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Indicateur DveMashki : Outil pour Déterminer la Tendance et les Phases de Consolidation

L’indicateur DveMashki est un puissant outil d’analyse pour identifier les tendances de marché ainsi que les phases de consolidation des prix (également appelées périodes de marché latéral). Basé sur des moyennes mobiles, cet indicateur permet au trader d’évaluer visuellement la tendance en cours et son intensité, et d’identifier les moments de pause des prix. Ces informations aident le trader à choisir la stratégie la plus adaptée en fonction de la situation du marché.

Caractéristiques et Utilisation de l’Indicateur

L’indicateur DveMashki est adapté aux stratégies de tendance et de marché latéral, en signalant le début et la fin des phases de tendance. Il aide à éviter de prendre position durant des périodes de faible volatilité et offre des signaux pour entrer en position lorsque le mouvement est confirmé. Ses paramètres flexibles permettent de l’adapter à différents horizons temporels et à divers styles de trading.

Description des Paramètres de l’Indicateur

  • MaPeriod1 - Première Période de Moyenne Définit la période pour la première moyenne mobile utilisée pour détecter les tendances à court terme. Une valeur faible rend l’indicateur plus sensible aux variations de prix.

  • MaPeriod2 - Seconde Période de Moyenne Définit la période de la seconde moyenne mobile, généralement plus longue, pour refléter les tendances à plus long terme. La combinaison des deux périodes permet de repérer les moments de croisement qui indiquent des changements potentiels de direction.

  • MaMethod - Méthode de Moyenne Permet de choisir le type de calcul des moyennes mobiles :

    • MODE_SMA - Moyenne simple, qui lisse les variations sur la période sélectionnée.
    • MODE_EMA - Moyenne exponentielle, qui accorde plus de poids aux données récentes, rendant l’indicateur plus réactif.
    • MODE_SMMA - Moyenne lissée, pour réduire les fluctuations soudaines.
    • MODE_LWMA - Moyenne pondérée linéaire, qui accorde plus d’importance aux derniers prix dans le calcul.
  • MaPrice - Type de Prix pour la Moyenne Permet de sélectionner le prix de référence pour le calcul :

    • PRICE_CLOSE - Prix de clôture (par défaut).
    • PRICE_OPEN - Prix d’ouverture.
    • PRICE_HIGH et PRICE_LOW - Prix maximum et minimum de la période.
    • PRICE_MEDIAN - Prix médian, calculé comme (maximum+minimum)/2.
    • PRICE_TYPICAL - Prix typique, calculé par (maximum+minimum+clôture)/3.
    • PRICE_WEIGHTED - Prix de clôture pondéré, tenant compte de plus de données : (maximum+minimum+clôture+clôture)/4.
  • MaPeriod3 - Troisième Période de Moyenne Utilisée pour des analyses de tendance supplémentaires ou pour ajouter des filtres de plus long terme selon la stratégie adoptée.

  • MaPeriod4 - Quatrième Période de Moyenne Permet de suivre les tendances à plus long terme, ajoutant davantage de profondeur à l’analyse.

Utilisation de l’Indicateur DveMashki dans le Trading

  • Pour les stratégies de tendance : lorsque les moyennes mobiles rapides croisent les moyennes plus lentes, l’indicateur signale un nouveau mouvement de tendance. Durant les périodes de consolidation, l’indicateur affiche les petites fluctuations, indiquant qu’il peut être risqué d’ouvrir des positions actives. Les valeurs définies pour MaPeriod1 et MaPeriod2 peuvent être optimisées pour le trading à court ou long terme.

Utilisation de l’Indicateur DveMashki en Tendance et en Consolidation

Utilisation en Tendance

  1. Tendance Haussière (Bullish) Lorsque MaPeriod1 croise MaPeriod2 de bas en haut, l’indicateur signale une tendance haussière. C’est un bon signal pour acheter (ouvrir une position longue). Une pente plus forte des lignes vers le haut indique une tendance haussière robuste, et on peut augmenter les positions.

  2. Tendance Baissière (Bearish) Si MaPeriod1 croise MaPeriod2 de haut en bas, l’indicateur signale une tendance baissière. C’est un signal de vente (ouvrir une position courte). Une pente descendante prononcée indique la stabilité de la tendance baissière.

