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Market Thermometer Jr

The Market Thermometer can be used to help traders identify sleepy or turbulent periods.
It helps beginners to check when is the ideal time to enter operations, that is, when the value of the thermometer is below its average for several periods, identifying a peaceful market.

When the market is heated, that is, the thermometer is above three times its average, it is time to make profits.

The Thermometer measures the extent to which the end of a period, maximum or minimum price, projects outside the range of the previous period.

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The thermometer bar is:

  1. Red: when the thermometer's value is below average;
  2. Green: when the thermometer's value is above average;
  3. Black: when the thermometer value exceeds 3 times the average; 

Input parameter:
  •  Arithmetic Average of the Thermometer (Standard 22); 

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    Edson Cavalca Junior

     System Analyst

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    Présentation de   Quantum TrendPulse   , l'outil de trading ultime qui combine la puissance de   SuperTrend   ,   RSI   et   Stochastic   dans un seul indicateur complet pour maximiser votre potentiel de trading. Conçu pour les traders qui recherchent précision et efficacité, cet indicateur vous aide à identifier les tendances du marché, les changements de dynamique et les points d'entrée et de sortie optimaux en toute confiance. Caractéristiques principales : Intégration SuperTrend :   suivez f
    TW Trend Scalper Indicator: The TW Scalper Shoot vous offre une expérience de trading unique en utilisant les dernières stratégies de trading et la technologie d'intelligence artificielle. Ce produit répond aux divers besoins des traders scalpers en fournissant deux catégories distinctes de signaux : Testez ce produit exceptionnel aujourd'hui et commencez votre expérience unique vers devenir un scalper de tendances. De plus, recevez un produit d'une valeur de 37 $ en cadeau. Catégories de s
    L'indicateur de Carré Gann est un puissant outil d'analyse du marché basé sur l'article "Formule Mathématique pour les Prédictions de Marché" écrit par W.D. Gann. Cet outil utilise des concepts mathématiques et des théories de Gann pour réaliser une analyse précise du marché. Il utilise les carrés de 144, 90, 52 et aussi le carré de 9. De plus, il intègre la méthode du  pour le carré de 9 et sa relation avec les canaux et le modèle en étoile de ce carré. Manuel d'Utilisateur et Application : Ava
    ICT, SMC, SMART MONEY CONCEPTS, SMART MONEY, Smart Money Concept, Support and Resistance, Trend Analysis, Price Action, Market Structure, Order Blocks, BOS/CHoCH,   Breaker Blocks ,  Momentum Shift,   Supply&Demand Zone/Order Blocks , Strong Imbalance,   HH/LL/HL/LH,    Fair Value Gap, FVG,  Premium  &   Discount   Zones, Fibonacci Retracement, OTE, Buy Side Liquidity, Sell Side Liquidity, BSL/SSL Taken, Equal Highs & Lows, MTF Dashboard, Multiple Time Frame, BigBar, HTF OB, HTF Market Structure
    BookMap HeatMap
    Roberto Spadim
    1 (2)
    This Indicator creates a heatmap based on depth of market of the current symbol or another symbol. Other symbol is useful when you trade futures market and a contract has 'mini' and 'full' split. For example, in Brazil (B3 - BMF&Bovespa), WDO and DOL are future Forex contract of BRL/USD (where 1 DOL = 5 WDO) and big banks work mostly with DOL (where liquidity is important). Please use with M1 timeframe , objects are too small to be displayed at higher timeframes (MT5 limit). The number of level
    Black Dragon indicator mt5
    Ramil Minniakhmetov
    4.83 (58)
    L'indicateur de détection de tendance complétera n'importe quelle stratégie et peut également être utilisé comme un outil indépendant. IMPORTANT! Contactez-moi immédiatement après l'achat pour obtenir des instructions et un bonus !   Avantages Facile à utiliser; ne surcharge pas le graphique avec des informations inutiles. La possibilité d'utiliser comme filtre pour n'importe quelle stratégie. Contient des niveaux dynamiques de cupport et de resistange, qui peuvent être utilisés à la fois po
    Berma Bands
    Muhammad Elbermawi
    5 (3)
