Expert History Export - MetaTrader 4のためのライブラリ
- ビュー:
- 3302
- 評価:
- パブリッシュ済み:
- 2022.04.14 13:41
- アップデート済み:
- 2022.06.29 11:52
- このコードに基づいたロボットまたはインジケーターが必要なら、フリーランスでご注文ください フリーランスに移動
Adds the ability to automatically export the history of deals after running an Expert Advisor in the Strategy Tester.
The file is saved in the shared terminal folder Common/Files or in the terminal folder MQL4/Files.
The file name is generated automatically or set manually when calling the method Export()
The history file can be used to simulate the same sequence of trades on another trading server using an EA Simple History Receiver .
Basic usage
1. Instantiate the object in the global scope:
CExpertHistory expertHistory();
2. Add to the function call OnTester() method call Export() :
double OnTester(void) {
Extended use
1. Instantiate the object in the global scope:
string expertName = "SomeExpert";
string expertVersion = "1.00"; // Not required
string dataSeparator = ","; // Not required
string decimalPoint = "."; // Not required
CExpertHistory expertHistory(expertName, expertVersion, dataSeparator, decimalPoint);
2. Add to function OnInit() any pairs of parameter names and values:
input double SL = 500;
input double TP = 1000;
int OnInit() {
expertHistory.AddParam("Symbol", Symbol());
expertHistory.AddParam("TP", TP);
expertHistory.AddParam("SL", SL);
3. Add to the function call OnTester() method call Export() :
double OnTester(void) {
if(!MQLInfoInteger(MQL_OPTIMIZATION)) { // If you want save history only in single tester run
At the method Export() there are options:
void Export(
string export FileName = "", // The name of the file to export. If empty, it will be generated according to the exportFileNameFormat parameter
ENUM_HISTORY_EXPORT_FORMAT exportFormat = HEF_INI_FULL, // Export format. By default, in the file in addition to the transactions
// account parameters are recorded, testing period, max. drawdown and so on.
ENUM_HISTORY_FILENAME_FORMAT exportFileNameFormat = HFF_FULL, // File name format. By default, the file name includes the server name, the testing period, max. drawdown and so on.
int commonFlag=FILE_COMMON // Save a file to a shared terminal folder. If it is equal to 0, then save to a non-shared folder.
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