mariogabriel / Profil

Fortunately the MQL jungle is getting a little less dangerous. The vast majority of EA’s and Signal providers are still scammers, spammers or just crazy, but presently we can find some really good options to invest.
One very positive trend is the growing number or EA’s providers that monitoring their EA’s performance with Signals. Curiously the best ones are adding much more value than just providing the EA’s as a signal. There are combining their EA’s, they’re setting Signals with different strategies for the same EA, etc. They’re setting the EA’s rent price equal as the monitoring EA Signal. Thus we can choose or rent the EA or just fallow the Signal. All of these are a huge value for costumers.
We now can choose some good options in MT4. In MT5 we still lack of good Signals/EA’s with monitoring.
Of course I’ll write some reviews the good ones and about some Signals that the authors are making posts in a daily basis.
One very positive trend is the growing number or EA’s providers that monitoring their EA’s performance with Signals. Curiously the best ones are adding much more value than just providing the EA’s as a signal. There are combining their EA’s, they’re setting Signals with different strategies for the same EA, etc. They’re setting the EA’s rent price equal as the monitoring EA Signal. Thus we can choose or rent the EA or just fallow the Signal. All of these are a huge value for costumers.
We now can choose some good options in MT4. In MT5 we still lack of good Signals/EA’s with monitoring.
Of course I’ll write some reviews the good ones and about some Signals that the authors are making posts in a daily basis.


Eleni Anna Branou
I have the right to remove a comment from my post. MQL5 website gives that right by having a delete comment option next to every comment. What exactly is your problem?

Eleni Anna Branou
It's not spam to promote my signal among friends, with 1-2 posts daily. What are you doing with those members who post every 5 minutes?

It's not polite, but I take to the consideration of the MQL community about the credibility and honesty of a signal provider. I made an comment, and mysteriously that comment just disapear. Please see below and judge:

Afficher tous les commentaires (10)

Eleni Anna Branou
What is the purpose of such a comment: "Your signal its just a baby: 8 weeks old, thus its too early to take conclusions about the merits of this signal. So far its not possible to access your strategy", other than scare MQL5 members away? Also time is not the only factor to prove that a signal is good and solid. Look at all those signals who had a solid 1-2 years history and blew up many subscriber's accounts overnight!

No hidden purpose. Just expressing a fundamented, honest and balanced opinion. With your horrible attitude at !eat you scare me as a potential subscriber.

Eleni Anna Branou
Have a nice weekend, time will prove who is right and who is wrong. All the rest is just words.

I’m always surprised with the huge amount of spam, scams and really bad products that are published in MQL. The EA’s are still a classic. The big majority are simply crap. A minority of vendors starts signals, and of course what happens is that those EA’s are terrible bad.When we post a comment, they delete it right away. That’s indicates a just a scam going one.
The other classic is the spamming of daily gains of miraculous signals. It’s interesting that those heavy spammers had signals with less than 1 year live, and they start that “miracles” with ridiculous amount of money (less than $2000). They have spectaculars gains but suddenly the Draw Downs became bigger and bigger, and then the signal blew….Miracles doesn’t last longer….If you are so sure that you can gain more than 300% a year, why do you need a signal? In 5 years you’ll have more than $2.000.000 starting with $2000….
The other classic is the spamming of daily gains of miraculous signals. It’s interesting that those heavy spammers had signals with less than 1 year live, and they start that “miracles” with ridiculous amount of money (less than $2000). They have spectaculars gains but suddenly the Draw Downs became bigger and bigger, and then the signal blew….Miracles doesn’t last longer….If you are so sure that you can gain more than 300% a year, why do you need a signal? In 5 years you’ll have more than $2.000.000 starting with $2000….

Christoph Neuwirth
Absolutely right! Thank you for speaking up what many of us thought already

My contribution to John black list of signals: DD= 80% . Cent account. Still with 27 subscribers!

