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AIS Smoothing Stable Distribution MT5

Stable distributions can be used to smooth financial series. Since a fairly deep history can be used to calculate the distribution parameters, such smoothing may in some cases be even more effective than other methods.
The figure shows an example of the distribution of the opening prices of the currency pair "EUR-USD" on the time frame  H1 for ten years (figure 1). Looks fascinating, doesn't it?

The main idea behind this indicator is to determine the parameters of a stable distribution based on the spread of prices, and then use the data to smooth out the financial series. Thanks to this approach, the smoothed values will tend to the most likely value of the price in a given market situation.

The indicator operation is adjusted using the LB parameter. Its value determines the length of the smoothed series, expressed in bars. A valid value is between 1-255.

The blue line represents the smoothed value of the High, red – Low, and the green line corresponds to the  Close.

The main drawback of this indicator is the inability to set the width of the smoothing window, so that the indicator is equally stable in all parts of the history. Therefore, the trader must choose the parameters for his specific requirements.

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Each bar graph is a brick, take buy a bill now as an example, the brick that is in lowest position at the moment, go to the left, when the brick with the 3rd highest is in existence, take the height of this brick as a benchmark, when the price exceeds the height of this brick, can establish buy a bill, when appear opposite circumstance closes a position, establish empty order at the same time. This is a simple rule, need each friend grope by oneself.
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Thisras an advanced indicator used to catch Boom and Crash Inmmend indiless probability signals  ️ Non repaint arrowsnd less probability signals  ️ Non repaint arrowsnd less probability signals  ️ Non repaint arrowsnd less ns as sound,meframe for recommended Notifications as sound,meframe for recommended Notifications as sound, pop up, email and phone notifications s as sound, pop up, email and phone notifications s as sound, pop up, email and phone notifications
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Bogdan Ion Puscasu
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Dark Absolute Trend   is an Indicator for intraday trading. This Indicator is based on   Trend Following  strategy but use also candlestick patterns and Volatility. We can enter in good price with this Indicator, in order to follow the main trend on the current instrument. It is advised to use low spread ECN brokers. This Indicator does   Not repaint   and   N ot lag . Recommended timeframes are M5, M15 and H1. Recommended working pairs: All. I nstallation and  Update Guide   -  Troubleshooting
RelicusRoad Pro MT5
Relicus LLC
4.78 (18)
Maintenant 147 $ (augmentant à 499 $ après quelques mises à jour) - Comptes illimités (PCS ou Mac) Manuel d'utilisation RelicusRoad + Vidéos de formation + Accès au groupe Discord privé + Statut VIP UNE NOUVELLE FAÇON DE REGARDER LE MARCHÉ RelicusRoad est l'indicateur de trading le plus puissant au monde pour le forex, les contrats à terme, les crypto-monnaies, les actions et les indices, offrant aux traders toutes les informations et tous les outils dont ils ont besoin pour rester rentables
CBT Quantum Maverick Système de Trading Binaire Haute Efficacité CBT Quantum Maverick est un système de trading binaire hautement performant, conçu pour les traders recherchant précision, simplicité et discipline. Aucune personnalisation n'est nécessaire : ce système est optimisé pour des résultats efficaces dès son installation. Avec un peu de pratique, il est facile de maîtriser les signaux. Caractéristiques principales : Précision des signaux : Signaux basés sur la bougie actuelle, ciblant
Easy Breakout MT5
Mohamed Hassan
5 (3)
After your purchase, feel free to contact me for more details on how to receive a bonus indicator called VFI, which pairs perfectly with Easy Breakout for enhanced confluence!     Easy Breakout MT5   is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely trusted strategies among traders: the   Breakout strategy ! This indicator delivers crystal-clear Buy and Sell signals based on breakouts from key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indicators
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The script is based on the simulation of trade transactions using a random number generator. This allows you to get completely different results, even with the same input parameters. When you run the script, a dialog box opens in which you can set the desired values ​​for external variables. In the  Trading options  block, the basic parameters that are necessary for trading modeling are defined. Start Balance  - sets the initial size of the trade balance. Number Trade  - sets the number of trad
Choosing the levels of StopLoss and TakeProfit can have a very strong impact on the overall performance of trading. In addition to the obvious parameters of a trade transaction - the size of a possible win or probable loss - the levels of StopLoss and TakeProfit also affect the expected duration of the transaction, and the profitability of trading in general. If you have already determined the optimal transaction duration using the “ AIS-ODT ” script, then you can begin to determine the paramete
The script is based on the simulation of trade transactions using a random number generator. This allows you to get completely different results, even with the same input parameters. When you run the script, a dialog box opens in which you can set the desired values ​​for external variables. In the Trading options block, the basic parameters that are necessary for trading modeling are defined. Start Balance - sets the initial size of the trade balance. Number Trade - sets the number of trade tr
Choosing the levels of StopLoss and TakeProfit can have a very strong impact on the overall performance of trading. In addition to the obvious parameters of a trade transaction - the size of a possible win or probable loss - the levels of StopLoss and TakeProfit also affect the expected duration of the transaction, and the profitability of trading in general. If you have already determined the optimal transaction duration using the “ AIS-ODT ” script, then you can begin to determine the paramete
