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Copieur commercial pour MetaTrader 4.   Il copie les transactions de change, les positions et les ordres de tous les comptes.

C'est l'un des meilleurs copieurs commerciaux   MT4 - MT4, MT5 - MT4   pour le   COPYLOTE MT4   version (ou   MT4 - MT5 MT5 - MT5   pour le   COPYLOTE MT5   version).

Version copieur pour    Terminal  MetaTrader 5 ( МТ5 - МТ5, МТ4 - МТ5 ) - Copylot Client MT5

L'algorithme de copie unique copie exactement toutes les transactions du compte principal vers votre compte client.
Le produit est également connu pour sa vitesse de fonctionnement élevée.
Un ensemble puissant de fonctionnalités.
Le programme peut être exécuté sur plusieurs liaisons de terminal.
Utilisez-le comme synchroniseur de vos transactions sur différents comptes en négociant sur un seul compte, - COPYLOT copiera vos transactions sur d'autres terminaux.
Copie du compte fermé ouvert sur Invest mot de passe ;
Fermeture partielle uniquement de mt4 à mt4
Copier du compte DEMO au compte réel ;
Copie de plusieurs terminaux vers un seul ;
Copie d'un terminal à plusieurs autres ;
Copie de n'importe quel courtier différent vers n'importe quel courtier différent ;


1. COPYLOT CLIENT (Esclave) Installez l'Expert Advisor dans le terminal où vous souhaitez copier les transactions.
2. Spécifiez n'importe quel nom d'étiquette de texte comme pathRead , par exemple, "COPY". Cela doit correspondre au terminal maître PathWrite (pour lier les deux terminaux).
3. Par défaut, notre programme copiera toutes les positions et commandes d'un compte à un autre !
4. Ouvrez le terminal sur lequel les positions seront copiées et réglez COPYLOT CLIENT sur une carte
5. Ouvrez le terminal où vous allez copier et installer COPYLOT Master MT4 sur un graphique


    Pour copier les positions, vous devez installer COPYLOT Master MT4 ou COPYLOT Master MT5 sur le premier compte (Gratuit)

    Pour dupliquer des positions sur votre compte vous pouvez télécharger notre duplicateur de positions Exp4 Duplicator for MT4


        L'EA doit être réglé sur 1 graphique ! Notre conseiller copie toutes les positions et ordres de votre compte !
        Attention ! COPYLOT ne fonctionne pas sur MetaQuotes VPS
        Attention : COPYLOT ne copie pas via Internet ! Copiez entre les terminaux sur un seul ordinateur !
        Attention ! La fermeture partielle ne fonctionne qu'entre les terminaux MT4 !
          #tags Copier Копировщик commerces de copie copie commerce copieur

          #tags commerces de copie copie commerce copieur copie rapide kopir   Expforex, Vladon,

          Paramètres du client : Où les signaux seront copiés

          pathREAD/pathWrite : Chemin du fichier où les informations sur les positions actuelles seront stockées. Ne pas utiliser d'espaces ni de caractères spéciaux.

          Magic : Numéro magique pour ouvrir/fermer des positions. Permet d'identifier les positions du système.

          PreFixSymbol : Suffixe des symboles de paires de devises du client. Le copieur détecte automatiquement le suffixe.

          ChangingNamesSymbols : Paramètre pour remplacer les noms de symboles entre le master et le client.

          Sounds : Active les signaux sonores sur le terminal client lors de l'ouverture de nouvelles positions.

          Comentshow : Affiche le tableau des positions copiées sur le graphique où le copieur est installé.

          NumberTryClose/NumberTryOpen : Définit le nombre de tentatives pour fermer ou ouvrir une position.

          Slippage : Déviation autorisée lorsque le prix d'exécution diffère du prix demandé lors de l'ouverture d'une position.

          PricePointSlip : Différence maximale de prix entre le master et le client pour copier une position.

          LotRiskFromMaster : Utilise le ratio de risque (solde/dépôt) entre le compte master et le compte client pour déterminer le lot.

          LotExp : Coefficient pour ajuster le lot du master lors de la copie vers le client.

          Lot : Taille du lot utilisée lors de l'ouverture des positions sur le terminal client.

          RiskLot : Pourcentage utilisé pour la fonction de lot dynamique (Autolot).

          RiskLotType : Type de calcul de risque pour l'option RiskLot (solde, marge libre, ou SL).

          RiskRate : Taux de change de la devise du compte par rapport au dollar.

          KoefLot : Coefficient de lot du client pour ajuster la taille des positions copiées.

          AdditionalLot : Ajout d'un lot supplémentaire à la taille du lot principal.

          MinLott/MaxLott : Taille minimale et maximale du lot lors de l'ouverture d'une position.

          CommentCopy (MT4 uniquement) : Copie les commentaires des positions du master.

          TakeProfitCopy/StopLossCopy : Copie les niveaux de Take Profit et Stop Loss du compte master.

          CorrectSLTPbyMaster : Ajuste les niveaux de SL/TP en fonction de la différence de prix entre le master et le client.

          MarketWatch : Active la gestion des positions avec Market Execution pour les comptes ECN.

          ReverseCopy : Inverse les positions du master lors de la copie (BUY → SELL et inversement).

          ReverseSLTP (MT4 uniquement) : Inverse les niveaux de Stop Loss et Take Profit lors de la copie des positions.

          PendingOrdersCopy : Copie les ordres en attente du compte master.

          PositionsCopy : Copie les positions du terminal master.

          PricePointSlip : Tolérance maximale de déviation de prix pour copier les positions.

          TimeSecondSlip : Tolérance maximale de déviation de temps (en secondes) pour copier les positions.

          DeleteOrderbyMaster : Supprime les ordres en attente sur le compte client si ceux-ci sont supprimés sur le master.

          ReopenPosAfterClose : Rouvre les positions fermées sur le client si elles sont toujours ouvertes sur le master.

          Rounding : Arrondit les prix lors de l'ouverture ou de la modification des positions.

          AutoRoundingGOLDSILVER : Active l'arrondissement automatique pour l'or et l'argent.

          ProfitCopyOnly : Copie uniquement les positions rentables du master.

          OnlyProfitPips : Définit la valeur minimale de profit (en pips) pour copier une position.

          LossCopyOnly : Copie uniquement les positions déficitaires du master.

          OnlyLossPips : Définit la valeur maximale de perte (en pips) pour copier une position.

          NewTradeONLY : Copie uniquement les nouvelles positions ouvertes après le lancement du copieur.

          FilterLotMin/FilterLotMax : Définit les lots minimum et maximum à copier du master.

          SymbolToCopy : Définit les symboles (paires de devises) à copier.

          SymbolNotToCopy : Définit les symboles à ne pas copier.

          PositionsToOrders (MT4 uniquement) : Convertit les positions en ordres en attente si la différence de prix dépasse un certain seuil.

          SLEEPING : Définis un délai en millisecondes entre les exécutions de code.

          ClosePosbyMaster : Ferme les positions sur le client lorsque les positions sont fermées sur le master.

          TP_adjust/SL_adjust : Ajuste les niveaux de Take Profit et Stop Loss sur le client par rapport au master.

          My_STOPLOSS/My_TAKEPROFIT : Permet de définir des niveaux personnalisés de Stop Loss et Take Profit sur le client.

          VirtualStopLossTakeProfit (MT4 uniquement) : Utilise des niveaux virtuels de SL/TP qui ne sont pas visibles par le serveur.

          TrailingStopUSE : Active la fonction de Trailing Stop pour les positions copiées.

          IfProfTrail : Active le Trailing Stop uniquement lorsque la position est en profit.

          Trailingstop : Distance en pips entre le prix actuel et le Trailing Stop.

          TrailingStep : Pas de déplacement du Trailing Stop.

          Breakeven : Active la fonction de Breakeven pour ajuster le Stop Loss après un certain profit.

          MaxPosBySymbol/MaxOrderBySymbol/MaxSymboll : Définit le nombre maximum de positions, ordres ou symboles à copier.

          NumberPosbeforeCopy : Définit le nombre de positions sur le master avant de commencer à copier sur le client.

          TPWCM_Use : Garde les positions ouvertes sur le client même après la fermeture sur le master.

          TPWCM_TakeProfitWhenCloseMaster : Définit un niveau de Take Profit sur le client après la fermeture de la position master.

          TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone : Définit le Take Profit uniquement dans la zone de profit.

          TPWCM_StopLossWhenCloseMaster : Définit un niveau de Stop Loss sur le client après la fermeture de la position master.

          TPWCM_TrailingStopUSE : Active le Trailing Stop après la fermeture de la position master.

          TPWCM_IfProfTrail : Active le Trailing Stop uniquement lorsque la position est en profit.

          TPWCM_BreakEven : Active la fonction de Breakeven après la fermeture des positions du master.

          OIP_Order_Instead_Position : Convertit les positions du master en ordres en attente sur le client.

          OIP_TypeOrders : Définit le type d'ordre (STOP ou LIMIT).

          OIP_DistanceOIP : Définit la distance en points pour les ordres en attente.

          LimitFor/LimitForLosses/LimitForProfits : Limite les gains et pertes sur une période donnée.

          Clients extra Delays : Gère les délais supplémentaires pour la copie des positions.

          Delay_Seconds_General : Définit un délai en secondes entre chaque requête serveur de l'Expert Advisor.

          Avis 101
          Cristobal Giron
          Cristobal Giron 2024.12.25 11:32 

          Hello, I have a question. In the event that I do not want a transaction to enter because the SLIPPAGE that the account where it is being copied has is larger than the account to which it is copied, how should I set the parameter for the maximum SLIPPAGE price?

          For example, in the master account the slippage is 15 and in the copy account the slippage varies from 100 to 20.