Christoph Neuwirth
It seems that many people here are resistant for advises. I got messages myself for telling me my monthly growth is to small for them. They are looking for rates above 10%. Higher growth means higher risk. Easy as that

Why buying an Expert Advisor is always a bad business.
It’s simply annoying the amount of people advertising their fabulous EA’s. They have always amazing results when back testing. Well if the results are so great it’s rational to sell your golden eggs chicken? If most of them claim that have more than 100% profit in a year, the math is easy to do: with € 2000 we would have more than € 2.000.000 in 10 years. The three most popular EA’s in the Market have the astonishing number of 5 activations…we’re far away of making €200.000 a year. Or of course the real value of the EA is more than €500.000 at least and you never sell it or the real value is…0. And we’ll see a lot of complaints and the same excuses for the users having bad results: the broker, the optimizations, the settings…looks familiar?
The real proof is when that EA’s are publicly available as a signal. If the EA is good, then we’ll have a good signal. We’ll have a lot of subscribers, and it’s an interesting way of assuring an extra and stable stream of money. For people using MT4 we can easily reach 100 subscribers with a $30 monthly fee. Means that in a year we can get $36.000 and we sum the profit in your account made by the EA. Very different from the ridiculous sales in Robots markets.
Some of that top 10 are monitoring and advertising their robots in real accounts, using the Signals. And of course we can fully assess the quality and profitability of that EA’s. The results are the expected: bad signals, due to bad EA. They have 0 subscribers, of course.
Check some: : 12 signals, 1 subscriber (!!!) using all the EA’s from the author!
Thus, be careful with Signal’s scammers, and my humble advice is: simply don’t buy Robots in the Market.
It’s simply annoying the amount of people advertising their fabulous EA’s. They have always amazing results when back testing. Well if the results are so great it’s rational to sell your golden eggs chicken? If most of them claim that have more than 100% profit in a year, the math is easy to do: with € 2000 we would have more than € 2.000.000 in 10 years. The three most popular EA’s in the Market have the astonishing number of 5 activations…we’re far away of making €200.000 a year. Or of course the real value of the EA is more than €500.000 at least and you never sell it or the real value is…0. And we’ll see a lot of complaints and the same excuses for the users having bad results: the broker, the optimizations, the settings…looks familiar?
The real proof is when that EA’s are publicly available as a signal. If the EA is good, then we’ll have a good signal. We’ll have a lot of subscribers, and it’s an interesting way of assuring an extra and stable stream of money. For people using MT4 we can easily reach 100 subscribers with a $30 monthly fee. Means that in a year we can get $36.000 and we sum the profit in your account made by the EA. Very different from the ridiculous sales in Robots markets.
Some of that top 10 are monitoring and advertising their robots in real accounts, using the Signals. And of course we can fully assess the quality and profitability of that EA’s. The results are the expected: bad signals, due to bad EA. They have 0 subscribers, of course.
Check some: : 12 signals, 1 subscriber (!!!) using all the EA’s from the author!
Thus, be careful with Signal’s scammers, and my humble advice is: simply don’t buy Robots in the Market.

Besarion Turmanauli
You're so right that even as a seller I agree with you mostly. If I had such a successful robot working on bigger timeframes, I would definitely have chosen providing signals for profit but copying signals does not work for frequent trading robots. And by the way maybe I'll write such robot and if I do, I will make first million well before 1 year deadline by providing signals and trading investors' money.

Finally back after a stupid ban! I didn't Know that we cannot talk about signals subscritions in the MQL Forum.

