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  • Power of USD with average Power of USD indicator shows actual strength of currency USD calculated of 7 pairs that contain USD. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: EUR USD, AUD USD, NZD USD, GBP USD, USD JPY, USD CAD, USD CHF.
  • PivotPoint This indicator draws pivot points, resistances and supports.
  • b-clock Show minutes and seconds left before new candle is appeared.

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Longterm conservative CapM Strategies
15% 873 scambi commerciali

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  • Identify potential Trends/Range (Pivot Points) + Entry points The story behind this indicator is really interesting. I've published last week a script called "Identify potential Trends/Range (Pivot Points)" and a huge number of MQL5(ers) contacted me to ask if it is possible to have it as an indicator. So I was glad that lot of people actually like my scripts and indicators so that is why I've decided to convert the script to this indicator.
  • Random walk index Random walk index (optimized version)

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  • Range Follower this expert opens trade in the direction of the trend when specific rate of average daily range has been passed.
  • Design patterns - Builder For a complex object separate its construction from representation. Same construction process can create different representations

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1 nuovo segnale ora disponibile in abbonamento:

Happy Sun EA EURUSD optimization 2015
1 852% 1805 scambi commerciali
Crescita:1 851.92%
Equity:5 238.97USD
Saldo:5 351.18USD

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I codici sorgente più scaricati questo mese

  • PivotPoint This indicator draws pivot points, resistances and supports.
  • Candle Time End and Spread The indicator displays the current spread and the time till closing the bar (candlestick) at the same time.
  • b-clock Show minutes and seconds left before new candle is appeared.

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Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • Step chart Step chart (upgraded version)
  • StdScore v4.2 An oscillator that duplicates the chart of a selected asset in a separate window in three ways: line, bars and candles. This is essentially an indicator Bollinger bands, displayed in a separate window. In my opinion, it will be useful for beginners as a way to look at various technical signals from a different angle. This indicator helped me in an adviser for filtering unfavorable moments for trades.

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  • Identify potential entries I want to share with you this story. When I started trading, I learnt the scalping strategy in a volatile market. I really loved scalping especially when I see the price is moving fast. However, scalping for a long period of time is exhausting to me especially in a volatile market; volatile market requires fast analysis, actions and reactions; that is why I always reach a point that I loss concentration, focus and I start making those really stupid mistakes. That is why I created this indicator that helped me to automatically identify these potential entries (based on the formation of candlesticks) instead of doing all the work myself. I know there are plenty of Metatraders who also suffer from this and that is why I would like to share this indicator with you, hopefully it will be beneficial. Do not forget to send you comments as well as rate these scripts. Happy trading!
  • PivotPoint This indicator draws pivot points, resistances and supports.
  • Candle Time End and Spread The indicator displays the current spread and the time till closing the bar (candlestick) at the same time.

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Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • Identify potential Trends/Range (Pivot Points) When I start learning about trading, I remember the trading pioneer Shawn Lucas (founder of Apiary-fund) saying "trading is simple, you go from bound range market to breakout market and vice versa". I looked at few charts and he was right. So I told myself, I have to always eyeball ranging market and trending market but with the help of an indicator. There are plenty for indicator that help us eyeball these ranging/trending market and they work really well, but I like using Pivot Points.
  • Open Random Charts This script opens randomly selected charts and applies user-defined template.

1 nuovo segnale ora disponibile in abbonamento:

Unlax FX
109% 1283 scambi commerciali
Equity:11 467.38USD
Saldo:11 961.02USD

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BBF Trend and Swaps usdjpy
95% 559 scambi commerciali
Equity:147 096.00JPY
Saldo:196 332.00JPY

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Ci sono più di 10 380 codici pubblicati nel Codebase

Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • Design patterns - Abstract Factory Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.
  • Power of USD with average Power of USD indicator shows actual strength of currency USD calculated of 7 pairs that contain USD. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: EUR USD, AUD USD, NZD USD, GBP USD, USD JPY, USD CAD, USD CHF.
  • Power of NZD with average Power of NZD indicator shows actual strength of currency NZD calculated of 7 pairs that contain NZD. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: EUR NZD, GBP NZD, AUD NZD, NZD USD, NZD CAD, NZD JPY, NZD CHF.
  • Power of JPY with average Power of JPY indicator shows actual strength of currency JPY calculated of 7 pairs that contain JPY. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: USD JPY, EUR JPY, GBP JPY, AUD JPY, CAD JPY, NZD JPY, CHF JPY.
  • Power of CHF with average Power of CHF indicator shows actual strength of currency CHF calculated of 7 pairs that contain CHF. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: EUR CHF, USD CHF, GBP CHF, CAD CHF, AUD CHF, NZD CHF, CHF JPY.
  • Power of GBP with average Power of GBP indicator shows actual strength of currency GBP calculated of 7 pairs that contain GBP. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: EUR GBP, GBP USD, GBP JPY, GBP AUD, GBP CAD, GBP NZD, GBP CHF.
  • Power of EUR with average Power of EUR indicator shows actual strength of currency EUR calculated of 7 pairs that contain EUR. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: EUR USD, EUR GBP, EUR JPY, EUR AUD, EUR CHF, EUR CAD, EUR NZD.
  • Power of CAD with average Power of CAD indicator shows actual strength of currency CAD calculated of 7 pairs that contain CAD. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: USD CAD, AUD CAD, CAD JPY, EUR CAD, GBP CAD, NZD CAD, CAD CHF.
  • Power of AUD with average Power of AUD indicator with average shows actual strength of currency AUD calculated of 7 pairs that contain AUD. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: EUR AUD, GBP AUD, AUD USD, AUD CAD, AUD NZD, AUD JPY, AUD CHF.
  • Daily Pivot, Resistance and Support Levels Assist This is an indicator on Daily Pivot Points and Support and Resistance levels.

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