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Real Range Bar and Custom Time Charts

RRBCTC uses real Tick data to create custom Range, Time, Renko and Volume bar charts for MT4. Tick data use is RRBCTC unique feature, which allows highest quality charting of current and historical price movement. Custom inputs provide option to create range bars with sizes from 0.1 pip all the way to 100+ pip and time bars periods from second all the way to a month. Charts are updated with new data in real time, allowing user use of MT4 indicators and advisors (EA). RRBCTC greatly extends MT4 charting options.

LEGEND (acronyms used in description) 

  • RRBCTC - Real Range Bar and Custom Time Charts (MT4 component)
  • DE - Data Extractor (MT5 component)
  • EA - Expert advisor
  • MT4 - MetaTrader4 terminal
  • MT5 - MetaTrader5 terminal


MT4 by default only provides 9 time periods for displaying market movement. This limited options are simply not good enough for quality market analysis. Even if you were to purchase one of the range, renko or custom timeframe creation tools available to extend MT4 charting options, such tools would still be limited by MT4 build-in restrictions. Existing tools create custom charts by extrating data from 1 minute time chart, a method which does not allow for accurate construction of bars. Faulty chart data leads into inaccurate analysis and improperly placed trades. As former user of charts created in such manner, I have a lot of experience and knowledge with how inaccurate such data really is. RRBCTC was created to solve this problem, by importing tick data and use it to build every (real) bar piece by piece. This process is done quickly and efficiently, so that user want be able to spot a difference between ordinary MT4 chart and a RRBCTC custom chart. Not only does RRBCTC provide you with quality data, it also combines all different charting options into one indicator, eliminating need for any other tool. Create any custom range, time, renko and equal volume charts you can imagine. If you have ever wanted to use some odd time period, like 7 min 30 second, now you can. Beside chart creation, RRBCTC also provides chart management, accessible through on chart user interface. Functions, like opening new custom chart and switching periods are designed to make life easier for the user. Continuous chart updates, make charts suitable for live trading and for use with any standard indicator or EA. Simple put, RRBCTC was designed to be the last chart creation tool for MT4 you will ever need. For more details on individual RRBCTC capabilities, please read section (Features).


  • External component - RRBCTC uses external component to retrieve tick data it needs to build charts. Default external component for RRBCTC is called Data Extractor (DE) and is available for free on MT5 market. Experienced users are free to import tick data trough the use of there own tools. DE is free MT5 tool which can be used on any demo or live MT5 account to process and save data RRBCTC needs to function at full capacity. For more details on how this works, please read section (How to use). Link to Data Extractor is listed on the end of description, under section LINKS.
  • Work modes - RRBCTC can operate in 3 different work modes. Live (MT4 only) mode creates charts from data it collects in real time from MT4. History (DE MT5 only) mode uses only external data to create charts. Combo (DE MT5 + MT4) mode uses combination of live data from MT4 and data from external component.
  • Custom input and predefined sequences - Through use of custom input, user can define sequence of values which will be used to create charts. Custom sequences provide user the ability to create only charts it needs and under conditions he chooses. RRBCTC also has a selection of predefined range and time sequences, for users who do no want or need to use custom input.
  • Custom Range chart creation - Range bars consider only price, thereby eliminating time from the equation. RRBCTC allows user custom selection of range bar size, starting from 0.1 pip (1 pipette) all the way up to 100 pip or more. Smallest increment is 0.1 pip (Example: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 pip and so on). Values in pipettes are available for instruments using extra decimal (most of them do). 
  • Custom Time chart creation - RRBCTC allows user custom selection of time frame size in minutes or/and hours, starting from 0.02 min (1 second) all the way up to 720 hours (30 days). Smallest increment is 0.01 min. Scientific decimal system is used for time values (3.5 minutes = 3 min 30 sec)
  • Custom Renko chart creation - Renko are bricks created at 45-degree and filter out minor price movements. RRBCTC allows user custom selection of renko bar size, starting from 0.1 pip (1 pipette) all the way up to 100 pip or more. Smallest increment is 0.1 pip. (Example: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 pip and so on). Values in pipettes are available for instruments using extra decimal (most of them do).
  • Custom Volume chart creation - Volume bars are all created with the same amount of tick volume and represent price movement within that volume value. RRBCTC allows user custom selection of volume bar size, starting from 1 unit of volume all the way up to 100000 units or more. Smallest increment is 1 unit of volume. 
  • Tick chart creation - Tick bars are minimum measurement of price change. RRBCTC allows user display of pure tick bars.
  • Real time chart update - Opened charts are continuously updated (around 20 times a second), displaying new data and allowing MT4 indicators or EAs to function just as they do on regular MT4 charts. User will not be able to notice any delay in market movement. 
  • User interface - Build in user help and interface. There are 2 versions of on chart interface. The first is displayed on the chart, where indicator was attached to and shows help, close and open chart buttons. Second interface is attached to every custom chart opened and provides user with information about the chart and option to change chart period directly.
  • Chart management - User can choose to use RRBCTC in more manual way or to leave chart management to auto function. In automatic mode RRBCTC will manage charts online/offline state and save data if needed. 
  • Error prevention - Integrated user error prevention functions, which should handle most potential user errors.
  • Compatibility - Designed to work with all types of financial instruments, with automatic symbol recognition build in. 


