Vitaliy Kryukov
Vitaliy Kryukov
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Vitaliy Kryukov
Vitaliy Kryukov
Why did God create stock analysts ?
In order to make weather forecasters look good.
Vitaliy Kryukov
Vitaliy Kryukov
The markets may be bad, but i slept like baby, every hour i woke up and cry.
Vitaliy Kryukov
Vitaliy Kryukov
Money is always there, but the pockets change.
Vitaliy Kryukov
Vitaliy Kryukov
Trader: What is a million years like to you?
God: Like one second.
Trader: What is a million dollars like to you?
God: Like one penny.
Trader: Can I have a penny?
God: Just a second.
Vitaliy Kryukov
Vitaliy Kryukov
Trading stocks is worse than a divorce. I’ve lost half my net worth and I still have a wife.
Vitaliy Kryukov
Vitaliy Kryukov
"I hear that you drop some money in Wall Street. Were you a bull or a bear?"
"Neither, just a plain simple ass."