Omega J Msigwa
Omega J Msigwa
3.6 (18)
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4 anni
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Machine Learning Expert al Omegafx
Welcome to my profile! I'm a dedicated and passionate Full-Stack Web Developer with an impressive track record of over 4 years in the field. My journey in the world of programming has been an exciting one, marked by a relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation. I thrive on the challenges of the digital realm, constantly seeking opportunities to expand my skill set and deliver exceptional results.

My favorite programming language is Python, a versatile and powerful tool that I have mastered to a tee. I have harnessed the capabilities of Python in various domains, including backend web development, automation, and much more. Whether it's crafting elegant web solutions, streamlining processes through automation, or delving into data analysis, Python is my trusted companion in these endeavors.

One of my most significant achievements is my in-depth understanding of MQL5, which I've cultivated since 2019. This experience has made me a seasoned professional in algorithmic trading, equipped with the knowledge and skills to create sophisticated trading strategies that can maximize returns and minimize risks. The world of finance and trading is ever-evolving, and I ensure that I stay at the forefront of these developments to offer top-notch algorithmic trading solutions.

For a closer look at my coding prowess and contributions, feel free to follow me on GitHub:
I take pride in my open-source projects and the code I share with the programming community.


If you're looking for a skilled collaborator for your Machine Learning project, look no further! You can hire me by opening this link:

I bring a wealth of experience in programming and a deep appreciation for the nuances of machine learning.

But that's not all – I also offer a range of trading products that cater to both beginners and experts. Explore my catalog of free and paid trading products here: My Trading Products. These meticulously crafted tools can help you navigate the world of algorithmic trading more effectively and profitably.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me. I'm always eager to connect with fellow developers, traders, and enthusiasts. Let's collaborate and innovate together!
Omega J Msigwa Prodotto pubblicato

Questo prodotto è in sviluppo da 3 anni. È il codice più avanzato per lavorare con tutti i tipi di intelligenza artificiale e apprendimento automatico nel linguaggio di programmazione MQL5. È stato utilizzato per creare molti robot di trading e indicatori basati sull'IA in MetaTrader 5. Questa è una versione premium del progetto open source e gratuito per il machine learning in MQL5, disponibile qui: . La versione gratuita ha meno funzionalità, è meno

Omega J Msigwa
Articolo pubblicato Data Science and ML (Part 33): Pandas Dataframe in MQL5, Data Collection for ML Usage made easier
Data Science and ML (Part 33): Pandas Dataframe in MQL5, Data Collection for ML Usage made easier

When working with machine learning models, it’s essential to ensure consistency in the data used for training, validation, and testing. In this article, we will create our own version of the Pandas library in MQL5 to ensure a unified approach for handling machine learning data, for ensuring the same data is applied inside and outside MQL5, where most of the training occurs.

Omega J Msigwa
Articolo pubblicato Redefining MQL5 and MetaTrader 5 Indicators
Redefining MQL5 and MetaTrader 5 Indicators

An innovative approach to collecting indicator information in MQL5 enables more flexible and streamlined data analysis by allowing developers to pass custom inputs to indicators for immediate calculations. This approach is particularly useful for algorithmic trading, as it provides enhanced control over the information processed by indicators, moving beyond traditional constraints.

Omega J Msigwa Prodotto pubblicato

200.00 USD

Il cuore della potenza di Vix75 Killer Strategie AI rivoluzionarie in ensemble Al centro di Vix75 Killer si trova un ensemble di modelli di machine learning all'avanguardia, che combinano i punti di forza di CatBoost e LightGBM . Questi algoritmi avanzati basati su IA lavorano insieme per migliorare la precisione predittiva e ottimizzare le decisioni di trading per l' Indice di Volatilità 75 (VIX75). Sfruttando le capacità uniche del gradient boosting, Vix75 Killer si adatta dinamicamente alle

Omega J Msigwa
Hai lasciato un feedback al cliente per il lavoro Regression Prediction with Machine Learning
Omega J Msigwa
Articolo pubblicato Data Science and ML (Part 32): Keeping your AI models updated, Online Learning
Data Science and ML (Part 32): Keeping your AI models updated, Online Learning

In the ever-changing world of trading, adapting to market shifts is not just a choice—it's a necessity. New patterns and trends emerge everyday, making it harder even the most advanced machine learning models to stay effective in the face of evolving conditions. In this article, we’ll explore how to keep your models relevant and responsive to new market data by automatically retraining.

Omega J Msigwa
Hai lasciato un feedback al cliente per il lavoro You allready know bro
Omega J Msigwa Prodotto pubblicato

Informazioni sull'indicatore Questo indicatore si basa sulle simulazioni Monte Carlo sui prezzi di chiusura di uno strumento finanziario. Per definizione, Monte Carlo è una tecnica statistica utilizzata per modellare la probabilità di diversi risultati in un processo che coinvolge numeri casuali basati su risultati osservati in precedenza. Come funziona? Questo indicatore genera diversi scenari di prezzo per un titolo modellando i cambiamenti di prezzo casuali nel tempo sulla base dei dati

Omega J Msigwa
Articolo pubblicato Data Science and ML (Part 31): Using CatBoost AI Models for Trading
Data Science and ML (Part 31): Using CatBoost AI Models for Trading

CatBoost AI models have gained massive popularity recently among machine learning communities due to their predictive accuracy, efficiency, and robustness to scattered and difficult datasets. In this article, we are going to discuss in detail how to implement these types of models in an attempt to beat the forex market.

