0 recensioni
45 settimane
0 / 0 USD
crescita dal 2023 51%
Per vedere i trade in tempo reale, nome utente o registrati
  • Equità
  • Drawdown
Profit Trade:
303 (74.26%)
Loss Trade:
105 (25.74%)
Best Trade:
527.19 USD
Worst Trade:
-786.90 USD
Profitto lordo:
8 402.16 USD (9 324 172 pips)
Perdita lorda:
-4 862.26 USD (10 083 544 pips)
Vincite massime consecutive:
18 (250.67 USD)
Massimo profitto consecutivo:
1 153.84 USD (9)
Indice di Sharpe:
Attività di trading:
Massimo carico di deposito:
Ultimo trade:
5 ore fa
Trade a settimana:
Tempo di attesa medio:
21 ore
Fattore di recupero:
Long Trade:
213 (52.21%)
Short Trade:
195 (47.79%)
Fattore di profitto:
Profitto previsto:
8.68 USD
Profitto medio:
27.73 USD
Perdita media:
-46.31 USD
Massime perdite consecutive:
4 (-324.52 USD)
Massima perdita consecutiva:
-786.90 USD (1)
Crescita mensile:
Previsione annuale:
Algo trading:
Drawdown per saldo:
310.30 USD
1 042.73 USD (9.23%)
Drawdown relativo:
Per saldo:
10.07% (920.77 USD)
Per equità:
27.05% (3 003.86 USD)


Simbolo Operazioni Sell Buy
#Bitcoin 142
BTCUSD.futu 67
Chainlink 32
Doge 28
Cardano 24
#Ripple 14
Polkadot 13
Filecoin 13
XRPUSD.futu 8
#Ethereum 8
LNKUSD.futu 7
DOGUSD.futu 7
UNIUSD.futu 7
Uniswap 7
ETHUSD.futu 7
FILUSD.futu 6
#Litecoin 5
DOTUSD.futu 5
ADAUSD.futu 5
MATUSD.futu 1
LTCUSD.futu 1
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Simbolo Profitto lordo, USD Perdita, USD Profitto, USD
#Bitcoin -91
BTCUSD.futu 2.8K
Chainlink -31
Doge 9
Cardano 4
#Ripple -3
Polkadot 3
Filecoin 3
XRPUSD.futu 485
#Ethereum -11
LNKUSD.futu -3
DOGUSD.futu -250
UNIUSD.futu 1
Uniswap -2
ETHUSD.futu 19
FILUSD.futu 0
#Litecoin -2
DOTUSD.futu 247
ADAUSD.futu 1
MATUSD.futu 0
LTCUSD.futu 345
1K 2K 3K 4K 5K 6K
1K 2K 3K 4K 5K 6K
1K 2K 3K 4K 5K 6K
Simbolo Profitto lordo, pips Perdita, pips Profitto, pips
#Bitcoin -3.1M
BTCUSD.futu 2.3M
Chainlink 111K
Doge -2.6K
Cardano 3.5K
#Ripple -315
Polkadot 1.9K
Filecoin 614
XRPUSD.futu 1.7K
#Ethereum -18K
LNKUSD.futu 139K
DOGUSD.futu 798
UNIUSD.futu 503
Uniswap 167
ETHUSD.futu -96K
FILUSD.futu 467
#Litecoin -157
DOTUSD.futu 20K
ADAUSD.futu 8.3K
MATUSD.futu 206
LTCUSD.futu 351
2.5M 5M 7.5M 10M 13M 15M 18M 20M
2.5M 5M 7.5M 10M 13M 15M 18M 20M
2.5M 5M 7.5M 10M 13M 15M 18M 20M
  • Carico di deposito
  • Drawdown
Best Trade: +527.19 USD
Worst Trade: -787 USD
Vincite massime consecutive: 9
Massime perdite consecutive: 1
Massimo profitto consecutivo: +250.67 USD
Massima perdita consecutiva: -324.52 USD

Lo slippage medio basato sulle statistiche di esecuzione sugli account reale dei vari broker è specificato in pip. Dipende dalla differenza tra le quotazioni del fornitore da "InstaForex-Europe.com" e le quotazioni dell'abbonato, nonché dai ritardi nell'esecuzione dell'ordine. Valori più bassi indicano una migliore qualità di copiatura.

