Trade Results By Magic Number
- Indicateurs
- Abd Al Mouhemen Mo Haj Madoun
- Version: 1.0
- Activations: 10
Do Youe use Multi Epert Advisor? You need this Indicator ...
This indicator creates a detailed trading report in a separate window, displaying performance metrics for trades grouped by magic numbers across multiple symbols. It shows various metrics including deal counts, lot sizes, prices, profits, win rates, and exposure percentages.
Key Features
- Tracks multiple magic numbers (up to 1024)
- Supports multiple symbols per magic number (up to 100 per magic)
- Displays customizable grid with performance metrics
- Color-coded profit/loss visualization
- Real-time position tracking
- Win/loss rate calculation
- Exposure percentage monitoring
Performance Metrics
The indicator tracks several key metrics:
- Total deals
- Buy/Sell lots and average prices
- Net position size
- Profit/Loss
- Win/Loss ratio
- Exposure percentage
- Associated symbols
Visual Components
- Customizable through input parameters:
- Font properties (size, color, type)
- Grid appearance
- Column widths
- Window height
- Profit/Loss colors
- Dynamic grid creation with proper object management
- Automatic text truncation for symbol lists