Pavel Valenta / Profil
- Informations
5+ années
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JAVA Senior developer
Hi, I have more than 13 years experiences with software development in C/C++/Java/SQL/Win/Linux, 9 years with MQL4 and 6 years with MQL5.
Software development is my life and I think I am a great SW developer and hope I will be a good forex trader.
Programming is not only about writing "something", developer:
0) could have to know what the software will exactly do
1) prepare the architecture of software
2) schedule development to the logical parts
3) develop and test these parts
4) merge parts to the final SW
5) perform optimization of SW
6) perform final tests of SW -> repairing -> testing
When you want to create the SW, you should have the SW analysis in a perfect form. This applies twice in trading :)
Software development is my life and I think I am a great SW developer and hope I will be a good forex trader.
Programming is not only about writing "something", developer:
0) could have to know what the software will exactly do
1) prepare the architecture of software
2) schedule development to the logical parts
3) develop and test these parts
4) merge parts to the final SW
5) perform optimization of SW
6) perform final tests of SW -> repairing -> testing
When you want to create the SW, you should have the SW analysis in a perfect form. This applies twice in trading :)

Pavel Valenta
Finally i registered an account on
Desc about me will be added as soon as possible..
Desc about me will be added as soon as possible..

erwin prasetyo
awesome experience