Note moyenne:
Lincoln Lo
Lincoln Lo 2024.06.11 21:17 

Impressive! I just personally witnessed this signal successfully weathered a sudden downtrend in EURUSD and ultimately recovered with a significant profit. I was able to earn a 2% profit in just one night thanks to this signal.

TC49 2024.06.02 17:59 

Subscribing Safe from Jan 2024 and found it very reliable. Pitt also very responsive, so tried his Turtle since Apr 22, and got a very great result! Love this signal and his Safe both are excellent signals!

Lam Richard
Lam Richard 2024.05.10 05:48 

nice signal and great profit for me. I start to subscript this signal and Safe from 12 April. Both also make a great profite for me. So far this signal seems slightly better than Safe compare with the holding time.

Suzanne Tong
Suzanne Tong 2024.03.26 16:16  (modifié 2024.04.03 04:19) 

我由5/3/2024開始訂閱,至今日(26/3)已經賺咗8千9百幾港幣(即+19.8%, 我當初投放了3倍資金入去)。在這3星期內,曾於15/3經歷咗33%最大DD,但Pitt非常好,他一直保持與我對話(除了他睡覺時段),就算我因怕被call margin而即刻入金救倉(因我的margin level已到達206%),但Pitt仍保持鎮定,他不但沒有加錢入去救DD,甚至乎非常相信他的EA會有策略地反擊....

最後,他或他EA的策略成功了,我們雙方的戶口不但沒有輸錢,那日平倉後竟然賺了2千6百幾元港幣(即+5%)!那日感覺像坐了一日過山車般的刺激,但Pitt很厲害,每次不用持單過久也能成功平倉 (當然也有持單的時期,好像現在仍有上星期五的持單)。

