フリーEAの作成 - ページ 13


TOTAL : "Back and forth ADX" March April indicator - not successful for some reason.




MA バック・アンド・バック ADX

MA 前後 ADX 1

MA 前後 ADX 2



MA 前後 ADX 3




ロット付 0.10

こんばんは!私は、あなたが既製のコードの大きなライブラリを持っていることに気づいた。おそらく、新しいバーを作成する瞬間に、前のバーの始値を 決定するようなコードをお持ちではないでしょうか?ウラジミールさん、ありがとうございます。


こんばんは!既成のコードのライブラリが豊富なことに気づきました。おそらく、新しいバーを作成する瞬間に、前のバーの始値を 決定するようなコードをお持ちではないでしょうか?ウラジミールさん、ありがとうございます。

例えば、Expert Advisorの作業結果は、前のバーの価格です。

例えば、この関数から-Expert Advisorの結果が悪くなります。

//| Expert new tick handling function                                |
void OnTick(void)
   static datetime limit_time=0; // last trade processing time + timeout
//--- don't process if timeout
      //--- check for data
         //--- change limit time by timeout in seconds if processed

何を失敗したのか自分でもよくわからないのですが、Expert Advisorは突きに頼った方が良い結果を出してくれます。

//| Expert new tick handling function                                |
void OnTick(void)
   static datetime limit_time=0,ExtTimeOut=0; // last trade processing time + timeout
//--- don't process if timeout
//--- change limit time by timeout in seconds if processed
SanAlex :







//|                                    EXP MA Back and forth ADX.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright    "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link          " https://www.mql5.com "
#property version      "1.00"
#property description "It is important to make sure that the expert works with a normal"
#property description "chart and the user did not make any mistakes setting input"
#property description "variables (Lots, TakeProfit, TrailingStop) in our case,"
#property description "we check TakeProfit on a chart of more than 2*trend_period bars"

#define MACD_MAGIC 7234102
#include <Trade\Trade.mqh>
#include <Trade\SymbolInfo.mqh>
#include <Trade\PositionInfo.mqh>
#include <Trade\AccountInfo.mqh>
input double InpLots          = 0.01 ; // Lots
input int     InpTakeProfit    = 500 ;   // Take Profit (in pips)
input int     InpTrailingStop  = 300 ;   // Trailing Stop Level (in pips)
input int     InpBars          = 1 ;     // Bars
input int     InpMATrendPeriod = 14 ;   // MA trend period
//| MACD Sample expert class                                         |
class CSampleExpert
protected :
   double             m_adjusted_point;             // point value adjusted for 3 or 5 points
   CTrade            m_trade;                       // trading object
   CSymbolInfo       m_symbol;                     // symbol info object
   CPositionInfo     m_position;                   // trade position object
   CAccountInfo      m_account;                     // account info wrapper
   //--- indicators
   int                m_handle_macd;                 // MACD indicator handle
   int                m_handle_ema;                 // moving average indicator handle
   int                m_handle_emas;                 // moving average indicator handle
   //--- indicator buffers
   double             m_buff_MACD_main[];           // MACD indicator main buffer
   double             m_buff_MACD_signal[];         // MACD indicator signal buffer
   double             m_buff_EMA[];                 // EMA indicator buffer
   double             m_buff_EMAS[];                 // EMA indicator buffer
   //--- indicator data for processing
   double             m_macd_current;
   double             m_signal_current;
   double             m_ema_current;
   double             m_ema_previous;
   double             m_traling_stop;
   double             m_take_profit;

public :
                     CSampleExpert( void );
                    ~CSampleExpert( void );
   bool               Init( void );
   void               Deinit( void );
   bool               Processing( void );

