Ivan Velez
Ivan Velez
Pekný Džentlmen à Petržalka
Vždy, keď skutočné peniaze menia majiteľa, riziko straty je stále prítomné. Preto by ste mali založiť svoje obchody na uvážených taktikách a stratégiách. Aby ste sa vyhli tomu, že vás emócie povedú, zamerajte sa na technické a základné faktory a správy o trhu za každých okolností.
Amis 2
Ivan Velez
Ivan Velez
Greek ‘Watergate’: Mitsotakis’ authoritarianism cannot be tolerated anymore

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is a “destabilising factor” for the country and citizens cannot stand his “authoritarian” attitude, senior socialist lawmaker Michalis Katrinis told EURACTIV after it was unveiled that the secret services bugged the phone of Greek socialist opposition leader and MEP Nikos Androulakis.

The Greek “Watergate” as described by international media caused a political earthquake in the Mediterranean country, sparking resignations from the prime minister’s secretary general and nephew, Grigoris Dimitriadis and secret services chief Panagiotis Kontoleon.

“Also, the resignation of the PM’s nephew and closest associate raises many questions since it was not done for reasons of avoiding the toxic atmosphere, as was initially said. The sacrifice of Mr. Dimitriadis probably hides a lot and remains to be investigated,” Katrinis noted.

Mitsotakis, however, is hanging on for dear life.

“Mitsotakis is now a destabilising factor. Practices like wiretapping and surveillance of political opponents are common in regimes like Mr. Putin’s or Mr. Erdogan’s… not in a European country,” Katrinis said, adding that EU institutions should step in and help shed light on the scandal.

While the New Democracy government (EPP) has admitted that the secret services bugged Androulakis’ phone, it has failed to explain why hiding behind the “confidentiality” of the process.

The government also says Mitsotakis was unaware that the secret services had hacked the socialist leader’s phone, a denial questioned by many as one of his first steps as prime minister was to bring the agency under his direct supervision.

Katrinis, the head of the Pan-Hellenic Socialist Movement’s group (S&D) in parliament, said the Greek prime minister has been sending contradictory messages that have exposed him.

“When the surveillance of the president of Pasok was revealed […] the prime minister described it as legal but claimed that he did not know about it and that if he had known it would not have happened”, Katrinis said.

He said the government called Androulakis to inform him privately about the case, but then both the prime minister and Minister of State Gerapetritis “declared that they did not know anything, so what information would they provide him with?” Katrinis wondered.

Ivan Velez
Ivan Velez
Day Traders: Retail vs. Prop Trading Accounts

Even if you aren't an active trader, there's a good chance you have some exposure to the stock market. In fact, almost everyone does. It may be through mutual funds or your IRA. But what if you want to turn that passive trading into an active strategy? If you want to be an active trader in individual stocks, you really only have two general paths: Become a professional trader (prop trader) or trade in a retail account.

Those looking to break into the day trading industry have a choice to make: open an account with a proprietary trading firm — also known as a "prop shop" — or one with a retail online broker? When evaluating account options, independent day traders often compare costs and account features but fail to realize the products are not exactly the same.

In this article, we will look at the key differences between proprietary trading and retail trading accounts to make comparisons more straightforward.

Retail vs. Prop Trading
Before we look at what sets these two accounts apart, it's important to first understand how they differ.

The capital that's traded in a prop trading account is usually that of a brokerage firm or hedge fund. Trades made through this account are typically speculative in nature. Products traded are usually derivatives or other complex investment vehicles. Trading activity is usually limited by a risk manager and by the amount of money a firm has.

Retail trading accounts, on the other hand, are much simpler. A retail trader will choose a broker, open up an account and make a deposit. After that, the trader can simply start making trades. Since you are a customer of the firm and you're using your own cash rather than that of a firm, there's far more flexibility on what trading activity you can undertake as well as how and when you can do it.

