Saheb Hemati / Profil

In fact, limit free in the timeframes and the special mode are so planned that the trader can use output information with costume setting.
The analyses conform to any kinds of strategies and give you the information so that you can make decision about a symbol easily. In Like Trader, you can add or remove any symbols without any limitation. In other words, your strategy in any symbols that recognize trading opportunity can enter into trading. It means you can as easily as possible aware of the market changes and detect many trading opportunities
What is the exact function of Like Trader?
Technical Analyses:
1. Candle Analysis (Shooting/ Hammer, Valley, Peak)
1.2 Moving Average
1.3 Bollinger Bond
1.4 RSI
1.5 Index Table: (The value of a currency in comparison with other currencies).
1.6 Ichimoku
1.7 Terminal: (You can manage your open trading and pending order).
1.8 Max- Min: (It determines the most important resistance and support lines in any time frame).
1.9 Area: (It shows the area of buying and selling).
1.10 Symbol
2. Like Trader’s trading platform. The following are the characteristics of it:
2.1 Risk free in different methods
2.2 Management of position for profit is done in different ways which is introduced as Keep Safety profit.
2.3 To open different positions simultaneously. (both instant trading and pending order one).
2.4 To use unique strategies in order to open new positions such as Minim Lot, Percentage Strategy, ATR Strategy, RSI Strategy.
2.5 To close opened positions in different modes, such as loss and profit position, or all opened positions, RSI position, Intraday position.
3. Hedging

Like Trader is so planned that several technical analyses in all symbols in the table of Like Trader are at the disposal of the trader simultaneously. In fact, limit free in the timeframes and the special mode are so planned that the trader can use output information with costume setting. This version is Demo and limited: Removing and adding Symbol is limited, The maximum Symbol used in the demo version is three. The number of orders taken by Expert is limited to 20. Changes are not saved in the
Like Trader is so planned that several technical analyses in all symbols in the table of Like Trader are at the disposal of the trader simultaneously. In fact, limit free in the timeframes and the special mode are so planned that the trader can use output information with costume setting. The analyses conform to any kinds of strategies and give you the information so that you can make decision about a symbol easily. In Like Trader, you can add or remove any symbols without any limitation. In