          What should I put in the slippage box so that it does not appear if the copier slippage is greater than 30?

          investabc 2024.12.19 16:11 

          There is no IfProfTrail in MT4 client. Where IfProfTrail (Condition for Trailing Stop activation) Thanks

          36345651 2024.08.31 05:50 


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          Prenez le contrôle de votre portefeuille de devises. Voyez instantanément où vous en êtes, ce qui fonctionne et ce qui vous fait mal ! VERSION MT5 DISPONIBLE ICI : https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/58658 Le tableau de bord Trade Manager est conçu pour vous montrer en un coup d'œil où se trouve actuellement chaque position que vous détenez sur le marché des changes et faciliter la compréhension de la gestion des risques et de l'exposition aux devises. Pour les traders qui évoluent progres
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          Hispraise Chinedum Abraham
          5 (2)
          Cet indicateur Custom Ultimate Sniper Dashboard est une mise à niveau de l'indicateur original Ultimate Sniper Dashboard. Il fonctionne avec jusqu'à 98 algorithmes différents pour s'assurer qu'il capture la vraie nature d'une tendance sur une classe d'actifs avec laquelle vous travaillez. Il s'agit d'une réponse directe à un grand nombre de suggestions et de conseils que nous avons reçus de la plupart de nos clients pendant plusieurs mois.   Cette version personnalisée est entièrement personn
          News Trapper EA
          Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
          4.86 (14)
          News trapper EA un expert unique fait pour le trading de news Il a été développé en utilisant des années d'expérience dans le trading en direct {entièrement automatique}  très important Le programme contient des paramètres flexibles pour le trading sur les nouvelles du calendrier économique. Il ne peut pas être vérifié dans le testeur de stratégie. Uniquement du vrai travail. Dans les paramètres du terminal, vous devez ajouter le site d'actualités à la liste des URL autorisées. Cliquez sur Ou
          The program is use to copy trading from MT4   to MT4 and MT5  on local PC or copy  over the Internet.   Now you can easy copy trades to any where or share to friends. Only run one Flash Server on VPS, also need allow the apps if you turn on Windows Firewall. Can not add more than 20 account copier to server, include both  MT4 and MT5 Get free Copier EA for MT4 and MT5 (only  receive signal),   download here Instants copy, speed smaller 0.1 seconds, easy to setup How to setup and guide Let read a
          ADAM for FTMO 40
          Vyacheslav Izvarin
          5 (1)
          ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO  Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94887 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          Discord To MT4 Receiver
          Levi Dane Benjamin
          5 (1)
          Copiez les signaux de n'importe quel canal dont vous êtes membre (   sans avoir besoin d'un jeton de bot ou de permissions d'administrateur  directement vers votre MT4. Il a été conçu en pensant à l'utilisateur tout en offrant de nombreuses fonctionnalités dont vous avez besoin Ce produit est présenté dans une interface graphique conviviale et attrayante. Personnalisez vos paramètres et commencez à utiliser le produit en quelques minutes ! Guide de l'utilisateur + Démo  | Version MT5 | Versio
          Mentfx Mmanage
          Anton Jere Calmes
          5 (15)
          The added video will show you the full functionality, effectiveness, and simplicity of this trade manager. Drag and Drop Trade Manager. Draw your entry and have the tool calculate the rest. Advanced targeting and close portions of a trade directly available in tool (manage trades while you sleep). Market order or limit order on either side with factored spread. Just draw the entry, the tool does the rest. Hotkey setup to make it simple. Draw where you want to enter, and the stop loss, the tool c
          Ultimate Trade Copier
          5 (1)
          This trade copy utility allows you to instantly and seamlessly replicate and synchronize unlimited orders from multiple master accounts to multiple slave accounts on your local machine. You can create custom channels (or portfolios) with advanced filtering capabilities to copy from multiple master accounts to multiple slave accounts. Moreover, you can tailor these channels with a range of lot sizing and trade condition options to ensure that copied trades outperform the original source. You can
          This adds an easy to use trading panel to your MetaTrader4 chart, enabling you to enter the market at lightning speed with your risk automatically calculated. Plus, it will help you automate your trade management with automatic & one click partial profits, stop loss to breakeven and more. Click here for the full Trade Buddy user guide If you want to test Trade Buddy before you purchase, please message us by visiting our profile and we will provide you with a 7 day free trial. Best of all, it’s c
          Online Accounts Manager MT4
          Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
          5 (1)
          OneClick Online Account Manager is a powerful utility that helps you to manage all your accounts from a centralized panel. It is suitable for all single account traders and specially for multiple accounts traders. The utility help you to : Monitor status of all accounts on a private web page. Some information such as account connection status, account profit, DD, Balance, Equity, Margin Level, Number of positions and orders, Daily and Weekly profit/loss and also overall summation of all these
          A "simple design" trading panel, which is characterized by small byte size, low CPU usage, simple steps, and quick operation, 1 to 2 clicks to complete a functional operation, saving time and increasing efficiency . The panel is easy to use, and it is not complicated to set parameters, which is in line with traders' habits. At the same time, its compact- design, clear at a glance, and comprehensive functions are a powerful tool for manual trading! Key features of the panel:   Click "Bid Pri
          Summer 40% discount ($149 -> $88) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt4 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .  Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extend
          Auto Trade Driver
          Vu Trung Kien
          4.87 (15)
          Auto Trade Driver is an automatic powerful tool (run as Expert Advisor) that helps you to manage risk and control orders and maximize your profit in multi-protect/trailing-stop rules. This tool is very useful for both scalpers and trend followers. It not only calculates the trade risk exactly, but also protects and maximizes your profits in real-time. With this tool, the only thing you have to do is to enter trade by your own strategy, then it will auto-drive your position with exit strategy you
          RedFox Copier Pro
          Rui Manh Tien
          4.73 (11)
          Time saving and fast execution Whether you’re traveling or sleeping, always know that Telegram To Mt4 performs the trades for you. In other words, Our   Telegram MT4 Signal Trader  will analyze the trading signals you receive on your selected Telegram channels and execute them to your Telegram to MT4 account. Reduce The Risk Telegram To Mt4   defines the whole experience of copying signals from   Telegram signal copier to mt4 platforms. Users not only can follow all instructions from the sign
          La boîte à outils d'action sur les prix EA est principalement conçue pour les scalpers mais peut être utilisée sur toutes les périodes pour entrer rapidement sur le marché avec une taille de lot correctement calculée en fonction de votre niveau d'arrêt. ordres), puis ajustez les stops et prenez les bénéfices au fur et à mesure que le marché évolue. Pour une liste complète de toutes les fonctionnalités, paramètres et stratégie des meilleures pratiques à utiliser, cliquez ici : https://www.mql5
          Trading History MT4
          Siarhei Vashchylka
          5 (9)
          Trading History - A program for trading and money management on the history of quotes in stratagy tester. It can work with pending and immediate orders, and is equipped with trailing stop, breakeven and take profit functions. Very good for training and testing different strategies. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) Advantages 1. Allows you to test any trading strategy in the shortest possible time 2. An excellent simulator for trading training. You can gain months of trading experi
          The product will copy all  Discord  signal   to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up. Work with almost signal formats, support to translate other language to English Work with multi channel, multi MT4. Work with Image signal. Copy order instant, auto detect symbol. Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. How to setup and guide: Let read all details about setup and download Discord To MetaTrade
          !!! New faeture sending Signals as VIP EMAILS MT4 Telegram Signal is tool, which sends selected trades via magicno to telegram channel , sms and email to user. Tool sends trades when open and close with chart to telegram chanel. It also sends every modification from trades to telegram. Tool can send multiple charts and magicno and pairs from a single chart. For this you have to fill in on the chart corresponding magic number to be sent by the chart. You must add the URL “ https://api.telegram
          TakePropips TradePad Pro
          Eric John Pajarillaga Aldana
          5 (4)
          TakePropips TradePad Pro comprend un puissant gestionnaire de transactions, un indicateur de force monétaire, des outils de reporting de compte, des outils de gestion des risques, et bien plus encore ! C'est l'un des gestionnaires de trading forex et des assistants commerciaux les plus avancés que vous n'aurez jamais rencontrés! C'est la solution parfaite pour les commerçants qui veulent un moyen plus efficace de gérer les transactions commerciales. Vous pouvez télécharger le manuel d'utilisatio
          Easy Toolbar MT4
          Nguyen Tuan Son
          5 (1)
          Easy Toolbar is a user-friendly toolkit that provides fundamental tools and utilities which can helps you analyze market , get notifications and calculate trade factors faster, more accurate and much easier. Easy Toolbar is born with the mission to make analysis tools of MT4 really work & provide more useful utilities . If you are not fully depend on EAs and do your own work to analyze market, this tool is for you! Main features New way to use market analysis tools Introduce new important obje
          Comprehensive on chart trade panel with the unique ability to be controllable from mobile as well. Plus has a library of downloadable configuration, e.g. exit rules, extra panel buttons, pending order setup and more. Please see our product video. Works with all symbols not just currency pairs. Features On chart panel plus controllable from free app for Windows, iPhone and Android Built-in script engine with library of downloadable configuration, e.g. add 'Close All Trades in Profit' button, exit
          2025 happy new year -50% discount ($199 -> $99) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types   - Set
          Plus de l'auteur
          Exp COPYLOT CLIENT for MT5
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.15 (26)
          Le copieur commercial pour MT5 est un copieur commercial pour la plate-forme МetaТrader 5   . Il copie les transactions de change   entre       tous les comptes   MT5   -   MT5, MT4   -   MT5 pour la version COPYLOT MT5 (ou MT4   -   MT4 MT5   -   MT4 pour la version COPYLOT MT4) Copieur fiable ! Version MT4 Description complète   +DEMO +PDF Comment acheter Comment installer     Comment obtenir des fichiers journaux     Comment tester et optimiser     Tous les produits de Expforex Vous po
          Exp5 AI Sniper for MT5
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          Notre équipe est ravie de vous présenter Trading Robot, le conseiller expert en trading intelligent de pointe pour le terminal MetaTrader. AI Sniper   est un robot de trading intelligent et auto-optimisé conçu pour les terminaux  MT5 . Il exploite un algorithme intelligent et des stratégies de trading avancées pour maximiser votre potentiel de trading. Forts de 15 ans d'expérience dans les bourses et en bourse, nous avons développé des fonctionnalités innovantes de gestion de stratégie, des fon
          Exp4 AI Sniper for MT4
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          5 (2)
          Notre équipe est ravie de vous présenter Trading Robot, le conseiller expert en trading intelligent de pointe pour le terminal MetaTrader. AI Sniper   est un robot de trading intelligent et auto-optimisé conçu pour les terminaux  MT4   . Utilisant un algorithme sophistiqué et des méthodologies de trading de pointe,   AI Sniper   incarne l'excellence en matière d'optimisation du trading. Avec plus de 15 ans d'expérience approfondie en bourse et en marchés boursiers, notre équipe a conçu cet Expe
          Panneau de trading pour trader en 1 clic.   Travailler avec des positions et des commandes!   Trading à partir du graphique ou du clavier. Avec notre panneau de trading, vous pouvez exécuter des transactions en un seul clic directement depuis le graphique et effectuer des opérations de trading 30 fois plus rapidement qu'avec le contrôle MetaTrader standard. Les calculs automatiques des paramètres et des fonctions rendent le trading plus rapide et plus pratique pour les traders. Des conseils grap
          Exp Averager
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.8 (20)
          Exp-Averager   est conçu pour faire la moyenne de vos transactions qui ont reçu un certain retrait en ouvrant des transactions de moyenne. Le conseiller a la possibilité d'ouvrir de nouvelles positions en tendance ou à contre-courant. Il comprend également une fonction intelligente de stop suiveur qui s'applique à une série de positions. Le conseiller peut augmenter ou diminuer la taille du lot des positions. Il s'agit d'une stratégie largement utilisée pour ramener les positions perdantes au
          Exp TickSniper
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4 (31)
          Exp-TickSniper   est un scalpeur de tick rapide qui sélectionne automatiquement les paramètres pour chaque paire de devises séparément. L'EA a été développé sur la base de l'expérience acquise en près de 10 ans de programmation EA. L'EA effectue des transactions à court terme à l'aide d'un stop suiveur intelligent et sur la base des données de paire de devises actuelles, de ses cotations, de ses spécifications et de son spread. La stratégie de moyennage est utilisée pour éviter les pertes caus
