• Type d'utilitaire
  • Prix
  • Réinitialiser
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Utilitaires de trading payants pour MetaTrader 4 - 17

icon Vous trouverez ci-dessous des programmes de trading simplifiant le trading sur le marché Forex dans MetaTrader 4. Passez la souris sur un utilitaire dans la liste ci-dessous pour lire sa description et son objectif.
KT Renko Live Chart MT4
KT Renko Live Chart utility creates the Renko charts on MT4 that can be further used for speculation or live trading. The Renko chart created by this utility supports most of the custom indicators and automated Expert Advisors. Fully compatible with our Renko Patterns indicator and Renko Patterns EA . To use an Expert Advisor on the generated Renko chart, make sure to untick the "Offline Chart" in the chart properties.  Features A simple and straightforward Renko utility that provides the Renko
Скрипт собирает статистику по размерам свечей и сохраняет данные в файл CSV. Каждая строка таблицы - это отдельная свеча с ее характеристиками: время, направление (1 - бычья/доджи, -1 - медвежья), размер верхней и нижней тени, размер тела и полный размер свечи. Индикатор, который отбражает размеры свечей, а также построенные по этим размерам скользящие средние, можно скачать здесь . ПАРАМЕТРЫ FileName:  имя файла, в который экспортируются данные. Если оставить поле пустым, то имя файла - "Cand
Скрипт собирает размеры всех ценовых волн на текущем графике, которые не меньше заданной величины, и сохраняет их в CSV файл. Каждая строка таблицы будет содержать дату/время окончания волны и ее размер. Если вам нужно знать размеры волн в реальном времени, то воспользуйтесь индикатором Wave Size into ZigZag , Wave Size Histogram  или ZZ Histogram . ПАРАМЕТРЫ MinWaveSize:  минимальный размер дял волн, которые попадут в статистику PositiveValues:   true  - в файл сохраняется только размер волны
Скрипт используется для сбора статистики по переходам цены между уровнями сетки, размер которой задается в настройках (смотрите индикатор Transitions between levels ). Данные записываются в CSV файл. Есть два режима сбора статистики: SeparateTransition - учитывается каждый отдельный переход (смотрите скриншот 2). Время перехода - время, когда цена коснулась нового уровня. Accumulation - в файл записывается количество однонаправленных переходов  (смотрите скриншот 4). Например, -7 - семь пеерех
Ok, let's go :) Never again open a trade exceeding your risk with this ea. Settings: Corner Boton: Here you can chose where to place the panel. Position X Position Y: Both are to fine the position Width buttons: Here you can chose the width of the buttons. Heigt buttons: To chose the high of the buttons. Font Size: Changes the font size. Border color: to change the border color of the buttons. Reverse color: to change color of the Reverse button. Partial color: to change color of the Partial but
What is it? This utility is an EA that will show you the profit guaranteed for your opened orders . How does it work? When you move your SL above the OpenPrice (buy order) you are locking your profits and this EA will show you exactly how much in cash you have locked (same goes for sell orders). You can move your SL manually or using another EA, it doesn't matter as this will capture all opened orders, regardless of its magic number . How to use it? Simply attach this EA to any chart. You can ch
Скрипт вычисляет коды свечей на текущем графике и сохраняет их в CSV файл. Таблица в файле состоит из двух колонок: дата/время свечи и ее код. Подробнее о коде свечи и об алгоритме его расчета читайте в описании к индикатору Candle Code . ПАРАМЕТРЫ FileName:   имя файла, в который экспортируются данные. Если оставить поле пустым, то имя файла - "Candle Code. ' ВАЛЮТНАЯ ПАРА' 'ТАЙМФРЕЙМ' "
Money Meter
Makarii Gubaydullin
