Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
3 (2)
  • Informations
8+ années
versions de démo
offres d’emploi
les abonnés
Né et élevé en Afrique du Sud, a déménagé à Londres à l'âge de 23 ans, où je réside aujourd'hui...

J'ai commencé à coder quand j'avais six ans en basic sur une vieille machine IBM XT (processeur 8086)
Tout au long de ma vie, j'ai travaillé dans les industries de la technologie et des arts, performant et innovant. Mon âme a toujours été et est toujours créative, et je suis plus heureuse lorsque je crée ou que je divertis...

J'ai eu de nombreuses carrières différentes à la recherche de l'argent, luttant pour atteindre la liberté financière, mais j'ai toujours penché pour suivre mes rêves et ma passion...
Je n'ai jamais complètement arrêté de coder pour moi-même et j'ai donc écrit de nombreuses petites applications pour moi et d'autres dans de nombreuses langues différentes telles que :

Langage machine (binaire)

Cependant, mon parcours commercial a commencé il y a plus de 20 ans lorsque mon père nous entraînait à des séminaires de trading, même si je ne le prenais pas assez au sérieux à l'époque.
Il y a six ans, un monsieur à qui j'ai parlé au supermarché m'a raconté comment il avait pris 5 £ sur un compte Metatrader à fort effet de levier en utilisant une capitalisation de 1 000 000 £ en 60 jours à 23% de profit par jour....
Cela a suscité mon intérêt, il m'a présenté la plateforme metatrader, et mon parcours de trading a recommencé... avec l'objectif en tête de trouver une totale liberté financière...

J'ai ensuite assisté à de nombreux séminaires, webinaires et formations sur le trading et il m'est venu à l'esprit qu'un ordinateur devrait être bien meilleur qu'un trader car il s'en tient à un système et n'est jamais émotionnel, alors pourquoi les humains font-ils même ce travail ? C'est répétitif et tout ce qui est répétitif, un ordinateur peut faire mieux sans vous priver du bien le plus précieux... du temps !

J'ai donc commencé à coder mon Traders Toolbox ™ EA, d'abord comme une simple automatisation Heikenashi Trading, mais comme cela n'a pas donné les résultats que j'attendais, j'ai commencé à ajouter ce que j'ai appris dans ma formation à l'algorithme... et lentement il est devenu ce c'est aujourd'hui...

Tout en luttant pour trouver le Saint Graal des robots de trading, je négociais également et, ce faisant, j'avais besoin d'automatiser la gestion de l'argent et d'arrêter le placement, entre autres choses... alors le robot de trading est passé d'un robot de trading de base à un trading complet outil.

Le développement continue... l'outil s'améliore de plus en plus, c'est un exploit et j'en suis très fier !
Il a fallu 3 à 6 ans pour en arriver là où il en est aujourd'hui... et je me suis dit pourquoi ne pas le partager avec vous !!! Donc j'ai!!!

Peut-il faire de l'argent? En effet, c'est possible si les paramètres corrects sont utilisés !!
Cela facilite-t-il le commerce ? 1000%

Voici plus à ce sujet :

Traders Toolbox™ pour Metatrader 4/5 est un outil de trading tout-en-un basé sur des stratégies de trading courantes dans le but d'automatiser ces stratégies et ces calculs.


- 19 signaux individuels
- Affichage complet à l'écran
- Cartographie automatique / analyse (fondamentale et technique)
- Commerce en un clic
- Commerce autonome
- Gestion financière avancée
- Plusieurs types d'arrêts et de sentiers
- 3 modes de fonctionnement distincts
- Alertes configurables complètes

Alors, maintenant que vous connaissez mon parcours et pourquoi j'ai développé Traders Toolbox™, êtes-vous curieux ?
Pourquoi ne pas essayer ? J'aimerais avoir vos commentaires, si vous l'essayez et que vous l'aimez, n'hésitez pas à laisser un commentaire...
(Loyer - 45 $ / Achat - 5 000 $ / Comptes de démonstration - Gratuit)

Brokers Crypto/Forex recommandés :











La version allégée est gratuite et tout ce que je demande, c'est que si vous utilisez la version allégée, faites un don de tout ce que vous pouvez en signe d'appréciation...
N'hésitez plus et essayez Traders Toolbox™ aujourd'hui, laissez un commentaire si vous l'aimez et rejoignez notre tout nouveau réseau social pour partager vos expériences sur le trading et le trading avec Traders Toolbox™

Réseaux sociaux https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

Merci et à bientôt en ligne !!!
Jason Kisogloo
Capture d'écran publiée
USDJPY, D1Eightcap Pty Ltd
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Nasdaq Bullish retracement Complete? Bearish Run looks headed 6.5k Zone with key zones at: 10.6k , 9.1k Fib Zone and 6.5k support level... check the action unfold with Traders Toolbox™

Traders Toolbox tm (v10.731) Released… (Upgrade Recommended!)