          Exp TickSniper PRO FULL
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          3.98 (55)
          Exp-TickSniper - scalpeur de ticks à   grande vitesse avec sélection automatique des paramètres pour chaque paire de devises automatiquement. Vous rêvez d'un conseiller qui calculera automatiquement les paramètres de trading ? Optimisé et réglé automatiquement ? La version complète du système pour MetaTrader 4:       TickSniper   scalper   pour MetaTrader 4 TickSniper - Description complète       + DÉMO + PDF L'EA a été développé sur la base de l'expérience acquise en près de 10 ans de progr
          Exp SafetyLock PRO
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.7 (27)
          Le SAFETYLOCK est un outil indispensable pour les traders cherchant à se protéger contre les retournements de marché soudains. Il agit en plaçant automatiquement un ordre opposé pour chaque position déjà ouverte, assurant ainsi une couverture efficace en cas de mouvements imprévus. Lorsque vous ouvrez une position, que ce soit manuellement ou via un Expert Advisor (EA), SAFETYLOCK crée instantanément un ordre en attente opposé. Si la position devient déficitaire, cet ordre est activé, formant
          Averager FULL
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.9 (10)
          Exp-Averager   est conçu pour faire la moyenne de vos transactions qui ont reçu un certain retrait en ouvrant des transactions de moyenne. Le conseiller peut ouvrir des positions supplémentaires en tendance et à contre-tendance ! Comprend un stop suiveur moyen pour une série de positions ! Ils augmentent et diminuent beaucoup. Une stratégie populaire pour ramener les positions non rentables au prix moyen. Version MT4 Description complète +DEMO +PDF Comment acheter Comment installer     C
          Exp5 The xCustomEA for MT5
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.27 (11)
          Conseiller commercial universel sur les indicateurs personnalisés pour MetaTrader 5. Constructeur de stratégie. Écrivez le nom de votre indicateur avec   Arrow   et les tampons de signal, et nos   échanges   EA xCustomEA sur ces signaux. Vous pouvez également utiliser plusieurs de nos fonctions intégrées. Version pour MetaTrader4 :   La   version   xCustomEA pour le terminal MetaTrader 4 La fonctionnalité du conseiller de trading universel Le xCustomEA duplique exactement tous les paramètres de
          CloseIfProfitorLoss with Trailing
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.86 (28)
          Clôture des positions dans MetaTrader 4 après avoir atteint le bénéfice/perte total avec la fonction de suivi des bénéfices. Vous pouvez activer les arrêts virtuels (ordre séparé) . Calcul et clôture des positions ACHAT et VENTE séparément (ACHAT VENTE séparé) . Fermeture et calcul de tous les symboles ou du symbole courant uniquement (Tous les symboles) . Activer le suivi pour le profit ( Trailing Profit ). Clôture sur le total des profits et pertes en devise de dépôt, en points, ou en % du so
          VirtualTradePad mt4 Extra
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.88 (57)
          Panneau de trading pour trader en 1 clic.   Travailler avec des positions et des commandes!   Trading à partir du graphique ou du clavier. En utilisant notre panel de trading, vous pouvez trader en un clic à partir du graphique et effectuer des opérations de trading 30 fois plus rapidement que le contrôle MetaTrader standard. Des calculs automatiques de paramètres et de fonctions qui facilitent la vie d'un trader et aident un trader à mener ses activités de trading beaucoup plus rapidement et p
          Profit or Loss Pad
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.5 (10)
          Clôture des positions dans MetaTrader 5 après avoir atteint le bénéfice/perte total avec la fonction de suivi des bénéfices.   FermerIfProfitorLoss with Trailing Vous pouvez activer les   arrêts virtuels (ordre séparé)   , calcul et clôture des positions   ACHAT et VENTE séparément (ACHETER VENTE séparé)   , fermeture et calcul de   tous les symboles ou du symbole courant uniquement (Tous les symboles)   , activer le suivi pour le profit (   Trailing   Profit) Les positions sont fermées sur la
          Exp Assistant 5
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.74 (103)
          Réglage automatique, stop loss, take profit, trailing stop, seuils de rentabilité, permettant un stop loss   virtuel   et un take profit. Exp Assistant   vous aidera à organiser le maintien de vos positions. Ce programme, l'Expert Advisor, est conçu pour définir automatiquement le   réel ou le virtuel       Niveaux   Stop Loss et Take Profit   pour vos positions pendant la négociation. Vous pouvez facilement gérer toutes les opérations de l'Expert Advisor depuis le panneau de contrôle sur la ca
          Exp5 Swing PRO for MT5
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          La stratégie de trading basée sur le modèle Swing consiste à placer deux ordres en attente opposés avec des lots accrus. Lorsque le prix du marché évolue dans une certaine direction, l’un des ordres est déclenché tandis que la taille du lot de l’autre augmente. Cette approche permet aux traders de réaliser des profits tout en minimisant les risques, ce qui en fait un moyen fiable de négocier des devises, des actions et des matières premières. L'utilisation de cette stratégie dans le trading fina
          Exp5 Tester PAD for Strategy Tester
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.48 (25)
          L'utilitaire vous permet de tester manuellement vos stratégies dans le testeur de stratégie. Trading en un clic sur le graphique de visualisation. Une fonctionnalité pratique et complète permettant de tester les compétences en trading est désormais également disponible dans le testeur de stratégie. Forex Tester Pad est un simulateur de trading pour testeur de stratégie. Trading à l'aide d'indicateurs. Les principales fonctions de notre utilitaire Version MT4 Description complète +DEMO +PDF Co
          Lib5 EAPadPRO for MT5
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.4 (5)
          Library to add the Information Panel to your Expert Advisor for MetaTrader 5. We can not guarantee that the information and interface of the program will give you a profit on deals, but we will definitely say that even the simplest interface of the program can strengthen the first impression. Detailed description and instructions for adding our panel to your Expert Advisor are in our blog: LIB - EAPADPRO Step-by-step instruction Detailed description of our panel and instructions for using EAPADP
          Exp Swing
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.3 (40)
          Il utilise le modèle d'une stratégie célèbre appelée Swinger (Pendule, Cheburashka) - passation alternative des commandes en attente avec un lot accru. La stratégie consiste à passer deux ordres en attente opposés. Lorsque le prix évolue dans une certaine direction, un ordre en attente est déclenché, tandis que la taille du lot de l'autre ordre est augmentée. L'EA propose trois types d'ouverture d'ordres en attente (TypeofTrade) Ouverture automatique après placement (ouverture instantanée Auto
          Exp5 COPYLOT MASTER for MT5
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.4 (10)
          Exp5 - COPYLOT MASTER est un copieur commercial pour МetaТrader 5 et MetaTrader 4. Il copie les transactions Forex à partir de n'importe quel compte. Installation Cet Expert Advisor est un copieur maître. Installez l'Expert Advisor dans le terminal à partir duquel vous souhaitez copier les transactions. Spécifiez n'importe quel nom d'étiquette de texte comme pathWrite, par exemple, "COPY". Installez COPYLOT MASTER pour MT5 sur le terminal à partir duquel vous souhaitez copier les transactions. I
          Exp Assistant 4
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.87 (70)
          AutoSetting stop loss, take profit, trailing stop, seuils de rentabilité, permettant des arrêts virtuels. Exp Assistant   vous aidera à organiser la maintenance de vos positions. Cet Expert Advisor définira tous les niveaux de stop loss et de take profit nécessaires pour vos positions. Toutes les opérations de l'Expert Advisor sont gérées depuis le panneau de contrôle sur la carte. Si vous avez des positions ouvertes, mais que votre Expert Advisor ne peut pas définir de stop loss, take profit,
          Exp THE X FULL
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.79 (29)
          Expert Advisor automatique universel pour MetaTrader 5 travaillant sur des indicateurs standards. UniverselEA Le constructeur EA est fourni avec un grand nombre de fonctions. Vous pouvez sélectionner l'un des 20 signaux pour ouvrir une position et 5 des 20 filtres pour trier les signaux des indicateurs standard inclus dans le package MetaTrader. En outre, vous pouvez ajuster les paramètres de l'indicateur, sélectionner une période et spécifier une barre de signal pour chaque signal. Vous pouvez
          Exp COPYLOT MASTER for MT4
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.46 (24)
          Copieur de commerce pour МetaТrader 4. Il copie les transactions de change, les positions et les ordres de tous les comptes. # C'est l'un des meilleurs МТ4   -   МТ4, МТ5   -   МТ5, МТ4   -   МТ5, МТ5   -   МТ4 copieurs commerciaux aujourd'hui. #       L'algorithme de copie unique copie exactement toutes les transactions du compte principal vers votre compte client. Vitesse de fonctionnement élevée. Traitement des erreurs difficile. Un ensemble puissant de fonctionnalités. #       Toutes ces qu
          Ind5 Extra Report Pad
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.74 (27)
          Journal des traders : Il s'agit d'un panneau de statistiques fournissant une analyse de votre compte de trading pour MetaTrader 5. Les résultats de l'analyse sont affichés sur le graphique en temps réel. Le trading multidevises est très populaire. Version MT4 Description complète +PDF Comment acheter Comment installer     Comment obtenir des fichiers journaux     Comment tester et optimiser     Tous les produits de Expforex Cependant, plus le nombre de transactions est élevé, plus il est
          Exp4 Tester PAD for Strategy Tester
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.89 (18)
          L'utilitaire vous permet de tester manuellement vos stratégies dans le testeur de stratégie. Trading en un clic sur le graphique de visualisation. La dernière version de l'utilitaire offre des fonctionnalités avancées permettant aux traders de tester manuellement leurs stratégies de trading. Avec le testeur de stratégie, vous pouvez désormais évaluer l'efficacité de vos stratégies de trading dans un environnement simulé. Cette fonctionnalité vous permet d'analyser les performances de vos techni
          Ind4 Extra Report Pad
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.58 (36)
          Journal des traders : Il s'agit d'un panneau de statistiques fournissant une analyse de votre compte de trading pour MetaTrader 4. Les résultats de l'analyse sont affichés sur le graphique en temps réel. Le trading multidevises est très populaire de nos jours. Cependant, plus le nombre de transactions est important, plus il est difficile d'analyser la rentabilité de chacune d'entre elles. Version MT5 Description complète Comment acheter Comment installer     Comment obtenir des fichiers j
          Ind5 InfoPad Information Panel
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4.88 (8)
          INFOPad est un panneau d'information qui crée des informations sur la paire de devises sélectionnée dans le terminal MetaTrader 5. Il y a 5 fonctions de cet indicateur : Affiche les informations principales et principales sur le symbole sélectionné : Ask BID, Spread, Stop Level, Swap, Tick value, Commissions ; Affiche les objectifs futurs de la cible SL et de la cible TP (le nombre de points du stop loss et du take profit établis, le montant en dollars); Il montre le bénéfice reçu pour les péri
          Exp Tick Hamster MT5
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          3.59 (17)
          Expert avec optimisation automatique de tous les paramètres pour n'importe quel symbole de trading pour MetaTrader 5. Échange d'EA sans paramètres ! Cocher   Hamster   - Il s'agit d'un   expert en trading automatisé pour les débutants et les utilisateurs qui ne souhaitent pas créer de conseiller ! La stratégie de trading de ce trading advisor est testée depuis   7 ans. Le trading n'a jamais été aussi facile qu'avec notre expert en trading automatisé, conçu spécialement pour les débutants. Dites
          Lib4 EAPadPRO for MT4
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          5 (2)
          Library to add the Information Panel to your Expert Advisor for MetaTrader 4. We can not guarantee that the information and interface of the program will give you a profit on deals, but we will definitely say that even the simplest interface of the program can strengthen the first impression. Detailed description and instructions for adding our panel to your Expert Advisor are in our blog: LIB - EAPADPRO Step-by-step instruction Detailed description of our panel and instructions for using EAPADP
          Exp4 The xCustomEA for MT4
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          4 (5)
          Conseiller commercial universel sur les indicateurs personnalisés pour MetaTrader 4. Stratégie de constructeur. Écrivez le nom de votre indicateur avec Arrow et les tampons de signal, et nos échanges EA xCustomEA sur ces signaux. Vous pouvez également utiliser plusieurs de nos fonctions intégrées. Version pour MetaTrader 4 :   La   version   xCustomEA pour le terminal MetaTrader 5 La fonctionnalité du conseiller de trading universel Le xCustomEA duplique exactement tous les paramètres de notre
          Exp Tick Hamster MT4
          Vladislav Andruschenko
          3.62 (13)
          Expert avec optimisation automatique de tous les paramètres pour n'importe quel symbole de trading pour MetaTrader 4. Échange d'EA sans paramètres ! Tick   Hamster     - Il s'agit d'un   expert en trading automatisé pour les débutants et les utilisateurs qui ne souhaitent pas créer de conseiller ! Faites l'expérience du trading automatisé sans tracas avec notre conseiller expert adapté aux débutants. Pas besoin de vous soucier de configurations compliquées : notre expert s’occupe de tout pour vo
          Cristobal Giron
          Cristobal Giron 2024.12.25 11:32 