The indicator displays the levels of potential profit/loss for each direction (buy and sell). My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions You can set:  Lot size (there is also an option to auto-set the last used lot); Grid step : percentage / amount of money (green switch); Number of levels for each direction; Risk calculation for the current account balance / or for the free margin; In the initial settings of the indicator, you can select: Color of lines
PO-Plus Readme 機能: 3つのロジックでの買いサイン、売りサインを表示します。 各ロジックでの勝率を表示します。 サイン表示後、勝率を確認して高い勝率でBOやFXでエントリーすることが出来ます。 勝率の判定本数を変更できます。 Indicator Noを変えることによるこのインジケータを複数適用することができます。 これによりRCIの数値を変更して勝率を複数表示が可能になります。 その際は、ラベルの表示位置も変更してください。 ボタンを押すことによりラベルや買いサイン、売りサインを表示、非表示すことが出来ます。   注意:こちらのロジックはZigZag+ロジックでの勝率になりますので 勝率は実際のものより高めに表示されます。 エントリーする際は勝率60%以上のものを推奨します。 ZigZagベースなので価格が動く日本、欧州、NY時間の前半でのエントリしない ことを推奨します。 各パラメータの説明: ----------Basic Setting---------- Indicator No:インジケータNoを設定します。もし同じチャートに複数適用し
Telegram Signals MT4 is an utility helps to instantly publish your trading in the Telegram channel. If you have long wanted to create your Telegram channel with FOREX signals, then this is what you need. Telegram Signals MT4 can send messages: Opening and closing deals; Placing and deleting pending orders; Modification of stop loss and take-provit (last order); Triggering stop loss and take provit; Activation and removal of a pending order: Sending trade reports; Sending a message with replen
L'outil de transaction GRID est facile à installer. Chaque commande fixe le prix de fin de gain et arrête manuellement la perte. Fonctions de commande Sélectionnez 2 (acheter un lot) ou 3 (vendre un lot) Premier prix: premier prix de commande pour un ensemble de commandes Quantité totale: somme de toutes les quantités commandées pour un ensemble de commandes Point d'arrêt du gain: fixation du prix d'arrêt du gain pour chaque commande Intervalle de prix: intervalle de prix entre deux co
Object replicator is an indicator that allows you to replicate an object in one or as many charts as you like. This indicator is the solution to replicate part of your analysis in exactly the same position and price of a trend line, Fibonacci, vertical line, horizontal line, etc. Download the MT5 version   here Install the indicator on the source chart and follow the steps below: To activate the indicator, simply press the (Activate) button. Once the (Activate) button is pressed, a (Receive obj
Savage Trades M.T.A.  is a Manual Trade Assistant expert advisor. This EA contains self-adaptive market algorithm, which uses price action patterns and standard trading indicators. 1.) Quickly Execute trade entries with the click of a button with your own predetermined Stop Loss and Take Profit. 2.) Non-Repainting retracement and reversal warnings indicated by arrows and system alert. 3.) Auto adjusting Support and Resistance levels with strength indicated by color shade. 4.) Auto adjusting Fibo
Breakeven Utility MT4 automatically setting breakeven levels, transfers trades to breakeven   when passing a given distance   . Allows you to minimize risks. Created by a professional trader for traders.       Utility       works with any market orders opened manually by a trader or using advisors. Can filter trades by magic number. The utility can work with any number of orders simultaneously. WHAT THE UTILITY CAN DO: Install virtulnoe levels   bezubytka from 1 pip I nstall real   levels of  
Risk Control Utility MT4   designed for manual trading. It helps to calculate and control your risks, transfer transactions to breakeven and accompany positions with trailing stop. Easy to set up and use. It can be used for calculating a trading lot, calculating stop loss and take profit levels. Works with currency pairs, CFDs, stocks, indices, futures, cryptocurrencies Displays   volume,   potential loss and profit before   placing an order Ability to set the expiration time of a pending order
Trailing Stop Utility MT4 for automatic closing of deals by trailing stop levels.  Allows you to take the maximum from the profit. Created by a professional trader for traders.   Utility   works with any market orders opened manually by a trader or using advisors. Can filter trades by magic number. The utility can work with any number of orders simultaneously. WHAT THE UTILITY CAN DO: Set virtual   trailing stop   levels from 1 pip Set real   trailing stop   levels W ork with each order separat