protected :
   bool               InitCheckParameters( const int digits_adjust);
   bool               InitIndicators( void );
   bool               LongClosed( void );
   bool               ShortClosed( void );
   bool               LongModified( void );
   bool               ShortModified( void );
   bool               LongOpened( void );
   bool               ShortOpened( void );
//--- global expert
CSampleExpert ExtExpert;
//| Constructor                                                      |
CSampleExpert::CSampleExpert( void ) : m_adjusted_point( 0 ),
   m_handle_macd( INVALID_HANDLE ),
   m_handle_ema( INVALID_HANDLE ),
   m_handle_emas( INVALID_HANDLE ),
   m_macd_current( 0 ),
   m_signal_current( 0 ),
   m_ema_current( 0 ),
   m_ema_previous( 0 ),
   m_traling_stop( 0 ),
   m_take_profit( 0 )
   ArraySetAsSeries (m_buff_MACD_main, true );
   ArraySetAsSeries (m_buff_MACD_signal, true );
   ArraySetAsSeries (m_buff_EMA, true );
   ArraySetAsSeries (m_buff_EMAS, true );
//| Destructor                                                       |
CSampleExpert::~CSampleExpert( void )
//| Initialization and checking for input parameters                 |
bool CSampleExpert::Init( void )
//--- initialize common information
   m_symbol.Name( Symbol ());                   // symbol
   m_trade.SetExpertMagicNumber(MACD_MAGIC); // magic
   m_trade.SetTypeFillingBySymbol( Symbol ());
//--- tuning for 3 or 5 digits
   int digits_adjust= 1 ;
   if (m_symbol. Digits ()== 3 || m_symbol. Digits ()== 5 )
      digits_adjust= 10 ;
   m_adjusted_point=m_symbol. Point ()*digits_adjust;
//--- set default deviation for trading in adjusted points
   m_traling_stop    =InpTrailingStop*m_adjusted_point;
   m_take_profit     =InpTakeProfit*m_adjusted_point;
//--- set default deviation for trading in adjusted points
   m_trade.SetDeviationInPoints( 3 *digits_adjust);
   if (!InitCheckParameters(digits_adjust))
       return ( false );
   if (!InitIndicators())
       return ( false );
//--- succeed
   return ( true );
//| Checking for input parameters                                    |
bool CSampleExpert::InitCheckParameters( const int digits_adjust)
//--- initial data checks
   if (InpTakeProfit*digits_adjust<m_symbol.StopsLevel())
       printf ( "Take Profit must be greater than %d" ,m_symbol.StopsLevel());
       return ( false );
   if (InpTrailingStop*digits_adjust<m_symbol.StopsLevel())
       printf ( "Trailing Stop must be greater than %d" ,m_symbol.StopsLevel());
       return ( false );
//--- check for right lots amount
   if (InpLots<m_symbol.LotsMin() || InpLots>m_symbol.LotsMax())
       printf ( "Lots amount must be in the range from %f to %f" ,m_symbol.LotsMin(),m_symbol.LotsMax());
       return ( false );
   if ( MathAbs (InpLots/m_symbol.LotsStep()- MathRound (InpLots/m_symbol.LotsStep()))> 1.0 E- 10 )
       printf ( "Lots amount is not corresponding with lot step %f" ,m_symbol.LotsStep());
       return ( false );
//--- warning
   if (InpTakeProfit<=InpTrailingStop)
       printf ( "Warning: Trailing Stop must be less than Take Profit" );
//--- succeed
   return ( true );
//| Initialization of the indicators                                 |
bool CSampleExpert::InitIndicators( void )
//--- create MACD indicator
   if (m_handle_macd== INVALID_HANDLE )
       if ((m_handle_macd= iADX ( NULL , 0 , 14 ))== INVALID_HANDLE )
         printf ( "Error creating MACD indicator" );
         return ( false );
//--- create EMA indicator and add it to collection
   if (m_handle_ema== INVALID_HANDLE )
       if ((m_handle_ema= iMA ( NULL , 0 ,InpMATrendPeriod, 0 , MODE_LWMA , PRICE_CLOSE ))== INVALID_HANDLE )
         printf ( "Error creating EMA indicator" );
         return ( false );
//--- create EMA indicator and add it to collection
   if (m_handle_emas== INVALID_HANDLE )