  • Work mode 
    • Live -> Only uses MT4 data to build current charts, does not build history past the point of RRBCTC initialization. Recommended work mode for live trading, where past data is not needed. 
    • History -> Only uses external (MT5) data to build charts. History is build for a time interval defined by a user. Recommended work mode for long term chart analysis, where a large quantity of data is needed. 
    • Combo -> Uses MT4 and external (MT5) data to build charts. History is build for a time interval defined by a user. Recommended work mode for live trading and short/medium term chart analysis.
  • Predefined inputs
    • Custom Range input -> Allows use of First and Second custom input lines, where user can define range bar sizes for which charts will be build.
    • Custom Time input -> Allows use of First and Second custom input lines, where user can define time frame sizes for which charts will be build.
    • Custom Renko input -> Allows use of First and Second custom input lines, where user can define renko box sizes for which charts will be build.
    • Custom Volume input -> Allows use of First and Second custom input lines, where user can define volume sizes for which charts will be build.
    • Tick values - Creates only tick chart. Can also be created alongside Range charts, by entering 0 as one of the values in custom input.
    • Range 0.1 - 1 pip -> 1. st predefined sequence. No user input. Creates 10 charts from 0.1 - 1.0 pip, with increments of 0.1 pip.
    • Range 1 - 10 pip -> 2. nd predefined sequence. No user input. Creates 19 charts from 1.0 - 10.0 pip, with increments of 0.5 pip.
    • Range 1 - 32 pip -> 3. rd predefined sequence. No user input. Creates 32 charts from 1.0 - 32.0 pip, with increments of 1.0 pip.
    • Time 0.5 - 60 min -> 4. th predefined sequence. No user input. Creates 15 charts from 0.5 (half) minute - 60.0 min (1 hour), with 1.5x or 2.0x increments. Intra hour time frames.
    • Time 1.0 - 1440 min -> 5. th predefined sequence. No user input. Creates 17 charts from 1.0 minute - 1440.0 min (1 day), with 1.5x or 2.0x increments. Intra day time frames.
    • Time 1 - 720 hours -> 6. th predefined sequence. No user input. Creates 17 charts from 1.0 hour - 720.0 hour (1 month), with 1.5x or 2.0x increments. Intra month time frames.
  • First custom input (MAX 64 characters) -> First line to be used to declare custom sequence. Based on Custom input type, it allows values in pipettes or minutes or volume. 
  • Second custom input (MAX 64 characters) -> Second line to be used to declare custom sequence. Based on Custom input type, it allows values in pipettes or hours or volume. Both lines can be used simultaneously. Instructions, for how to input values correctly, are stated in the settings above the first custom input line.
  • Starting time frame period -> Chart build by RRBCTC need to be saved in selected symbol history. User can choose the first period in which a custom chart will be saved. Charts after the first get assigned period by RRBCTC.
  • Digits (forex) after decimal -> This setting should only be used by users who still receive symbol data with one less decimal spot. Forex example: if your EURUSD price value only has 4 decimals, then you are one of the few, whose forex data provider, still hasn't switched to 5 decimal data.
  • Online chart mode -> If set to true, it will automatically  change any custom chart opened by user to online state and back to offline state after RRBCTC close. Chart must be in online state to allow live trading and updating of indicators and/or EAs attached to custom chart.
  • Display period selector -> If set to true, it displays user interface on any opened custom chart. The interface allows user to switch between custom charts generated by RRBCTC.