STRATEGY - We use risk and reward ratio of 1:5 to maximize the profit - We use trailing stop to lock profit and minimize loss ALERT User will get notified with alert with the following condition: - Max  Spread - Max  Orders UPDATE - Free Update and Support COMPATIBILITY - MT4 and MT5 - M1 Timeframe - All Currency Pair WHAT YOU GET 1) Free Online Forex Training (Normal Price: USD 299) 2) Free Expert Advisor (EA) (Normal Price: USD 288) 3) Free Copy Trading (CT) (Normal Service Fee: 20%) *Aft
Easy Trade Panel
Kritchavatchara Datchkanakorn
EasyTrade is a dashboard that make trading easier. EasyTrade can help you to calculate and send command. EasyTrade have 3 tabs. Tab 1 Display data about information and orders in the current symbol Show all order Profit/Loss. Show all buy order Profit/Loss. Show all sell order Profit/Loss. Show average price of all opened order(buy and sell). Show average price of all buy order. Show average price of all sell order. Show total lot buy order. Show total lot sell order. Show total order buy. Show
This utility allows you to quickly trade multiple products. You can open and close positions easily. Important:  -Check allow live trading. -Enable Auto Trade trading. This uitliy will upgraded. If the users want to change or add functions, contact me. Contact Info skype: jupiter0105_01 mail: jupiter010592@hotmail.com Others: Local signal copier has developed. But Mql not support to upload dll including ex4 files. If you want to use it contact me.
Victor Scalper EA Manager
Victor Alejandro Garcia Rodriguez
VICTOR SCALPER 1.0 MANAGER Funciones del Robot: Gestionar ordenes realizadas Manualmente desde el metatrader del celular o del ordenador por medio de ordenes pendientes para hacer cobertura incrementando el lotaje y la cantidad de ordenes y a la distancia de separación que se desee.  Cerrar las ordenes apenas se tiene el valor en dinero ganado positivamente. O Cerrar las ordenes apenas llegue a un valor negativo indicado por seguridad.  Ventajas:  La ventaja principal es que el robot no es cont
MT4 Close all automated
Ekanci Christian Eric Loukou
We found the solution for you. It is a script that allows you to automatically close all your positions that you have improved. To close a position, you must type "Close position" from its context menu in the "Trade" tab. In the window that appears, you must also type "Ask". Then the "Close" button appears in the window. When you press this button, the position is fully closed at the asking price. Please note that the Close button will also remain displayed for a few seconds, while the trader n
The S & D Zones Reminder - Never miss a Zone you identified! If you trade Supply and Demand Zones and don’t want to spend time setting multiple alerts manually, simply use the S & D Reminder Indicator, which will ensure you never miss a trade. Steps to use: 1. Manually identify the zones using below colors: a) DBD Supply Zone – Gold b) RBD Supply Zone - LightCoral c) RBR Demand Zone - StealBlue d) DBR Demand Zone - SeaGreen 2. Add the indicator to a chosen chart, decide if you need phone alerts
Semi-automatic visual trading panel , place orders or modify them with stop loss and target added automatically only by one click, orders can also be modified manually. 1.Green buttons are long orders,red buttons are short orders, ' /K ' means choosing the highest or the lowest point of the previous chosen K-line as the stoploss level  。 The textbox below “Buy1 , Buy2 , Buy3 , Buy4” are the maximum stoploss you can afford. Calculated arounded off. Click button 'Buy Or Sell' to place an order. 2.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First free version of this product is here :  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/46855?source=Site+Profile+Seller -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This product is an EA that can be used either to practice to educate yourself on Tester
