0 recensioni
31 settimane
0 / 0 USD
crescita dal 2023 25%
Per vedere i trade in tempo reale, nome utente o registrati
  • Crescita
  • Valore del Portafoglio
  • Equità
  • Portfolio
  • Drawdown
4 250
Profit Trade:
2 368 (55.71%)
Loss Trade:
1 882 (44.28%)
Best Trade:
11 512.92 RUB
Worst Trade:
-41 095.62 RUB
Profitto lordo:
381 812.43 RUB (297 874 pips)
Perdita lorda:
-360 091.15 RUB (325 935 pips)
Vincite massime consecutive:
14 (563.76 RUB)
Massimo profitto consecutivo:
16 174.27 RUB (3)
Indice di Sharpe:
Attività di trading:
Massimo carico di deposito:
Ultimo trade:
13 ore fa
Trade a settimana:
Tempo di attesa medio:
15 ore
Fattore di recupero:
Long Trade:
2 112 (49.69%)
Short Trade:
2 138 (50.31%)
Fattore di profitto:
Profitto previsto:
5.11 RUB
Profitto medio:
161.24 RUB
Perdita media:
-191.33 RUB
Massime perdite consecutive:
39 (-5 264.52 RUB)
Massima perdita consecutiva:
-41 123.33 RUB (4)
Crescita mensile:
Previsione annuale:
Algo trading:
Drawdown per saldo:
42 691.30 RUB
62 535.03 RUB (96.04%)
Drawdown relativo:
Per saldo:
30.19% (62 535.03 RUB)
Per equità:
1.10% (606.90 RUB)


Simbolo Operazioni Sell Buy
CRZ4 489
SiZ4 396
SiU4 376
NAZ4 357
NAM4 301
CRU4 267
CRM4 260
NAU4 214
SiM4 167
NAH4 157
NGH4 129
NGF4 119
SVU4 112
NGQ4 91
NGN4 91
SVH5 89
HSU4 85
GLM4 70
HSH4 66
GZH4 54
GLU4 48
GLH4 47
GZU4 44
CRH5 36
SiH5 33
EDM4 28
EDH4 28
SVH4 23
HSM4 21
NGJ4 11
SRM4 10
SRZ3 10
GZM4 10
NGG4 4
SRU4 3
SRH4 3
SVM4 1
100 200 300 400 500
100 200 300 400 500
100 200 300 400 500
Simbolo Profitto lordo, USD Perdita, USD Profitto, USD
CRZ4 8
SiZ4 -254
SiU4 820
NAZ4 226
NAM4 -43
CRU4 13
CRM4 43
NAU4 63
SiM4 -296
NAH4 64
NGH4 116
NGF4 -405
SVU4 -55
NGQ4 95
NGN4 -91
SVH5 128
HSU4 16
GLM4 -43
HSH4 -5
GZH4 -68
GLU4 -145
GLH4 5
GZU4 75
CRH5 9
SiH5 -32
EDM4 23
EDH4 -5
SVH4 -1
HSM4 -18
NGJ4 756
SRM4 16
SRZ3 14
GZM4 23
NGG4 -695
SRU4 4
SRH4 1
SVM4 -3
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K 2.3K 2.5K 2.8K 3K
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K 2.3K 2.5K 2.8K 3K
250 500 750 1K 1.3K 1.5K 1.8K 2K 2.3K 2.5K 2.8K 3K
Simbolo Profitto lordo, pips Perdita, pips Profitto, pips
CRZ4 496
SiZ4 -15K
SiU4 50K
NAZ4 15K
NAM4 -2.9K
CRU4 794
CRM4 2.6K
NAU4 4.2K
SiM4 -18K
NAH4 4.2K
NGH4 -473
NGF4 879
SVU4 -373
NGQ4 659
NGN4 -622
SVH5 857
HSU4 7.6K
GLM4 -16K
HSH4 -940
GZH4 -4.1K
GLU4 -65K
GLH4 3.2K
GZU4 4.5K
CRH5 553
SiH5 -2K
EDM4 150
EDH4 -33
SVH4 -7
HSM4 -5.2K
SRM4 941
SRZ3 816
GZM4 1.4K
NGG4 -591
SRU4 268
SRH4 39
SVM4 -17
25K 50K 75K 100K 125K 150K 175K 200K
25K 50K 75K 100K 125K 150K 175K 200K
25K 50K 75K 100K 125K 150K 175K 200K
  • Carico di deposito
  • Drawdown
Best Trade: +11 512.92 RUB
Worst Trade: -41 096 RUB
Vincite massime consecutive: 3
Massime perdite consecutive: 4
Massimo profitto consecutivo: +563.76 RUB
Massima perdita consecutiva: -5 264.52 RUB