HOW TO USE RRBCTC and Data Extractor

For full use of RRBCTC, you must have demo or live account for MT5 and MT4. RRBCTC can be used without Data Extractor (DE), but its functionality will be limited. Only Live mode will work without it. Once you have downloaded RRBCTC for MT4 and DE for MT5, you must locate them in your terminal market indicator folder.

Recommended procedure on how to use RRBCTC:

  1. Open your MT5 terminal, select chart for a symbol, from which you want to extract data and drag Data Extractor (DE) on the chart. The only DE setting you might need to adjust according to your preference is called Period_in_days. This setting controls how many days of history data you wish to extract. It's recommended to leave this setting unchanged on your first use of RRBCTC. Other DE setting should never be changed (ignore them).
  2. Open your MT4 terminal, select chart with matching symbol and drag RRBCTC on the chart. Symbols in MT4 and MT5 must match, but they do not need to match perfectly. Some market data providers add there own identifiers in a form of a letter or word. RRBCTC is coded to recognize symbol despite this added identifiers. You as the user only need to match the symbol name. Example: EURUSD is the symbol name, sometimes symbol name get added identifier, which may look like this EURUSD-X. 
  3. When dragged to chart, RRBCTC custom indicator properties window will open. Select Input tab and then adjust the settings in accordance with your preference. For best experience, please follow instructions stated in this product description or in the indicator itself. 
  4. Once settings have been confirmed and properties window closed, RRBCTC will initialize. The length of this process depends on the quantity of data RRBCTC need to process. For most use cases this will only take a couple of seconds. On chart a user interface will appear, from which you can quickly open any of the custom charts.

From this point onwards, you a free to explore custom charts and experiment with changing of RRBCTC input settings. RRBCTC has many user error prevention functions, so there is no need to worry about doing any damage to your existing charts or MT4 terminal. Example of such function: RRBCTC does not allow you to write over any of MT4 default time frames (like M15, H1,..). 

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (recommended reading)

  • Q -> What happens with open custom charts, if user removes (closes) RRBCTC from the chart?

A -> All opened custom charts will remain open. If setting Online chart mode is set to TRUE, then any open online chart will be set to offline state, before RRBCTC closes. If setting Online chart mode is set to FALSE, then charts will remain in the state user manually set them to. By default such charts are in offline state. Objects and indicators attached to open custom chart will be preserved.

  • Q -> What happens with open custom charts, if user closes MT4 terminal without removing RRBCTC from chart?

A -> On next MT4 terminal start up, RRBCTC will initialize and set open custom charts to state they were in before closing of MT4 terminal.

  • Q -> Can user switch between custom charts in the same way one can switch between time frames on normal MT4 time charts?

A -> If setting Display period selector is set to TRUE, every open custom chart will have user interface displayed in the upper left corner of the chart. This interface allows user to switch between custom charts, without opening new chart. Interface displays information about current chart, a legend containing information about other custom charts and input field, where period of other custom chart can be entered. Simply click on the input, write period number of chart you wish to display and confirm input by pressing Enter or clicking out of input field. Chart switch might take a second to happen, this is because MT4 terminal does not prioritize this function. If setting Online chart mode is set to FALSE, all custom charts are in offline state. Period selector will not work in offline state!

  • Q -> Can RRBCTC be used for financial instruments, other than forex?

A -> RRBCTC should be able to recognize all symbols (even more obscure ones) and correctly build custom charts for them. There is a however a chance, RRBCTC might struggle with correct chart construction for some symbols. If you encounter such an example, please inform me, so that error can be fixed.