Fees and Commissions Differences
Retail brokers have a wide range of fee structures that tend to be very competitive. Most firms charge a flat per-trade commission along with a platform fee unless day traders meet certain minimums when it comes to trading volume or account size. These accounts may also come with ancillary fees like inactivity fees or account transfer fees. After the fees and commissions are all collected, the profits from your successful trades are yours to keep.

Prop shops tend to be more competitively priced than retail brokers with per share fees that decrease as trading volume increases. The firms may also charge a software or desk fee — although it is typically provided at-cost to day traders. With prop accounts, remember that the firm will likely take a portion of your profits. After all, you are trading the firm's capital and not your own.

Either way, remember to inquire about the full fee schedule because they do vary. Knowing how much you'll have to pay is an important part of opening and setting up your account.

Comparing Leverage
Retail brokers provide day traders with margin accounts that are subject to certain margin requirements and securities regulations. For example, Regulation T may limit the amount of leverage used in a retail account. Day traders must also have at least $25,000 in equity to execute more than three-day trades in a rolling five-day business period.

Prop shops provide traders with leverage based on the risk capital deposited and the firm’s own policies. Day traders with less than $25,000 don’t have to worry about minimum equity requirements and others have access to more capital than they would with a retail account. Buying power often increases over time if a trader performs well.

Ivan Velez
Ivan Velez
Slovakia Aims To Abandon Russian Fuel, Already Looking For An Alternative: PM Eduard Heger
Slovakia PM Eduard Heger, at a joint press conference with his Austrian counterpart in Vienna, stated that Slovakia is aiming to abandon Russian fuel.
Slovakia's Prime Minister, Eduard Heger, at a joint press conference with his Austrian counterpart in Vienna on Monday, stated that Slovakia is aiming to abandon Russian fuel and is already looking for an alternative. Bratislava has been negotiating for several months to find nuclear fuel suppliers for the NPP to replace Rosatom, said Heger, reported Ukrinform.

"If we talk about nuclear energy, then yes, more than half of the energy in Slovakia comes from nuclear power plants. And we are talking about reactors that, until now, were supplied with Russian fuel. But for several months now, we have been negotiating with various other suppliers and want to find an alternative fuel", emphasized Heger.

Russia-Ukraine war: Slovakia wants to abandon Russian fuel
According to Heger, Slovakia has clearly stated that it wants to abandon Russian fossil energy sources "at the same time, in all spheres, be it gas, oil, or nuclear fuel," reported Ukrinform. As reported earlier, the European Parliament adopted a resolution demanding the introduction of a full embargo on the import of oil, coal, nuclear fuel, and gas from Russia.

Notably, this has come at a time when the European Union has agreed to impose a seventh package of sanctions on Russia for launching its "unjustified" invasion of neighboring Ukraine. The latest sanction brought by the EU will now ban the importation of Russian gold. The seventh sanction brought forward by the members of the European Union intends to improve the implementation and effectiveness of the EU's previous sanctions. This time, there are no bans against Russia's energy sector. Among other things on the list of latest sanctions list include the names of 48 individuals and nine legal entities including, the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, the heads of federal subjects of the Russian Federation, and the top management of Sberbank, reported Eurointegration. https://www.republicworld.com/world-news/europe/slovakia-aims-to-abandon-russian-fuel-already-looking-for-an-alternative-pm-eduard-heger-articleshow.html
Written By
Amrit Burman
Ivan Velez
Ivan Velez
Slovakia signs framework deal for EU structural investment spending
By Marián Koreň
The European Commission has adopted the Slovak Partnership agreement, a key document for launching investments as part of the bloc’s Cohesion Policy between 2023 and 2027.

The agreement was signed on Monday by Regional Development Minister Veronika Remišová with European Commissioner for Regional Policy Elisa Ferreira and Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit.

Preparing the partnership agreement is a condition for access to new financial resources from the cohesion policy. Out of the 27 EU member states, the 2021-2027 Partnership Agreement with Slovakia is the 16th to be adopted. Slovakia will receive €12.8 billion for the 2021-2027 period for Cohesion Policy investments.