1.   Money Printing Robot is a wave trading expert, so please copy it into the 'expert' folder. 2. Please run it in H4 timeframe in order to make the best score of it, the shorter the timeframe you choose ,the worse score you get. 3. the 'Variable' of  BuyStopLossPercentage and SellStopLossPercentage is defaulted 0.02,which means 2% of the freemargin ,that is the maximum loss one trade may bring. or you can change it according to your risk management policy. Order lot changes according to the st
Pro Indicator Trader is a professional trading tool with which you can automate/create a trading strategy using the 31 classical Metatrader 4 indicators.  An elegant and intuitive interface allows you to customize your strategy down to the smallest detail and choose whenever the EA should open a buy or sell position. For each entry-trade rule, you can use up to 14 different indicators. The EA is designed for professional traders, therefore it has many advanced functions. The EA records the order
TrailingTakeProfit The script is an assistant in the set levels of TakeProfit relative to High, Low in real time. Automatically sets the TakeProfit level on all High, Low orders to the required TakeProfit distance, which is set by the TakeProfit parameter in real time relative to the High, Low number of the corresponding Bars number (set by the bars parameter). Utility settings: TakeProfit - the distance in points at the maximum and minimum prices, respectively, for sell and buy orders. Bar
Maksim Pliskach
LEFORT is a multi-currency, fully automatic, high-frequency trading robot. The robot works with any instruments in MT4 on any timeframe. The algorithm of the expert Advisor is as follows Single-scalping trades will. Using the analytical signals module, the robot analyzes the market dynamics, and then makes single trades in the direction of the dominant trend with a profit of several pips. A series of open orders. The robot makes a series of trades on a pullback in the direction of the dominant t
The Panel does not work in the tester. You can test it live with demo version. Demo version link:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/61344?source=Site+Market+MT4+Utility+Rating004 Easy Order Panel is a easy panel that can help you to place your orders quickly and easily. Works on all currencies. Configure the Risk and automatically when you press Sell/Buy button an operation with the right lot will be opened. in this way you lose at most the percentage entered. - just double click on the
Viktor Shpakovskiy
The utility for manual trading to manage open positions.The built-in trailing stop has three modes and seven instruments: by pips, by bar extremes, by fractals, by volumes, by MA, by Parabolic SAR and by ATR. With the help of the built-in trading simulator, you can check how the EA works in the strategy tester. Guide to UTrailingMini can be found in the "Comments" section. Benefits 3 trailing stop modes: normal, total and mobile stop loss; 7 options: by points, by bar extremes, by fractals, by v
Maksim Pliskach
APIPS Expert Advisor puts a Take Profit on all positions at the total breakeven distance or at the distance of the specified take Profit value . If several orders are opened, the Expert Advisor puts a Take Profit on all positions at the total breakeven distance + the specified Take Profit value. You can specify to close all positions only on the excess without profit. If there are no open orders and you open a trade on the market, the APIPS Expert Advisor automatically sets the Take Profit by t
The Trading Control Panel EA let you: - Calculated lot size based on the (% or $ risk) - Place multiple (Market/Limit/Stop) trades at same time - Manage all open trades (move SL to BE, take partial profit, close all trades) This is a handy tool for those who wont to open multiple orders without spending time on lot calculations. When opening multiple orders the first order has the first TP and all other orders get the second TP.