MinDeposit MT5
Aleksej Poljakov
3 (1)
The script analyzes the history of quotes and gives recommendations on the minimum deposit. The calculations take into account the variability of prices and the standard deviation. Margin requirements for the instrument are also taken into account. The result of the script is the minimum recommended deposit for trading the given currency pair.
The script allows selecting the required 'Filter level' value of the AIS-MTF indicator. Run the script on the required chart and selected timeframe. Once its operation is complete, the HPS.csv file will be created in the Files folder. Open the file. You will see three columns. The 'Filter lvl' column represents the value of the 'Filter level' for the AIS-MTF indicator. Am. dev. - degree and direction of the indicator's deviation from the price level (sorted in ascending order). Negative values i
This script is designed so that the trader can determine the average duration of trade transactions, at which the ratio of possible profits and losses will be optimal. First, let's look at the general approach to determining the optimal duration of trade transactions. We introduce the following variables: R   - the result of the transaction; T   - the time during which the transaction was open; W  - the time between the closing of the previous transaction and the opening of the next one. Every t
This script is designed so that the trader can determine the average duration of trade transactions, at which the ratio of possible profits and losses will be optimal. First, let's look at the general approach to determining the optimal duration of trade transactions. We introduce the following variables: R   - the result of the transaction; T   - the time during which the transaction was open; W - the time between the closing of the previous transaction and the opening of the next one. Every tr
This script allows selecting the TakeProfit and StopLoss levels. It analyzes the history data, and then calculates the probability of reaching a given price level. How the script works Suppose you have a trading strategy and you want to select the TakeProfit and StopLoss levels. Run the script and set the parameter: Number of Bars - the average position holding time in bars. Once the script operation is complete, the AIS-PPL.csv file will be created in the Files folder in the terminal data cata
Aleksej Poljakov
5 (1)
The script analyzes the history of quotes and gives recommendations on the minimum deposit. The calculations take into account the variability of prices and the standard deviation. Margin requirements for the instrument are also taken into account. The result of the script is the minimum recommended deposit for trading the given currency pair.
L'indicateur AIS Correct Averages vous permet de définir le début d'un mouvement de tendance sur le marché. Une autre qualité importante de l'indicateur est un signal clair de la fin de la tendance. L'indicateur n'est pas redessiné ou recalculé. Valeurs affichées h_AE - limite supérieure du canal AE l_AE - limite inférieure du canal AE h_EC - Valeur prédite haute pour la barre actuelle l_EC - Valeur prédite basse pour la barre actuelle Signaux lors du travail avec l'indicateur Le signal pr
L'indicateur de moyenne mobile pondérée AIS calcule une moyenne mobile pondérée et vous permet de déterminer le début d'un mouvement de tendance du marché. Les coefficients de pondération sont calculés en tenant compte des spécificités de chaque barre. Cela vous permet de filtrer les mouvements aléatoires du marché. Le principal signal confirmant le début d'une tendance est un changement de direction des lignes indicatrices et du prix traversant les lignes indicatrices. WH (ligne bleue) est
L'indicateur AIS Advanced Grade Feasibility est conçu pour prédire les niveaux que le prix pourrait atteindre à l'avenir. Son travail consiste à analyser les trois dernières barres et à établir une prévision basée sur cela. L'indicateur peut être utilisé sur n'importe quelle période et n'importe quelle paire de devises. À l'aide des paramètres, vous pouvez obtenir la qualité de prévision souhaitée. Profondeur de prévision - définit la profondeur de prévision souhaitée en barres. Il est recomma
The indicator is designed to measure the price volatility. This allows determining the moments for opening or closing trade positions more accurately. High intensity of the market indicates the instability of its movement, but allows for better results. And, conversely, low intensity of the market indicates the stability of its movement. Parameters Bars to process - the number of bars to measure the price movements. A low value of this parameter allows determining the moments of rapid price mov
This indicator uses the Fibonacci p-numbers to smooth a price series. This allows combining the advantages of the simple and exponential moving averages. The smoothing coefficients depend on the level of the p-number, which is set in the indicator parameters. The higher the level, the greater the influence of the simple moving average and the less significant the exponential moving average. Parameters Fibonacci Numbers Order - order of the Fibonacci p-number, specified by trader. Valid values a
The indicator is based on the analysis of interaction of two filters. The first filter is the popular Moving Average. It helps to identify linear price movements and to smooth minor price fluctuations. The second filter is the Sliding Median. It is a non-linear filter. It allows to filter out noise and single spikes in the price movement. A predictive filter implemented in this indicator is based on the difference between these filters. The indicator is trained during operation and is therefore
This indicator studies the price action as a combination of micro-trends. All micro-trends are analyzed and averaged. Price movement is filtered based on this averaging. IP_High and IP_Low (blue and red dashed lines) show the instantaneous price movement. They display the forecast only for the current price values, taking into account only the number of bars defined by the 'Filter level' parameter. SP_High and SP_Low (blue and red solid lines) smooth the price movements with respect to history.