I started my investments in MQL5. Why? At the time I was interested in CFD’s. Activtrades has Portuguese CFD’s, as well as CFD’s from major markets in Europe, Commodities, etc.
I was using traditional technical analysis. The results weren’t satisfactory. I was taking too much risk, and spent too much time for not so spectacular results. Thus, I had a bad Risk/profit ratio.
Then I started to study forex, automatic trading etc. I will post why I think that fallowing signals with a good framework is a good investment. And Why EA’s are not good ones.
So I had the restriction of just using MQL5 signals. I filtered the MQL5 signals, and only select signals with more than 52 weeks operating and less than 40% DD.
The results were disappointing. However I was able to choose a so far, good investment:
It’s a sort of scalper, but not a “machine gun” of opening and closing orders (36 orders per week, an average holding time of 8 hours. The negotiation is automatic, 24 hours.
The account is real. The track record is impressive (please check Graphics).
I’m not impressed with the 97% of profitable trades. What’s really matter is the 38.45% maximum Draw Down (Balance) in 27 months.
The signal hasn’t any huge profit by month, but is stable and consistent.
In terms of strategy I think the EA uses some kind of proprietary oscillator. Opens long and short positions (we can check the crosses in When the trades become profitable the EA uses a trailing stop to secure the profits.
Be aware that the EA uses a sort of averaging. If the open position becomes more and more unprofitable the EA doubles the position in the same direction (long or short). The EA doesn’t do it until the infinite (means account blowing). It has a limit, that’s why sometimes (less than 3%) it closes with loss.
These situations are rare. The MFE and MAE look pretty good for 27 months operation (please check Graphics.).
In only 9 situations in 3 411 trades the potential loss was bigger than € 500. That’s a risk perfectly manageable.
I’d subscribed the signal for 3 months ago, with a 12% profit so far. Not a shining number, but with a very good risk/profit ratio.
The author has other signals too. All of them with real accounts and with these strategy (small, persistent and consistent growth:
However these signal has some bad issues that you should consider:
• Most of the profits are very small (cents of euro). The slippage is an important issue here (consider to open an account in the “Slippage” tab list
• A VPS is mandatory
• The author CRM is almost inexistent. We can confirm it in his page ( or in the Signal page.
• You must have well funded account (more than € 5000). Due to MQL conversion of traders’ position and your account position sometimes the platform automatically closes positions with loss. It happens often. It’s better if you match your account balance with authors balance. But the value is almost €7500.
In order to diversify risk, I had an MQL4 account, recently open. I’d choose a MQL4 signal too that I’ll subscribe in the next days. I’ll post about it in the future.
Good profits!!!
I was using traditional technical analysis. The results weren’t satisfactory. I was taking too much risk, and spent too much time for not so spectacular results. Thus, I had a bad Risk/profit ratio.
Then I started to study forex, automatic trading etc. I will post why I think that fallowing signals with a good framework is a good investment. And Why EA’s are not good ones.
So I had the restriction of just using MQL5 signals. I filtered the MQL5 signals, and only select signals with more than 52 weeks operating and less than 40% DD.
The results were disappointing. However I was able to choose a so far, good investment:
It’s a sort of scalper, but not a “machine gun” of opening and closing orders (36 orders per week, an average holding time of 8 hours. The negotiation is automatic, 24 hours.
The account is real. The track record is impressive (please check Graphics).
I’m not impressed with the 97% of profitable trades. What’s really matter is the 38.45% maximum Draw Down (Balance) in 27 months.
The signal hasn’t any huge profit by month, but is stable and consistent.
In terms of strategy I think the EA uses some kind of proprietary oscillator. Opens long and short positions (we can check the crosses in When the trades become profitable the EA uses a trailing stop to secure the profits.
Be aware that the EA uses a sort of averaging. If the open position becomes more and more unprofitable the EA doubles the position in the same direction (long or short). The EA doesn’t do it until the infinite (means account blowing). It has a limit, that’s why sometimes (less than 3%) it closes with loss.
These situations are rare. The MFE and MAE look pretty good for 27 months operation (please check Graphics.).
In only 9 situations in 3 411 trades the potential loss was bigger than € 500. That’s a risk perfectly manageable.
I’d subscribed the signal for 3 months ago, with a 12% profit so far. Not a shining number, but with a very good risk/profit ratio.
The author has other signals too. All of them with real accounts and with these strategy (small, persistent and consistent growth:
However these signal has some bad issues that you should consider:
• Most of the profits are very small (cents of euro). The slippage is an important issue here (consider to open an account in the “Slippage” tab list
• A VPS is mandatory
• The author CRM is almost inexistent. We can confirm it in his page ( or in the Signal page.
• You must have well funded account (more than € 5000). Due to MQL conversion of traders’ position and your account position sometimes the platform automatically closes positions with loss. It happens often. It’s better if you match your account balance with authors balance. But the value is almost €7500.
In order to diversify risk, I had an MQL4 account, recently open. I’d choose a MQL4 signal too that I’ll subscribe in the next days. I’ll post about it in the future.
Good profits!!!

Krishna Aditya Rachman
you posted like "If you use stupid strategies like grid or dumb martingale in your signal", but you recommend this guy I think it's a blunder, but i thought he provided good signals too. But enough with some kind of martingale and no stoploss shit.

I have a degree in Economics, and I'm fallowing in a daily basis the financial markets since 1996, when I finished my course. Do it always as an investor. A lot a friends ask me for advice. And they are happy. As an economist, I always try to optimize risk/profit (the good old Sharpe ratio).
I'm learning a lot since I started to use MQL5. I realize that there is a lot of crap, scammers, idiots, dangerous traders. But we have some gold too. A lot of gold in the middle of mountains of dirt.
This is like a jungle. A lot of danger, although full of opportunities. We must stay 100% focused, otherwise we will be dead (account = 0).
As a good investor I should carefully choose my investments. I'll try to share it with you.
I think I have a good framework to find the gold, due to my expertise.
I'll try to review some signals, some that are that publish in the news feed, ore some that I'll find. Buy an EA's, PAMM's are out of question. They are terrible investments. So don't try to offer these ugly investments I'll not respond. I'll explain why in further posts
I have a degree in Economics, and I'm fallowing in a daily basis the financial markets since 1996, when I finished my course. Do it always as an investor. A lot a friends ask me for advice. And they are happy. As an economist, I always try to optimize risk/profit (the good old Sharpe ratio).
I'm learning a lot since I started to use MQL5. I realize that there is a lot of crap, scammers, idiots, dangerous traders. But we have some gold too. A lot of gold in the middle of mountains of dirt.
This is like a jungle. A lot of danger, although full of opportunities. We must stay 100% focused, otherwise we will be dead (account = 0).
As a good investor I should carefully choose my investments. I'll try to share it with you.
I think I have a good framework to find the gold, due to my expertise.
I'll try to review some signals, some that are that publish in the news feed, ore some that I'll find. Buy an EA's, PAMM's are out of question. They are terrible investments. So don't try to offer these ugly investments I'll not respond. I'll explain why in further posts

If someone send me news with EA's
If someone send me news with signals with less then 20 weeks
iIf someone send me news aboutt signals iin cent accounts
If someone send me news with signlas with DD bigger then 40%
If you use stupid strategies like grid or dumb martingale in your signal
If you made an initial deposit less then $5000 in your signal
If you make strange moves like making lots of withdralls and deposits in your signal
I don't want to know!!!!! An I'll remve you from my friends list.
If someone send me news with EA's
If someone send me news with signals with less then 20 weeks
iIf someone send me news aboutt signals iin cent accounts
If someone send me news with signlas with DD bigger then 40%
If you use stupid strategies like grid or dumb martingale in your signal
If you made an initial deposit less then $5000 in your signal
If you make strange moves like making lots of withdralls and deposits in your signal
I don't want to know!!!!! An I'll remve you from my friends list.

Please stop spamming RObot EA! No one with some experience would buy these! Start a signal if the EA is so good with a REal Account, no cent account! And make a big deposit and then withdrall some days after is not the best way to create confidence.
G Rebate is a new Expert Advisor for trading EURUSD. Timeframe is M1. The EA trades every day. It uses signals of a built-in indicator to enter the market.
The indicator determines the best parameters for entry basing on the price chart analysis. Orders are opened on every signal of the indicator forming a basket of orders which are closed by a reversed signal.
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Roman Myrav'yev
Roman Myrav'yev 2015.10.17
Signal -
G Rebate is a new Expert Advisor for trading EURUSD. Timeframe is M1. The EA trades every day. It uses signals of a built-in indicator to enter the market.
The indicator determines the best parameters for entry basing on the price chart analysis. Orders are opened on every signal of the indicator forming a basket of orders which are closed by a reversed signal.
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Roman Myrav'yev
Roman Myrav'yev 2015.10.17
Signal -