FastScalp Gold VIP Quo Idham
0 recensioni
2 settimane
0 / 0 USD
crescita dal 2024 -2%
Per vedere i trade in tempo reale, nome utente o registrati
  • Equità
  • Drawdown
Profit Trade:
5 (83.33%)
Loss Trade:
1 (16.67%)
Best Trade:
8.11 USD
Worst Trade:
-41.63 USD
Profitto lordo:
25.48 USD (2 631 pips)
Perdita lorda:
-41.63 USD (4 163 pips)
Vincite massime consecutive:
4 (20.82 USD)
Massimo profitto consecutivo:
20.82 USD (4)
Indice di Sharpe:
Attività di trading:
Massimo carico di deposito:
Ultimo trade:
2 ore fa
Trade a settimana:
Tempo di attesa medio:
1 giorno
Fattore di recupero:
Long Trade:
5 (83.33%)
Short Trade:
1 (16.67%)
Fattore di profitto:
Profitto previsto:
-2.69 USD
Profitto medio:
5.10 USD
Perdita media:
-41.63 USD
Massime perdite consecutive:
1 (-41.63 USD)
Massima perdita consecutiva:
-41.63 USD (1)
Crescita mensile:
Algo trading:
Drawdown per saldo:
20.81 USD
41.63 USD (4.08%)
Drawdown relativo:
Per saldo:
4.08% (41.63 USD)
Per equità:
3.81% (38.89 USD)


Simbolo Operazioni Sell Buy
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Simbolo Profitto lordo, USD Perdita, USD Profitto, USD
20 40 60
20 40 60
20 40 60
Simbolo Profitto lordo, pips Perdita, pips Profitto, pips
2K 4K 6K
2K 4K 6K
2K 4K 6K
  • Carico di deposito
  • Drawdown
Best Trade: +8.11 USD
Worst Trade: -42 USD
Vincite massime consecutive: 4
Massime perdite consecutive: 1
Massimo profitto consecutivo: +20.82 USD
Massima perdita consecutiva: -41.63 USD

Lo slippage medio basato sulle statistiche di esecuzione sugli account reale dei vari broker è specificato in pip. Dipende dalla differenza tra le quotazioni del fornitore da "TradeQuo-Server" e le quotazioni dell'abbonato, nonché dai ritardi nell'esecuzione dell'ordine. Valori più bassi indicano una migliore qualità di copiatura.

Nessun dato

Mau Trading Emas dengan Hasil Maksimal? Gunakan FastScalp Gold VIP dari Provits Training Sekarang!

Halo, para trader emas yang kami hormati!

Kami dengan bangga mempersembahkan Software Expert Advisor FastScalp Gold VIP, Expert Advisor yang telah diuji ketat oleh broker resmi TradeQuo dari Malaysia. Dengan Software Expert Advisor FastScalp Gold VIP, Anda akan merasakan pengalaman trading yang stabil, cepat, dan efisien. Hanya dengan investasi awal $1000, Anda bisa memulai perjalanan trading yang menguntungkan.

Software Expert Advisor FastScalp Gold VIP bukan hanya software biasa, tetapi perpaduan pengetahuan mendalam dan teknologi canggih. Dibuat khusus untuk pasangan mata uang XAUUSD pada timeframe 1 menit, namun juga handal untuk pasangan lain seperti GBPUSD, EURUSD, USDCAD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, dan komoditas seperti XAGUSD.

Kenapa harus memilih Software Expert Advisor FastScalp Gold VIP?

  1. Akurasi 80%: Dengan tingkat akurasi tinggi, Software Expert Advisor FastScalp Gold VIP memberikan keuntungan konsisten yang melampaui harapan Anda.
  2. Fitur Stop Loss, Trailing Stop, dan Take Profit: Melindungi investasi Anda dari risiko margin call.
  3. Modal Awal Terjangkau: Mulai hanya dengan $1000, membuatnya lebih mudah diakses oleh banyak trader.
  4. Kepemilikan Seumur Hidup: Setelah Anda membeli Software Expert Advisor FastScalp Gold VIP , Anda akan memiliki akses seumur hidup tanpa biaya tambahan.

Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini! Pesan sekarang dan nikmati preset gratis yang telah dioptimalkan untuk timeframe M1 dan M5. Kami juga menawarkan jaminan seumur hidup - jika ada masalah dengan file, kami akan menggantinya tanpa biaya tambahan!

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan, hubungi kami melalui WhatsApp atau Telegram di 08159910880.

Untuk mendapatkan perangkat lunak dan Ebook FastScalp Gold, silakan klik tautan di bawah ini atau bisa konsultasi ke nomor WhatsApp/Telegram +628159910880.

Untuk mendapatkan profit dari Software FastScalp tanpa beli silahkan klik link dibawah ini

Bergabung bersama client dan customer lain silahkan klik link channel telegram

Bergabung bersama client dan customer lain silahkan klik link channel whatsapp

Want to Maximize Your Gold Trading Results? Use FastScalp Gold VIP from Provits Training Now!

Hello, esteemed gold traders!

We are proud to present the FastScalp Gold VIP Expert Advisor software, which has been rigorously tested by the official broker TradeQuo from Malaysia. With the FastScalp Gold VIP Expert Advisor software, you will experience stable, fast, and efficient trading. With an initial investment of just $1000, you can start your profitable trading journey.

The FastScalp Gold VIP Expert Advisor software is not just ordinary software; it is a blend of deep knowledge and advanced technology. It is specifically designed for the XAUUSD currency pair on a 1-minute timeframe, but it is also reliable for other pairs like GBPUSD, EURUSD, USDCAD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, and commodities like XAGUSD.

Why choose the FastScalp Gold VIP Expert Advisor software?

  • 80% Accuracy: With a high level of accuracy, the FastScalp Gold VIP Expert Advisor software delivers consistent profits that exceed your expectations.
  • Stop Loss, Trailing Stop, and Take Profit Features: Protect your investment from margin call risks.
  • Affordable Initial Capital: Start with just $1000, making it accessible to many traders.
  • Lifetime Ownership: Once you purchase the FastScalp Gold VIP Expert Advisor software, you will have lifetime access without any additional costs.

Don't miss this opportunity! Order now and enjoy free presets optimized for M1 and M5 timeframes. We also offer a lifetime guarantee - if there is an issue with the file, we will replace it at no additional cost!

For more information and to place your order, contact us via WhatsApp or Telegram at 08159910880.

To get the FastScalp Gold software and Ebook, please click the link below or consult the WhatsApp/Telegram number +628159910880.

To earn profits from FastScalp software without purchasing, please click the link below.

Join other clients and customers by clicking the Telegram channel link:

Join other clients and customers by clicking the WhatsApp channel link:

Non ci sono recensioni
2024.07.25 16:31
80% of growth achieved within 0 days. This comprises 0% of days out of 11 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.07.15 15:29
Share of trading days is too low
2024.07.15 15:29
Share of days for 80% of trades is too low
2024.07.15 14:09
Share of trading days is too low
2024.07.15 14:09
Share of days for 80% of trades is too low
2024.07.11 10:52
Trading operations on the account were performed for only 0 days. This comprises 0% of days out of the 1 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.07.11 10:52
80% of trades performed within 0 days. This comprises 0% of days out of the 1 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.07.11 10:52
Low trading activity - only 0 trades detected in the last month
2024.07.11 10:52
This is a newly opened account, and the trading results may be of random nature
2024.07.11 10:52
The number of deals on the account is too small to evaluate trading quality
Per vedere i trade in tempo reale, nome utente o registrati
Expert Advisor
Vincita %
Profitto previsto
Leva finanziaria
30USD al mese