          Hello, I have a question. In the event that I do not want a transaction to enter because the SLIPPAGE that the account where it is being copied has is larger than the account to which it is copied, how should I set the parameter for the maximum SLIPPAGE price?

          For example, in the master account the slippage is 15 and in the copy account the slippage varies from 100 to 20.

          What should I put in the slippage box so that it does not appear if the copier slippage is greater than 30?

          Vladislav Andruschenko
          Réponse du développeur Vladislav Andruschenko 2024.12.25 11:46
          Hello. The Slippage parameter can be set in the settings:
          Slippage occurs when the execution price of a trade is different from its requested price. It occurs when the market orders could not be matched at preferred prices – usually in highly volatile and fast-moving markets prone to unexpected quick turns in certain trends. If Slippage (*Deviation) = 0 , then Slippage will be considered automatically and equal to the Spread But to set the maximum difference between master and client, you can use the PricePointSlip parameter: PricePointSlip = This is a restriction (filter) to copy a position if the price (Ask and Bid) on the Master and Client differ by PricePointSlip points.
          That is when using PricePointSlip, the Client prohibits copying a position if the price difference between the Master and Client is greater than PricePointSlip points. Slippage = This is the allowed slippage (price change by the broker) when opening a position. A broker can change the price of a position when sending an order to open a position.
          If the COPYLOT receives a requote from the broker, the COPYLOT will send a new order to open a position at the new prices. If you want to limit position copying when the difference between Master and Client prices is too big, you need to use PricePointSlip.
          investabc 2024.12.19 16:11 

          There is no IfProfTrail in MT4 client. Where IfProfTrail (Condition for Trailing Stop activation) Thanks

          Vladislav Andruschenko
          Réponse du développeur Vladislav Andruschenko 2024.12.19 16:38
          If you are talking about the standard TrailingStop, then this parameter IfProfTrail is enabled by default. But I will bring it to the settings in the next update.
          Amedeo123 2024.12.13 10:17 

          L'utilisateur n'a laissé aucun commentaire sur la note

          Chow Raven
          Chow Raven 2024.10.30 14:09 

          How can I solve the problem of the panel showing "#-1 Forbidden to trade by advis"???

          Vladislav Andruschenko
          Réponse du développeur Vladislav Andruschenko 2024.10.30 14:10
          Hello. This error means that your broker has prohibited trading experts on your account. Please contact your broker. And attach a screenshot to the Discussions section.
          36345651 2024.08.31 05:50 


          Gary 2024.03.28 09:28 

          I have just purchased COPYLOT Client. In future if I need to update/upgrade to the newer version of this EA, where can I download the updated version? Would I receive an email or other sources about the available update?

          Vladislav Andruschenko
          Réponse du développeur Vladislav Andruschenko 2024.03.28 09:49
          All updates are free. You can download them from the terminal.
          How to do it: Instructions: You can install/buy/update any advisor from the terminal/website: 🏬🏬🏬
          MARKET MQL5.COM: HOW TO INSTALL ea from terminal?: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/734585
          ▶️Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT76FoAjX9A
          agrushev777 2023.12.23 16:47 

          L'utilisateur n'a laissé aucun commentaire sur la note

          Heidi 2023.11.02 07:22 

          If I want to only copy market order but NOT position. I make "PositionCopy" false, and make "PendingOrdersCopy" true, but does it include market order or only limit and stop order?

          Because I used "MaxPosBySymbol", when the deal remain in the queue was opened, the price was already a lot different with the OnlyProfitPips that I set. So I don't want to copy the position (in the queue), I want to copy the next coming market order instead.

          Vladislav Andruschenko
          Réponse du développeur Vladislav Andruschenko 2023.11.02 07:32
          Pending order = stop and limit orders.
          Guney Akgul
          Guney Akgul 2023.10.03 02:46 

          L'utilisateur n'a laissé aucun commentaire sur la note

          Vladislav Andruschenko
          Réponse du développeur Vladislav Andruschenko 2023.10.03 08:36
          FULL INFO about your problem: How to make Files https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/732566
          King Yeung Chung
          King Yeung Chung 2023.06.09 09:33 

          L'utilisateur n'a laissé aucun commentaire sur la note

          Vladislav Andruschenko
          Réponse du développeur Vladislav Andruschenko 2023.06.09 10:05
          You can install Mt and download from terminal Instructions: You can install / buy / update any advisor from the terminal / website: 🏬🏬🏬
          MARKET MQL5.COM: HOW TO INSTALL ea from terminal?: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/734585
          Share Happy
          Share Happy 2023.06.07 07:58 

          L'utilisateur n'a laissé aucun commentaire sur la note

          Vladislav Andruschenko
          Réponse du développeur Vladislav Andruschenko 2023.06.07 08:06
          Hello Maybe you have suffix? FULL INFO about your problem: How to make Files https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/732566
          Versace26.- 2023.04.27 23:16 

          hi, I'm contacting you for help with an issue I'm experiencing with my two accounts. In the demo account, I have access to four different markets, while in the live account I've set a preference to only open positions for a single symbol. For example, in the demo account it opens a position on EUR/USD, which is automatically copied to the live account. Then, on the demo account, it opens a position on GBP/USD that isn't copied to the live account because the maximum number of symbols to copy has been set to one. The problem arises when the demo account closes the EUR/USD position and then opens a new position on GBP/USD, which shouldn't be opened because the symbol has already been opened previously. Instead, it should open another market, such as XAU/USD. Could you help me resolve this issue? Thank you very much for your support. Best regards,

          Vladislav Andruschenko
          Réponse du développeur Vladislav Andruschenko 2023.04.28 08:09
          Hello. Thanks for the feedback. I will be able to answer your question in the discussion section.
          Sunny101010 2023.03.23 17:29 

          L'utilisateur n'a laissé aucun commentaire sur la note

          Vladislav Andruschenko
          Réponse du développeur Vladislav Andruschenko 2023.03.23 18:45
          Hello. all terminals and accounts must be turned on and working. if you turned off the account, then there will be no copying. the computer and the Internet must also be turned on. install 3 terminals and enable for copy to work.
          Rosalind  Lakshmi Vasani
          Rosalind Lakshmi Vasani 2023.01.22 17:09 

          Im using martingale strategy and want to copy specific layers of positions to from my master account to my client account. I have read the downloaded copy user guide but still cannot find the answer. So, if it is the case, what step should l do? thanks for your help developer!!