This Version has Major Performance Improvements and bug fixes...
The Indicator data retrieval has been made more efficient...

New Features Added
Oscillators now have four Modes:
a. Signal on All Zones (Default)
b. Signal in Over bought/sold Zones only
c. Revertion in Over bought/sold Zones only
d. Continuation in Over bought/sold Zones only
e. Hold in Over bought/sold Zones

Indicator Parameters auto adjust when chart data is not sufficient for Indicator Parameter range.

Added Insufficient Data notification to signal/indicator status information.

Bug Fixes
Fixed Bug where Manual Biasing was in-effective.

Fixed Bug which prevented toggling between MFI/RSI Oscillators.

Removed Out of Range Values returned by indicators/oscillators.

Fixed overlapping Zigzag signal information when Pip range is large.

Rewrote Oscillator logic to improve accuracy and performance.

Fixed hanging on large time frame or timeframes with insufficient data

Plus various other small bug fixes…
Jason Kisogloo
Capture d'écran publiée
Nasdaq Bullish retracement Complete? Bearish...
NDX100, W1Eightcap Pty LtdNasdaq Bullish retracement Complete? Bearish Run loks headed 6.5k Zone with key zones at: 10.6k , 9.1k Fib Zone and 6.5k support level...
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Traders Toolbox tm (v10.731) Released… (Upgrade Recommended!)

This Version has Major Performance Improvements and bug fixes...
The Indicator data retrieval has been made more efficient...

New Features Added
Oscillators now have four Modes:
a. Signal on All Zones (Default)
b. Signal in Over bought/sold Zones only
c. Revertion in Over bought/sold Zones only
d. Continuation in Over bought/sold Zones only
e. Hold in Over bought/sold Zones

Indicator Parameters auto adjust when chart data is not sufficient for Indicator Parameter range.

Added Insufficient Data notification to signal/indicator status information.

Bug Fixes
Fixed Bug where Manual Biasing was in-effective.

Fixed Bug which prevented toggling between MFI/RSI Oscillators.

Removed Out of Range Values returned by indicators/oscillators.

Fixed overlapping Zigzag signal information when Pip range is large.

Rewrote Oscillator logic to improve accuracy and performance.

Fixed hanging on large time frame or timeframes with insufficient data

Plus various other small bug fixes…
Jason Kisogloo
Capture d'écran publiée
BTCUSD, D1Eightcap Pty Ltd
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New feature Added!! Shaded profit and loss zones… check it out now… No other EA makes it so easy to see your profit and loss zones!!!

Trade smart and Watch the volatile markets plunge with:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 4350 people around the world…

And now our Downloads have exploded for our Brand New!!! ⭐️Traders Toolbox™ Overwatch⭐️ (clients are loving it!)

People are recognising Traders Toolbox ™ as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!! And Now with Overwatch Utility you can keep an eye on all running Traders Toolbox™ Signals and switch between charts with one click!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchaiN
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 4350 people around the world… averaging 150 downloads a month!

And now our Downloads have exploded for our Brand New!!! ⭐️Traders Toolbox™ Overwatch⭐️ (clients are loving it!)

People are recognising Traders Toolbox ™ as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!! And Now with Overwatch Utility you can keep an eye on all running Traders Toolbox™ Signals and switch between charts with one click!!!

Top 6 Countries Downloaded
1. Brazil
2. Iran
3. South Africa
4. Russia
5. Indonesia
6. India

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchaiN
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 4350 people around the world… averaging 150 downloads a month!

And now our Downloads have exploded for our Brand New!!! ⭐️Traders Toolbox™ Overwatch⭐️ (clients are loving it!)

People are recognising Traders Toolbox ™ as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!! And Now with Overwatch Utility you can keep an eye on all running Traders Toolbox™ Signals and switch between charts with one click!!!