Lo slippage medio basato sulle statistiche di esecuzione sugli account reale dei vari broker è specificato in pip. Dipende dalla differenza tra le quotazioni del fornitore da "FINAM-AO" e le quotazioni dell'abbonato, nonché dai ritardi nell'esecuzione dell'ordine. Valori più bassi indicano una migliore qualità di copiatura.

Nessun dato

Warning and restrictions:
1. Trading takes place only on the MOEX exchange and with the FINAM broker

2. This method of trading strategy, based on the difference in instruments and arbitrage, is not recommended for use in auto-following. Due to large spreads and small volumes of instruments, transactions in this strategy are carried out using limit orders of one lot. Because of these features, automatically following this strategy may be impractical and unpredictable. We recommend using this method only with a personal bot, where you can more precisely control and adapt the strategy to your individual needs and market conditions.
3. Additionally, it is important to note that since the strategy is based on arbitrage, it is necessary to have a stable and reliable Internet connection with a mandatory reserve. Losing the connection may result in the loss of the arbitrage trade and therefore the loss of potential profits. To avoid such situations, it is recommended to ensure a highly reliable Internet connection and have backup connection options in case of problems with the main connection. This will help minimize the risk of losing a profitable spread and ensure more stable operation of our arbitrage strategy.

Please be careful and trade with caution, taking into account the specifics of this strategy.

Non ci sono recensioni
2024.07.05 09:54
Removed warning: Too frequent deals may negatively impact copying results
2024.07.03 13:46
No swaps are charged on the signal account
2024.06.20 10:38
Too frequent deals may negatively impact copying results
2024.06.17 09:30
No swaps are charged
2024.06.17 09:30
No swaps are charged
2024.03.22 14:13
80% of growth achieved within 1 days. This comprises 0.98% of days out of 102 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.03.06 13:21
Share of days for 80% of growth is too low
2024.03.06 12:17
80% of growth achieved within 1 days. This comprises 1.16% of days out of 86 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.03.05 08:11
Share of days for 80% of growth is too low
2024.03.04 18:36
80% of growth achieved within 1 days. This comprises 1.19% of days out of 84 days of the signal's entire lifetime.
2024.02.20 09:33
Removed warning: This is a newly opened account. Trading results may be of random nature
2024.01.29 11:09
No swaps are charged on the signal account
2024.01.23 14:19
No swaps are charged
2024.01.23 14:19
No swaps are charged
2024.01.22 11:41
No swaps are charged on the signal account
2023.12.15 18:16
Removed warning: Low trading activity - not enough trades detected during the last month
2023.12.15 18:16
Removed warning: The number of deals on the account is too small to evaluate trading
2023.12.15 17:14
Low trading activity - only 0 trades detected in the last month
2023.12.15 17:14
This is a newly opened account, and the trading results may be of random nature
2023.12.15 17:14
The number of deals on the account is too small to evaluate trading quality
Per vedere i trade in tempo reale, nome utente o registrati
Expert Advisor
Vincita %
Profitto previsto
Leva finanziaria
30USD al mese
4 250