    L'indicateur Berma Bands (BB) est un outil précieux pour les traders qui cherchent à identifier et à capitaliser sur les tendances du marché. En analysant la relation entre le prix et les BB, les traders peuvent déterminer si un marché est dans une phase de tendance ou de range. Visitez le [ Berma Home Blog ] pour en savoir plus. Les bandes de Berma sont composées de trois lignes distinctes : la bande de Berma supérieure, la bande de Berma moyenne et la bande de Berma inférieure. Ces lignes sont
    Gold Trend 5
    Sergei Linskii
    3.5 (2)
    Gold Trend - il s'agit d'un bon indicateur technique boursier. L'algorithme de l'indicateur analyse le mouvement du prix d'un actif et reflète la volatilité et les zones d'entrée potentielles. Les meilleurs signaux de l'indicateur: - Pour la VENTE = histogramme rouge + pointeur SHORT rouge + flèche de signalisation jaune dans la même direction. - Pour l'ACHETER = histogramme bleu + pointeur LONG bleu + flèche de signalisation aqua dans la même direction. Avantages de l'indicateur: 1. L'in
    Présentation       Quantum Breakout PRO   , l'indicateur révolutionnaire MQL5 qui transforme la façon dont vous négociez les zones d'évasion ! Développé par une équipe de traders expérimentés avec une expérience commerciale de plus de 13 ans,       Évasion quantique PRO       est conçu pour propulser votre parcours commercial vers de nouveaux sommets grâce à sa stratégie de zone de discussion innovante et dynamique. Quantum Breakout Indicator vous donnera des flèches de signalisation sur les z
    Plus de l'auteur
    Aggression Volume Profile
    Edson Cavalca Junior
    4.73 (11)
    This indicator plots the volume profile by Price on the chart There are 5 ways to view it: By Total Volume Traded; Volume Ticks(Forex) Separated by Buyers and Sellers; Buyers Only; Sellers Only and; Business balance (Buyers - Sellers). It is possible to select how many days the profiles will be calculated. On the current day it recalculates the histogram data for each new candlestick. Another feature is to select the highest trading range by entering the desired percentage. The indicat
    Forca Relativa
    Edson Cavalca Junior
    5 (4)
    The robot issues buy/sell signals based on the setting of the RELATIVE STRENGTH INDICATOR Know our products    Review and get a month's rental on any of our paid robots.  This Expert Advisor (EA) works on HEDGE (Forex, etc.) and NETTING (Bovespa, etc.) accounts, but manages only one position at a time. The  filters  are used to increase the accuracy  and if activated and not met your criteria, the order is not sent. 5 FILTERS available: ADX indicator; ADX + (DM +) and - (DM-) directional ind
    This indicator plots in the candles the divergence found in the selected indicator and can also send a notification by email and / or to the cell phone. Works on all TIMEFRAMES. Meet Our Products   He identifies the divergences in the indicators: Relative Strength Index (RSI); Moving Average Convergence and Divergence (MACD); Volume Balance (OBV) and;. iStochastic Stochastic Oscillator  (STOCHASTIC). It is possible to choose the amplitude for checking the divergence and the indicator has to b
    The Market Thermometer can be used to help traders identify sleepy or turbulent periods.  It helps beginners to check when is the ideal time to enter operations, that is, when the value of the thermometer is below its average for several periods, identifying a peaceful market.   When the market is heated, that is, the thermometer is above three times its average, it is time to make profits.  The Thermometer measures the extent to which the end of a period, maximum or minimum price, projects out
    Three Candles Pattern
    Edson Cavalca Junior
    5 (1)
    The patterns of 3 (three) Candles: Three White Soldiers; Three Black Crows; These are reversal patterns widely used by traders, as they have a high probability of showing the inversion of the current market movement. For example, if in a bullish trend there are three black crows, there is a high probability of reversing the current bullish movement. The Three White Soldiers have the following characteristics: There are 3 consecutive candles with a good body, that is, the difference between th