Top 6 Countries Downloaded
1. Brazil
2. Iran
3. South Africa
4. Russia
5. Indonesia
6. India

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchaiN
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New feature Added!! Shaded profit and loss zones… check it out now… No other EA makes it so easy to see your profit and loss zones!!!

Trade smart and Watch the volatile markets plunge with:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 4350 people around the world…

And now our Downloads have exploded for our Brand New!!! ⭐️Traders Toolbox™ Overwatch⭐️ (clients are loving it!)

People are recognising Traders Toolbox ™ as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!! And Now with Overwatch Utility you can keep an eye on all running Traders Toolbox™ Signals and switch between charts with one click!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchaiN
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New feature Added!! Shaded profit and loss zones… check it out now… No other EA makes it so easy to see your profit and loss zones!!!

Trade smart and Watch the volatile markets plunge with:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 4350 people around the world…

And now our Downloads have exploded for our Brand New!!! ⭐️Traders Toolbox™ Overwatch⭐️ (clients are loving it!)

People are recognising Traders Toolbox ™ as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!! And Now with Overwatch Utility you can keep an eye on all running Traders Toolbox™ Signals and switch between charts with one click!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchaiN
Jason Kisogloo
Capture d'écran publiée
Nasdaq 100 weekly heading down towards fib 161...
NDX100, W1Eightcap Pty LtdNasdaq 100 weekly heading down towards fib 161 and suspected to head to 261 and reach 6.7k resisance...
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
#Nasdaq #US100 Nose Dives after Weekly Head and Shoulder Pattern... An expected further drop of 50% looks viable… to around the 6500 dollar resistance… or will it bounce off one of the daily pivot support levels… or maybe fib level 161 or 261… a 161 reach looks most probable…

Watch it all unfold with:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 4200 people around the world…

And now our Downloads have exploded for our Brand New!!! ⭐️Traders Toolbox™ Overwatch⭐️ (clients are loving it!)

People are recognising Traders Toolbox ™ as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!! And Now with Overwatch Utility you can keep an eye on all running Traders Toolbox™ Signals and switch between charts with one click!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchaiN
Jason Kisogloo
Capture d'écran publiée
Nsadaq100 weekly head & Shoulders pattern...
US100-JUN22, W1Trading Point Of Financial Instruments LtdNsadaq100 weekly head & Shoulders pattern 50% drop looks possible...
Jason Kisogloo
Capture d'écran publiée
Nsadaq100 weekly head & Shoulders pattern...
US100-JUN22, W1Trading Point Of Financial Instruments LtdNsadaq100 weekly head & Shoulders pattern 50% drop looks possible...
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
#Nasdaq #US100 Nose Dives after Weekly Head and Shoulder Pattern... An expected further drop of 50% looks viable… to around the 6500 dollar resistance… or will it bounce off one of the daily pivot support levels… or maybe fib level 161 or 261… a 161 reach looks most probable…

Watch it all unfold with:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 4200 people around the world…

And now our Downloads have exploded for our Brand New!!! ⭐️Traders Toolbox™ Overwatch⭐️ (clients are loving it!)

People are recognising Traders Toolbox ™ as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!! And Now with Overwatch Utility you can keep an eye on all running Traders Toolbox™ Signals and switch between charts with one click!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchaiN
Jason Kisogloo
Capture d'écran publiée
Nasdaq100 Nose Dives after Weekly Head and...
US100-JUN22, W1Trading Point Of Financial Instruments LtdNasdaq100 Nose Dives after Weekly Head and Shoulder Pattern...
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 4200 people around the world…

And now our Downloads have exploded for our Brand New!!! ⭐️Traders Toolbox™ Overwatch⭐️ (clients are loving it!)

People are recognising Traders Toolbox ™ as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!! And Now with Overwatch Utility you can keep an eye on all running Traders Toolbox™ Signals and switch between charts with one click!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchaiN
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Traders Toolbox™ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ has been downloaded by over 4200 people around the world…

And now our Downloads have exploded for our Brand New!!! ⭐️Traders Toolbox™ Overwatch⭐️ (clients are loving it!)

People are recognising Traders Toolbox ™ as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!! And Now with Overwatch Utility you can keep an eye on all running Traders Toolbox™ Signals and switch between charts with one click!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.

- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Links Here:

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchaiN