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Crosshair Percent MT5

This tool allows you to better analyze your chart.

With "Crosshair Percent", you can calculate distances in the chart in a percentage way (in a very simple way, when the pointer is attached in the form of a crosshair: CRTL + F).

The utility allows to measure and/or calculate the movements of the price NOT only in points, use a measure in professional terms as it is the percentage.

The result is shown in two parts of the screen, one of them, next to the position of the pointer and the other in a fixed place on the chart.


  • Color_To_Show = result text color.
Produits recommandés
This application exports all finished operations to a text file delimited by <TAB>, comma, semicolon or any character defined by the user, also including the comments and magic number of the operations, which can be easily exported to EXCEL or Google Spreadsheets. The files are generated in the "files" folder, individually separated by month with the name in the format: 999999-AAAA BBBB- [9-9999] where: 999999 = MT5 Trading Account Number AAAA BBBB = Trading Account User Name [9-9999] - Month
RenkoChart EA
Paulo Henrique Da Silva
4.33 (3)
The RenkoChart tool presents an innovative and highly flexible approach to visualizing market data in MetaTrader 5. This expert creates a custom symbol with Renko bricks directly on the chart, displaying accurate prices at the respective opening date/time for each brick. This feature makes it possible to apply any indicator to the Renko chart. Furthermore, this tool also allows access to historical brick data through native methods in the MQL5 programming language, such as iOpen, iHigh, iLow and
Some trading strategies are suitable for the quiet market with less volatility, while others are suitable for the volatile and violent market. Either way, traders should have a clear measure of how hot or cold the market is. This product is convenient for traders to compare the degree of cold heat of different trading varieties, or the trading heat of the same trading variety in different time periods. You can put it on different charts to get the intuition. It's easy to see which is more hot an
AutoCloseTimer allows you to close positions and delete pending orders at a specified time. Usage Download and drag and drop AutoCloseTimer onto the chart. Check Allow AutoTrading in Common tab. Set parameters in Inputs tab. Notice: The close time must be later than the current market time. Input Parameters CloseSymbol - there are 2 options SymBol Of Chart - just close the symbol of the current chart All Symbols - close all symbols CloseTimerDay - specify a day for AutoCloseTimer. The default
Simple Telegram Notification – Stay Informed on Your MT5 Trading Activity! Stay connected with your MetaTrader 5 trading activity using Simple Telegram Notification , the Expert Advisor that sends real-time notifications to your Telegram app whenever orders are opened, modified, or closed . Whether you're at your desk or on the move, you’ll always be up-to-date with critical trading information. Key Features: Order Notifications : Receive instant Telegram alerts whenever an order is opened, mod
EA create custom Tick bar charts and provide real-time updates for MT5. This is an MT4 "offline" chart equivalent which is very simple to use. Generated Tick bar Chart compatible to MT5 indicator or template and perform your technical analysis with Multi timeframe analysis. The generator uses tick data to plot the historical tick chart for a particular setting and live ticks for plotting live charts. This method of calculation gives very accurate charts as no approximation is used. This EA creat
If you prefer manual trading and open multiple trades then this utility is just made for you. This is a simple utility which will close all your open trades at TP1, TP2 and TP3 by the given input percentage. NOTE: - This utility is helpful for multiple trades only (not for a single trade). You can set three Take Profit levels/targets at three Percentages to close trades partially. Inputs Explained: 1. TP 1 Pips - here you can set the first Take Profit Target in Pips for all trades combined. 2. 
Global crosshair for spotting levels and positions on multiple chart (timeframes). Features: Toggle with middle click (replace default MT5 crosshair). Toggle with HotKey shortcut and on chart button. Multi instance feature. (every chart can draw separate instance). Customizable Display Style. (color / line style / ex.) Global crosshair for spotting levels and positions on multiple chart (timeframes).
TradingX Hotkeys
Johannes Stephanus Lombard
Inputs Available Lotsizes Partial Close % You can change lotsizes as you require On an open chart click once to select chart to be able to use hotkeys on specific chart. All Pairs can be used with this expert We created this expert to be able to still trade C300 with a 0.06 Lotsize If you enter a 0.6 lot and close 0.90% you can trade with 0.06 Lot Keys to be used: B -Buy S -Sell C -Close Profitable D -Breakeven (Note if stoploss is set it won't break even) P -Partial close X -Close all
Are you the type that likes to protect your trades by moving the stop loss to the entry point and also using trail stop? Cool! This EA will help you with that. What's more, it also partially closes the trade when the trail stop is activated. That's it! Beyond all this it shows the stop loss projection (which you can move)   and notify you when it is activated. EA can be used by configuring the default window or by using a custom window , which makes it easy to change settings. You can test
This utility tool helps us to open trades and set orders very simply by just double-clicking on the chart. The volume of the positions and orders can be a constant lot size or determined based on a risk of equity. Take profit limit of the positions can be determined based on a Risk to Reward Ratio or simply by just a double-click.  For Positions: 1- At first, you need to double-click on the SL price. (For a buy position, you need to click on a price below the live price, and for a sell positio
Com este Expert Advisor tenha a possibilidade de fechar todas as posições de forma automatizada. Tenha em mãos o recurso de fechar as posições e ordens pendentes por ações, Dólar, Índice ou TODOS estes juntos, algo inovador no mercado. Ideal para quem quer uma segunda camada de segurança para suas operações automatizadas ou ainda que o próprio robô feche suas operações manuais em um horário programado. Promoção de 30 dólares para a três primeiras assinatura, posteriormente será cobrado 50 dól
Boleta de negociação, adiciona automáticamente as ordens Take Profit e Stop Loss quando excutada uma ordem de compra ou venda. Ao apertar as teclas de atalho (A, D, ou TAB), serão inseridas duas linhas de pre-visualização, representando as futuras ordens de take profit (azul) e stop loss (vermelho), as quais irão manter o distanciamento especificado pelo usuário. Ditas ordens só serão adicionadas ao ser executada a ordem inicial. Ao operar a mercado, as ordens pendentes de take profit, e stop lo
"Support or Resistance Alert Broken" is a simple and very intuitive tool that allows you to create or eliminate horizontal and trend supports and / or resistances with a simple click. When the support or resistance line is broken by the closing price at the end of the current candle, the "Support or Resistance Alert Broken" tool will send an alert with sound, as well as a notification to the MT4 or MT5 mobile application. This tool can send alerts from multiple pairs at the same time. Utility
You can see Binance Spot data instantly in Metatrader 5 and it allows you to use all the features that Metatrader has provided to you. You can access the data of all symbols listed on Binance Futures. Don't forget to set the timezone. Binance it's 00:00 UTC. You need to fix it according to your own country You need to install the free Binance Spot Symbol List plugin. https://www.mql5.com/tr/market/product/83507 After loading, it automatically downloads the data of the cryptos in the market obser
Easy Trade Calculator helps to calculate entry/stop loss/take profit levels and volume with some additional information to let your trades under risk management. Quick, accurate & in the visual way! Make trade calculation easier than ever! There are some  constraints between risk, stop loss and volume  for a safe trade. You need to know and let risk under management before you making a trade. Easy Trade Calculator helps to simplify calculation, make it more accurate and much quicker than do it m
Script that generates a report of possible ATM Straddle operations. It works for any asset on the spot market that has authorized stock options series on the B3 (Brazilian stock exchange). Straddle operations presented in the report: Short Straddle operations Uncovered Short Straddle Covered Call Short Straddle Diagonal Covered Call Short Straddle (expiration of the covered call after the expiration of the short options) Iron Butterfly Iron Butterfly "Pozinho" Diagonal Iron Butterfly (diagonal
Time Sessions MT5
Faran Ataeiraveshti
"Time Sessions MT5" est un autre outil pratique pour les traders de forex montrant les quatre principales séances de trading au monde. Séances horaires : L'heure dans cet outil est réglée automatiquement en fonction de votre heure locale. Il dispose d'un indicateur de temps mobile qui se déplace seconde par seconde vers la gauche et vous montre le temps réel. Le panneau contient de superbes graphismes accrocheurs. De plus, vous pouvez déplacer le panneau n'importe où sur le graphique. Plus d
SyncGraph Plus
Indicator that synchronizes the charts, that is, when the asset is replaced in one of the charts, all those that appear with the synchronized indicator are changed, with the same timeframe (Same_Timeframe = true) or with different timeframes (Same_Timeframe = false). The graphics to be synchronized are identified by color (Label). To synchronize the indicators, the indicator must be inserted in all charts to be synchronized, using the same color (Label). A box with the chosen color (Label) and
Bonjour les amis Aux yeux des gens, l’investissement est considéré comme une activité difficile et risquée. Mais si vous investissez en acquérant des connaissances et des compétences, le marché ne vous fera jamais de mal. L'écriture de filtres sur le marché des capitaux est l'une des actions que les professionnels entreprennent dans ce domaine pour augmenter la productivité et gagner du temps. En raison de l’activité d’un grand nombre de symboles, le volume d’informations et de données stockée
一 運作方式(如下圖) 在一個單邊向上的行情中,   自動交易工具做以下動作: 當價格來到高點,等待突破訊號在進場。 當價格回調,等待回調結束要往上時在進場。 當進場下單後, 如果一直漲就持續持單,等待價格漲不上去準備下來時,在獲利離場。 但如果一直跌,就等待要上漲時在進場,進場時加倍下單,    一個做底單,動作同上等待獲利離場,    另一個單用做倉位修正,此單和第一張單在盈虧為0時會各自平倉,不造成損失。 Ps: 在一個單邊向下的行情中,動作則相反  二 設定方法(如下圖) Step1   一開始要自己指定工具的方向. 如果認為會往上走,設定i_tradeup=true, i_tradedown=false,  如果認為會往下走,設定i_tradeup=false, i_tradedown=true,   Step2   指定目標位置和止損位置 如果認為會往上走,i_top輸入目標位置,i_bottom輸入止損位置 如果認為會往下走,i_top輸入止損位置,i_bottom輸入止盈位置 當價格到達目標位置會強制平倉獲利並暫停工具運作 當價格到達止損位置會反向開單鎖倉
Super ATR
Lina Staseliene
Super ATR is a powerful tool for analyzing the ATR (Average True Range) levels. The intuitive interface allows you to easily monitor all the main ranges of volatility. Key Features Plots the daily АТR areas on the chart. Plots the weekly АТR areas on the chart. Plots the monthly АТR areas on the chart. Displays a panel with the current values of the main volatility ranges (M5,H1,D1,W1,MN) on the chart. The areas and values in the table change their color when the ATR level is reached. Draws the
BLZ Candle TImer
Moustapha Boulouz
4.86 (7)
BLZ Candle Timer : L'avenir du trading s'ouvre à vous Entrez dans le monde avant-gardiste du trading avec BLZ Candle Timer, un compte à rebours avancé qui dévoile le temps restant avant la fin de la barre actuelle et l'apparition d'une nouvelle barre. Découvrez le pouvoir de la précision grâce à cet indicateur qui révèle le temps restant avant la fin de la dernière barre sur votre graphique, vous permettant ainsi de rester en avance sur le rythme du marché. Restez vigilant grâce aux notificat
Microlots Deriv
William Oswaldo Mayorga Urduy
MICROLOTS DÉRIVÉS Ce panneau remplace le panneau traditionnel, avec lequel vous pouvez saisir des micro lots lorsque le courtier ne permet pas de les placer, uniquement à condition que le courtier offre le pas de Volume inférieur au Volume minimum. Par exemple: si le Volume Minimum est de 0.20 et que le pas est de 0.01, et que vous voulez mettre 0.02, normalement vous ne pourrez pas le faire, mais cet outil se chargera de gérer l'envoi de la commande pour que la commande ouverte reste au val
The script allows to easily watch the date and time of several cities selected by the user from more than 30 important cities all over the world. It also shows GMT, Server time and Local time. The cities on the screen are automatically sorted by the date and time. You can save your setting on the Inputs tab and use them in future. Notice: Daylight saving time is not considered.
Have you ever take a long time to watch a Symbol when the network link is not good ? Have you ever wait for a long time when you switch chart between different Symbols or different TimeFrames ? If you do long-term backtesting , Have you ever to be downloaded datas for a long time ? Yes, If there is no data in the system, those will happen.  1. What is this: Download all the Symbol data in Market Watch to the system. PS: This is not outputting data to Files. This Link go to Demo version: https:/
Object Synchronizer MT5 : Better focus/analysis of the price chart in many timeframes. Are you bored to save and load template many times for the same symbol for many chart timeframes? Here is the alternative. With this indicator, you enjoy creating objects across many charts, you can modify the same object in any chart, you can delete the same object in any chart. All objects you created/modified are always synchronized across all chart windows (with the same symbol). Save your time, you can fo
High Frequency Ct
Elidio Xavier Guimaraes
This utility copies Market orders, Limit orders, and Stop orders with a focus on high speed and easy setup. The utility works by setting up a Master and one or more Slaves. The setup is quite simple: you just need to define which account is the Master and which account is the Slave, and then set up the same Copy Trade Id for both. For the Slave to recognize the Master's orders, the Copy Trade Id parameter must be the same. Do not use numbers or special characters when setting the Copy Trade Id
Juan David Ochoa Garcia
Over time, we have developed an Expert Advisor with the aim of providing a tool that facilitates trading, especially for those who are just starting in the forex market or those who, having a full-time job, want an additional source of income without neglecting their daily responsibilities. We believe that the first step, and the simplest thing a person new to the trading world can do, is to join our Telegram group. In this space, our Expert Advisor publishes market entry alerts, providing valua
The main function of this EA: Quick batch modification stop profit stop loss to the specified price position. For example: you have five XAUUSD  BUY orders, the opening price is 2510, 2508, 2506, 2504, 2495you can through this EA, batch unified change the profit is 2530, stop loss is 2480.Good luck with your deal! Wechat:FX-AIEA QQ:2813871972 Email:lxy284628@163.com Wechat public account: Xinyou Jinke FXAIEA.com Welcome to your attention ( Xinyou Jinke FXAIEA.com) Around A1, big data, cloud com
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Trade Assistant MT5
Evgeniy Kravchenko
4.41 (173)
It helps to calculate the risk per trade, the easy installation of a new order, order management with partial closing functions, trailing stop of 7 types and other useful functions. Additional materials and instructions Installation instructions - Application instructions - Trial version of the application for a demo account Line function -   shows on the chart the Opening line, Stop Loss, Take Profit. With this function it is easy to set a new order and see its additional characteristics bef
Bienvenue sur Trade Manager EA, l’outil ultime de gestion des risques conçu pour rendre le trading plus intuitif, précis et efficace. Ce n’est pas seulement un outil d’exécution d’ordres ; c’est une solution complète pour la planification des trades, la gestion des positions et le contrôle des risques. Que vous soyez débutant, trader expérimenté ou scalpeur ayant besoin d’une exécution rapide, Trade Manager EA s’adapte à vos besoins, offrant une flexibilité sur tous les marchés, des devises et i
TradePanel MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
4.85 (125)
Trade Panel est un assistant commercial multifonctionnel. L'application contient plus de 50 fonctions de trading pour le trading manuel et vous permet d'automatiser la plupart des opérations de trading. Attention, l'application ne fonctionne pas dans le testeur de stratégie. Avant d'acheter, vous pouvez tester la version démo sur un compte démo. Version démo ici . Instructions complètes ici . Commerce. Permet d'effectuer des opérations de trading en un clic : Ouvrez des ordres et des positions e
Local Trade Copier EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
4.98 (81)
Découvrez une expérience exceptionnellement rapide de copie de trades avec le   Local Trade Copier EA MT5 . Avec sa configuration facile en 1 minute, ce copieur de trades vous permet de copier des trades entre plusieurs terminaux MetaTrader sur le même ordinateur Windows ou Windows VPS avec des vitesses de copie ultra-rapides de moins de 0.5 seconde. Que vous soyez un trader débutant ou professionnel, le   Local Trade Copier EA MT5   offre une large gamme d'options pour le personnaliser en fonc
Trade Dashboard MT5
Fatemeh Ameri
4.97 (65)
Tired of complex order placement and manual calculations? Trade Dashboard is your solution. With its user-friendly interface, placing orders becomes effortless, by a single click, you can open trades, set stop loss and take profit levels, manage trade lot size, and calculate risk to reward ratios, allowing you to only focus on your strategy. Say goodbye to manual calculations and streamline your trading experience with Trade Dashboard. Download  Demo Version  right now. You can find  Details of
Telegram To MT5 Receiver
Levi Dane Benjamin
4.9 (10)
Copiez les signaux de n'importe quel canal dont vous êtes membre (y compris les canaux privés et restreints) directement sur votre MT5.  Cet outil a été conçu en pensant à l'utilisateur et offre de nombreuses fonctionnalités nécessaires pour gérer et surveiller les trades. Ce produit est présenté dans une interface graphique conviviale et attrayante. Personnalisez vos paramètres et commencez à utiliser le produit en quelques minutes ! Guide de l'utilisateur + Démo  | Version MT4 | Version Disc
MT5 to Telegram Signal Provider est un utilitaire facile à utiliser et entièrement personnalisable qui permet l'envoi de signaux spécifiés vers un chat, un canal ou un groupe Telegram, transformant ainsi votre compte en fournisseur de signaux. Contrairement à la plupart des produits concurrents, il n'utilise pas d'importations DLL. [ Démonstration ] [ Manuel ] [ Version MT4 ] [ Version Discord ] [ Canal Telegram ] Configuration Un guide utilisateur étape par étape est disponible. Aucune connais
The product will copy all telegram signal to MT5 ( which you are member) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal,  s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. Support to backtest signal. How to s
Custom Alerts MT5
Daniel Stein
5 (6)
Custom Alerts : Surveillez plusieurs marchés et ne ratez plus aucune opportunité clé Vue d’ensemble Custom Alerts est une solution dynamique pour les traders souhaitant suivre, de manière centralisée, les signaux potentiels sur différents instruments. En intégrant les données de nos outils phares — comme FX Power, FX Volume et IX Power — Custom Alerts vous informe automatiquement des évolutions cruciales du marché, sans avoir à jongler entre de multiples graphiques ou risquer de passer à côté
Trade Manager DaneTrades
Levi Dane Benjamin
4.74 (23)
Trade Manager pour vous aider à entrer et sortir rapidement des transactions tout en calculant automatiquement votre risque. Y compris des fonctionnalités pour vous aider à éviter le sur-trading, le trading de vengeance et le trading émotionnel. Les transactions peuvent être gérées automatiquement et les mesures de performances du compte peuvent être visualisées dans un graphique. Ces fonctionnalités rendent ce panneau idéal pour tous les traders manuels et contribuent à améliorer la plateforme
-25% discount ($149 -> $111) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt5 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator mt5 Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .   Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extende
Vladislav Andruschenko
4 (28)
Le copieur commercial pour MT5 est un copieur commercial pour la plate-forme МetaТrader 5   . Il copie les transactions de change   entre       tous les comptes   MT5   -   MT5, MT4   -   MT5 pour la version COPYLOT MT5 (ou MT4   -   MT4 MT5   -   MT4 pour la version COPYLOT MT4) Copieur fiable ! Version MT4 Description complète   +DEMO +PDF Comment acheter Comment installer     Comment obtenir des fichiers journaux     Comment tester et optimiser     Tous les produits de Expforex Vous pouvez
2025 happy new year -25% discount ($199 -> $149) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types  - Set a
Trade copier MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
4.48 (27)
Trade Copier est un utilitaire professionnel conçu pour copier et synchroniser les commandesentre les comptes de trading. Les commandes sont copiées du compte/terminal du fournisseur vers le compte/terminal du destinataire, qui sont installés sur le même ordinateur ou vps. Avant d'acheter, vous pouvez tester la version démo sur un compte démo. Version démo ici . Instructions complètes ici . Principales fonctionnalités et avantages: Prend en charge la copie des commandes MT5> MT5, MT4> MT5, MT5>
Grid Manual MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
4.76 (17)
Grid Manual est un panneau de trading permettant de travailler avec une grille d'ordres. L'utilitaire est universel, possède des paramètres flexibles et une interface intuitive. Il fonctionne avec une grille d'ordres non seulement dans le sens des pertes, mais aussi dans le sens de l'augmentation des profits. Le commerçant n'a pas besoin de créer et de maintenir une grille d'ordres, l'utilitaire le fera. Il suffit d'ouvrir une commande et "Grid Manual" créera automatiquement une grille de comman
HINN Lazy Trader
5 (2)
B e sure to watch this video before using A community for users, product discussion, update news, and first line of support  Use Webmoney For payments in cryptocurrencies. How I use this algo tool   Lazy Trader is NOT SUITABLE FOR SCALPING EVERY MINUTE MOVEMENT, ESPECIALLY IN CRYPTO. WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS HAPPENING ON THE CHART, THERE IS NO POINT IN BLINDLY HOPING FOR PROFITS! Lazy Trader does NOT USE openAI chat-gpt-4 technologies, which are added to descriptions for product promotion
Cerberus Equity Watcher
Samuel Bandi Roccatello
5 (3)
Cerberus the Equity Watcher est un outil de gestion des risques qui surveille en permanence la valeur de votre compte et empêche les pertes importantes, qu'elles soient causées par des EA défectueux ou des émotions si vous êtes un trader discrétionnaire. Il est extrêmement utile pour les traders systématiques qui s'appuient sur des EA susceptibles de contenir des bogues ou de ne pas fonctionner correctement dans des conditions de marché inattendues. Cerberus vous permet de définir une valeur min
Yury Kulikov
4.93 (41)
Attention: You can view the program operation in the free version  YuClusters DEMO .  YuClusters is a professional market analysis system. The trader has unique opportunities to analyze the flow of orders, trade volumes, price movements using various charts, profiles, indicators, and graphical objects. YuClusters operates on data based on Time&Sales or ticks information, depending on what is available in the quotes of a financial instrument. YuClusters allows you to build graphs by combining da
The  Easy Strategy Builder (ESB)  is a " Do It Yourself " solution that allows you to create a wide range of the automated trading strategies without any line of codes. This is the world’s easiest method to automate your strategies that can be used in STP, ECN and FIFO brokers. No drag and drop is needed. Just by set conditions of your trading strategy and change settings on desired values and let it work in your account. ESB has hundreds of modules to define unlimited possibilities of strategi
Consultez instantanément l'historique de vos transactions clôturées par jour et par semaine, vos transactions ouvertes actuelles et votre exposition au forex sur un seul graphique ! Utilisez la carte thermique pour identifier les transactions rentables et où se situe votre baisse actuelle au sein de votre portefeuille de trading. Boutons de fermeture rapide Utilisez les boutons de fermeture rapide pour clôturer chaque transaction sur un seul symbole, clôturer des transactions individuelles en
Trader Evolution
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (5)
" Trader Evolution " - A utility designed for traders who use wave and technical analysis in their work. One tab of the utility is capable of money management and opening orders, and the other can help in making Elliott wave and technical analysis. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT4 Advantages 1. Trading in a few clicks. Immediate and pending orders are available in the panel 2. Money management. The program automatically selects the appropriate lot size 3. Simplifies
The News Filter MT5
Leolouiski Gan
4.75 (16)
Ce produit filtre tous les conseillers experts et les graphiques manuels pendant les heures de publication des actualités, de sorte que vous n'avez pas à vous soucier des pics de prix soudains qui pourraient détruire vos configurations de trading manuelles ou les transactions entrées par d'autres conseillers experts. Ce produit est également livré avec un système de gestion des ordres complet qui peut gérer vos positions ouvertes et vos ordres en attente avant la publication de toute actualité.
News Filter Tool
Apex Software Ltd
5 (1)
Améliorez votre trading avec des informations sur les événements d'actualité Dans le monde rapide du trading, les événements d'actualité peuvent avoir un impact significatif sur les prix du marché. Comprendre comment ces événements influencent les mouvements des prix est crucial pour gérer vos transactions pendant les périodes volatiles. L'outil News Tool EA est conçu pour fournir des informations sur les événements d'actualité historiques et à venir, vous aidant ainsi à prendre des décisions d
ShSH: an Automated Trading Tool Discover the future of trading with our ShSH an Automated Trading Tool , meticulously designed to harness the unique characteristics of the daily market's volatility . This cutting-edge system leverages the price breakout method , Analizing on market movements during the low-liquidity hours to deliver consistent and reliable results. Core Features: 1. Intraday Market Volatility Mastery: The robot is fine-tuned to detect subtle price patterns and movements unique
Trading Chaos Expert
Gennadiy Stanilevych
5 (10)
This software has no equals in the world and represents a universal trade "console" covering trading signals, automated market entry, setting of Stop Loss and Take Profit, as well as Trailing Profit for multiple trades at the same time in a single open window. Intuitive control of the Expert Advisor in "three clicks" ensures a comprehensive use of all its functions on different computers, including tablets PCs. Interacting with additional signal indicators that mark the chart to give a real mark
This Expert Advisor waits a position to be opened, no matter if you open manually or with the EA buttons or eventually via mobile: it creates a Grid in Anti Martingale with pending stop orders in the same direction of the first position. You can specify the number of orders, the size and the distance between the orders. You can also adjust the Monetary Target of the Grid, the monetary Stop Loss, the Intermediate Target (when reached the EA insert an order with opposite direction of the total pos
Le MT5 to Discord Signal Provider est un outil convivial et entièrement personnalisable conçu pour envoyer directement des signaux de trading à Discord. Cet outil transforme votre compte de trading en un fournisseur de signaux efficace. Personnalisez les formats de messages pour qu'ils correspondent à votre style ! Pour plus de facilité, choisissez parmi des modèles pré-conçus et décidez quels éléments du message inclure ou exclure. [ Démo ] [ Manuel ] [ Version MT4 ] [ Version Telegram ] Confi
Click and Go Trade Manager, the ultimate solution for seamless trading execution. With a simple click on the chart, you can effortlessly define your stop loss, entry price, and target levels. No more hassle of inputting values manually - it's made incredibly intuitive and easy. Embedded risk management is a key feature of our Trade Manager. We understand the importance of protecting your investments, which is why the Click and Go Trade Manager incorporates risk management. When placing orders, y
Take a Break MT5
Eric Emmrich
4.8 (20)
The most advanced news filter on MQL market - free demo available Take a Break has transformed from a basic news filter into a comprehensive account protection solution. It seamlessly pauses any other Expert Advisors during news events or based on your custom filters, all while safeguarding your EA settings - restoring them automatically when trading resumes for complete peace of mind. Typical use cases: A single news filter for all your EAs. Stop trading during news/high volatility (+ close all
Profit or Loss Pad
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.5 (10)
Clôture des positions dans MetaTrader 5 après avoir atteint le bénéfice/perte total avec la fonction de suivi des bénéfices.   FermerIfProfitorLoss with Trailing Vous pouvez activer les   arrêts virtuels (ordre séparé)   , calcul et clôture des positions   ACHAT et VENTE séparément (ACHETER VENTE séparé)   , fermeture et calcul de   tous les symboles ou du symbole courant uniquement (Tous les symboles)   , activer le suivi pour le profit (   Trailing   Profit) Les positions sont fermées sur la
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Candle Pips
Miguel Antonio Rojas Martinez
3 (1)
The "Candle Pips" indicator is a tool that helps us a quick way to see the size of the candles on our platform; this is not only of great help to any trader who wants to study the market thoroughly, it is helpful in various strategies that are based on size of the candles. The indicator shows the value in Pips of each candle to our current graph, rounded to an integer. The indicator also shows the information as a histogram, at the bottom of the graph. It has simple inputs: Candle Type: this ent
Candle Pips MT5
Miguel Antonio Rojas Martinez
5 (1)
The "Candle Pips MT5" indicator is a tool that helps us a quick way to see the size of the candles on our platform; this is not only of great help to any trader who wants to study the market thoroughly, it is helpful in various strategies that are based on size of the candles. The indicator shows the value in Pips of each candle to our current graph, rounded to an integer. The indicator also shows the information as a histogram, at the bottom of the graph. It has simple inputs: Candle Type:   t
Color Chart
Miguel Antonio Rojas Martinez
Visualize your charts differently in MetaTrader 5. The product is good for comparing the prices, since the indicator draws High, Close, HLC, etc. It is useful when applied with other indicators (like MACD). This simple indicator colors the entire space below the chart allowing you to see the market with greater clarity. You will see the actual price, trends, and the market behavior. ‌Indicator parameters: Applied_Price : From this option you can select the type of price you want to draw with th
Five Candles Pattern
Miguel Antonio Rojas Martinez
The "Five Candle Pattern" indicator is a novel way to see the market, because with it we can compare and/or seek training or the pattern of the past 4 or 5 Candles, and identify them in the same graph, to view your behavior at an earlier time. The indicator creates a pattern of those 4 or 5 candles and searches backward, identifies, and marks the same formation or pattern. With that information you adjust the strategy that is operating, or create a new one, because you can compare the past devel
Price Statistics
Miguel Antonio Rojas Martinez
This indicator works only 5 digits Brokers. It is impossible to talk about the study of the Forex market or any market without considering of that market statistics. In this case, our indicator "price statistics" we have a new way to study our chart, giving information of the price in a range of pips you want to study for example, can we know how many times the price closes or opens into spaces 10, 20, 30, 50, 100 pips or more; and know them not only in numbers but also draws this relationship a
Price Break
Miguel Antonio Rojas Martinez
The "Price Break" indicator is a powerful tool for any trader. If the price breaks the levels the indicator shows, there is a 77% chance it will go in the same direction. If it exceeds the blue line, there are many possibilities for the price to rise. On the contrary, if it passes down the red line, it means that there are many possibilities for the price to drop. We should always consider the latest indicator signal, so we should rely only on the last blue arrow and the last red arrow. The indi
Manager Trade FULL
Miguel Antonio Rojas Martinez
Manager Trade is a tool that will help you manage trades in an easy and simple way. It is a panel that on its first tab contains buttons and inputs, beautiful and intuitive, that allow you to place operations much faster. In its second tab, all the orders of the account are listed, leaving them available to close each one with a single click of a button. Main features Place direct and pending orders with a single click, and in the same screen adjust SL, TP and Lots without having to reload the
Crosshair Percent MT4
Miguel Antonio Rojas Martinez
This tool allows you to better analyze your chart. With "Crosshair Percent", you can calculate distances in the chart in a percentage way (in a very simple way, when the pointer is attached in the form of a crosshair: CRTL + F). The utility allows to measure and/or calculate the movements of the price NOT only in points, use a measure in professional terms as it is the percentage. The result is shown in two parts of the screen, one of them, next to the position of the pointer and the other in a
Color Chart MT5
Miguel Antonio Rojas Martinez
Visualize your charts differently in MetaTrader 5. The product is good for comparing the prices, since the indicator draws High, Close, HLC, etc. It is useful when applied with other indicators (like MACD). This simple indicator colors the entire space below the chart allowing you to see the market with greater clarity. You will see the actual price, trends, and the market behavior. Indicator parameters Applied_Price : From this option you can select the type of price you want to draw with the
Five Candles Pattern MT5
Miguel Antonio Rojas Martinez
The "Five Candle Pattern" indicator is a novel way to see the market, because with it we can compare and/or seek training or the pattern of the past 4 or 5 Candles, and identify them in the same graph, to view your behavior at an earlier time. The indicator creates a pattern of those 4 or 5 candles and searches backward, identifies, and marks the same formation or pattern. With that information you adjust the strategy that is operating, or create a new one, because you can compare the past devel
Price Statistics MT5
Miguel Antonio Rojas Martinez
This indicator works only 5 digits Brokers. It is impossible to talk about the study of the Forex market or any market without considering of that market statistics. In this case, our indicator "price statistics" we have a new way to study our chart, giving information of the price in a range of pips you want to study for example, can we know how many times the price closes or opens into spaces 10, 20, 30, 50, 100 pips or more; and know them not only in numbers but also draws this relationship a
Price Break MT5
Miguel Antonio Rojas Martinez
The "Price Break" indicator is a powerful tool for any trader. If the price breaks the levels the indicator shows, there is aproximatelly a 77% chance it will go in the same direction. If it exceeds the blue line, there are many possibilities for the price to rise. On the contrary, if it passes down the red line, it means that there are many possibilities for the price to drop. We should always consider the latest indicator signal, so we should rely only on the last blue arrow and the last red a
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