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O mercado de gás natural como você pode ver ganhou força durante o decorrer da sessão de sexta-feira, simplesmente continuando a sua consolidação entre o nível de US $ 2,80, e o nível de US $ 3,00...
O dólar começou a semana em alta ante o real, em linha com a valorização generalizada da moeda norte-americana no exterior. Essa recuperação reflete em parte a vitória do partido opositor esquerdista Syriza nas eleições gerais realizadas ontem na Grécia, o que embute cautela aos negócios globais...
Bolsa e obrigações gregas continuam a ser penalizadas pelo resultado das eleições naquele país, mas o resto da Europa não está a ser atingido...
La bolsa española retomaba la senda alcista a media sesión del lunes apoyándose en un buen dato de la confianza empresarial en Alemania y haciendo caso omiso de la victoria del partido antiausteridad de izquierdas Syriza en Grecia, un resultado que se anticipaba en gran medida...
Análisis y Recomendación Semanal: El petróleo crudo terminó cayendo el viernes para cotizar a 45,32 dólares, mientras que el petróleo Brent subió 11 puntos para alcanzar los 48,63 dólares. La mercancía se mantuvo bajista esta semana con el informe de inventario de EE...
Following the first weekly gain this year for the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, US stocks dropped as phone and utility companies fell and as Greece's elections weighed...
On Monday the euro rose more than 2% against the Swiss franc, recovering from lows hit in the wake of the election victory for the anti-austerity Syriza party in Greece...
La bolsa griega bajabba el lunes y la rentabilidad de la deuda pública del país subía el lunes después de que se confirmara que Syriza, un partido contrario a la austeridad, sería capaz de formar un gobierno de coalición después de su victoria en las elecciones del domingo...
Análisis y Recomendación Semanal: El Gas Natural subió el viernes ganando 136 puntos para cotizar a 2,971 debido a que se pronosticó que el clima para febrero sería más frío de lo esperado y que nuevas tormentas de invierno llegarían a la costa este de los EE.UU...
On Sunday leading manufacturer of locomotives and rolling stock in China, China CNR Corporation Limited, announced major contracts worth 3.95 billion U.S dollars (24.26 billion yuan...
On Monday bitcoin prices jumped to the highest level in three weeks, as investor confidence remained strong amid bullish chart signals. The prices for cryptocurrency surged almost 50% since hitting a 21-month low of $152.40 on January 14...
On Monday, the euro recovered from 11-year lows and Europe's main share markets also rose - after initial falls - on hopes that a compromise over Greece's bailout terms might be found...
The greenback stepped off 11-year highs hit against the euro earlier Monday after anti-austerity Syriza party swept to victory in elections in Greece, sparking fears about Greece's future in the euro zone...
Сегодня золото упало сильнее, чем в любой другой день текущего года. На момент 14.53 мск оно торгуется на уровне 1 279,10 долларов. Инвесторы больше не собираются держать на руках золото как подушку безопасности...
Евро отскочил от одиннадцатилетнего минимума: инвесторы оценили победу левой партии СИРИЗА на выборах в Греции. Итак, на момент 13.41 мск евро успел прибавить 0,27%. EURUSD стоит 1,1236...
During the World Economic Forum 2015, a lot of renowned experts spoke highly of Chinese innovation, technology, research and creativity, citing China's rapid achievements in these spheres...
Oil dropped to the lowest level in almost six years on Monday as signs that Saudi Arabia’s new king will maintain the oil policy of his predecessor and rising U.S. crude stockpiles bolstered speculation that a global glut will linger...
After talks between trade unions and employer groups ended without agreemnet, the French authorities decided they would use legislation to reform rules on worker representation, the country's labour minister Francois Rebsamen said...
On Monday the yen strengthened, as Japan's December trade balance showed a deficit of ¥660.7 billion, - narrower than the deficit of ¥740 billion yen expected, and narrower than the ¥829 billion deficit seen in November...
Japan's exports grew the most in a year in December, underpinned by a weak local currency and pickup in overseas demand led by the United States, an encouraging sign for the economy hit by recession, though doubts persist about the strength of global consumption...