          Vladislav Andruschenko
          Réponse du développeur Vladislav Andruschenko 2023.01.22 18:08
          specify which filters you want to use? post on the discussion page.
          Yahaya Muhammad
          Yahaya Muhammad 2023.01.19 05:18 

          having problem wit this EA since I bought it. Its not copying some trades ... which is puzzling.. hv fwd the querry but got no response whatsoever.

          Vladislav Andruschenko
          Réponse du développeur Vladislav Andruschenko 2023.01.19 08:18
          If you have problem, you need to send all information. FULL INFO about your problem: How to make Files  https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/732566 I answered your question right away in the comments. Why are you cheating? look at the message. I don't email. I write on the program page. Read the site rules.
          josse correyero
          josse correyero 2022.11.29 17:19 

          hello, I have trouble copying on the dax40 and indices, with FOREX without problem. Any solution? Thank you

          Vladislav Andruschenko
          Réponse du développeur Vladislav Andruschenko 2022.11.29 19:03
          FULL INFO about your problem: How to make Files https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/732566
          Mohdasi 2022.11.07 12:49 

          it's a good tool, just needs to have a filter for "how many magic numbers per symbol" I hope to add this to the settings

          hello008 2022.10.23 02:38 

          It is good. I would like to copy again my previous traded currency, for example, I copied my master account nzdchf and copy to client account. Then I manually took profit. And I would re - copy nzdchf again from master account. What setting can I do this? Currently, I found once I copied the currency with the same lot no. to client account. I cannot copy the same lot of the same currency from the same master account. Please kindly advise. Thank you

          Vladislav Andruschenko
          Réponse du développeur Vladislav Andruschenko 2022.10.23 08:11
          You can use ReopenPosAfterClose (Only for MT4) Re-opening positions, if they were closed on the client but not yet closed on the master. Only for professionals !!! It helps to open a position again if it was closed, for example, by trailing stop on the client. But the master is not yet closed.
          Claudio Ernesto Gonzalez
          Claudio Ernesto Gonzalez 2022.10.06 11:31 

          So far so good, I use it to copy 3 signals from 3 different accounts into one MT4 account. It works as announced, no system performance / delays issues. Thanks!

          Jules Andy Philippe Bouillar
          Jules Andy Philippe Bouillar 2022.09.05 12:14 

          L'utilisateur n'a laissé aucun commentaire sur la note

          Répondre à l'avis
          Version 24.988 2024.12.20

          --New Parametr IfProfTrail:
          -If “true”– when the Expert Advisor starts modifying only from the moment the position is installed to the Breakeven (stoploss on the breakeven point) + TrailingStop of profit Point(Pips).
          -If “false,” the TrailingStop works right after the position is positioned, and the position is put into profit and pulled after the price.

          --New Parameter for the MT4 Version of the Copier: CommentPersonal (Prop firm ready)
          Parameter Description:

          CommentPersonal — a custom comment for each copied trade.
          If set to "NULL", the comment will be empty, and the trade will have no comment.
          If CommentPersonal is set to "NULL", the comment will be empty.
          If CommentPersonal contains a value, that value will be used as the comment.
          If CommentCopy is enabled, the comment will match the original master trade's comment.
          If not, the comment will default to a combination of pathREAD and the trade's ticket number.
          Important Notes:

          Attention: In this mode, global variables will be applied!
          Ensure that your other Expert Advisors or indicators do not delete global variables.

          Attention: When this feature is enabled (true), our Expert Advisor will record, save, and load its data using global variables.

          If another Expert Advisor or indicator deletes these global variables, Copylot will not be able to monitor or maintain its positions and trades.
          Do not enable this feature unless you are confident in the stability of your indicators and Expert Advisors!
          This feature is intended for advanced users who fully understand the implications of working with global variables.

          Version 24.978 2024.11.04
          --EAPADPRO v60
          --Added Language for links;
          --Solution to the problem with downloading advisors from the market. MQL4 Market: failed download product ' ' [500]
          --Recompiled in last build of MetaTrader;
          Version 24.977 2024.11.04
          Recompile in Last Build
          Version 24.972 2024.11.04
          Version 24.971 2024.11.04
          Version 24.970 2024.11.04
          Recompilation in 1430
          Version 24.969 2024.11.04
          Recompile in 1422
          Version 24.942 2024.10.12
          Corrected log message:
          Search Ticket to close........
          Version 24.919 2024.09.19
          Updated version for brokers who add extra characters to the transaction comment.
          Version 24.918 2024.09.18
          !!! Condition for closing positions from the master: Added a function to clear the position comment on brokers that add extra characters

          EAPADPRO v59

          --Enhanced Graphical Interface Translation

          We have completely revamped and updated the translations across all elements of the graphical interface. This ensures a more accurate and natural localization, allowing the interface to better reflect the linguistic and cultural nuances of our diverse user base. As a result, interacting with the application is now even more seamless and intuitive, providing a more personalized and comfortable user experience.

          --Introduced Informative Tooltips for Panel Elements

          To elevate user convenience, we've added descriptive tooltips to various panel components. When you hover over buttons and icons, informative explanations about each element's functionality will appear instantly. This enhancement significantly simplifies navigation and interaction within the application, making it easier for both new and experienced users to utilize all features effectively.

          --Resolved Minor Bugs and Boosted Stability

          In this update, we've addressed and fixed several minor bugs that were affecting the application's performance. These corrections enhance the overall stability and reliability of the program, ensuring a smoother and more consistent user experience. By eliminating these small issues, we've laid the groundwork for a more robust and efficient application.

          Version 24.807 2024.08.07
          ++++++++++++ NEW Function TimeSecondSlip
          - Maximum allowable deviation in open time when copying positions in seconds.

          0 – no limit.

          This function limits the opening of positions on the client if the current time of the client exceeds the position opening time on the master by more than the TimeSecondSlip seconds. This helps to avoid excessive delays between the master and client position openings.

          Attention! The server time difference (GMT) between the master and the client is accounted for automatically. There is no need to add it manually.

          Specify the actual maximum time difference between the master and the client, such as 5, 10, or 50 seconds.

          For example:
          If you set TimeSecondSlip=10, the position will be copied only if the client's time does not differ from the master's time by more than 10 seconds.
          If the time between the opening on the master and the current time on the client is significantly different, the Expert Advisor will not open a position.

          If TimeSecondSlip=10,
          and the MASTER Open time=18:30:15
          while the Client Current time=18:30:45,
          the position cannot be copied!
          Version 24.801 2024.08.05
          EAPADPRO v58
          Fixed error in profit/price/time of closed position in notifications.
          Fixed INFOBOX error when deleting the EAPADPRO window.
          Last build compilation
          Version 24.728 2024.07.29
          Compiled in the last version of MT4
          Version 24.514 2024.05.14
          EAPADPRO v57
          Version 24.430 2024.04.29
          input bool FileErrorPrintToLogs =true; //FileErrorPrintToLogs --> Print file errors in the journal
          To track errors in opening a data file (signal delay), a parameter has been added to output errors to the log (Log file)
          Disabled by default!
          Version 24.429 2024.04.29
          input bool FileErrorPrintToLogs =true; //FileErrorPrintToLogs --> Print file errors in the journal
          To track errors in opening a data file (signal delay), a parameter has been added to output errors to the log (Log file)
          Disabled by default!
          Version 24.423 2024.04.22
          Slippage=1; //Slippage --> Maximum price slippage for buy or sell orders
          Version 24.422 2024.04.22
          Improved Output of errors to the log
          Version 24.417 2024.04.17
          Global Update EAPADPRO v55 with build 1415

          -Added: information about profit from closed positions to the chart.
          The information is displayed for each bar of the current timeframe.
          You can change the timeframe to see the result of trading on a certain bar of the current timeframe.
          If several positions/deals are closed on one bar of the current timeframe, the trading result is summarized, and the total information for a certain bar is displayed.
          The information is updated when the next position/deal is closed.
          You can turn off showing history in the panel settings.


          -Added: The error status of the Expert Advisor operation can now be read on the EAPADPRO panel.
          You can click on the Smile or the Expert Advisor operation status bar and you will be shown a message about current errors of Expert Advisor operation.
          If you click on the Smile button on the panel, you will be shown the causes and errors and their solutions with pictures.


          -Added: Notification of errors and opening/closing of trades to the chart in the form of InfoBox.
          Notification is shown for 4 types:
          ---Opening a new trade;
          ---Closing a deal;
          ---Modification of a trade;
          ---Error received by Expert Advisor from the server;
          In the EAPADPRO panel settings, you can turn on or off the notification type you need.
          Notifications can be viewed as they arrive in the notification queue.
          Notifications are accumulated in a data array each time you install/reinstall/change Expert Advisor settings.
          In the EAPADPRO header you can also enable disable INFOBOX.

          -Added: Working with Telegram (Beta version)
          For Expert Advisor to work with the Telegram bot, you need to set up the bot on your phone and create a "public" or "private" channel.
          To receive notifications from your account, you need to assign your bot as an administrator of your "public" or "private" channel.
          Attention! Sending notifications and working with commands takes computer resources! Use the Telegram bot only for your own needs.