    This indicator is based on the system of three moving averages where: First is the fast average (MA1); Second is the intermediate average (MA2) and; T hird is the slow average (MA3). The theory covered in the technical analysis books informs us that when the first average exceeds the second average it is an alert for the trader, however the movement occurs when the second average exceeds the third. The indicator will insert the check s Parameters : Averages : Period Fast Moving Average(FMA); Smo
    The indicator measures the accumulated balance of aggression. The formula is as follows:  Accumulated   = Previous Candle Accumulated + Purchase Volume - Sales Volume. Know our products    *** Did you like the product? Then, help us doing review in the " Reviews " tab. The indicator sends information to your email or cell phone when the accumulated balance changes direction. Example : Accumulated seller becomes a buyer. Note : It is recommended to use the default configuration and VPS valu
    Balance Aggression
    Edson Cavalca Junior
    The indicator measures the balance of aggression. The formula is as follows:   Aggression  = Purchase Volume - Sales Volume. Note : It is rec ommended to use the default configuration and VPS values. It does not work in Forex. Meet Our Products     Parameters : Numbers of days prior to the current one for calculation; Volume Divider e; Enables calculation of the current candle; Histogram Line style and; Size; Line Line style and; Size;  Follow us on our website to check the next news.
    The indicator plots the buying and selling volume on the chart. Two lines are generated corresponding to the average purchase and sale volumes. The crossing of averages, the increase in their distance are good indicators of market movement. Know our products    NOTES : It is recommended to use the default configuration and VPS values.  You need trading information (Time and Sales).   Parameters : Aggression Numbers of days prior to the current one for calculation; Volume Divider e; Enabl
    This indicator plots in the candles the divergence found in the selected indicator and can also send a notification by email and / or to the cell phone. Works on all TIMEFRAMES. Meet Our Products   He identifies the divergences in the indicators: Relative Strength Index (RSI); Moving Average Convergence and Divergence (MACD); Volume Balance (OBV) and;. iStochastic Stochastic Oscillator  (STOCHASTIC). It is possible to choose the amplitude for checking the divergence and the indicator has to b
    ACDO Brasil
    Edson Cavalca Junior
    The robo t opens a buy or sell position using the signs. Know our products   Position openings are based on the parameters identified as signals, if you activate all the robot will issue a trading order only if the number of signals is greater than the minimum stipulated by the user. The  filters  are used to increase the accuracy of the signals and if activated and not met your criteria, the order is not sent. EA also offers MOBILE STOP with the Parabolic SAR indicator and also by distance
    Busque Trade
    Edson Cavalca Junior
    This indicator looks for SIGNS of Buy and Sell 14 SIGNS: Crossover of 2 moving averages; Crossover of 3 moving averages; RSI Indicator; Stochastic Indicator; Crossing line 0 MACD; Divergence of the RSI indicator; Divergence of the MACD indicator; Divergence of the OBV indicator; Divergence of the STOCHASTIC indicator; Three white soldiers candle pattern; Three black crows candle pattern; Hanging man    candle pattern; Hammer    candle pattern; Rupture Bands Bollinger. The indicator plots on
    Topos Fundos
    Edson Cavalca Junior
    The robot opens positions from Tops and Bottoms Perform trend reversal operations. It has 3 levels of top and bottom measurement. Trader can open and close position on 3 strength signals. The expert also allows you to configure the maximum loss to move along with the price (moving stop). Know our products    Edson Cavalca Junior Systems Analyst WARNINGS The buyer declares himself capable of: We do not provide any trading or risk management advice, ideal configurations, promise of
    Inversao Infinita
    Edson Cavalca Junior