       if ((m_handle_emas= iMA ( NULL , 0 ,InpMATrendPeriod, 0 , MODE_SMA , PRICE_OPEN ))== INVALID_HANDLE )
         printf ( "Error creating EMA indicator" );
         return ( false );
//--- succeed
   return ( true );
//| Check for long position closing                                  |
bool CSampleExpert::LongClosed( void )
   bool res= false ;
//--- should it be closed?
   if (m_macd_current<m_signal_current && m_ema_current<m_ema_previous)
       //--- close position
       if (m_trade.PositionClose( Symbol ()))
         printf ( "Long position by %s to be closed" , Symbol ());
         printf ( "Error closing position by %s : '%s'" , Symbol (),m_trade.ResultComment());
       //--- processed and cannot be modified
      res= true ;
//--- result
   return (res);
//| Check for short position closing                                 |
bool CSampleExpert::ShortClosed( void )
   bool res= false ;
//--- should it be closed?
   if (m_macd_current>m_signal_current && m_ema_current>m_ema_previous)
       //--- close position
       if (m_trade.PositionClose( Symbol ()))
         printf ( "Short position by %s to be closed" , Symbol ());
         printf ( "Error closing position by %s : '%s'" , Symbol (),m_trade.ResultComment());
       //--- processed and cannot be modified
      res= true ;
//--- result
   return (res);
//| Check for long position modifying                                |
bool CSampleExpert::LongModified( void )
   bool res= false ;
//--- check for trailing stop
   if (InpTrailingStop> 0 )
       if (m_symbol.Bid()-m_position.PriceOpen()>m_adjusted_point*InpTrailingStop)
         double sl= NormalizeDouble (m_symbol.Bid()-m_traling_stop,m_symbol. Digits ());
         double tp=m_position.TakeProfit();
         if (m_position.StopLoss()<sl || m_position.StopLoss()== 0.0 )
             //--- modify position
             if (m_trade.PositionModify( Symbol (),sl,tp))
               printf ( "Long position by %s to be modified" , Symbol ());
               printf ( "Error modifying position by %s : '%s'" , Symbol (),m_trade.ResultComment());
               printf ( "Modify parameters : SL=%f,TP=%f" ,sl,tp);
             //--- modified and must exit from expert
            res= true ;
//--- result
   return (res);
//| Check for short position modifying                               |
bool CSampleExpert::ShortModified( void )
   bool    res= false ;
//--- check for trailing stop
   if (InpTrailingStop> 0 )
       if ((m_position.PriceOpen()-m_symbol.Ask())>(m_adjusted_point*InpTrailingStop))
         double sl= NormalizeDouble (m_symbol.Ask()+m_traling_stop,m_symbol. Digits ());
         double tp=m_position.TakeProfit();
         if (m_position.StopLoss()>sl || m_position.StopLoss()== 0.0 )
             //--- modify position
             if (m_trade.PositionModify( Symbol (),sl,tp))
               printf ( "Short position by %s to be modified" , Symbol ());
               printf ( "Error modifying position by %s : '%s'" , Symbol (),m_trade.ResultComment());
               printf ( "Modify parameters : SL=%f,TP=%f" ,sl,tp);
             //--- modified and must exit from expert
            res= true ;
//--- result
   return (res);
//| Check for long position opening                                  |
bool CSampleExpert::LongOpened( void )
   bool res= false ;
//--- check for long position (BUY) possibility
   if (m_macd_current>m_signal_current && m_ema_current>m_ema_previous)
       double price=m_symbol.Ask();
       double tp   =m_symbol.Bid()+m_take_profit;
       //--- check for free money
       if (m_account.FreeMarginCheck( Symbol (), ORDER_TYPE_BUY ,InpLots,price)< 0.0 )
         printf ( "We have no money. Free Margin = %f" ,m_account.FreeMargin());
         //--- open position
         if (m_trade.PositionOpen( Symbol (), ORDER_TYPE_BUY ,InpLots,price, 0.0 ,tp))