Denis Bogdanov
5 (1)
This application allows you to broadcast any trading activity of your choice on the account in the telegram channel. You choose: Where to broadcast (you can simultaneously broadcast to several channels by running several copies of the robot on your account at the same time) Orders and positions placed by a robot or a human, or both What symbols (All or are entered through a space EURUSD.i EURGBP.i ...) Information about what actions to send (you can set up several robots on the account to set up
Triangular EA Limited MT4
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
1 (2)
Note: MT4 Backtest cannot test EAs that trades with several symbols simultaneously. For backtest use MT5 versions download here . Note : Limited version can trade with the volume less than 0.05 lots. Important : This is Arbitrage EA and may not work on all accounts. It is recommended to follow the testing process described on product screenshots. If you are not familiar with arbitrage trading, It is recommended to use our other trading robots . Strategy : EA will place trades based on Tria
Avenger Trader Tool
Fabrizio Sanmartino
5 (1)
Avenger Expert Advisor The Avenger Expert Advisor (EA) is a sophisticated trading tool designed to help traders automate their trading strategies with precision and efficiency. This EA leverages advanced trend indicators and customizable settings to optimize trading performance. Key Features: Trend Indicator Settings: Main Trend Indicator:   Utilizes the primary trend indicator for position openings. First and Second Trend Filters:   Additional filters to refine trend signals and enhance accura
Shield ME
Mohamed Zein Mohamed Zein Soliman
The shield allows the trader to easily close all profit / loss positions instantly while being able to protect winning positions. Every trader needs it in their day trading with one click. Features : one click close all positions in profit. one click close all positions in loss one click protect all positions in profit. are you suggest more features ? please contact me!. NOTE:  demo will not work in backtest because it not support button action.  
Chart State Saver for MT4 is utility which helps to save states of all your charts even if they will be closed. And then all saved charts' states can be easily loaded back to charts. It stores templates for each particular currency pair and automatically applies them to charts once they will be opened at next time. Also they can be applied to the charts by your own needs. Thus you can close any chart at your MT4 without scaring to lose chart's data like drawls, messages, chart styling and so o
Smart Backtest
Mr Chaiyaporn Boonsamorn
For those who are still not confident in their system or are testing new techniques to make it easier without wasting time to change the charts one by one, we recommend EA Smart Backtest to help you backtest your system efficiently. -The EA is intended to Backtest your system.   -Able to open buy or sell in visual mode and can modify values ​​for LOT, SL, TP.   -The chart also shows the Balance Equity Profit status. -Can choose to close, Buy, Close, Sell
Overview The Expert Advisor sends notifications to a mobile phone, via e-mail or plays a sound in case any changes are detected on the trading account: opening/closing positions, changing order parameters, balance or leverage. Also, the Expert Advisor can inform that Equity on the trading account has dropped below a specified value or Free Margin is small compared to Margin. The Expert does not trade, it only monitors your account. Launching the Expert Advisor For the Expert Advisor to work, pl
Cyril Ike Kayas Payumo
Simple Order and Risk Management Tool. Secure your profits and protect your capital! Features Visual Stoploss, TakeProfit Levels (Hotkey: SHIFT+M) Visual Pending Order Level (Hotkey: SHIFT+P) 5 Custom LotSizes for Open Orders (Each lotsize has a corresponding hotkey) This requires that an SL level is previously set Automatic Partial Close  Expert will automatically close partial positions in when it reaches a target profit level.  Automatic Stoploss to Breakeven Expert will automatically set y
Сообщения в Telegram из MT4 о торговых событиях: Открытие/закрытие сделок; Выставление/удаление отложенных ордеров. Версия утилиты для MT5 здесь: https://mql5.com/8bjk5 Настройки  Telegram: Создайте своего бота. Для этого напишите для пользователя  @BotFather команду  /newbot , и следуйте инструкциям. В результате вы получите Token бота, примерно такой:   1245680170:BBGuDFVkTYIPtjSaXMgQEhdfg7BOQ6rl8xI.  Узнайте свой ID в  Telegram, для этого напишите пользователю  @userinfobot любое сообщение.