Utilisation en Consolidation

  1. Identification des Phases de Consolidation Si les lignes se croisent fréquemment ou restent horizontales, cela indique une consolidation. Durant ces périodes, le marché est en attente et ouvrir des positions actives peut s’avérer risqué.

  2. Éviter les Faux Signaux Les consolidations sont souvent accompagnées de fausses cassures lorsque le prix sort temporairement de la zone de consolidation pour revenir ensuite. L’indicateur aide à visualiser les points où il est préférable d’éviter les nouvelles positions.


  • Tendance : Si les périodes choisies (MaPeriod1 et MaPeriod2) affichent un croisement dans une direction avec des lignes divergentes, cela peut indiquer une position dans le sens de la tendance.
  • Consolidation : Lorsque les lignes se croisent fréquemment et restent horizontales, le trader peut éviter de prendre position et attendre une confirmation de tendance.

Conseils Généraux

  1. Ajustez les périodes de moyennes et la méthode de calcul en fonction de votre style de trading : périodes courtes pour un trading actif, plus longues pour des positions à long terme.
  2. Sélectionnez le type de prix (MaPrice) pour une analyse précise : le prix de clôture (PRICE_CLOSE) ou le prix typique (PRICE_TYPICAL) pour une visualisation plus douce.
  3. Utilisez DveMashki avec d’autres indicateurs (ex. volumes) pour confirmer les tendances.

Conclusion : DveMashki est un indicateur utile pour identifier les mouvements directionnels forts et éviter le trading en phase de consolidation, ce qui est particulièrement avantageux pour les traders utilisant des stratégies de tendance.