          How To set Telegram bot: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/30733#!tab=comments&page=1&comment=52925811

          New settings for working with Telegram:
          EAPadPRO2=" =============== Telegram bot ";

          ==TG_Token="" --> Token bot. Token (unique code) of the bot that will send notifications and receive commands
          ==TG_ChannelName="" --> --> Public Channel Name @. Or "private" ID starts -100 of the private channel. That will send notifications about opening/closing/modification/errors and screenshots from the terminal.

          New notification type added to EAPADPRO panel settings:
          ==Notice Open TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is open;
          ==Notice Close TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is closed;
          ==Notice Modify TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if a trade is modified;
          ==Notice Error TG - Send a notification to the Telegram channel if an error is received;
          ==ScreenShot TG - Send a screenshot to the Telegram channel if a trade is opened or closed;

          Attention! This is a beta version of working with the Telegram bot. We are working on improving and adding new features.
          If you have any suggestions, please write in the "Comments" section.


          -Improvement: Code optimization to increase speed.
          -Improvement: The speed of the panel update in the strategy tester is now calculated automatically depending on the speed of quotes arrival.
          This is done to increase the speed of the program in the strategy tester.
          Information update is now equal to 1 real second.
          Attention! Events in the strategy tester are processed only when a new tick is created.
          If a new tick (minimum price movement) is not created, then the panel waits for the next tick.
          -Improvement: The color of the button to close a position on the chart changes depending on the current profit of this position.
          -Improvement: Graphic improvements to optimize the Expert Advisor's performance
          -Improvement: The account deposit Symbol is cent ¢, USD $, or eur €. All others are the first letter of the deposit currency name.
          -Improvement: When creating screenshots after opening/closing positions, the EAPAPDPRO Control Panel will be expanded to show full information.
          This is done in order to study the trading history of Expert Advisor on the visualization graph after testing is completed.
          -Fixed: Managing positions and orders from the chart when the panel is minimized.
          -Fixed: Corrected the error of clearing the chart from unused order labels.
          -Fixed: AutoSize when switching charts.
          Version 24.127 2024.01.27
          +Added languages Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Turkish.
          EAPADPRO v48
          Version 24.126 2024.01.26
          +++EAPADPRO v47
          +Added warning if the program is not installed on a currency pair chart.
          Alert("Please install the program on a currency pair chart (e.g. EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF or USDJPY) for normal functioning of the copying system.");
          Alert("If you have a symbol with a suffix, please install the program on the currency pair with a suffix for automatic detection of the suffix. ");
          +When the suffix is automatically detected, this suffix will be written to the EAPADPRO panel.

          -Fixed output of information about the table of deals to the journal
          -Fixed error of copying stopping on the master when deleting all global variables on the master!
          -Fixed the Close ALL button on the client.
          Version 23.999 2023.12.27
          LAST BUILD
          EAPADPRO version 46
          Version 23.913 2023.09.18
          -EAPADPRO v44
          -Last Build Compilation

          Version 23.102 2023.01.09
          uPDATE up
          Version 23.101 2023.01.08
          -Last Build Compilation
          -EAPADPRO v43 (Added new languages)
          Version 22.110 2022.01.12
          EAPADPRO Update
          Version 21.971 2021.11.10
          Updating the partial closing function for symbols with different Lot Step
          Version 21.936 2021.10.06
          1347 Build
          Version 21.935 2021.10.05
          Перекомпиляция в последнем билде терминала.
          Version 21.916 2021.09.17
          Modification of the OIP_Order_Instead_Position function when using ReverseCopy = true;
          Version 21.913 2021.09.13
          Added an additional check for the number of positions in a series when using the NumberPosbeforeCopy parameter;
          Version 21.706 2021.07.06
          Fixed the error of partial execution of the limit and closing of the minimum lot in case of partial execution of a limit order on the side of the Master
          Version 21.612 2021.06.12
          EAPADPRO v40 update, according to the new rules for using the MQL5 Market
          Version 21.601 2021.06.01
          Информация перед закрытием сделки выведена в журнал с помощью Print для отслеживания действия советника.
          Version 21.520 2021.05.26
          Optimized code for faster copying.
          Version 21.503 2021.05.03
          Обновление функции частичного закрытия.
          Version 21.415 2021.04.15
          -Improved stability and performance of the program.
          Version 21.413 2021.04.13
          EAPADPRO v39 Update
          Updating information on the chart when redrawing data has been improved.
          The table of deals is updated along with the panel update (The data update time is still configurable in the panel settings!)
          Version 21.411 2021.04.11
          MessageBox is replaced with Alert in case of an error in installing an EA for 2 charts in a row!
          Attention! For the program to work, you need to install the Copylot Client EA on 1 chart!
          It is forbidden to install Copylot Client on 2 charts or more!
          Version 21.326 2021.03.26
          Added MessageBox when starting the copier on 2 charts at the same time!
          Version 21.311 2021.03.11
          Optimization of the code;
          Performance improvement;
          Version 21.224 2021.02.24
          - Master: Modification of the "MODIFY ONLY" function, Prohibition of checking the opening of a position if the "MODIFY ONLY" button is pressed on the master.

          - Client: Added new parameter
          - AdditionalLot: An additional lot that will be added to the main lot.
          Allows you to increase or decrease the lot.
          Note: You can set both +0.01 values ​​and -0.01 values.
          Note: You can use this parameter together with KoefLot, RiskLot.
          For instance:
          Master lot = 1, AdditionalLot = 0.01, Client lot = 1.01;
          Master lot = 1, AdditionalLot = -0.01, Client lot = 0.99;

          - Client: When using OIP_Order_Instead_Position and ReverseCopy, the type of pending orders will also be reversed: Buy> SELLSTOP / SELLLIMIT, Sell> BUYSTOP / BUYLIMIT
          Version 21.211 2021.02.09
          Added SessionTradeCheck parameter:
          Checking trading sessions of the copied symbol before sending a request to the server!
          The Expert Advisor checks whether it is possible to trade on this symbol at the current time and trading session.
          If it is currently prohibited to trade on the symbol being copied, COPYLOT will not send a request to the server.
          Attention! Some brokers may have multiple trading sessions!
          If you find that the EA does not copy the Traded Symbol and writes the No Session Time error, you can disable this function!
          Version 21.209 2021.02.08
          Modified function of Trading sessions
          Version 21.202 2021.02.02
          - Copylot Client, Checking the possibility of opening positions in trading sessions of some brokers.
          Version 21.125 2021.02.01
          - Fixed a bug when working with the SymbolToCopy and SymbolNOtToCopy parameters in COPYLOT CLIENT simultaneously on several charts.
          - For the convenience of filling in the SymbolToCopy and SymbolNOtToCopy parameters in COPYLOT MASTER, restrictions on the strict case of letters (Small and Large) have been removed.
          Now these parameters can be specified in any form, for example: EURUSD, eurusd, EURusd ......
          Version 20.929 2020.09.29
          Обновление данных
          Version 20.926 2020.09.28
          ProfitCopyOnly and LossCopyOnly can now work together.
          Attention! 2 functions can work at the same time!
          Those deals are copied that have fulfilled 1 of 2 conditions (Profitable / Unprofitable)
          Version 20.615 2020.06.15
          МТ4 Client: Исправлена сошибка модификации Стоплосс/Тейкпрофита позиций после Частичного закрытия этой позиции.
          Version 20.225 2020.02.25
          Added CNH currency (Chinese Yuan) to Auto Suffix Detection (PreFixSymbol)
          Version 20.207 2020.02.06
          Copylot CLIENT
          -- PreFixSymbol function updated for some Symbols.
          -- Added function Delay_Seconds_General - Delay in seconds between all adviser requests to the server.
          In other words: Each request to the server (opening, closing, modification) will be executed with a delay between each other.
          For brokers who are forbidden too frequent requests to the server (a very rare event).
          If Delay_Seconds_General = 0, then this function does not work.
          Attention! For advanced users only.
          Version 20.123 2020.01.23
          Recently, some brokers lose their connection with the server and a general terminal error occurs!
          Therefore, the adviser cannot copy the position!
          Therefore, I added the output of the error message to the screen:
                       Alert ("Error number 2 [Common error] was detected in your terminal, Please restart your terminal!");
                       Alert ("Error number 2 [Common error] has been detected in your terminal. Please restart your terminal!");
          Version 20.122 2020.01.23
          Added block Clients extra Delays delay control when copying positions from the master account!
          This unit sets the delay between the opening positions in seconds/points!
          Delay_Seconds_ALL = 0; - Delay in seconds between the opening position, take into account all positions (Currency and the direction is not taken into account). 0 - disabled.
          Delay_Seconds_Symbols = 0; - Delay in seconds between the open position of one currency is accounted for position 1 Currency (the direction is not taken into account). 0 - disabled.
          Delay_Seconds_Type = 0; - Delay in seconds between the open position of one currency and every BUY / SELL positions, position 1 is taken into account currencies. 0 - disabled.
          Delay_Points_Symbols= 0; - Delay in points between the open position of one currency is accounted for position 1 Currency (the direction is not taken into account). 0 - disabled.
          Delay_Points_Type = 0; - Delay in points between the open position of one currency and every BUY / SELL positions, position 1 is taken into account currencies. 0 - disabled.
          Warning: Delay in points can be equal to or greater than the opening price of the previous positions! The value in points - This is the minimum value of the distance from the nearest positions!
          Warning: Delay in points is calculated on both sides of the opening price of the position!