             printf ( "Position by %s to be opened" , Symbol ());
             printf ( "Error opening BUY position by %s : '%s'" , Symbol (),m_trade.ResultComment());
             printf ( "Open parameters : price=%f,TP=%f" ,price,tp);
       //--- in any case we must exit from expert
      res= true ;
//--- result
   return (res);
//| Check for short position opening                                 |
bool CSampleExpert::ShortOpened( void )
   bool res= false ;
//--- check for short position (SELL) possibility
   if (m_macd_current<m_signal_current && m_ema_current<m_ema_previous)
       double price=m_symbol.Bid();
       double tp   =m_symbol.Ask()-m_take_profit;
       //--- check for free money
       if (m_account.FreeMarginCheck( Symbol (), ORDER_TYPE_SELL ,InpLots,price)< 0.0 )
         printf ( "We have no money. Free Margin = %f" ,m_account.FreeMargin());
         //--- open position
         if (m_trade.PositionOpen( Symbol (), ORDER_TYPE_SELL ,InpLots,price, 0.0 ,tp))
             printf ( "Position by %s to be opened" , Symbol ());
             printf ( "Error opening SELL position by %s : '%s'" , Symbol (),m_trade.ResultComment());
             printf ( "Open parameters : price=%f,TP=%f" ,price,tp);
       //--- in any case we must exit from expert
      res= true ;
//--- result
   return (res);
//| main function returns true if any position processed             |
bool CSampleExpert::Processing( void )
//--- refresh rates
   if (!m_symbol.RefreshRates())
       return ( false );
//--- refresh indicators
   if ( BarsCalculated (m_handle_macd)< 2 || BarsCalculated (m_handle_ema)< 2 || BarsCalculated (m_handle_emas)< 2 )
       return ( false );
   if ( CopyBuffer (m_handle_macd, 1 ,InpBars, 2 ,m_buff_MACD_main)  != 2 ||
       CopyBuffer (m_handle_macd, 2 ,InpBars, 2 ,m_buff_MACD_signal)!= 2 ||
       CopyBuffer (m_handle_ema, 0 ,InpBars, 2 ,m_buff_EMA)         != 2 ||
       CopyBuffer (m_handle_emas, 0 ,InpBars, 2 ,m_buff_EMAS)       != 2 )
       return ( false );
//   m_indicators.Refresh();
//--- to simplify the coding and speed up access
//--- data are put into internal variables
   m_macd_current   =m_buff_MACD_main[ 0 ];
   m_signal_current =m_buff_MACD_signal[ 0 ];
   m_ema_current    =m_buff_EMA[ 0 ];
   m_ema_previous   =m_buff_EMAS[ 0 ];
//--- it is important to enter the market correctly,
//--- but it is more important to exit it correctly...
//--- first check if position exists - try to select it
   if (m_position.Select( Symbol ()))
       if (m_position.PositionType()== POSITION_TYPE_BUY )
         //--- try to close or modify long position
         if (LongClosed())
             return ( true );
         if (LongModified())
             return ( true );
         //--- try to close or modify short position
         if (ShortClosed())
             return ( true );
         if (ShortModified())
             return ( true );
//--- no opened position identified
       //--- check for long position (BUY) possibility
       if (LongOpened())
         return ( true );
       //--- check for short position (SELL) possibility
       if (ShortOpened())
         return ( true );
//--- exit without position processing
   return ( false );
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit ( void )
//--- create all necessary objects
   if (!ExtExpert.Init())
       return ( INIT_FAILED );
//--- secceed
   return ( INIT_SUCCEEDED );
//| Expert new tick handling function                                |
void OnTick ( void )
   static datetime limit_time= 0 ,ExtTimeOut= 0 ; // last trade processing time + timeout
//--- don't process if timeout
   limit_time= iTime ( Symbol (), Period (), 0 );
   if (ExtTimeOut==limit_time)
       return ;
//--- change limit time by timeout in seconds if processed
   if (ExtExpert.Processing())