Cet indicateur met en œuvre un processus de lissage linéaire simple. L'un des inconvénients du lissage exponentiel est la décroissance rapide du signal. Il est donc impossible de suivre pleinement les tendances à long terme de la fourchette de prix. Le lissage linéaire vous permet de régler plus précisément et plus finement le filtrage du signal. L'indicateur est configuré en sélectionnant les paramètres : LP - ce paramètre vous permet de sélectionner la période de lissage. Plus sa valeur es
This script allows selecting the TakeProfit and StopLoss levels. It analyzes the history data, and then calculates the probability of reaching a given price level. How the script works Suppose you have a trading strategy and you want to select the TakeProfit and StopLoss levels. Run the script and set the parameter: Number of Bars - the average position holding time in bars. Once the script operation is complete, the AIS-PPL.csv file will be created in the Files folder in the terminal data cata
Этот индикатор представляет гибридный фильтр основанный на совместном использовании медианы и скользящей средней. Использование медианы позволяет отфильтровывать аномальные выбросы и случайные импульсы в значениях ценового ряда. При этом на трендовую составляющую медианный фильтр не действует, оставляя ее без изменений. Так как медианный фильтр является нелинейным, то для сглаживания его значений используется скользящая средняя. Такой подход позволяет более точно выделять не только тренд, но и п
This indicator is a combination of two modified Lanczos filters. The first filter serves to extrapolate the price. Based on past values, he predicts a possible price movement within the current bar. That is, it shows what the price would be if the past trends remained unchanged. The second filter for smoothing and averaging prices within the window, determined by the level of the filter. Thanks to the selection of weights, this filter is most actively responding to the periodic component that is
Let's look at the nature of price changes in the Forex market, not paying attention to the reasons why these changes occur. This approach will allow us to identify the main factors affecting the price movement. For example, let's take the opening prices of bars on the EUR-USD currency pair and the H1 timeframe. For these prices, we construct the Lameray diagram (Figure 1). In this diagram, it can be seen that the price movement basically occurs according to a linear equation. To determine the pa
This indicator is more informative. His work is based on the assumption that the price movement in the market can be represented as noise of a particular color, which depends on the parameters of the distribution of price values. Thanks to this, it is possible to analyze the price change from different angles, and considering the price movement as noise of a particular color, one can get information about the current state of affairs in the market and make a forecast about the price behavior. W
Despite some drawbacks of the “ AIS Color Noise Filter ” indicator, the idea to use it to smooth the price series and forecast prices looks quite attractive. This is due to several reasons: first, taking into account several noise components allows building a forecast on factors independent of each other, which can improve the quality of forecasting; secondly, the noise characteristics of the price series behave quite stably throughout the entire history, which makes it possible to obtain stabl
Very often, in the study of financial series apply their smoothing. Using smoothing, you can remove high-frequency components - it is believed that they are caused by random factors and therefore irrelevant. Smoothing always includes some way of averaging the data, in which random changes in the time series mutually absorb each other. Most often, for this purpose, simple or weighted moving average methods are used, as well as exponential smoothing. Each of these methods has its advantages and d
In order to isolate long-term and non-random components, it is necessary to know not only how much the price has changed, but also how these changes occurred. In other words - we are interested not only in the values ​​of price levels, but also in the order in which these levels replace each other. Through this approach, one can find long-term and stable factors that influence (or may influence) the price change at a given point in time. And knowledge of these factors allows you to make a more
One of the powerful methods of analysis is the modeling of financial series using Levy processes. The main advantage of these processes is that they can be used to model a huge number of phenomena - from the simplest to the most complex. Suffice it to say that the idea of ​​the fractal price movement in the market is only a special case of Levy processes. On the other hand, with proper selection of parameters, any Levy process can be represented as a simple moving average. Figure 1 shows an exa
Very often, the trader is faced with the task of determining the extent to which the price may change in the near future. For this purpose, you can use the Johnson distribution type SB. The main advantage of this distribution is that it can be used even with a small amount of accumulated data. The empirical approach used in determining the parameters of this distribution, allows you to accurately determine the maximum and minimum levels of the price channel. These values ​​can be used in differ
This indicator allows you to determine the likelihood that the price will reach one or another level. Its algorithm is quite simple and is based on the use of statistical data on the price levels of a particular currency pair. Thanks to the collected historical data, it is possible to determine the extent to which the price will change during the current bar. Despite its simplicity, this indicator can provide invaluable assistance in trading. So, with its help it is possible to determine TakePr
Stable distributions can be used to smooth financial series. Since a fairly deep history can be used to calculate the distribution parameters, such smoothing may in some cases be even more effective than other methods. The figure shows an example of the distribution of the opening prices of the currency pair " EUR-USD " on the time frame H1 for ten years (figure 1). Looks fascinating, doesn't it? The main idea behind this indicator is to determine the parameters of a stable distribution based
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