  • Q -> Can more then one RRBCTC run at the same time?

A -> Several RRBCTC can run simultaneously, but only one can be attached to a unique chart. You can even run 2 or more RRBCTC for one symbol, as long as they are attached to separate chart and periods used for saving custom charts don't overlap. If the periods do overlap, it is likely that will cause error.

  • Q -> How many custom charts can RRBCTC create?

A -> RRBCTC has no theoretical hard limit on how many custom charts it can create, but in practice the number is limited by the length of user defined custom sequence. There are 2 input lines, each can hold 64 characters, so 128 characters combined. The max value depends on the values inserted by the user, but on average you can expect RRBCTC to create maximum of around 32 custom charts. It's advised to only create as many custom charts as is needed. Maintaining custom charts, that will not be used, is a draw on resources.

  • Q -> How safe are RRBCTC created charts for live trading?

A -> Custom charts are as safe as the default MT4 time charts, provided user follows instructions. Live and Custom modes should be used for live trading, because they update current price values directly from MT4. History mode can also be used for live trading, but since it only uses external data, there could potentially be slight differences in price values. If you use quality market data provider, there should be no difference between values. Market data should always be the same, regardless of data provider. If you observe mismatch in charts, there are 2 potential problems. Either you have set up RRBCTC wrong or your market data provider has low quality data.

  • Q -> Is RRBCTC use of external data a potential safety risk?

A -> RRBCTC only uses data needed to construct charts correctly. This data is read-only and processed in very specific order. Any interference with this data would only result in error. RRBCTC does not collect, process or communicate any data related to user account. 

  • Q -> What happens, if user applies template to custom chart and overrides previous custom chart content?

A -> RRBCTC was coded to handle such situation. Users are free to use templates to quickly move chart content to custom chart. After user applies template, RRBCTC will restore its custom chart user interface and  leave content created by template intact. User might notice slight delay and chart switching to 1 hour (H1) period for a moment. This is normal and unavoidable part of how MT4 handles custom online charts.


  • OS Windows (any version), might work on other OS, but not verified
  • RRBCTC and DE will work with portable version of MT4


Data from different market providers may result in slight differences on some custom charts.

RRBCTC and DE will be supported as long as author has capabilities to do so. Author does not take responsibility for updating software, if external factors beyond his control, prevent it.

Please report any problems and ask questions for more details!


Link to Data Extractor:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/112293