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Roman Podpora
4.68 (25)
TPSpro TREND PRO   est un indicateur de tendance qui analyse automatiquement le marché et fournit des informations sur la tendance et chacun de ses changements, ainsi que des signaux pour entrer dans des transactions sans redessiner ! L'indicateur utilise chaque bougie et les analyse séparément. faisant référence à différentes impulsions - impulsion ascendante ou descendante. Points d'entrée précis dans les transactions sur les devises, les crypto-monnaies, les métaux, les actions, les indices !
Automated Trendlines
Georgios Kalomoiropoulos
5 (16)
Les lignes de tendance sont l'outil d'analyse technique le plus essentiel dans le trading forex. Malheureusement, la plupart des commerçants ne les dessinent pas correctement. L'indicateur Automated Trendlines est un outil professionnel pour les traders sérieux qui vous aide à visualiser le mouvement de tendance des marchés. Il existe deux types de lignes de tendance, les lignes de tendance haussières et les lignes de tendance baissières. Dans la tendance haussière, la ligne de tendance du Fo
CONTACT US  after purchase to get the Indicator Manual. Try Now—Limited 50% Discount for First 10 Buyers! Download the  Metatrader 5 Version Read the product description carefully before purchasing the product.  Due to regulatory restrictions, our service is unavailable in certain countries such as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. William Delbert Gann (W.D. Gann) was an exceptional market analyst, whose trading technique was based on a complex blend of mathematics, geometry, astrology, and anc
Actuellement 20% de réduction ! La meilleure solution pour tout débutant ou trader expert ! Ce logiciel de tableau de bord fonctionne sur 28 paires de devises. Il est basé sur 2 de nos principaux indicateurs (Advanced Currency Strength 28 et Advanced Currency Impulse). Il donne un excellent aperçu de l'ensemble du marché Forex. Il montre les valeurs de l'Advanced Currency Strength, la vitesse de mouvement des devises et les signaux pour 28 paires de devises dans tous les (9) délais. Imaginez
Cycle Sniper
Elmira Memish
4.39 (36)
NEW YEAR SALE PRICE FOR LIMITED TIME!!! Please contact us after your purchase and we will send you the complimentary indicators to complete the system Cycle Sniper is not a holy grail but when you use it in a system which is explained in the videos, you will feel the difference. If you are not willing to focus on the charts designed with Cycle Sniper and other free tools we provide, we recommend not buying this indicator. We recommend watching the videos about the indiactor and system before pu
Blahtech Supply Demand
Blahtech Limited
4.64 (36)
Was: $299  Now: $149   Supply Demand uses previous price action to identify potential imbalances between buyers and sellers. The key is to identify the better odds zones, not just the untouched ones. Blahtech Supply Demand indicator delivers functionality previously unavailable on any trading platform. This 4-in-1 indicator not only highlights the higher probability zones using a multi-criteria strength engine, but also combines it with multi-timeframe trend analysis, previously confirmed swings
KT Asian Breakout Indicator
L'indicateur KT Asian Breakout analyse une partie clé de la session asiatique afin de générer des signaux d'achat et de vente dans les deux directions en fonction de la cassure du prix. Un signal d'achat est déclenché lorsque le prix dépasse le plus haut de la session, tandis qu'un signal de vente est déclenché lorsque le prix casse le plus bas de la session. Points importants à retenir Si la boîte de session est trop large verticalement, il est préférable d’éviter une nouvelle entrée, car la m
TPSpro RFI Levels
Roman Podpora
4.85 (26)
INSTRUCTIONS       RUS   -   ANGLAIS       Il   est recommandé de l'utiliser avec un indicateur       -       TPSpro   TENDANCE PRO -   Version MT4         Bonus: 6 months of "RFI SIGNALS" subscription with your purchase! Un élément clé du trading est constitué par les zones ou les niveaux à partir desquels les décisions d'achat ou de vente d'un instrument de trading sont prises. Malgré les tentatives des principaux acteurs de dissimuler leur présence sur le marché, ils laissent inévitableme
ACTUELLEMENT 26% DE RÉDUCTION La meilleure solution pour tout débutant ou trader expert ! Cet indicateur est un outil de trading unique, de haute qualité et abordable car nous avons incorporé un certain nombre de caractéristiques exclusives et une nouvelle formule. Avec seulement UN graphique, vous pouvez lire la force de la devise pour 28 paires Forex ! Imaginez comment votre trading va s'améliorer parce que vous êtes capable de repérer le point de déclenchement exact d'une nouvelle tendance
Bonus: when you buy or rent the indicator, you get Gold Pro Scalper   and  System Trend Pro absolutely free.(Write in a private message or in telegram in the profile to receive a bonus) Quantum Entry is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely known strategies among traders: the Breakout Strategy! This indicator produces crystal clear buy and sell signals based on breakouts of key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indicators, it use
Currency Strength Exotics
Bernhard Schweigert
4.87 (31)
