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On Tuesday the single currency turned flat against the dollar, impacted by the news the Eurogroup approved Greece's reform plan, which was required for Athens to receive a four-month extension on its bailout...
Top European Commission officials called the proposals submitted by Greece "sufficiently comprehensive to be a valid starting point", thus pushing the country one step closer to receiving a bailout extension. European finance ministers are set to discuss the list shortly, says BBC...
Los mercados de gas natural subieron durante el transcurso de la sesión del lunes, pero tuvieron problemas en el nivel de $3.00. Esto es por supuesto un número grande, redondo y de significativa importancia y, como resultado, muchos traders estarán vigilándolo...
On Tuesday the greenback edged higher against a basket of other major currencies, as markets anticipated congressional testimony by Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen later in the day...
Los mercados de oro fueron adelante y atrás durante el transcurso de la sesión del lunes, poniendo a prueba el nivel de 1200 dólares como soporte. De hecho lo encontramos y, como resultado, parece como si el mercado estuviese tratando de formar una base en esta área...
Crudo Dulce Ligero El mercado de crudo dulce ligero cayó durante el transcurso de la sesión del lunes, poniendo a prueba el nivel de 48. Siendo ese el caso, parece que nos estamos acercando a la parte inferior del área de consolidación...
On Tuesday Russia's state-owned energy giant Gazprom warned that European gas deliveries could be under danger, as Ukraine failed to make an advance payment, thus raising the specter of another energy dispute...
Сегодня были опубликованы европейские экономические отчеты от агентства Eurostat. Согласно этим данным, годовая дефляция в еврозоне составила 0,6% в январе (в декабре 2014 года была 0,2%). Портал Банки.ру пишет, что это рекордный уровень дефляции с 2009 года в зоне евро...
According to official data released Tuesday, German economy grew even faster than previously thought in 2014, boosted by a surge in consumer spending and investment, says Deutsche Welle. Employment in Germany is at a post-reunification high, with more than 43 million people working...
Сегодня главными маркетмейкерами на азиатских торгах служили внешние новости. Иена слабеет накануне выступления Джанет Йеллен, это привело к росту Nikkei на 0,7...
Apple is going to invest 1.7bn euros in developing data centres in the Republic of Ireland and Denmark. The centres will be used by Apple to operate services such as its online music and app stores...
The pound held steady against the U.S. dollar on Tuesday, remaining around a one-and-a-half month high as markets eyed the upcoming U.K. quarterly inflation report hearings, as well as congressional testimony by Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen...
Copper prices dipped on Tuesday, as fears over Greece kept investors cautious, while markets looked ahead to congressional testimony by Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen later in the day...
Industry group Oil & Gas UK calculated that due to falling oil prices and rising costs, the sector spent and invested £5.3bn more than it earned from sales during 2014. The outflow of cash was the biggest since massive investment in platforms in the 1970s preceded the flow of oil...
On Tuesday West Texas Intermediate oil futures declined for the sixth consecutive session on Tuesday, as continuous concerns over a supply glut in the U.S. drove down prices...
The Digital Evolution Index, created by the Fletcher School at Tufts University, has portrayed a grim outlook of the state of technological innovation in the old continent...
В понедельник европейские фондовые биржи реагировали на урегулирование греческого вопроса, и поэтому сводный индекс Stoxx Europe 600 прибавил 0,74%. Индекс достиг высшей отметки за последние семь лет. FTSE 100 практически не изменился (сдав позиции на 0,04%), остальные основные индексы выросли...
The Greek authorities have revealed an outline summary of measures demanded by eurozone leaders in order to secure a bailout extension...
Старый Свет отчаянно пытается не только удержать единое валютное пространство, но и идти в ногу с прогрессом в цифровых технологиях, и это ему не очень удается. Индекс цифрового развития, созданный в Университете Тафтса, рисует мрачный профиль состояния технологических инноваций в Европе...
The kiwi dollar declined against the other major currencies in the Asian session on Tuesday, after the Reserve Bank of New Zealand said inflation expectations have weakened...