Wave Rider 1000 Schooner
0 recensioni
10 settimane
0 / 0 USD
crescita dal 2024 29%
Per vedere i trade in tempo reale, nome utente o registrati
  • Equità
  • Drawdown
3 584
Profit Trade:
2 228 (62.16%)
Loss Trade:
1 356 (37.83%)
Best Trade:
78.24 USD
Worst Trade:
-35.87 USD
Profitto lordo:
1 390.29 USD (439 858 pips)
Perdita lorda:
-1 122.21 USD (439 055 pips)
Vincite massime consecutive:
40 (11.38 USD)
Massimo profitto consecutivo:
79.01 USD (6)
Indice di Sharpe:
Attività di trading:
Massimo carico di deposito:
Ultimo trade:
2 giorni fa
Trade a settimana:
Tempo di attesa medio:
31 minuti
Fattore di recupero:
Long Trade:
1 792 (50.00%)
Short Trade:
1 792 (50.00%)
Fattore di profitto:
Profitto previsto:
0.07 USD
Profitto medio:
0.62 USD
Perdita media:
-0.83 USD
Massime perdite consecutive:
30 (-54.10 USD)
Massima perdita consecutiva:
-75.89 USD (20)
Crescita mensile:
Algo trading:
Drawdown per saldo:
19.95 USD
127.71 USD (11.47%)
Drawdown relativo:
Per saldo:
12.60% (127.70 USD)
Per equità:
0.43% (4.56 USD)


Simbolo Operazioni Sell Buy
.USTECHCash 3583
.US500Cash 1
500 1K 1.5K 2K 2.5K 3K 3.5K 4K
500 1K 1.5K 2K 2.5K 3K 3.5K 4K
500 1K 1.5K 2K 2.5K 3K 3.5K 4K
Simbolo Profitto lordo, USD Perdita, USD Profitto, USD
.USTECHCash 268
.US500Cash 0
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K 2.3K 2.5K 2.8K 3K
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K 2.3K 2.5K 2.8K 3K
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K 2.3K 2.5K 2.8K 3K
Simbolo Profitto lordo, pips Perdita, pips Profitto, pips
.USTECHCash 706
.US500Cash 97
200K 400K 600K 800K
200K 400K 600K 800K
200K 400K 600K 800K
  • Carico di deposito
  • Drawdown
Best Trade: +78.24 USD
Worst Trade: -36 USD
Vincite massime consecutive: 6
Massime perdite consecutive: 20
Massimo profitto consecutivo: +11.38 USD
Massima perdita consecutiva: -54.10 USD

Lo slippage medio basato sulle statistiche di esecuzione sugli account reale dei vari broker è specificato in pip. Dipende dalla differenza tra le quotazioni del fornitore da "RoboMarkets-ECN" e le quotazioni dell'abbonato, nonché dai ritardi nell'esecuzione dell'ordine. Valori più bassi indicano una migliore qualità di copiatura.

Nessun dato

Features of the Schooner:

For more cautious profits, only two moderately cautious strategies are run together.

There is a constant effort to find the edge of the wave, but part of the normal operation is to close out loss-making directions. 
In this way, our "boat" adapts to directional market situations, and in the long run we can see that ups will be followed by downs, which we try to take advantage of.

There is no 100% guarantee that the operation tested on past events will remain valid forever, but I will try to fine-tune the methodology in the future.

Technical description:

This is a fully automated trade.  It only trades the USTECHCash Index (US Tech 100 Index CFD).
Basically the program works with small trades using scalping techniques.
In case of unsuccessful situations, it performs loss recovery to maximise profit.

Recommendation for your trading account:

It's important to keep costs as low as possible and spreads as tight as possible for higher profits. 
So far I have only tested the method with my own broker, on a prime account with 1:30 leverage in USD.

Withdrawal plans:

I plan to reduce the balance to close to $1000 at the end of each month so that the amount of profit generated is more similar to the profit generated on the original account. 
If this proves to be too long, I will move to shorter weekly intervals.

If the balance is below $1000 because the loss minimisation is in progress, I will wait for it to be completed.

Happy trading to all!

Non ci sono recensioni
2024.08.02 16:10
80% of growth achieved within 1 days. This comprises 2.7% of days out of 37 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.08.01 18:24
Share of days for 80% of growth is too low
2024.07.31 22:08
80% of growth achieved within 1 days. This comprises 2.86% of days out of 35 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.07.29 04:02
Share of days for 80% of growth is too low
2024.07.26 21:56
80% of growth achieved within 1 days. This comprises 3.33% of days out of 30 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.07.26 17:14
Share of days for 80% of growth is too low
2024.07.24 17:53
80% of growth achieved within 1 days. This comprises 3.57% of days out of 28 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.07.23 22:35
Share of days for 80% of growth is too low
2024.07.17 10:04
80% of growth achieved within 1 days. This comprises 4.76% of days out of 21 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.06.27 18:20
Removed warning: The number of deals on the account is too small to evaluate trading
2024.06.27 18:20
Too frequent deals may negatively impact copying results
2024.06.27 16:17
Removed warning: Low trading activity - not enough trades detected during the last month
2024.06.27 04:38
Share of trading days is too low
2024.06.27 04:38
Share of days for 80% of trades is too low
2024.06.27 03:37
Share of trading days is too low
2024.06.27 03:37
Share of days for 80% of trades is too low
2024.06.27 00:13
Trading operations on the account were performed for only 0 days. This comprises 0% of days out of the 1 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.06.27 00:13
80% of trades performed within 0 days. This comprises 0% of days out of the 1 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.06.27 00:13
Low trading activity - only 0 trades detected in the last month
2024.06.27 00:13
This is a newly opened account, and the trading results may be of random nature
Per vedere i trade in tempo reale, nome utente o registrati
Expert Advisor
Vincita %
Profitto previsto
Leva finanziaria
80USD al mese
3 584