One of the most contentious points of the negotiations on the Partnership Agreement was the issue of marginalised Roma communities, which both Commissioners emphasised at the press conference.

During her first work trip to Slovakia, Ferreira also visited Roma settlements in the eastern part of the country. Based on this experience, she declared that the European value of inclusion and non-discrimination compels Slovakia to “do more and better” to support the integration of Roma people further.

“This is why our particular attention was devoted to this issue also in the Partnership agreement. It is our joint responsibility to make it work. I know this is something on which the European Parliament will be particularly attentive too,“ she added.

During the negotiations, the Commission pressured the Slovak government to allocate much more European funds to inclusion projects than initially planned. At the same time, it wanted to hear from the government about how it would make its use in this area more efficient.

In the end, the ministry of regional development allocated more than €900 million (more than 7% of the national allocation) to projects in Roma communities and re-set their implementation structure, finally convincing the Commission. The Special Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Roma Communities will be responsible for these projects. https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/short_news/slovakia-signs-framework-deal-for-eu-structural-investment-spending/
Ivan Velez
Ivan Velez
Controversies regarding gas reserves for winter

Gas utility SPP now has a sufficient amount of natural gas in its storage tanks to provide for the next heating season, Economy Minister Richard Sulik and SPP general director Richard Prokypcak told a news conference on Tuesday. As they added, along with the reserves of other Slovak companies, consumption for all consumers, including companies, has been ensured.

Contrary to what Economy Minister Richard Sulik claims, the House Committee for Economic Affairs chairman Peter Kremsky declared on Tuesday that Slovakia does not have enough gas reserves to last through the whole winter season. According to him, the reserves have been growing, but it is necessary to keep accumulating them because the gas might completely stop flowing from Russia to Europe in the autumn, a scenario for which Slovakia must be prepared. Kremsky pointed to data on the AGSI gas utility website. It follows from this data that Slovakia consumes about 57 TWh annually, but has only about 23 TWh in its underground reservoirs at the moment. "I'm confident that if they continue doing this, they will manage to fill the reservoirs by the end of August with a sufficient volume to get us through the entire winter. But it's useless to mislead the people and calm them down prematurely with unsubstantiated claims," he said.

Contrary to what Economy Minister Richard Sulik claims, the House Committee for Economic Affairs chairman Peter Kremsky declared on Tuesday that Slovakia does not have enough gas reserves to last through the whole winter season. According to him, the reserves have been growing, but it is necessary to keep accumulating them because the gas might completely stop flowing from Russia to Europe in the autumn, a scenario for which Slovakia must be prepared. Kremsky pointed to data on the AGSI gas utility website. It follows from this data that Slovakia consumes about 57 TWh annually, but has only about 23 TWh in its underground reservoirs at the moment. "I'm confident that if they continue doing this, they will manage to fill the reservoirs by the end of August with a sufficient volume to get us through the entire winter. But it's useless to mislead the people and calm them down prematurely with unsubstantiated claims," he said.
Source: TASR
Ivan Velez
Ivan Velez
Welche Aktie jetzt kaufen? Fundierte Analysen zum Kauf.

Dezidierte Handlungsempfehlungen und Kaufargumente, die Sie sofort umsetzen können.

Key Points
Mit dieser Aktie profitieren Sie von den steigenden Gas und Ölpreisen!

Die Aktie ist gerade auf einem höchst attraktiven Kaufniveau. Nutzen Sie noch jetzt die Einstiegsgelegenheit.

Großes Upside-Potential nach Ankündigung der Produktionssteigerung - ein positiver Kursverlauf bei steigendem Investoreninteresse ist in den kommenden Monaten zu erwarten.

Mit einem Trade auf diese Gas und Öl-Aktie können Sie ein potentielles Milliardenunternehmen an der Börse begleiten.