Omega J Msigwa
Hai lasciato un feedback al cliente per il lavoro Audit of current solution for potential improvements
Omega J Msigwa Prodotto pubblicato
Recensioni: 1
150.00 USD

Costruito utilizzando modelli di machine learning moderni, e Reti Neurali Profonde, questo EA è un capolavoro per rilevare segnali di trading su NASDAQ e aprire operazioni con maggiore precisione. Questo robot di trading è stato addestrato per il simbolo NASDAQ , non aspettarti che funzioni correttamente e fornisca risultati simili per altri simboli. Requisiti Broker:    Qualsiasi broker, preferito ECN/ZERO Spread Tipo di conto: Hedging Leva:   da 1:200 Deposito:   min. 500 $

Omega J Msigwa
Articolo pubblicato Data Science and ML(Part 30): The Power Couple for Predicting the Stock Market, Convolutional Neural Networks(CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks(RNNs)
Data Science and ML(Part 30): The Power Couple for Predicting the Stock Market, Convolutional Neural Networks(CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks(RNNs)

In this article, We explore the dynamic integration of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in stock market prediction. By leveraging CNNs' ability to extract patterns and RNNs' proficiency in handling sequential data. Let us see how this powerful combination can enhance the accuracy and efficiency of trading algorithms.

Omega J Msigwa Prodotto pubblicato
Recensioni: 10

Panoramica    Thanos EA BETA è un bot di trading avanzato che sfrutta tecnologie all'avanguardia di intelligenza artificiale e apprendimento automatico, progettato specificamente per applicazioni di trading. Dotato di algoritmi moderni di intelligenza artificiale e apprendimento profondo, questo EA offre capacità predittive superiori, superando molti modelli esistenti nel settore. Questa versione beta gratuita è un ambiente di sviluppo in cui integro continuamente nuove funzionalità

Omega J Msigwa
Codice pubblicato Dashboard Panel for displaying information on the chart
This code shows how you can create a dashboard to display all the relevant information on the chart
Omega J Msigwa
Articolo pubblicato Data Science and ML (Part 29): Essential Tips for Selecting the Best Forex Data for AI Training Purposes
Data Science and ML (Part 29): Essential Tips for Selecting the Best Forex Data for AI Training Purposes

In this article, we dive deep into the crucial aspects of choosing the most relevant and high-quality Forex data to enhance the performance of AI models.

Omega J Msigwa
Articolo pubblicato Data Science and ML (Part 28): Predicting Multiple Futures for EURUSD, Using AI
Data Science and ML (Part 28): Predicting Multiple Futures for EURUSD, Using AI

It is a common practice for many Artificial Intelligence models to predict a single future value. However, in this article, we will delve into the powerful technique of using machine learning models to predict multiple future values. This approach, known as multistep forecasting, allows us to predict not only tomorrow's closing price but also the day after tomorrow's and beyond. By mastering multistep forecasting, traders and data scientists can gain deeper insights and make more informed decisions, significantly enhancing their predictive capabilities and strategic planning.

Omega J Msigwa
Articolo pubblicato Data Science and ML (Part 27): Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in MetaTrader 5 Trading Bots — Are They Worth It?
Data Science and ML (Part 27): Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in MetaTrader 5 Trading Bots — Are They Worth It?

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are renowned for their prowess in detecting patterns in images and videos, with applications spanning diverse fields. In this article, we explore the potential of CNNs to identify valuable patterns in financial markets and generate effective trading signals for MetaTrader 5 trading bots. Let us discover how this deep machine learning technique can be leveraged for smarter trading decisions.

Omega J Msigwa
Articolo pubblicato Data Science and ML (Part 26): The Ultimate Battle in Time Series Forecasting — LSTM vs GRU Neural Networks
Data Science and ML (Part 26): The Ultimate Battle in Time Series Forecasting — LSTM vs GRU Neural Networks

In the previous article, we discussed a simple RNN which despite its inability to understand long-term dependencies in the data, was able to make a profitable strategy. In this article, we are discussing both the Long-Short Term Memory(LSTM) and the Gated Recurrent Unit(GRU). These two were introduced to overcome the shortcomings of a simple RNN and to outsmart it.

Omega J Msigwa
Articolo pubblicato Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 25): Forex Timeseries Forecasting Using a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 25): Forex Timeseries Forecasting Using a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) excel at leveraging past information to predict future events. Their remarkable predictive capabilities have been applied across various domains with great success. In this article, we will deploy RNN models to predict trends in the forex market, demonstrating their potential to enhance forecasting accuracy in forex trading.

Omega J Msigwa
Articolo pubblicato Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 24): Forex Time series Forecasting Using Regular AI Models
Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 24): Forex Time series Forecasting Using Regular AI Models

In the forex markets It is very challenging to predict the future trend without having an idea of the past. Very few machine learning models are capable of making the future predictions by considering past values. In this article, we are going to discuss how we can use classical(Non-time series) Artificial Intelligence models to beat the market