ZA / Avis

Note moyenne:
Hao Wu
Hao Wu 2023.10.19 13:44  (modifié 2023.10.24 12:29) 

Finally, the multiple single days of hanging orders were successfully closed, and I did not expect to exchange for more empty single hanging orders, and then see if these empty orders can be successfully closed.

Only one comment per person? Why is it that after Posting a comment, you can only modify it and not repost it?

Zelda 2023.10.19 11:39 

She bad decision it will open deal to more 7days In order to maintain its profitable deals for statics, it does not care about its subscribers if they lose their money or margined specialy the account with small badget 😡

Christian Hoschkara
Christian Hoschkara 2023.10.19 09:46 

Das selbe Spiel wie bei "AZKA77 Jusmawati Tasdanur" und "GOLD ISIDE NEW".Viele schöne kleine Gewinne Und Verlute laufen lassen . Wenn die Stopps ereicht sind dann sind mal schnell 10% weg.

Luca Cerquatelli
Luca Cerquatelli 2023.10.16 22:42  (modifié 2023.11.09 13:14) 

So far, no losts, but very small gains! Check out my signals too!

dmitryindig0 2023.10.16 21:31 

great community support and traiding professionalism

Krismunandar 2023.10.16 12:29 

Best Signal

Sumate Sujittawattana
Sumate Sujittawattana 2023.10.12 17:55 

wrong Account

Mykyta Nikolashyn
Mykyta Nikolashyn 2023.10.10 11:07 

Best of the best. I hope it will continue that way

BeletteCosmique 2023.10.05 15:41  (modifié 2024.07.05 18:17) 

That signal seems really good. Actually, maybe too good to be true. But I have faith. I'm in. That being said, I have already seen, in my short MQL5 journey, wonderful signals turn into nightmares real fast. I would advise anyone subscribing to any signal to put in place some kind of safety mechanism. An equity protector or a watchdog EA, that pulls everything off in case of emergency. Hope for the best!

Edit after about a month: Really good. I must admit that I have manually closed losing trades out of skepticism. That was a mistake. Patience is key. Don't be fooled by that astounding win rate though, drawdown is very real. Trades often get in the red, before eventually turn back into the green.

Edit after a few more months: If you think that the signal is trading against the trend, you could always edge against it!

Lukasz888 2023.10.04 22:30 

Elvira is a great trader, I have been there for 2 days and it looks promising, I hope that the level will be maintained. For me, based on the statistics, there is no better trader on MQl5. I hope you won't leave us ;)