ACTUELLEMENT 20% DE RÉDUCTION ! La meilleure solution pour tout débutant ou trader expert ! Cet indicateur est spécialisé pour montrer la force de la devise pour tous les symboles comme les paires exotiques, les matières premières, les indices ou les contrats à terme. C'est le premier de son genre, n'importe quel symbole peut être ajouté à la 9ème ligne pour montrer la force réelle de la devise de l'or, l'argent, le pétrole, DAX, US30, MXN, TRY, CNH etc. Il s'agit d'un outil de trading unique
Reversal Master
Alexey Minkov
4.92 (13)
!SPECIAL SALE! The Reversal Master is an indicator for determining the current direction of price movement and reversal points. The indicator will be useful for those who want to see the current market situation better. The indicator can be used as an add-on for ready-made trading systems, or as an independent tool, or to develop your own trading systems. The Reversal Master indicator, to determine the reversal points,  analyzes a lot of conditions since the combined analysis gives a more accura
Ce tableau de bord affiche les derniers modèles harmoniques disponibles pour les symboles sélectionnés, ce qui vous permettra de gagner du temps et d'être plus efficace / version MT5 . Indicateur gratuit: Basic Harmonic Pattern Colonnes de l'indicateur Symbol : les symboles sélectionnés apparaissent Trend : haussière ou baissière Pattern : type de motif (gartley, papillon, chauve-souris, crabe, requin, cypher ou ABCD) Entry: prix d'entrée SL: prix du stop loss TP1: 1er prix de prise de profi
Plus de l'auteur
Line Profit
Iurii Tokman
5 (3)
Line Profit   Indicator of the visual line of profit in the deposit currency. Works only if there are open positions in the market for the symbol on which the indicator is installed. You can move the line with the mouse or enable automatic tracking of the Bid price. Description of indicator settings: colotLine - line color WidthLine - line width colotText - text color FontSize - the height of the text Anchor - an anchor method for text FollowBid - follow the Bid price
Iurii Tokman
5 (5)
ChannelRSI5   The Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator with dynamic levels of overbought and oversold zones. Dynamic levels change and adjust to the current changes in the indicator and prices, and represent a kind of channel. Indicator settings period_RSI - Averaging period for calculating the RSI index. applied_RSI - The applied price. It can be any of the price constants: PRICE_CLOSE - Closing price, PRICE_OPEN - Opening price, PRICE_HIGH - Maximum price for the period, PRICE_LOW - Minimum
StopLevel   The meter controls the STOPLEVEL level. When the level changes, it signals with an alert. STOPLEVEL - the   minimum offset in points from the current closing price for placing Stop orders, or the minimum allowable stop loss / take profit level in points. A zero value of STOPLEVEL means either the absence of a restriction on the minimum distance for stop loss / take profit, or the fact that the trading server uses external mechanisms for dynamic level control that cannot be transmitte
Bar Boss
Iurii Tokman
5 (1)
The Expert Advisor uses the FletBoxPush indicator for market analysis and for determining trading signals. The indicator is built into the Expert Advisor, there is no need to additionally run it on a chart. The EA trades breakouts of certain levels determined as flat borders. The EA uses Stop Loss. Description of EA Parameters TimeFrames chart period required for the indicator colour - the color of the price zone defined as flat, a setting for the indicator Rectangle - show price zones defined
Iurii Tokman
MovingInWL   The Expert Advisor is designed to move the stop of open positions to no loss when they reach a certain predetermined profit level. Description of the advisor settings: MagicNumber - order identifier LevelProfit - The level of profit in points that the position must reach in order for its stop to be moved to the level without loss. LevelWLoss - The level without loss in points, to which the stop position will be transferred after its profit reaches the   LevelProfit   level in points
Pyramid MA
Iurii Tokman
5 (1)
Pyramid MA - Characteristics of the EA: uses Moving Averages (MA) indicator. Changes order grid when a trend reverses. Exponent of order volume increase by the main trading grid against averaging positions. Works on pending BUYSTOP and SELLSTOP orders. Uses a system of averaging losses which controls a balance of open trades and moves it to breakeven. Sound alert about open and completed trades. You can easily create your own trading strategy on the basis of PYRAMID MA. Expert Advisor settings:
Coulter precision
Iurii Tokman
5 (1)
Coulter_Precision — Enhance Your Market Potential with Precision and Control Coulter_Precision is a professional trading advisor designed for traders who seek to control every aspect of their strategy on the market. By working exclusively with pending orders, this EA allows you to focus on planning entry points and managing risks, leaving the mechanical part of the work to an automated assistant. The unique feature of Coulter_Precision is that it does not make decisions on its own about the trad
The Future Price indicator shows the probable variants of a future price movement based on the searching for matches in the quotes history. The indicator works in two modes: the first iterates over and displays the specified number of variants, the second - the indicator displays one specified variant. Settings Static_VARIANTS = 0; - display a specific variant; if = 0, iterates over all variants TOTAL_VARIANTS = 20; - the number of variants in the set, not greater than 30 is recommended Time_Se