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5 (85)
Découvrez une expérience exceptionnellement rapide de copie de trades avec le Local Trade Copier EA MT4 . Avec sa configuration facile en 1 minute, ce copieur de trades vous permet de copier des trades entre plusieurs terminaux MetaTrader sur le même ordinateur Windows ou Windows VPS avec des vitesses de copie ultra-rapides de moins de 0.5 seconde. Que vous soyez un trader débutant ou professionnel, le Local Trade Copier EA MT4 offre une large gamme d'options pour le personnaliser en fonction d
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.66 (68)
Copieur commercial pour MetaTrader 4.       Il copie les transactions de change, les positions et les ordres de tous les comptes. C'est l'un des meilleurs copieurs commerciaux       MT4 - MT4, MT5 - MT4       pour le       COPYLOTE MT4       version (ou       MT4 - MT5 MT5 - MT5       pour le       COPYLOTE MT5       version). Version MT5 Description complète   +DEMO +PDF Comment acheter Comment installer     Comment obtenir des fichiers journaux     Comment tester et optimiser     Tous le
Trade Manager pour vous aider à entrer et sortir rapidement des transactions tout en calculant automatiquement votre risque. Y compris des fonctionnalités pour vous aider à éviter le sur-trading, le trading de vengeance et le trading émotionnel. Les transactions peuvent être gérées automatiquement et les mesures de performances du compte peuvent être visualisées dans un graphique. Ces fonctionnalités rendent ce panneau idéal pour tous les traders manuels et contribuent à améliorer la plateforme
Trade Dashboard MT4
Fatemeh Ameri
5 (27)
Tired of complex order placement and manual calculations? Trade Dashboard is your solution. With its user-friendly interface, placing orders becomes effortless, by a single click, you can open trades, set stop loss and take profit levels, manage trade lot size, and calculate risk to reward ratios, allowing you to only focus on your strategy. Say goodbye to manual calculations and streamline your trading experience with Trade Dashboard. Download   demo version  right now. You can find details
Le MT4 to Telegram Signal Provider est un outil facile à utiliser et entièrement personnalisable qui permet d'envoyer des signaux à Telegram, transformant ainsi votre compte en fournisseur de signaux. Le format des messages est entièrement personnalisable ! Cependant, pour une utilisation simple, vous pouvez également opter pour un modèle prédéfini et activer ou désactiver des parties spécifiques du message. [ Démonstration ]   [ Manuel ] [ Version MT5 ] [ Version Discord ] [ Canal Telegram ]
TradePanel MT4
Alfiya Fazylova
4.91 (88)
Trade Panel est un assistant commercial multifonctionnel. L'application contient plus de 50 fonctions de trading manuel et vous permet d'automatiser la plupart des actions de trading. Avant d'acheter, vous pouvez tester la version Démo sur un compte démo. Démo ici . Instructions complètes ici . Commerce . Vous permet d'effectuer des opérations de trading de base en un clic : Ouvrir les ordres et positions en attente. Clôturez les ordres et les positions en attente. Inversion de positions (fermer
News Trade EA MT4
Konstantin Kulikov
4.38 (16)
Je voudrais vous présenter un robot efficace que j'utilise depuis plusieurs années. Il peut être utilisé en mode semi-automatique, comme en mode totalement automatique. Le programme comporte des paramètres souples pour le commerce sur les nouvelles du calendrier économique. Il est impossible de le vérifier dans le testeur des stratégies. Ce qu’il faut, c’est le travail réel. Il faut ajouter à la liste des URL autorisées, dans les paramètres du terminal, un site d'actualités. Cliquez sur Servi
Summer 40% discount ($149 -> $88) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt4 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .  Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extend
Copiez les signaux de n'importe quel canal dont vous êtes membre (y compris privé et restreint) directement sur votre MT4.  Cet outil a été conçu en pensant à l'utilisateur tout en offrant de nombreuses fonctionnalités dont vous avez besoin pour gérer et surveiller les transactions. Ce produit est présenté dans une interface graphique conviviale et visuellement attrayante. Personnalisez vos paramètres et commencez à utiliser le produit en quelques minutes ! Guide de l'utilisateur + Démo  | Ve
Trade copier MT4
Alfiya Fazylova
4.68 (31)
Trade Copier est un utilitaire professionnel conçu pour copier et synchroniser les commandesentre les comptes de trading. Les commandes sont copiées du compte/terminal du fournisseur vers le compte/terminal du destinataire, qui sont installés sur le même ordinateur ou vps. Avant d'acheter, vous pouvez tester la version démo sur un compte démo. Version démo ici . Instructions complètes ici . Principales fonctionnalités et avantages: Prend en charge la copie des commandes MT4> MT4, MT4> MT5, MT5>
