 28 pairs and provide trading signals based on the MACD Rules (Fast EMA Cross Slow). Color legend clrRed: MACD fast EMA down cross MACD slow EAM and MACD f
Pavel Gotkevitch
Dash is a histogram indicator, which measures the rate of price change and determines the overbought and oversold levels. The indicator uses price extremums for the previous periods and calculates the ratio between the current price and extremums. Therefore, the only parameter is Period , which sets the number of bars to determine extremums. A long position can be opened when the red lines of the indicator start leaving the oversold area and break the -1 level upwards. A short position can be op
This indicator helps to visualize the SAR status of 28 pairs. With the feature of color panel, alert, and notification features, user can catch the potential buy and sell opportunities when the 28 main pairs’ SAR dots are switching between the above/below of candles on one Dashboard quickly. Dashboard SAR is an intuitive and handy graphic tool to help you to monitor all 28 pairs and provide trading signals based on the SAR Rules (SAR dots are switching between the above/below of candles). Color
The Surge indicator combines the features of trend indicators and oscillators. The indicator measures the rate of price change and determines the overbought and oversold market levels. The indicator can be used on all timeframes and is a convenient tool for detecting short-term market cycles. The indicator uses price extremums for the previous periods and calculates the ratio between the current price and extremums. Therefore, the only parameter is Period, which sets the number of bars to determ
The DEMA Crossing indicator displays the intersection of two DEMA (Double Exponential Moving Average) - fast and slow. The intersection area is filled in blue, when the fast DEMA is above the slow DEMA. The intersection area is filled in red, when the fast DEMA is below the slow DEMA. The advantage of the DEMA moving average is that it eliminates false signals at the saw-toothed price movement and allows saving a position at a strong trend. The indicator clearly defines the trend direction and p