Crazy Scalper
Iurii Tokman
3.5 (4)
The Crazy Scalper trading robot does not use any indicators. It utilizes a scalping system, which trades in two directions simultaneously (buys and sells). Two opposite positions cannot bring profit at the same time, one of them will be losing. If there is a losing position, a lock is used. If the locking position fails and price reverses to the opposite, teh robot moves it to breakeven using the averaging system and pending orders. Settings TakeProfit = 3; - the take profit in points; Lock_Lev
Shadow Height mt5   Shadow indicator. Displays the size of candlestick shadows, in points, as a histogram. Works in two modes, user-selectable. Description of indicator settings Mode - indicator operation modes, two modes: first height - display mode for upper and lower candlestick shadows; the second difference is the mode of displaying the difference in candlestick shadows, the difference between the upper and lower candlestick shadows.
Iurii Tokman
The indicator displays a grid in the form of a "honeycomb" or regular hexagon. An alternative to the standard grid of the terminal. Description of the indicator settings: color_comb - grid color width - width, for example: 22 for a screen resolution of 1920*1080, 15 for a screen resolution of 1366*768, etc. height - height, for example: 6 for a screen resolution of 1920*1080, 4 for a screen resolution of 1366*768, etc.
Robo T
Iurii Tokman
Robo T Expert Advisor is a non-indicator trading system. Expert Advisor settings: Level_ord - distance from the current price for placing initial pending Buy Stop and Sell Stop orders, the default value is 22. Lot_1 - initial lot for buy series, the default value is 0.1. Lot_2 - initial lot for sell series, the default value is 0.1. TakeProfit - profit level, the default value is 30. TSProfitOnly - only profit is trailed. If disabled, trailing is also performed in the negative stop-loss area. Th
Iurii Tokman
Hammering is an automated trading system which works on any currency pair. Multi-currency and single-currency trading is performed. Making decisions the EA uses signals of the Slope Direction Line indicator. Settings. Profit_Percent_AccountEquity = 0.4; - profit as percentage of free margin Fix_AccountEquity = 0; - fixed level of free margin FIX_PROFIT = 1000; - fixed level of profit period = 55; - indicator period. FilterNumber = 2; - indicator filter. ma_method = 3; - indicator averaging metho
Robo Grid FX
Iurii Tokman
ROBO GRID FX is a grid Expert Advisor. It is developed for intraday trading in the active market and on fast currency pairs. This is a grid EA with a closed-loop averaging system. The closed-loop averaging system represents a stable strategy of moving to breakeven in case of the deposit drawdown on fast and aggressive currency pairs. The EA places a grid of pending orders in both directions and locks it on the breakthrough of a quote fluctuation in the channel of 40-60 points in case of an unrpo
Iurii Tokman
The Expert Advisor is based on the indicator analysis. Trading decisions are made using Moving Average values. Indicators can be configured by external variables: TF = 0 - select a working timeframe. It can be one of the chart periods. 0 means the current chart period. 1 - 1 minute. 5 - 5 minutes. 15 - 15 minutes. 30 - 30 minutes. 60 - 1 hour. 240 - 4 hours. 1440 - 1 day. 10 080 - 1 week. 43 200 - 1 month. shift = 0 - index of obtained value from the indicator buffer (shifting back by specified
Forex Jumper
Iurii Tokman
1 (1)
Forex Jumper is an Expert Advisor for trading EURJPY. Candlestick pattern analysis is used for generating trading signals. The EA uses BUYSTOP and SELLSTOP pending orders. Settings: Lot = 0 - manual setup of the opened orders' volume Risk = 13 - MM risk percentage, the parameter works if Lot = 0 MagicNumber = 208 - ID of EA orders and positions, magic number TP = 20 - virtual profit level in points if there is a single unidirectional open position on the market TP2 = 20 - virtual profit level in
Bands Jazz
Iurii Tokman
Bands Jazz EA is based on the analysis of the Bollinger Bands indicator. The EA algorithm is simple - it uses Stop Loss, Take Profit and Trailing Stop. Settings TimeBeginHour —trading start hour. Values 0 to 24. TimeBeginMinute —trading start minute. Values 0 to 60. TimeEndHour —trading end hour. Values 0 to 24. TimeEndMinute —trading end minute. Values 0 to 60. period —averaging period for Bollinger Bands calculations. deviation —number of standard deviations from the main line for Bollinger B
Smart YTG
Iurii Tokman
4.67 (6)
Smart YTG has been developed for trading GBPUSD on the H1 chart. This is a trend following system and works well during trending price behavior using STOP orders. It detects trend by analyzing the Price Channel indicator which is built straight into the Expert Advisor, therefore you do not need to additionally install any indicator. On the flat areas where the market is undecided, and further movement of the market is being determined, a breakeven function is activated, and if there are open pos
Eureka Lock
Iurii Tokman