The News Filter
Leolouiski Gan
5 (20)
Ce produit filtre tous les conseillers experts et les graphiques manuels pendant les heures de publication des actualités, de sorte que vous n'avez pas à vous soucier des pics de prix soudains qui pourraient détruire vos configurations de trading manuelles ou les transactions entrées par d'autres conseillers experts. Ce produit est également livré avec un système de gestion des ordres complet qui peut gérer vos positions ouvertes et vos ordres en attente avant la publication de toute actualité.
Prenez le contrôle de votre portefeuille de devises. Voyez instantanément où vous en êtes, ce qui fonctionne et ce qui vous fait mal ! VERSION MT5 DISPONIBLE ICI : https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/58658 Le tableau de bord Trade Manager est conçu pour vous montrer en un coup d'œil où se trouve actuellement chaque position que vous détenez sur le marché des changes et faciliter la compréhension de la gestion des risques et de l'exposition aux devises. Pour les traders qui évoluent progres
The Expert Advisor will help you forward all pop-up alert with screenshot from  MetaTrader 4 to Telegram channel/ group, also forward all notifications to Telegram. Parameters  -  Telegram Bot Token - create bot on Telegram and get token.  -  Telegram Chat ID  - input your Telegram user ID,  group / channel ID  -  Forward Alert - default true, to forward alert.  -  Send message as caption of Screenshot - default false, set true to send message below Screenshot  How to setup and guide  - Telegram
I present to your attention a powerful utility for predicting the future movement of an asset based on W.D. Ganna’s law of vibration. This utility analyzes the selected market model and provides codes for future possible market movement patterns. If you enter the selected code into the appropriate box, you will receive a forecast of the potential market movement. The utility has the ability to display several potential forecast models. The forecast is not yet tied to time and price and gives th
DrawDown Limiter MT4
Haidar, Lionel Haj Ali
5 (9)
Expert Advisor "Drawdown Limiter"  Vous êtes au bon endroit si vous recherchez un contrôle de drawdown, un limiteur de drawdown, une protection du solde, une protection de l'équité ou une limite quotidienne de drawdown en rapport avec les entreprises de gestion de capitaux (Prop Firm), FTMO, My Forex Fund, ou si vous souhaitez protéger votre compte de trading. Avez-vous déjà eu du mal à contrôler votre drawdown en tradant sur des comptes financés ? Cet EA est fait pour vous. Les entreprises d
Trade Assistant GS
Vasiliy Strukov
5 (35)
Le panneau de négociation est limité à la gestion des ordres - à la fois ouverts à l'aide de boutons et ouverts par l'utilisateur. Simple et pratique dans la Collection. Complétera tout acheteur. Je recommande de l'utiliser en tandem avec l'indicateur Gold Stuff. Configurez le trading en tant qu'ordres uniques et construisez une grille avec une distance. Pour créer une grille standard, définissez simplement une grande distance, telle que 10000. Les résultats en temps réel peuvent être consult
Auto Trade Copier
Vu Trung Kien
4.71 (92)
Auto Trade Copier is designed to copy trades to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts/terminals with 100% accuracy. The provider and receiver accounts must be on the same PC/VPS. With this tool, you can copy trades to receiver accounts on the same PC/VPS. All trading actions will be copied from provider to receiver perfectly. This version can be used on MT4 accounts only. For MT5 accounts, you must use Auto Trade Copier for MT5 . Reference: - For MT4 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Fre
RedFox Copier Pro
Rui Manh Tien
4.75 (12)
FREE SIGNAL CHANEL:  https://t.me/redfox_daily_forex_signals Time saving and fast execution Whether you’re traveling or sleeping, always know that Telegram To Mt4 performs the trades for you. In other words, Our   Telegram MT4 Signal Trader  will analyze the trading signals you receive on your selected Telegram channels and execute them to your Telegram to MT4 account. Reduce The Risk Telegram To Mt4   defines the whole experience of copying signals from   Telegram signal copier to mt4  p
CAP Strategy Builder EA
4.86 (37)
The top-selling EAs on the market cost a lot and one day they are suddenly gone. This is because one strategy will not work in the forex market all the time. Our product is unique from all others in the MQL Marketplace because our EA comes with 34+ built-in indicators that allow adding more strategies every time.  You build your strategy and keep updating it. If one strategy does not work, simply build another all using only one EA. This is All-In-One EA in this market place. You can use as trad
Click and Go Trade Manager
Victor Christiaanse
5 (11)