New version based on the product: Trade History MT4 To Excel  Hello Traders! I have received many comments on my product " Trade History MT4 To Excel " which I have decided to create a new more complete version based on your suggestions. The result is fantastic, you will not find anything like it anywhere, I know because I have checked :-) WARNING:  To give you an unique product I had to modify the standard mql4 files. Before to run the interface you need to load this file in the directory. You
Universal TP SL Pips
Genesis Hafalla
5 (1)
This EA utility does not trade on its own, but it only modifies the   open  trades    to add   take profit   and   stop loss   that was  opened manually or by any other expert advisors.  The distance is based on Pips . How Does It Work? If   Symbol to modify   is set to   "All Symbol"   simply attach it to one chart, and all   open trades   in the entire terminal will set the   take profit   and   stop loss   .  If  Symbol to modify   is set to   "Local Symbol"   , it will only set the   ta
Objects Copier MT4
Vladimir Pokora
5 (1)
This utility copies graphic objects from the MASTER chart to the SLAVE chart. Install it as an indicator. The version for MT5 is here: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/61935 It can work in the following modes: Master CHART to Slave CHART in one MT4 or MT5 Master MT4 to Slave MT4 (one or more) Master MT4 to Slave MT5 (one or more) Master MT5 to Slave MT5 (one or more) Master MT5 to Slave MT4 (one or more) You can use multiple Master-Slave groups by setting the ID parameter . You can copy al
This tool working You can buy or sell from the button of this tool, the lot size can be filled manually, as for the close all buy button to end all buy positions, close all sell button to end all sell positions, Close All profit button to end  All  profit position, Close All Loss button to end all loss position, Delete Pending button to delete all Pending order, close all orders to end all orders. The variable, you can use close all percent for close all orders when profit in percent, if close
Telegram Pro
Aleksei Semenko
Utility for informing in telegrams with a wide functionality -->>> English parameters menu version, Russian menu parameters version  here first 10 sales at $ 30, next 10 at $ 40 and so on Works correctly with Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 and above Can send notifications to channel or private messages : Signal name (it is convenient to send signals from several terminals to one channel) Opening an order (instrument, volume, order type, quote, take profit, stop loss, order number, opening time
Telegram Pro RU
Aleksei Semenko
5 (1)
Utility for informing in telegrams with a wide functionality -->>> Russian parameters menu, ENGLISH menu parameters  version >   is here first 10 sales at $ 30, next 10 at $ 40 and so on Works correctly with Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 and above Can send notifications to channel or private messages: Signal name (it is convenient to send signals from several terminals to one channel) Opening an order (instrument, volume, order type, quote, take profit, stop loss, order number, opening time)
Copy Master mt4
Evgenii Aksenov
5 (5)
Cet utilitaire vous permettra de copier toutes les transactions d'un terminal avec le paramètre maître vers d'autres terminaux avec le paramètre esclave Dans le même temps, vous pouvez choisir les paires à copier, définir la taille de l'ordre copié sur plusieurs paramètres. Définissez une limite de perte sur le retrait ou copiez uniquement les transactions rentables Vous pouvez copier des transactions de MT4 ou MT5 à MT4 ou MT5 d'autres courtiers Maintenant, il ne sera pas difficile de copie
The Expert Advisor is a trader's assistant, opens positions on trend lines, pulls pending orders that are not visible to the dealing center along the trend lines. Positions are opened and closed only when the terminal is turned on! Great for trading from trading levels, saving you time and health. The Expert Advisor responds only to trend lines of three colors, by default: Green - the color of the purchase, all Sell positions will be closed before the purchase; Yellow is the colour of closu
This TraderMaster EA is super helpful for professional trader.  Input Parameter Section: 1) Allow trader to set different line style, such as color, width; 2) Apply our chart style, if set false, it will not change the chart style; 3) Select different panel mode 3.a) Simple Mode, for trader immediately place a market order, pending order, delete and close orders; 3.b) Draw Line Mode, for price action traders who want to trade for trend and reverse in his trading plan; 3.c) Advanced Mode, includ
The utility helps to locate in the  lower time frames  the maximum and minimum of the upper  time frame.  The length of time frame level line  represents the temporal  length of the upper time frame. The indicator draws lines that delimit the upper time frames candle and highlights his high-low price, the pips candle range, the returns and the volatility. How it works: Firstly . Choose which time frames levels to represent in the lower ones : monthly, weekly, daily, H4, H1, M30, M15, M5. The
Smart Stop FX - Never let a winning trade become a losing trade, ever again. Smart Stop FX is an intelligent trade management robot that gives you the flexibility to manage your trades even when you can't be on the charts. Either sleeping, a long flight, or the myriad of other commitments that life throws our way, Smart Stop FX can give you the security that your positions won't go into unnecessary losses.  There are three ways to use Smart Stop FX.  Breakeven Mode - In this mode, Smart Stop F