Nessun dato

KONG: Your High-Growth Crypto Trading Signal

KONG has been delivering impressive results for the past 11 months. Our monthly goal is to reach up to 15% projected growth. This signal is ideal for investors seeking substantial returns in the cryptocurrency market. Our strategy employs a range of advanced trading robots, each optimized for various cryptocurrency assets. This signal is perfectly suited for direct copying on MQL5.

Trading Robots Utilized:

  • Crypto Kong (BTCUSD.futures/H1/H4, DOGUSD.futu/H4/D, SOLUSD.futu/D, XRPUSD.futu/H4/D, LTCUSD.futu/D, ETHUSD.futu/D) - The main robot on this signal is  - ON
  • KONGAI (BTCUSD.futu/H1/H4)    - ON
  • Crypto Digger (#Bitcoin/H1)    - ON
  • Crypto Hunter (#Bitcoin/H4, #Chainlink/M30)    - ON
  • Crypto Monkey (#Bitcoin/H4)    - ON

Robots are available at the following link: MQL5 Seller Profile

Important Note:

Ensure that the risk settings for copying the signal are correctly configured to avoid potential account losses due to improper settings. Proper risk management is crucial for achieving the best results.

Read how to subscribe to the trading signal at the following link:  How to Subscribe

Investing in the Dragons Dogma Crypto PAMM Account

On the other hand, investing in the Dragons Dogma Crypto PAMM account is suitable for all types of investors. The initial deposit required for investors is as low as $1.

How to Invest in the Dragons Dogma Crypto PAMM Account?

Step 1: Register with InstaForex broker using the following LINK.

Step 2: Invest in Dragons Dogma Crypto by visiting our PAMM account through this LINK.


Every investor is welcome to join our Dragons Dogma Crypto PAMM account. There are no restrictions on our investment account. You can start with an investment as small as $1. Profit sharing is set at 50:50. Both profit and invested money can be withdrawn instantly and at any time.

Why Choose Our PAMM Account?

  • Professional Management: Your funds will be managed by experienced traders.
  • Transparency: Real-time access to account performance and trade history.
  • Flexibility: No minimum lock-in period; withdraw your funds whenever you wish.
  • Low Entry Barrier: Start investing with just $1 and scale up as you see fit.

Join us today and take advantage of our expertise and commitment to your financial growth.

If you want to invest in our Dragons Dogma Crypto PAMM account, visit the following LINK.

Non ci sono recensioni
2024.06.14 04:37
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2024.06.13 07:14
No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the last 6 days
2024.06.05 10:12
No swaps are charged
2024.06.05 10:12
No swaps are charged
2024.06.04 20:28
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2024.06.04 16:04
No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the last 6 days
2024.06.04 00:04
No swaps are charged on the signal account
2024.04.17 15:09
Removed warning: No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the recent period
2024.04.16 18:14
No trading activity detected on the Signal's account for the last 6 days
2024.03.26 14:40
No swaps are charged
2024.03.26 14:40
No swaps are charged
2024.03.25 03:52
No swaps are charged on the signal account
2024.02.08 13:20
No swaps are charged
2024.02.08 13:20
No swaps are charged
2024.02.06 18:58
No swaps are charged on the signal account
2024.01.11 15:08
No swaps are charged
2024.01.11 15:08
No swaps are charged
2024.01.10 15:24
No swaps are charged on the signal account
2024.01.03 13:59
Removed warning: The number of deals on the account is too small to evaluate trading
2023.12.24 12:01
Removed warning: Low trading activity - not enough trades detected during the last month
Per vedere i trade in tempo reale, nome utente o registrati
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Vincita %
Profitto previsto
Leva finanziaria
30USD al mese