Die umfangreiche Produktions- und Pipeline-infrastruktur ist bereits vorhanden und ermöglicht einen sofortigen Produktionshochlauf insbesondere auch mit neuen anstehenden Bohrungen.

Die niedrigen Lizenzgebühr und Betriebskosten sind als “best-in-class” zu bewerten und dürften hohe Renditen generieren.

Preisanstieg gleich Kurswachstum: Die Aktienkurse der Öl- und Gasfirmen korrelieren naturgemäß stark mit den Preisentwicklungen der Rohstoffe, die auf Rekordhochs sind

Fabelhafte Ausgangssituation und beste Chancen: Öl- und Gasaktien zählen seit Jahresbeginn zu den Gewinnern an den Börsen.

Wettbewerbsvorteil – Erhöhung des Shareholder Value durch schnellen Produktionshochlauf.

Die Infrastruktur ist bereits bezahlt. Allein bei den ersten sieben Bohrlöchern wird mit einem Cashflow von 3,7 Millionen Dollar pro Monat gerechnet. Darüber hinaus sind bereits jetzt weitere 10 Bohrlöcher geplant.

Ivan Velez
Ivan Velez
Volvo to build an electric vehicle factory in Slovakia
In Kosice 3rd plant in Europe, investment of 1.2 bn euros
Ivan Velez
Ivan Velez
Key Takeaways:

The foreign exchange is the market where currency pairs are traded.
Currencies always trade in pairs, such as the EUR/USD, and traders make positions based on their assumption of price changes.
Currency price changes are measured in pips, which traders use to establish trade positions.

Ivan Velez
Ivan Velez
Durch Trading zum Millionär: Profi-Trader verrät sein verblüffend einfaches Erfolgsrezept

Geld verdienen und erfolgreich sein an der Börse? Dies scheint für viele ein schwieriger bis unmöglicher Schritt zu sein, verbindet man doch ein hohes Risiko, notwendige jahrelange Erfahrung und ausgezeichnete Kenntnisse von den Märkten damit. Multimillionär und Profi-Trader Florian S. sieht das anders und sorgte in den letzten Monaten für viel Aufsehen, denn er behauptet:

Mit meiner Strategie kann jeder an der Börse Geld verdienen.

Ivan Velez
Ivan Velez
Wie funktionieren Währungsmärkte?

Im Gegensatz zu Aktien oder Rohstoffen findet der Devisenhandel nicht an Börsen, sondern direkt zwischen zwei Parteien auf einem OTC-Markt (Over-the-Counter) statt. Der Devisenmarkt wird von einem globalen Netzwerk von Banken betrieben, das sich auf vier große Devisenhandelszentren in verschiedenen Zeitzonen verteilt: London, New York, Sydney and Tokio. Da es keinen zentralen Handelsplatz gibt, können Sie 24 Stunden am Tag Devisen handeln.

Es gibt drei Devisenmarktsegmente:

Forex-Spot: Beim Spot Forex haben wir mit einem physischen Austausch der Währungen zu tun, der zu einem genau bestimmten Zeitpunkt, nachdem der Trade ausgeführt wurde, stattfindet – d.h. ‘on the spot’ (sofort) – oder innerhalb eines kurzen Zeitraumes danach
Forex-Forward: Bei einer Transaktion am Forward Devisenmarkt kaufen oder verkaufen Sie einen bestimmten Währungsbetrag zu einem festgelegten Preis. Der Kontrakt kann aber entweder zu einem festgelegten Zeitpunkt oder innerhalb eines Zeitraumes in Zukunft geschlossen werden

Forex-Futures: Bei einer Transaktion am Future Devisenmarkt kaufen oder verkaufen Sie einen bestimmten Währungsbetrag zu einem festgelegten Preis, an einem bestimmten Datum in der Zukunft. Anders als Forwards sind Future-Kontrakte rechtsverbindlich
Die meisten Trader, die auf Forex-Kurse spekulieren, werden die Währung physisch selbst nicht besitzen wollen. Stattdessen mach sie Wechselkursprognosen, um die Preisbewegungen auf dem Markt zu nutzen.