The Eureka Lock Expert Advisor detects flat price movement intervals relative to the specified settings. Trading is performed by BUY STOP and SELL STOP pending orders from the borders of the defined flat. Instead of limiting the losses, a loss-making position is locked by an increased volume. A virtual profit level is used as well. Settings: TF_flet = 15 - timeframe a flat is detected at Bars_flet = 25 - amount of bars for a flat detection extern int Size_flet = 30 - distance limit between the
The product shows general information in a single chart window. It is convenient when you trade many symbols simultaneously. The indicator shows the total number of positions and pending orders. The following info is displayed for opened positions: symbol, amount of opened buy orders for this symbol and their total profit in deposit currency, amount of opened sell orders and their total profit, total profit of opened buy and sell orders. The following info is displayed for pending orders: symbol
Moving Average. Calculation method: average value of all prices used for determining a bar. Description of External Settings of the EA: MA_period - period of averaging for calculation of the indicator. Recommended values: 5, 13, 21, 34. ma_method - averaging method. It can have any values ​​of the Moving Average method (Moving Average). 0 - (SMA) Simple Moving Average. 1 - (EMA) Exponential Moving Average. SMMA 2 - (SMMA) Smoothed Moving Average. LWMA 3 - (LWMA) Linear weighed Moving Average.
Description of the Settings: MA_period_fast - The period of averaging for calculation of fast Moving Average. MA_period_slow - The period of averaging for calculation of slow Moving Average. price - price used. It can be any of the price constants. 0 - (CLOSE) Close price. 1 - (OPEN) Open price. 2 - (HIGH) The maximum price. 3 - (LOW) The minimum price. 4 - (MEDIAN) The average price, (high+low)/2. 5 - (TYPICAL) Typical price, (high+low+close)/3. 6 - (WEIGHTED) Weighed close price, (high+low+clo
The Piramida Grid EA analyzes the values of the Slope Direction Line indicator for determining position entry. The grid of orders changes once the market reverses. Works on pending BUYSTOP and SELLSTOP orders. Uses a system of averaging losses which controls a balance of open trades and moves it to breakeven. Automatic detection of 4 and 5 decimal places. Expert Advisor Setup: period = 32; - period for the Slope Direction Line indicator FilterNumber = 2; - Slope Direction Line filter setup ma_m
The Martin Pristine trading robot analyzes the signals of the Price Channel Central indicator for trading decisions. No need to additionally attach the indicator to a chart, it's built into the Expert Advisor. After each losing trade, the lot is multiplied by 2. This Expert Advisor can detect 4 and 5-digit quotes automatically. Only one position can be open in the market at the same time. Expert Advisor settings: TF = 15; - select the chart timeframe for Price Channel Central Bars_Count = 100;
Iurii Tokman
This is a semi-automatic trading robot. Buttons are used to open/close positions. Further position tracking is performed automatically by virtual profit level. Loss-making positions are averaged by increased/decreased lots. The buttons do not work in the strategy tester meaning that you can check the EA only on demo and real accounts. Special settings OPEN_BUY and OPEN_SELL can be used to test the EA in the strategy tester. Settings MagicNumber - identifier of the EA's orders. The robot works o
The indicator determines flat areas of the price movement according to the specified parameters. Settings: FletPips - limit in points for determining the flat FletBars - limit in number of bars for determining the flat CountBars - number of bars in history for the analysis of price movement. 0 - all bars in history are analyzed colir - color of the price section determined as flat Dop - additional drawing of price labels Alerts - display a dialog box with custom data Text - custom text for notif
Iurii Tokman
The BarKhan indicator is calculated as sum of differences of three digital moving averages. The calculation formula is as follows: the difference of digital moving averages 1 and 2 is added to the difference of digital moving averages 2 and 3 Description of the indicator settings: MA_Period1 - the period of the first digital moving average MA_Period2 - the period of the second digital moving average MA_Period3 - the period of the third digital moving average
Iurii Tokman
Multi-currency indicator, analyzes 56 currency pairs simultaneously. It is important that all currency pairs are selected in the market watch with their history data downloaded. The indicator shows a rise or fall of a certain currency against the other 7 currencies as a total in the form of a line. The indicator values are expressed as a percentage. Description of the indicator settings Type_Calculation - three options for calculating the percentage of the currency rise or fall Prefix - used wh
Iurii Tokman
The Expert Advisor does not use indicator, it is always in the market. The logic of the EA is based on the analysis of the previously opened orders present in the market. Expert Advisor settings: StopLoss_Percent - loss level in percent TakeProfit - profit level in points Risk - setting for automatic calculation of order volumes for the EA, works if LOT =0 LOT - fixed volume of orders Slippage - maximum allowed price slippage MagicNumber - magic number for EA's orders Show_Information - enable o
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