The best panel of all major Forex trading buttons, which every trader definitely needs to relieve his trade, whether he is a beginner or a professional. The Expert Advisor places pending orders at the price you entered. You can enter the number of pending orders and the step between orders. There are buttons for opening market orders, buttons for deleting pending orders, buttons for closing orders with profit and loss. And the very last button of the advisor closes pending and market orders on
Recover My Trades Pro
Florian Riedrich
4 (1)
What is this EA about? This EA is right for you if you use martingale or grid systems without own recovery. Why? Using Martingale or grid systems are pretty good on one hand because the give steady little return. But if the trend goes against the used system, more and more trades are opened. It can burn your whole account. During a trend normally there are some pullbacks. This EA is taking advantage of these pullbacks. It takes the oldest and and all trades with profit to calculate the average p
Sam level trading assistant is an expert advisor that mainly helps a trader to automatically place and manage trades basing on key levels of support and resistance that are MANUALLY drawn on the chart by the trader. These key levels include trend lines and rectangles. The expert advisor can either automatically open SINGLE trades by opening buy or sell orders, HEDGE by opening both a buy stop and a sell stop order or send ALERTS when a given criteria such as a candlestick/ bar either TOUCHING or
The Consistent Trader is very useful if you want to improve your performance in the long term and avoid common mistakes . This EA adds a panel where you can put SIZE and stop loss PIPS of positions. You can open a sell or buy (one at time), and you can close it with a close button. It also shows actual pips spread. This works only alone without others EA (one instance), and only opening positions with its dedicated panel. This Utility helps and does these things : You cannot watch and open timef
Hot Level Lines
Mahmood Chazavizadeh
About this indicator This indicator displays the OHLC values ​​of all selected timeframes for the specified candles number in the form of lines. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the idea behind this indicator? As you know, support/resistance areas provide good trading opportunities for traders. One of the best ways to detect these areas is to use the High, Low, Close (or even Open) values ​​of the previous cand
Buy The Dip Util is an  halfautomatic  expert advisor (EA), to   buy on dips (days lows) and sell on spikes (days highs). A profit can exceed a loss trade up to 10 times , so the user can have several loss trades and still make profit. Orders are opened at the change of the hour , if a button in the chart is pressed. The  Buy The Dip as EA  does this automaticly. The order stoploss is automaticly set right below the low of the former hour (buy) or right over the high (sell). The position size
EA Saving Money
Vyacheslav Pozdeev
EA Saving Money will help you save your accumulated profit on trades and protect your deposit from negative trades. This utility allows you to manage an unlimited number of orders opened manually or by an Expert Advisor. It helps to save profits and increase the account balance both when trading manually and when trading with various Expert Advisors that use Stoploss. The utility also has a built-in panel for the convenience of opening orders. When opening orders through the panel, the Expert A
Koala Trade Panel
Ashkan Hazegh Nikrou
Welcome to koala MT4 Trading Panel This is professional tool can make trading easy , much faster for you, if you are one of forex manual trader. This tool has nice user interface and easy method to adjust entry, stop loss, take profit by just drag and drop lines. Ability to adjust fix lot size, risk dollars, Magic Number, Equity DD Protector, Trailing stop, Break Even. and also Trailing based on Moving average are more advantages of this tool. What is this panel properties : 1. Open Buy Trade
Capital protector is an Expert Advisor who works based on the profit and loss of your account. Its functions include: Closing of all orders when a certain profit or loss is reached. Remove any other Expert Advisor installed on a secondary chart when a certain profit or loss is reached. Send a notification to the mobile when a certain loss or profit is reached.  To configure the Expert Advisor you will only have to program the loss limit that you are willing to lose or the profit limit that you
"Support or Resistance Alert Broken" is a simple and very intuitive tool that allows you to create or eliminate horizontal and trend supports and / or resistances with a simple click. When the support or resistance line is broken by the closing price at the end of the current candle, the "Support or Resistance Alert Broken" tool will send an alert with sound, as well as a notification to the MT4 or MT5 mobile application. This tool can send alerts from multiple pairs at the same time. Utility
this tool is to help your trading by clicking the buy or sell button, to fill in the magic number please fill in the variable, don't forget to activate autotrade on metatrader 4 then check Allow live trading so that the emoji turn into a smile, you can combine this tool with other tools such as EA auto means the Magic Number which is the same between this tool and your EA
This tool helps your trades to open trades manually, and will mean it automatically, so it will not be difficult to profit from calculating pipsteps or lots when you open the next trade, so if you have a strategy to open then this tool will help you to do that, on the tool. which can mean is a lot or a pipstep, so that it can help make your trading easier. You will get more profit, because the time required is shorter.