          for example:
          Delay_Seconds_Type = 10; Delay opening of positions 1 and symbol in different directions 10 seconds!
          Copylot Master EURUSD SELL 0.1 10:01:10 (opening time) Copylot Client EURUSD SELL 0.1 10:01:10 (opening time)
          Copylot Master EURUSD SELL 0.1 10:01:11 (opening time) Copylot Client EURUSD SELL 0.1 10:01 20 (opening time)
          Copylot Master EURUSD BUY 0.1 10:01:12 (opening time) Copylot Client EURUSD BUY 0.1 10:01:12 (opening time)
          Copylot Master EURUSD BUY 0.1 10:01:14 (opening time) Copylot ClientEURUSD BUY 0.1 10:01:22 (opening time)
          Copylot Master USDJPY SELL 0.1 10:01:15 (opening time) Copylot Client USDJPY SELL 0.1 10:01:15 (opening time)

          for example:
          Delay_Points_Type = 10; Delay opening of positions 1 and symbol in different directions 10 points!
          Copylot Master EURUSD SELL 0.1 1.10800 (opening price) Copylot Client EURUSD SELL 0.1 1.10800 (opening price)
          Copylot Master EURUSD SELL 0.1 1.10801 (opening price) Copylot Client EURUSD SELL 0.1 1.10810 (opening price)
          Copylot Master EURUSD BUY 0.1 1.10810 (opening price) Copylot Client EURUSD BUY 0.1 1.10810 (opening price)
          Copylot Master EURUSD BUY 0.1 1.10808 (opening price) Copylot Client EURUSD BUY 0.1 1.10820 (opening price)
          Copylot Master USDJPY SELL 0.1 109.500 (opening price) Copylot Client USDJPY SELL 0.1 109.500 (opening price)
          Version 20.107 2020.01.07
          Updating Modifications My_STOPLOSS My_TAKEPROFIT when working with the ReverseCopy function
          When you set your parameter values My_STOPLOSS My_TAKEPROFIT, these parameters will modify the positions as they are:
          My_STOPLOSS applies to stop loss. (Regardless of the function of the ReverseSLTP function)
          My_TAKEPROFIT applied to take profit. (Regardless of the function of the ReverseSLTP function)
          Version 19.994 2019.12.31
          Fixed ChangingNamesSymbols error when copying with Symbol replacement and direct Symbol copying:
          e.g. with ChangingNamesSymbols = "US30 = GER30;"
          When you open positions on the US30 master, GER30 will be copied to the client;
          When you open positions on the GER30 master, GER30 will be copied to the client;
          Version 19.993 2019.12.19
          TPWCM_TrailinAnyLossorProfit - Allows you to enable trailing stop for any profit or loss.
          After closing positions on the MASTER, the general trailing stop function for positions on the client terminal will be enabled.
          Version 19.992 2019.12.18
          Copylot Client MT4
          Add parameters of the number of attempts to close and open positions:
          NumberTryClose - The number of attempts to close position.
          NumberTryOpen - The number of attempts to open position.
          When an error is received from the server, the adviser tries to open / close the set number of times.
          It is necessary with frequent requotes.
          Version 19.949 2019.10.21
          Version 19.948 2019.10.21
          Added LimitingTryToClose parameter - the number of attempts to close positions after the limit command.
          Version 19.940 2019.10.10
          Fixed normalization of the lot on symbols with a step of 0.5
          Version 19.821 2019.08.20
          Компиляция эксперта в последнем билде терминала МТ4
          Version 19.812 2019.08.12
          When using TrailingStopUSE or BreakEven, the condition for modifying stop loss and take profit has been changed:

          1. If Trailingstop or breakeven has not yet been activated (the position has no profit), then the stop loss and take profit from the master account are copied.!
          2. If Trailingstop or Breakeven has already been activated and the stop loss of the position has been modified to a profitable zone, then copying the stop loss and take profit of this position is disabled and the COPYLOT continues the Trailing stop operation.
          Version 19.802 2019.08.03
          EAPADPRO v31

          Version 19.726 2019.07.25
          Fixed calculation of LimitType.
          Version 19.627 2019.06.27
          MT4 client
          Fixed ReverseCopy work when used with MY_TakeProfit or MY_STOPLOSS
          Version 19.624 2019.06.24
          EAPADPRO v28
          Version 19.318 2019.03.18
          Fixed update graphics panel.
          Version 19.218 2019.02.18
          - EAPADPRO v26
          - CLIENT MT4 Added an additional check on global variables, if an object with information on an open position has been removed from the chart!
          Attention! Do not install additional indicators on the chart where the copier is installed.
          Attention! Check your other advisors so that they do not delete other charts and global variables.
          - MASTER MT4 If the position on the master was closed after partial closing, while the client terminal was turned off, it will be closed on the CLIENT.
          Version 19.115 2019.01.15
          Maximum number of pending orders per symbol to be copied. 0 - unlimited.
          For example: You want the client to copy only 2 orders for 1 currency pair of 10 open orders on the master.
          Then, when setting the parameter to 2, only the first two pending orders of each pair will be copied from the master.
          Serves to reduce the load on the deposit. If the order is activated or deleted, then the next order is copied from the master.
          Version 19.107 2019.01.07
          - Update EAPADPRO v25;
          - Additional languages added to the panel: Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), German, Chinese, Japanese;
          The translation was made using the GOOGLE Translator + MQL + Terminal site!
          if you find an error in your language, please report it in messages. Thank!
          - Increase the speed of the panel;
          Version 18.992 2019.01.02
          Отображение фильтра LotMin в таблице сделок исправлено.
          Version 18.991 2018.12.11
          ReBuild EAPADPRO 2018
          Version 18.989 2018.12.10
          Обновление EAPADPRO до версии 23
          Version 18.987 2018.11.27
          Update Trailing stop = false for default
          Version 18.965 2018.11.06
          Added EAPADPRO v21 panel
          Added hints in external variables.
          Version 18.904 2018.09.04
          Error calculating lot on accounts with a deposit in JPY
          Version 18.830 2018.08.30
          Copylot Update EAPADPRO v 20
          Version 18.808 2018.08.14
          Global update 2018

          The algorithm is optimized to increase the speed of copying positions.

          The function of copying risk from the master to the client is added:
          copy formula: lottoclient = (AccountBalance () / BalanceFromMaster) * lotfrommaster * LotExp;

          Added the ability to copy the Position Comment from the Copylot MASTER. Attention: In this mode, Global variables will be used! Check that your

          Expert Advisors or indicators do not delete global variables.

          Added EAPADPRO 2.0 panel
          The copyist's GUI has been completely replaced, a EAPADPRO panel has been added with information on the settings, current copy value (account

          number, master balance, number of open / closed Master / Client positions), current profits and lots of open positions, StopLoss and TakeProfit

          goals, client balance status .

          The table of the copied positions from the master is added.
          Warning: The data in the table is updated 10 seconds by default to improve the copy speed (you can change the update time in the panel settings)

          Added copy control buttons:
          StopTrading - stop copying and the work of the Expert Advisor completely!
          ModifyOnly - Allow the Expert Advisor to modify and delete items, without the possibility of copying / opening new positions

          The function of partial close from the COPYLOT MASTER is completely changed. Now the function works with a different type of lot setting (Direct

          lot from the master, Lot factor, autolot, fixed lot). Also work with pending orders is added.

          Fixed the error of reopening of positions, when closing, the comment (Some brokers) was deleted or replaced with the comment [tp] [sl] - checking

          via Global variables. Attention: In this mode, Global variables will be used! Check that your Expert Advisors or indicators do not delete global


          When the copier is de-initialized, the data files are deleted to exclude the situation when the "old" positions are opened.
          Version 17.321 2017.04.04
          Added support for the deposit currencies different from EUR, USD and RUB in the Autolot function.
          Added new parameter RiskRate - ratio of your currency relative to USD.
          Default is RiskRate = 0, which means that the EA will try to find the right conversion rate in the Market Watch.
          In order to provide proper operation of the Autolot function with all currencies, you should enable All currency pairs in the Market Watch.
          Version 17.206 2017.02.13
          Optimized the operation with timer.
          If the timer cannot be started, the tickwise operation starts.
          Otherwise, the timer is used.
          Version 17.125 2017.01.27
          Added a check of trading permission for the EA, the timer algorithm is disabled if trading is not allowed.
          Version 17.118 2017.01.24
          Added handling of timer error, which can occur with some brokers for an unknown reason. If the timer does not start, the EA will trade in the TICK mode

          Warning: If the EA fails to start by timer, the copying speed is lower due to the OnTick function features.

          Fixed stop loss modification error in cases when stop loss is in the breakeven zone.
          Version 17.110 2017.01.16
          Added handling of error when setting the Millisecond timer on certain terminals. It occurs very rarely.
          In case the terminal generates an error of setting the timer for milliseconds - the EA automatically sets the nearest second timer.
          For example, if Sleeping = 300 ms, and the terminal generates an error, the EA will automatically set the timer to 1s.
          Version 16.998 2016.12.23
          Added forced check of whether the copied Symbol (Currency pair) is available in Market Watch and forced addition of this currency pair to Market Watch for copying.

          Updated block:
          Limiting loss per day\month\week

          Limiting LimitFor - limit type day\week\month
          LimitForLosses - profit based limit
          LimitForProfits- loss based limit
          LimitType - limit type on dollars, points, percent of deposit
          ClosebyLIMITING - close EA;s trades when exceeding the limit
          UseCurrentProfit - when calculating the limit, take into account current loss/profit

          This feature can disable the EA operation, if it reaches a certain profit\loss in the deposit currency during one day\month\week. The EA will resume working on the next day/week/month
          Example: LimitFor=DAY LimitForProfits=1 Close at a total profit of $10
          You can also set LimitType for calculations. In dollars, points, percentage of the account balance.
          If you need to close and delete all trades of the Expert Advisor once the limit is exceeded, you can set ClosebyLIMITING = true
          UseCurrentProfit enables/disables the inclusion of current floating profit/loss into limit calculation
          Version 16.955 2016.12.06
          Added check of a number of non-numeric characters in a comment when closing a deal.
          In some cases the StringLen command incorrectly determines the comment length
          Version 16.954 2016.11.08
          Added the PathRead name to the field of comment to open trades in order to facilitate usage and finding trades.
          Version 16.936 2016.10.11
          Fixed error with partial closing of positions
          Version 16.823 2016.08.29
          Added the PendingPrice_adjust parameter - shifting the price for placing pending order relative to the price from the master.
          BUYSTOP and SELLIMIT are shifted by plus PendingPrice_adjust points.
          SELLSTOP and BUYLIMIT are shifted by minus PendingPrice_adjust points.