    This robot operates through triggers above and below the previous candlestick with STOP orders. When reaching the trigger (Stop Order) it opens the order and we have three situations: If it reaches TAKE PROFIT (Maximum Profit) and the Breakeven Point is activated, it moves the STOP LOSS and the reverse STOP ORDER to Breakeven and cancels the reverse STOP order when reaching the TP. If you go to STOP LOSS after reaching breakeven, the trigger of the reverse order will be reached because i
    Robo Nuvem
    Edson Cavalca Junior
    The robot uses one of the most used indicators in Asia: * ICHIMOKU CLOUD * There are two trading strategies: Crossing of Tenkan and Kijun lines and; Kumo lines crossing. Know our products    Position openings are based on the parameters identified as signals, if you activate all the robot will issue a trading order only if the number of signals is greater than the minimum stipulated by the user. This Expert Advisor (EA) works on HEDGE (Forex, etc.) and NETTING (Bovespa, etc.) accounts, but
    Robo Bandas
    Edson Cavalca Junior
    The robot uses one of the most known and used indicators in the world BOLLINGER BANDS There are two trading strategies: Upper or Lower Band Break and; Bollinger Band Entry. Know our products    Position openings are based on the parameters identified as signals. This Expert Advisor (EA) works on HEDGE (Forex, etc.) and NETTING (Bovespa, etc.) accounts, but manages only one position at a time. The  filters  are used to increase the accuracy of the signals and if activated and not met your c
    Zona de Trade
    Edson Cavalca Junior
    The robot operates within pre-configured channels at the beginning of the operation. Use a Demo account or the Strategy Tester to find the best setup for the asset you want to trade. If you have any doubts about handling the robot, send a comment in the "Comments" tab and we will respond and insert you in our private group. Follow the steps below to configure it. After dragging the robot onto the chart, go to "input parameters and configure the following data: Enter the number of l
    Robo Sinal Telegram
    Edson Cavalca Junior
    Send your trades on the Metatrader 5 platform to your Telegram Group! Simple to use, just follow the steps below: Create a group in Telegram and enter the name in the robot parameters; Create a Bot in Telegram with the user BotFather: Send the following message-> /newbot; BotFather will ask for a name for your Bot; Send a message with the desired name; BotFather will ask for a username for your Bot; Send a message with the desired username; BotFather will send the Token; Insert the Token
    Arbitragem B3
    Edson Cavalca Junior
    1 (1)
    Arbitrage Robot IND/WIN or DOL/WDO This arbitrage robot works with WIN and WDO assets from the Brazilian Stock Exchange. The EA compares the best bid and ask (BID and ASK) of the "full" Index (IND) and compares it with the mini-index (WIN) and, if there is a gap between them, the difference in Ticks stipulated in the robot parameters, it opens a trade. It does the same analysis with DOL and WDO. It is necessary to insert the robot in the WIN or WDO chart and it will automatically fet
    Tunel Vegas Sinal
    Edson Cavalca Junior
    Trader! Don't you want to spend all day on your computer screen looking at quotes? And do you want to receive stock buying/selling tips based on one of the most used indicators in FOREX on your cell phone? Then discover the Vegas Tunnel Support and product questions at the link below: Support This indicator searches for Buy and Sell SIGNALS in Stock Exchange Assets. It works on any asset on the market. Select in the parameters which Fibonacci line the signal will be sent and then jus
    Robo Vegas
    Edson Cavalca Junior
    Robo Vegas The robot's trading signal is given by touching the channels created by a moving average and distanced lines based on the Fibonacci Theory. See the Vegas Tunnel Signal indicator. Parameter configuration can be obtained from Support. Support and product questions at the link below: Support Select in the parameters which Fibonacci line will be used to open positions. You will receive all updates and insertions of new trading signals. Discover our other Products Se
    Aleksandr Tamonin
    Aleksandr Tamonin 2021.01.23 11:42 

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    Edson Cavalca Junior
    Réponse du développeur Edson Cavalca Junior 2021.01.23 21:52
    Thanks. благодаря.
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