Click and Go Trade Manager, the ultimate solution for seamless trading execution. With a simple click on the chart, you can effortlessly define your stop loss, entry price, and target levels. No more hassle of inputting values manually - it's made incredibly intuitive and easy. Embedded risk management is a key feature of our Trade Manager. We understand the importance of protecting your investments, which is why the Click and Go Trade Manager incorporates risk management. When placing orders,
KopirMT4 Copy trades for MT4
Alexandr Gavrilin
4.58 (90)
The adviser has been withdrawn from sale /    Советник снят с продажи  KopirMT4 (CopierMT4) - transaction copier for the MetaTrader 4 terminal, copies (synchronizes, duplicates) transactions from any accounts (copier, copy dealers).  Supports copying: MT4 <-> MT4, MT4 -> MT5 Hedge, MT5 Hedge -> MT4 Support:  https://www.mql5.com/ru/messages/01c3f341a058d901 Why exactly our product? The copier has a high speed and is not dependent on ticks. Copy speed - less than 0.5 sec. Transactions are c
EA Hedger
Sergej Chukhista
4.67 (3)
EA Hedger   est un utilitaire de trading professionnel avec de nombreux paramètres qui vous permet de gérer les risques en utilisant la couverture. La couverture est une technique de trading qui consiste à ouvrir des positions opposées à celles déjà ouvertes. A l'aide d'une couverture, la position peut être totalement ou partiellement bloquée (verrouillée). Pourquoi est-il rentable d'acheter ce produit : Fiabilité   - le conseiller est soigneusement vérifié et testé Utilité   - l'Expert Advis
MT4 to Discord
Trinh Dat
4.29 (7)
The Expert Advisor will send notifications via Discord when orders are opened/modified/closed on your MetaTrader 4 account. - Send message and screenshot to Discord group/channel.  - Easy to customize message.  - Support custom message for all languages - Support full Emoji.  - Send report Daily, Weekly, Monthly ( must show all history of orders ) Parameters - Discord url Webhook - create webhook on your Discord channel. - Magic number filter - default all, or input magic number to notify with
News Trapper EA
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
5 (7)
News trapper EA un expert unique fait pour le trading de news Il a été développé en utilisant des années d'expérience dans le trading en direct {entièrement automatique}  très important Le programme contient des paramètres flexibles pour le trading sur les nouvelles du calendrier économique. Il ne peut pas être vérifié dans le testeur de stratégie. Uniquement du vrai travail. Dans les paramètres du terminal, vous devez ajouter le site d'actualités à la liste des URL autorisées. Cliquez sur Ou
Trade Assistant Pro 36 in 1
Makarii Gubaydullin
4.95 (21)
Outil multifonctionnel : plus de 65 fonctions, dont : calcul de lot, price action, facteur R/R, gestionnaire des trades, zones d'offre et de demande Version de démonstration   |   Manuel de l'Utilisateur   |    MT5 L'utilitaire ne fonctionne pas dans le testeur de stratégie : vous pouvez télécharger la   version de démonstration ICI   pour tester le produit. Contactez-moi pour toutes questions / idées d'amélioration / en cas de bug trouvé Simplifiez, accélérez et automatisez votre processus d
Grid Manual MT4
Alfiya Fazylova
4.74 (19)
Grid Manual est un panneau de trading permettant de travailler avec une grille d'ordres. L'utilitaire est universel, possède des paramètres flexibles et une interface intuitive. Il fonctionne avec une grille d'ordres non seulement dans le sens des pertes, mais aussi dans le sens de l'augmentation des profits. Le commerçant n'a pas besoin de créer et de maintenir une grille d'ordres, l'utilitaire le fera. Il suffit d'ouvrir une commande et "Grid Manual" créera automatiquement une grille de comman
TPSpro Trade PRO
Roman Podpora
5 (4)
An instrument capable of instantly calculating position size or risk based on a specified stop-loss level is critically important for both professional traders and beginners. Trading utility TRADE PRO provides fast and accurate calculations, helping you make decisions in conditions of limited time and increased market volatility. Main functions: Original. Simple. Effective. Original and convenient opening of the main trading panel: Simply hover your mouse over the right part of the chart and cli
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Data Extractor (DE) is designed to extract symbol price movement data and save it to file. It's a simple tool, designed to be used in combination with other software. SETTINGS (INPUTS) Period_in_days - How many days of data for Data Extractor to process (including non-work days).  File extension - Defines the type of file in which data will be saved. CSV is readable for a human, HST and BIN are binary data intended for machine reading. File name (without extension) - User defined part of file
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Version 1.10 2024.02.04
Fixed Period selector - Now works when online custom charts are inactive.
Fixed Custom Time input - First value of user input in the Second custom input wasn't counted correctly.