Ivan Velez
Ivan Velez
Pip Value for Other Currency Pairs
Not all currency pairs include your account currency. You may have a USD account but may want to trade the EUR/GBP. Here's how to figure out the pip value for pairs that don't include your account currency.

The second currency is always fixed if a person has an account in that currency.3 For example, we know that if a person held a GBP account, then the EUR/GBP pip value is GBP10 for a standard lot, as discussed above. The next step is converting GBP10 to your own currency. If your account is in USD, divide GBP10 by the USD/GBP rate. If the rate is 0.77025, then the pip value is USD$12.98.

If you can only find a "backward," or reciprocal, quote, such as the GBP/USD rate of 1.3152, then divide 1 by the rate to get 0.76034.5 That is the USD/GBP rate. You can then do the calculation above.

If your account currency is the euro, and you want to know the pip value of the AUD/CAD, remember that for a person with a CAD account, a standard lot would be CAD$10 for this pair. Convert that CAD$10 to euros by dividing it by the EUR/CAD rate. If the rate is 1.48132, the standard lot pip value is EUR6.75.

Always consider which currency is providing the pip value: the second currency (YYY). Once you know that, convert the fixed pip value in that currency to your own by dividing it by XXX/YYY, where XXX is your own account currency.

Ivan Velez
Ivan Velez
Pip Value Calculation for a Non-USD Account
Whatever currency the account is funded in, when that currency is listed second in a pair, the pip values are fixed.3

For example, if you have a Canadian dollar (CAD) account, any pair that is XXX/CAD, such as the USD/CAD will have a fixed pip value. A standard lot is CAD$10, a mini lot is CAD$1, and a micro lot is CAD$0.10.

To find the value of a pip when the CAD is listed first, divide the fixed pip rate by the exchange rate. For example, if the exchange rate for the Canadian dollar/Swiss franc (CAD/CHF) is 0.70347, a pip is worth CAD$1.42 for a mini lot (CAD$1 divided by 0.70347).

If the pair includes the Japanese yen (JPY)⁠—for example, the CAD/JPY⁠—you must multiply the result by 100 after dividing by the exchange rate. That's because for the yen, a pip is the second place after the decimal (0.01) rather than the fourth (0.0001).4

For example, if the CAD/JPY is priced at 79.941, to find out the standard pip value, divide CAD$10 by 79.941, then multiply the result by 100, for a pip value of CAD$12.51.

Go through this process with any account currency to find pip values for pairs that include that currency.

Ivan Velez
Ivan Velez
Calculating the Pip Value for Different Forex Pairs

Pip Value Calculation When Trading in a USD Account
The most heavily traded currency pairs in the world involve the U.S. dollar (USD). When USD is listed second in a pair, pip values are fixed and don't change if you have an account funded with U.S. dollars.3

The fixed pip amounts are:

USD$10 for a standard lot, which is 100,000 units of currency
USD$1 for a mini lot, which is 10,000 units of currency
USD$0.10 for a micro lot, which is 1,000 units of currency
USD$0.01 for a nano lot, which is 100 units of currency4
These pip values apply to any pair where the USD is listed second, such as the euro/U.S. dollar (EUR/USD), British pound/U.S. dollar (GBP/USD), Australian dollar/U.S. dollar (AUD/USD), and New Zealand dollar/U.S. dollar (NZD/USD).

If the USD isn't listed second:

Divide the pip values above by the USD/XXX rate.4

For example, to get the pip value of a standard lot for the U.S. dollar/Canadian dollar (USD/CAD) when trading in a USD account, divide USD$10 by the USD/CAD rate. If the USD/CAD rate is 1.34105, the standard lot pip value is USD$7.46, or USD$10 divided by 1.34105.
