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I robot di trading e gli indicatori tecnici più utilizzati, i segnali di notizie, i programmi MQL5 più recenti in CodeBase e pronti all'uso, gli argomenti del forum più popolari.

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1 nuovo segnale ora disponibile in abbonamento:

Rubix FX 2
31% 1997 scambi commerciali
Equity:4 829.48USD
Saldo:5 005.16USD

I prodotti gratuiti più scaricati:

Ci sono più di 11 220 prodotti disponibili nel Market

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Ci sono più di 10 420 codici pubblicati nel Codebase

Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • Composite - structural design pattern Create an object tree which represents part-whole hierarchies, so that the client would treat objects and compositions of objects uniformly.
  • max profit of 1st order This expert shows the maximum profit level that touched by price line for your first position on chart window. the expert don't need any variable or specified timeframe. Please vote this program to help know this program how much helpful. Thanks for your vote stars.

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I codici sorgente più scaricati questo mese

  • PivotPoint This indicator draws pivot points, resistances and supports.
  • Power of USD with average Power of USD indicator shows actual strength of currency USD calculated of 7 pairs that contain USD. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: EUR USD, AUD USD, NZD USD, GBP USD, USD JPY, USD CAD, USD CHF.
  • Candle Time End and Spread The indicator displays the current spread and the time till closing the bar (candlestick) at the same time.

1 nuovo segnale ora disponibile in abbonamento:

AAA Renditeschmiede Testlabor
206% 29516 scambi commerciali
Equity:3 028.92EUR
Saldo:3 028.92EUR

Più di 20 nuovi grafici pubblicati:

图表 GBPUSD, M1, 2020.08.21 17:00 UTC, Activtrades Plc, MetaTrader 4, Real
Chart EURJPY, W1, 2020.08.15 15:03 UTC, Tradexfin Limited, MetaTrader 4, Real
Chart EURUSD, W1, 2020.08.15 15:03 UTC, Tradexfin Limited, MetaTrader 4, Real

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Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • ATR Stop Loss ATR Stop Loss indicator
  • ATR adaptive SMA ATR adaptive SMA (Simple Moving Average)
  • CCI H MTF Colored Fully customizable: Period, TimeFrame, Color, and Price. Above 0: Chartreuse Below 0: Red Above 100: Marron Below -100: Dark Green

I prodotti gratuiti più scaricati:

I più venduti sul Market:

Ci sono più di 11 150 prodotti disponibili nel Market

I codici sorgente più scaricati questa settimana

  • DXYvsEXY for MT4 Indicator DXYvsEXY is the USDX vs EURX with Awesome Oscillator Indicator for MT4.
  • PivotPoint This indicator draws pivot points, resistances and supports.
  • Candle Time End and Spread The indicator displays the current spread and the time till closing the bar (candlestick) at the same time.

Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • ATR adaptive SMA ATR adaptive SMA (simple moving average)
  • Easy Neural Network A native implementation of neural networks in pure MQL, bundled with an easy to use interface, with easy support of saving and loading of the network configurations after training.

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Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • Bridge - structural design pattern Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently
  • Theil_Sen Indicator Free This indicator draws a trend-line directly on a chart. It uses the Theil Sen Estimation method to calculate the slope of the trend-line. Theil–Sen estimation is a method for robustly fitting a line to sample points in the plane (simple linear regression) by choosing the median of the slopes of all lines through pairs of points.

I prodotti gratuiti più scaricati:

Ci sono più di 11 100 prodotti disponibili nel Market

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1 nuovo argomento sul forum:

Ci sono più di 2 860 argomenti disponibili sul forum

Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • TickCompressor Convert MqlTick-s into minified structures to free RAM or store tick arrays in a compact files.
  • Galender 1.0 This program lists and shows information about calendar events between specified date range.
  • KOB Requisites Script This script downloads bars and ticks from EURUSD as required for the correct execution of Kiss on Billions on EURUSD from Saeid Irani.

I prodotti gratuiti più scaricati:

I più venduti sul Market:

I codici sorgente più scaricati questo mese

  • Power of USD with average Power of USD indicator shows actual strength of currency USD calculated of 7 pairs that contain USD. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: EUR USD, AUD USD, NZD USD, GBP USD, USD JPY, USD CAD, USD CHF.
  • PivotPoint This indicator draws pivot points, resistances and supports.
  • b-clock Show minutes and seconds left before new candle is appeared.

1 nuovo segnale ora disponibile in abbonamento:

393% 5085 scambi commerciali
Equity:154 684.32USD
Saldo:211 995.69USD

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