Command Prompt
- Indicateurs
- Tomoyuki Nakazima
- Version: 1.0
- Activations: 5
This is Command Prompt(CP) for MT4.
By using this,you can access info that only brokers and programmers can access.
For example,do you know your freeze level,margin mode,or how much memory used by MT4?
Knowing these info,you can improve your trading.
How to Use
Type following commands into command prompt box(Shown in photos.) and press Enter.
For example,if you want to know maximum permitted amount of a lot,then type "maxlot".
By typing "info",CP will show all commands available.
By typing "help [command name]",CP will explain about the command.
Command name | Result |
point | POINT:Point size in the quote currency. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Point |
digits | DIGITS:Count of digits after decimal point in the symbol prices. For the current symbol, it is stored in the predefined variable Digits |
stoplevel | STOPLEVEL:Stop level in points. |
freezelevel | FREEZELEVEL:Order freeze level in points. If the execution price lies within the range defined by the freeze level, the order cannot be modified, cancelled or closed |
lotsize | LOTSIZE:Lot size in the base currency |
tickvalue | TICKVALUE:Tick value in the deposit currency |
swap | SWAP:Long and short swap |
swaptype | SWAP_TYPE:Swap calculation method. 0 - in points; 1 - in the symbol base currency; 2 - by interest; 3 - in the margin currency |
starting | STARTING:Market starting date (usually used for futures) |
expiration | EXPIRATION:Market expiration date (usually used for futures). 0 - No;1 - Yes |
tradeallowed | TRADEALLOWED:Trade is allowed for the symbol |
minilot | MINLOT:Minimum permitted amount of a lot |
lotstep | LOTSTEP:Step for changing lots |
maxlot | MAXLOT:Maximum permitted amount of a lot |
profitcalcmode | PROFITCALCMODE:Profit calculation mode. 0 - Forex; 1 - CFD; 2 - Futures |
margin_calcmode | MARGINCALCMODE:Margin calculation mode. 0 - Forex; 1 - CFD; 2 - Futures; 3 - CFD for indices |
margin_init | MARGININIT:Initial margin requirements for 1 lot |
margin_maintenance | MARGINMAINTENANCE:Margin to maintain open orders calculated for 1 lot |
margin_hedged | MODE_MARGINHEDGED:Hedged margin calculated for 1 lot |
margin_required | MODE_MARGINREQUIRED:Free margin required to open 1 lot for buying |
closebyallowed | MARGINMAINTENANCE:Allowed using OrderCloseBy() to close opposite orders on a specified symbol. 0 - No;1 - Yes |
maxbars | MAXBARS(Mb):The maximal bars count on the chart |
diskspace | DISK_SPACE(Mb):Free disk space for the MQL4Files folder of the terminal, Mb |
memory_physical | TERMINAL_MEMORY_PHYSICAL(Mb):Physical memory in the system, Mb |
memory_total | TERMINAL_MEMORY_TOTAL(Mb):Memory available to the process of the terminal , Mb |
memory_available | TERMINAL_MEMORY_AVAILABLE(Mb):Free memory of the terminal process, Mb |
memory_used | TERMINAL_MEMORY_USED(Mb):Memory used by the terminal , Mb |
screendpi | SCREEN_DPI:The resolution of information display on the screen is measured as number of Dots in a line per Inch (DPI). |
pinglast | PING_LAST:The last known value of a ping to a trade server in microseconds. |
acc_leverage | ACCOUNT_LEVERAGE:Account leverage |
acc_limitorders | ACCOUNT_LIMIT_ORDERS:Maximum allowed number of open positions and active pending orders (in total), 0 unlimited |
acc_marginmode | ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_MODE: Mode for setting the minimal allowed margin |
acc_allowed | ACCOUNT_TRADE_ALLOWED:Allowed trade for the current account. 0 - No;1 - Yes |
acc_expert | ACCOUNT_TRADE_EXPERT:Allowed trade for an Expert Advisor. 0 - No;1 - Yes |
acc_credit | ACCOUNT_CREDIT:Account credit in the deposit currency |
acc_profit | ACCOUNT_PROFIT:Current profit of an account in the deposit currency |
acc_margincall | ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_CALL:Margin call level. Depending on the set. |
acc_marginsoso | ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_SO:Margin stop out level. Depending on the set. |
help acc_currency | ACCOUNT_CURRENCY:Account currency |
acc_name | ACCOUNT_NAME:Cliant name |
acc_server | ACCOUNT_SERVER:Server name |
acc_company | Name of a company that serves the account |
summertime | Shows whther it is summer time or not |
totalorders | Returns number of orders |
atr | Returns ATR |
In the end
If you want some features to be added,comment about that in Comments section.