- を、このエキスパートに託しました。


すべては、ロックを入力し、終了する上で、独自のビジョンを持っている。 私はその後、突然順番を削除し、突然それがどのような原則に明確ではありません入れて、斜めに働いて途中で遭遇したことを顧問。






3. 待機中の注文がトリガーされると --- 1つの注文のレベルで別の保留中の注文が設定される(つまり合計が等しくなるはず)

4. 価格が戻りロックを形成すると --- すべての注文が削除 される

唯一の違いは、取引の形状である---それは、左側の位置のオープニングと右側の位置のオープニングのように見えます。5ロックの任意の部分を開くと、この部分と同じボリュームに保留を開きます。15 -20ポイント後の動き(調整)、私は買い、買い、その逆を保留開く場合IE。

すべてのように。どんな提案を喜んで。 このような奇跡が光に表示された場合はオープンソースコードでそれに興味を持っているすべての人のために掲載さ れる予定。
開発者の皆さん、こんにちは。脳梗塞で障害者1Gです。そして、私自身がフクロウを書くことは、単純に事情があって不可能なのです。かなりシンプルなボットが必要。私が作成したレベルからポーズを開くとどうなるか。ストップ高はなく、逆取引のみです。アルゴリズムが面白いです助けてください。2番目のロボットは爆弾になり、ニュースはユニークになり、すべて純粋に私が開発したものです。 そこで のみならず など


1.Expert Advisorは、ローソクの各ブレークダウンで注文を開く 高い - 買い、低い - 売る。


3.TPで注文が閉じられた後、Expert Advisorは最も収益性の低い注文と、閉じられた注文のTPの30%を取る(Expert Advisorの変数に印刷される)。





double ZigUp, ZigFrDn;
     ZigUp = iCustom(NULL,0,IndName,ExtDepth,ExtDeviation,ExtBackstep,0,1);
   for (int i=1; i<500; i++) 
     ZigDn = iCustom(NULL,0,IndName,ExtDepth,ExtDeviation,ExtBackstep,0,i);







//|  Автор    : Ким Игорь В. aka KimIV,  http://www.kimiv.ru                   |
//|  Версия   : 07.10.2006                                                     |
//|  Описание : Возвращает номер бара экстремума ЗигЗага по его номеру.        |
//|  Параметры:                                                                |
//|    sy - наименование инструмента   (NULL или "" - текущий символ)          |
//|    tf - таймфрейм                  (      0     - текущий ТФ)              |
//|    ne - номер экстремума           (      0     - последний)               |
//|    dp - ExtDepth                                                           |
//|    dv - ExtDeviation                                                       |
//|    bs - ExtBackstep                                                        |
int GetExtremumZZBar(string sy="", int tf=0, int ne=0, int dp=12, int dv=5, int bc=3) {
  if (sy=="" || sy=="0") sy=Symbol();
  double zz;
  int    i, k=iBars(sy, tf), ke=0;

  for (i=0; i<k; i++) {
    zz=iCustom(sy, tf, "ZigZag", dp, dv, bc, 0, i);
    if (zz!=0) {
      if (ke>ne) return(i);
  Print("GetExtremumZZBar(): Экстремум ЗигЗага номер ",ne," не найден");
//|  Автор    : Ким Игорь В. aka KimIV,  http://www.kimiv.ru                   |
//|  Версия   : 07.10.2006                                                     |
//|  Описание : Возвращает экстремум ЗигЗага по его номеру.                    |
//|  Параметры:                                                                |
//|    sy - наименование инструмента   (NULL или "" - текущий символ)          |
//|    tf - таймфрейм                  (      0     - текущий ТФ)              |
//|    ne - номер экстремума           (      0     - последний)               |
//|    dp - ExtDepth                                                           |
//|    dv - ExtDeviation                                                       |
//|    bs - ExtBackstep                                                        |
double GetExtremumZZPrice(string sy="", int tf=0, int ne=0, int dp=12, int dv=5, int bs=3) {
  if (sy=="" || sy=="0") sy=Symbol();
  double zz;
  int    i, k=iBars(sy, tf), ke=0;

  for (i=1; i<k; i++) {
    zz=iCustom(sy, tf, "ZigZag", dp, dv, bs, 0, i);
    if (zz!=0) {
      if (ke>ne) return(zz);
  Print("GetExtremumZZPrice(): Экстремум ЗигЗага номер ",ne," не найден");