Partner with fibotime or the news calendar. When you determine the important transaction time, move the alarm line directly on your main chart, and then alert you of the arrival of this time on the set time! 1,When you use fibotime or have important market news release, you need an alarm clock to make sure you don't miss a good deal!This alarm clock is placed on your MT4 main picture directly, so you don't need to waste your time setting the alarm clock on your computer or mobile phone! 2,Autom
Purpose: IF you are apart of a signal group or have a losing strategy this tool is perfect for you. This Expert Adviser is a Trade Copier which Copies Trades on the same account, It takes trades in the same direction or opposite direction. You can set 100% for same trade size or 200% to double up, while the same percentage rule also work for the stop-loss and take profit distances. input: Copy All or By Magic Take only new trades = False; Take same direction of existing trade or counter_direct
OneClick VZ
Kusuma Nungki S
Simple panel of trade on your chart with OneClick VZ . This trade panel will make it easier for you. Equipped with several functions that make it very easy for you. You can try Trial Version OneClick V1 in here . This version includes: Open Order Buy Open Order Sell Open Pending Order [Buy Limit - Buy Stop - Sell Limit-Sell Stop] Close ALL orders Close Order Buy Close Order Sell Delete Pending Order [Buy Limit - Buy Stop - Sell Limit-Sell Stop] Order Management: Stop Loss Take Profit Trailing S
Hello Trader ! If you are looking for a tool to export the historical data series of any timeframe in excel, you are in the right place! Load this tool on a chart for the selected pair, choose the timeframe you want to export, and that's it!  You can decide whether to export the entire historical series (pay attention at the number of bars you are exporting) or a predefined time interval; PARAMETERS: 1 - Choose the Time Frame you want to export, the chart will update automatically; 2 - The Inte
Giant Trade Panel
Boaz Nyagaka Moses
Giant Trade Panel  comes as a whole package with functionalities that will satisfy all your needs as a manual trader. I created this utility to help you manage your trades from a single chart with just a few clicks . It has a smooth interface which is very responsive.  The utility has sub panels each with different functions: Symbols panel   - This will help you open chart of any symbol with just one click. Timeframes panel - With this you can navigate from M1 timeframe to MN1 timeframe with jus
UR Basket
Krzysztof Jan Debski
Panier UR   Le mieux que vous puissiez faire est de protéger vos commandes contre les pertes. Vous pouvez maintenant vous détendre et laisser UR Basket s'en occuper. Avantages d'utiliser UR Basket : Tous les paramètres sont dynamiquement modifiables dans le panneau graphique de votre graphique - Vous n'avez PAS besoin de redémarrer l'EA pour modifier les paramètres ou rappeler les paramètres que vous avez utilisés ! Vous pouvez suivre vos commandes via :   - Nombre magique   - Commentaire EA

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