Nery Adrian Gay
Nery Adrian Gay
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Nery Adrian Gay Produits publiés

Representation of the slope value of the linear regression. It has a reference plot to visually determine changes in the slope value (acceleration / deceleration of the price). PARAMETERS     • Periods: number of periods to calculate linear regression     • PeriodsReference: number of periods for the calculation of the moving average on the values ​​of the main plot     • Displacement: displacement on the horizontal axis     •

Nery Adrian Gay Produits publiés

Representation of the slope value of the linear regression. It has a reference plot to visually determine changes in the slope value (acceleration / deceleration of the price). PARAMETERS     • Periods: number of periods to calculate linear regression     • PeriodsReference: number of periods for the calculation of the moving average on the values ​​of the main plot     • Displacement: displacement on the horizontal axis     •

Nery Adrian Gay Produits publiés

Representation of the intercept value of the linear regression and the mean absolute deviation symmetrically to the intercept value. PARAMETERS     • Periods: number of periods to calculate linear regression     • Amplitude: multiplier of the absolute mean deviation to define the bands     • Displacement: displacement on the horizontal axis     • AppliedPrice: price on which the calculations are made     • MainPlot

Nery Adrian Gay Produits publiés

Representation of the intercept value of the linear regression and the mean absolute deviation symmetrically to the intercept value. PARAMETERS     • Periods: number of periods to calculate linear regression     • Amplitude: multiplier of the absolute mean deviation to define the bands     • Displacement: displacement on the horizontal axis     • AppliedPrice: price on which the calculations are made     • MainPlot

Nery Adrian Gay
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