          For example:
          the master has a pending BUYSTOP order at the price of 1,12400 and a SELLSTOP at the price of 1,12300
          PendingPrice_adjust = 200
          the client will open pending orders - BUYSTOP at the price of 1,12600 and SELLSTOP at the price of 1,12100
          Version 16.702 2016.07.08
          Added new parameter to the block of position inversion when copying - ReverseCopy
          ReverseSLTP - reverse Stop loss and Take profit when reversing deals:

          When copying and reversing deals from the master, the stop loss/take profit is reversed on the client
          For example:
          on master: SELL with stop loss=100 points, take profit = 300 points. The client copies: BUY with stop loss of 300 points and take profit = 100 points.

          When copying and reversing deals from the master, the stop loss/take profit is not reversed on the client, but set according to the stop orders on the master.
          For example:
          on master: SELL with stop loss=100 points, take profit = 300 points. The client copies: BUY with stop loss of 100 points and take profit = 300 points.
          Version 16.610 2016.06.17
          Added recheck of the data when opening the data file in another program.
          Version 16.517 2016.05.26
          Added the Rounding parameter:
          Without rounding - place stop orders without rounding
          To 1 digit - rounding to 1 digit. For example, if Stoploss= 1.23456, the trade will be opened with a stop loss of 1.23450
          To 2 digits - rounding by 2 digits. For example, if Stoploss= 1.23456, the trade will be opened with a stop loss of 1.23400
          Default: Off

          Added the AutoRoundingGOLDSILVER parameter
          For brokers, which allow to open positions on gold and silver only at prices rounded to 1 decimal place.
          Default: Off

          Added the CorrectSLTPbyMaster parameter:
          Adjusts the stop loss and take profit distances if the opening prices are different on master and client:
          for example
          opening price on master: 1,2000; Stop loss: 1,3000; Take profit: 1,1000;
          opening price on client: 1,2500; Stop loss: 1,3500; Take profit: 1,1500;
          The difference in the opening prices is 0,0500 points, the distances to Stop loss and Take profit are adjusted.
          Default: Off

          Added the RiskLotTypetype parameter:
          Risk calculation type based on:
          Balance - calculates the lot based on the current balance in respect to RiskLot percents
          Free Margin - calculates the lot based on the free margin in respect to RiskLot percents
          Stop loss - calculates the lot based on the stop loss of a trade in respect to RiskLot percents, if stop loss = 0, the trade will be opened with the lot of the master
          Default: Off

          Fixed the error of copying the GOLD symbol to the broker Fi**
          Version 16.322 2016.03.29
          Fixed the error of handling the symbols with the suffix "..."
          Version 16.128 2016.01.29
          Update for UAC users:
          If it's tunred on, all files are stored in the commen folder of the terminalю
          Version 16.105 2016.01.07
          Added the auto-detection of the symbol suffix, if it differs from the standard name of the currency pair.
          If the PreFixSymbol="Auto" is specified:
          If the currency name on the client terminal has a suffix, i.e. EURUSD.m, then the trades will be copied with the suffix ".m"
          Added the OnTimer event handler which increases the stability and copying speed.
          Fixed changing of the EA settings on the fly. Now the EA settings can be changed on the chart, without the need to restart the EA.
          Version 15.990 2015.12.01
          Added checking of whether objects on the copier's chart have not been deleted by other indicators. If an object with technical data has been deleted, the copier creates the object once again.
          Version 15.984 2015.11.25
          Fixed the incorrect message about a free version.
          Version 15.978 2015.11.23
          New parameters:
          ReopenPosAfterClose - reopening a position that was closed in the client terminal, but us stoll open on the master.
          Only for professional users!!!
          It allows to re-open a position that was closed on the client by a trailing stop and is still open on the master.

          FilterLotMin - minimum lot to copy
          FilterLotMax - maximum lot to copy
          Version 15.956 2015.10.30
          Fixed virtual trailing stop operation on ECN accounts.
          Version 15.916 2015.09.17
          Added LimitFor block fixing absence of trade in case of a zero profit. If 0, the parameter is disabled.
          A current profit/loss for the copier is now displayed on a chart allowing you to limit profits or losses on a clent account (the account deals are copied to).
          Suppose that you want to copy deals to a client account with closed deals not exceeding the loss of $100 per week:
          LimitForLosses = -100
          As soon as the total loss (caused by copied deals) on a client account exceeds $100, copying is stopped. The next copying is conducted only the next week.
          Version 15.901 2015.09.15
          New parameters:
          1. ChangingNamesSymbols - changes symbol names in the master and client terminals.
          If symbol names differ in the master and client terminals, and PreFixSymbol doesn't help, you can add a list of new names.
          Your master terminal has a symbol named
          ES - USA500b (SP500)
          the client terminal has
          FDAX-GER30b (DAX)
          You can specify this correspondence in ChangingNamesSymbols like: mastersymbol=clientsymbol;
          E.g.: ES - USA500b=FDAX-GER30b;
          This is a required template: Master symbol name=Client symbol name;

          LIFEHACK: You can also substitute symbols, e.g. a trade for EURUSD in the maste terminal can be copied as a trade for GBPUSD in the client terminal

          2. PROFITLOSS_EXTRASETS4 - limiting profit and loss in the deposit currency.
          If you want to limit losses for the current client magic, use this new block.
          Example: you use multiple copiers with different magic numbers. And you want to restrict trade opening after a loss of -100 USD for 1 day (week, month)
          Use the following parameters:

          Once the loss for this magic reaches -100 USD for one day, no more new trades will be opened on this copier. All other functions will keep working.
          The next day this parameter is reset to 0.

          Adjustable parameter LimitFor= DAY;WEEK;MONTH;ALLTIME;
          Version 15.821 2015.08.24
          Revised algorithm for a large amount of trades.
          Modified functions when operating a large amount of trades. If a trade is not changed, the EA will skip it in analysis.

          Added automated inversion of currency names (USDRUB USDRUR EURRUBEURRUR)

          Variables of the int type are replaced by variables of the long type
          Version 15.727 2015.07.30
          Added a parameter disabling ability to copy positions:
          If PositionsCopy is set to true, positions are copied.
          At that all other functions work as usual (trailing, modification, etc.).
          Version 15.710 2015.07.15
          Added a full-fledged algorithm of virtual stops for your stop loss and take profit.

          If VirtualStopLossTakeProfit is set to true, you can adjust your virtual stop loss, take profit and trailing stop:

          - My_STOPLOSS - your stop loss in points (master's stop loss is not copied).
          - My_TAKEPROFIT - your take profit in points (master's take profit is not copied).
          - TrailingStopUSE - your trailing stop.
          - IfProfTrail - profit trades only.
          - TrailingStop - trailing stop distance.
          - TrailingStep - trailing stop step.
          Version 15.630 2015.06.30
          Added an option to round prices when copying:
          rounding Open prices for pending orders;
          rounding stop loss;
          rounding take profit;

          Without rounding - copy without rounding
          To 1 digit - round 1 digit. For example, the Open price BUYSTOP = 1.23456, the transaction will be copied with the price 1.23450
          To 2 digits - round 2 signs. For example, the Open price BUYSTOP = 1.23456, the transaction will be copied with the price 1.23400
          Version 15.209 2015.02.11
          Added FilterLot variable which filters the lots copied to the Client.
          If FilterLot = 0, all lots are copied.
          If FilterLot = 0.1, all lots greater than or equal to 0.1 are copied.
          If FilterLot = 1, all lots greater than or equal to 1 are copied.
          Version 15.204 2015.02.05
          New option in block TPWCM EXTRA SETS Stops when Master Close Pos- TPWCM_TakeProfitOnlyToProfitZone

          When set to true, the EA places a take profit after a deal is closed on the master account only in the positive zone. If a deal is in loss after it is closed on the master account, take profit won't be placed until the trade enters profit area.
          If set to false, the EA places take profit in any case, even if the position is losing.
          Version 15.202 2015.02.03
          Added a parameter for setting take profit for the deals left after closing on the master
          After a deal is closed on the master, it is now possible to set a take profit for the deal on the client account based on the deal closing price on the master account, while leaving the deal open on the client account.

          DeleteOrderbyMaster - a separate function for deleting pending orders by master
          Version 15.129 2015.01.30
          Added the new block for working with the copier:
          -------------OIP EXTRA SETS Pos to STOP or LIMIT orders--------------
          OIP_Order_Instead_Position; - True False
          OIP_TypeOrders; - order type (pending STOP or limit LIMIT)
          OIP_DistanceOIP; - order distance

          When opening a trade on a Master account, you can turn it into a pending order in the client terminal with the amount of points set in the EA settings.
          Added ability to select Stop or Limit orders. Order reversal now occurs together with trade reversal.
          Version 15.122 2015.01.23
          Added the parameter for placing stop loss for trades left after the master is closed
          Fixed operation of the functions:
          MaxPosBySymbol - maximum amount of trades per one symbol
          MaxSymboll - maximum amount of open trades
          NumberPosbeforeCopy - minimum value of positions per one symbol of one direction on the master to be copied to the client.
          Version 15.113 2015.01.15
          A new block has been added.

          When the block is on: If a position is closed on a master account, the appropriate position will not be closed on the client account. Instead, trailing stop or breakeven will be enabled on the client account.

          That is, instead of closing the position on the client account, you have the opportunity to activate the trailing stop and maintain the position on.

          Trailing settings are individual in this case. And it is only activated when the position is closed on the master account.

          Warning: This function when turned on, automatically cancels the ClosePosbyMaster function

          TPWCM_TralPosWhenCloseMaster = false;
          TPWCM_TrailingStopUSE = false;
          TPWCM_IfProfTrail = false;
          TPWCM_TrailingStop = 0;
          TPWCM_TrailingStep = 1;
          TPWCM_BeZubitok = false;
          TPWCM_LevelWLoss = 0;
          TPWCM_LevelProfit = 0.
          Version 14.951 2014.12.22
          New variables:

          int MaxPosBySymbol=0;
          int MaxSymboll=0;
          Version 14.937 2014.10.09
          Fixed file read error.