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There are two hard problems in computer science: 1) computers and 2) science.
Maxim Dmitrievsky
Maxim Dmitrievsky
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Maxim Dmitrievsky
Article publié Time series clustering in causal inference
Time series clustering in causal inference

Clustering algorithms in machine learning are important unsupervised learning algorithms that can divide the original data into groups with similar observations. By using these groups, you can analyze the market for a specific cluster, search for the most stable clusters using new data, and make causal inferences. The article proposes an original method for time series clustering in Python.

Maxim Dmitrievsky
Article publié Propensity score in causal inference
Propensity score in causal inference

The article examines the topic of matching in causal inference. Matching is used to compare similar observations in a data set. This is necessary to correctly determine causal effects and get rid of bias. The author explains how this helps in building trading systems based on machine learning, which become more stable on new data they were not trained on. The propensity score plays a central role and is widely used in causal inference.

Maxim Dmitrievsky
Code publié ONNX Trader
Пример бота со встроенной моделью машинного обучения, которая обучена на питоне и сохранена в формат ONNX.
2 263
Maxim Dmitrievsky
Article publié Causal inference in time series classification problems
Causal inference in time series classification problems

In this article, we will look at the theory of causal inference using machine learning, as well as the custom approach implementation in Python. Causal inference and causal thinking have their roots in philosophy and psychology and play an important role in our understanding of reality.

Maxim Dmitrievsky
Article publié Cross-validation and basics of causal inference in CatBoost models, export to ONNX format
Cross-validation and basics of causal inference in CatBoost models, export to ONNX format

The article proposes the method of creating bots using machine learning.

Maxim Dmitrievsky
Sujet ajouté Questions sur la langue SI
void quicksort( double *a, int *idx, int l, int u) {    int i, m, idx_temp;    double a_temp;    if (l >= u)      return ;   m = l;    for (i=l+ 1 ; i<=u; i++)
Maxim Dmitrievsky
Sujet ajouté Interpolation, approximation et autres (paquet alglib)
J'ai besoin d'interpoler une fonction avec des paramètres arbitraires, j'ai donc choisi les splines. This subroutine builds cubic spline interpolant. INPUT PARAMETERS:     
Maxim Dmitrievsky
Sujet ajouté Analysez les caractéristiques STATISTIQUES importantes du modèle et choisissez une méthode de trading sur ce modèle.
Disons que nous avons un morceau d'un tableau. Nous devons trouver (sur l'histoire) la meilleure façon d'ouvrir des marchés sur ce sujet. Où acheter, où vendre, où acheter davantage, où fermer, etc. Mais nous devons tenir compte du fait que les
Maxim Dmitrievsky
Sujet ajouté Récupération d'un flux de prix via WebSocket en C#.
Bonjour, chers Messieurs. Intéressé à recevoir des cotations de différentes sources (y compris la bourse LMAX). Étant donné que différents courtiers sont connectés à différents ECN, fournisseurs de liquidités, il est préférable d'obtenir des
Maxim Dmitrievsky
Sujet ajouté L'arbitrage de change, est-ce que cela vaut la peine de s'y intéresser ?
Je me demande si quelqu'un a rencontré des cotations décalées de différents courtiers sur FORTS ? Est-ce que cela vaut la peine de creuser dans cette direction, ou bien tout est clair depuis longtemps et il n'y a pas besoin de jouer autour ? :) Y
Maxim Dmitrievsky
Sujet ajouté Je suis déjà sur le point d'abandonner la lutte contre eux...
Quelqu'un peut-il me dire ce qui pourrait causer ces erreurs ? Le niveau de StopLevels est de 20 pips, tous les trades devraient passer. Les handicaps et les hors-citations sont ennuyeux :)
Maxim Dmitrievsky
Sujet ajouté Conseillers en réseaux neuronaux, partageant leurs expériences.
Le forum contient peu d'informations sur les solutions toutes faites et sur l'efficacité des réseaux neuronaux pour les échanges sur le marché. Je vous propose de discuter et de partager votre expérience ici. S'il existe déjà un fil de discussion
Maxim Dmitrievsky
Sujet ajouté Utilisation d'OpenCV pour reconnaître des motifs graphiques
Il est de notoriété publique que la corrélation et les méthodes similaires ne traitent pas avec précision la correspondance des séries temporelles, et dans certains cas ne sont pas précises du tout. La vision par ordinateur s'est récemment répandue
Maxim Dmitrievsky
Article publié Machine learning in Grid and Martingale trading systems. Would you bet on it?
Machine learning in Grid and Martingale trading systems. Would you bet on it?

This article describes the machine learning technique applied to grid and martingale trading. Surprisingly, this approach has little to no coverage in the global network. After reading the article, you will be able to create your own trading bots.

Maxim Dmitrievsky
Article publié Finding seasonal patterns in the forex market using the CatBoost algorithm
Finding seasonal patterns in the forex market using the CatBoost algorithm

The article considers the creation of machine learning models with time filters and discusses the effectiveness of this approach. The human factor can be eliminated now by simply instructing the model to trade at a certain hour of a certain day of the week. Pattern search can be provided by a separate algorithm.

Maxim Dmitrievsky
Article publié Gradient boosting in transductive and active machine learning
Gradient boosting in transductive and active machine learning

In this article, we will consider active machine learning methods utilizing real data, as well discuss their pros and cons. Perhaps you will find these methods useful and will include them in your arsenal of machine learning models. Transduction was introduced by Vladimir Vapnik, who is the co-inventor of the Support-Vector Machine (SVM).

Maxim Dmitrievsky
Article publié Advanced resampling and selection of CatBoost models by brute-force method
Advanced resampling and selection of CatBoost models by brute-force method

This article describes one of the possible approaches to data transformation aimed at improving the generalizability of the model, and also discusses sampling and selection of CatBoost models.

Maxim Dmitrievsky
Article publié Gradient Boosting (CatBoost) in the development of trading systems. A naive approach
Gradient Boosting (CatBoost) in the development of trading systems. A naive approach

Training the CatBoost classifier in Python and exporting the model to mql5, as well as parsing the model parameters and a custom strategy tester. The Python language and the MetaTrader 5 library are used for preparing the data and for training the model.

Maxim Dmitrievsky
Article publié Econometric approach to finding market patterns: Autocorrelation, Heat Maps and Scatter Plots
Econometric approach to finding market patterns: Autocorrelation, Heat Maps and Scatter Plots

The article presents an extended study of seasonal characteristics: autocorrelation heat maps and scatter plots. The purpose of the article is to show that "market memory" is of seasonal nature, which is expressed through maximized correlation of increments of arbitrary order.