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Tous Forex Trading robot/indicator debugging Strategy optimization Statistics and mathematics C++ Strategy modules
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30+ USD
Hey, I would like to find out if you can assist in developing and EA that I can use for my trading system for MT5 My system is very basic, it just a hedging system. Taking two trades buy and sell exactly at 14:00 (UCT+2). Risking 1% on each trade on a 1 : 2,5 Risk Reward ratio and stop loss of 2500 points since I am only trading GER30(Dax Index) for now, please make these inputs changeable. Once the trade is on 1 : 2
10 Applications
(15) MQL5 Experts Autre Forex
50+ USD
Just to confirm Indicator will be able to have the following: - Ability to upload multiple levels for multiple tickers (stocks, ETFs, Futures) - Ability to change color of the lines - Ability to concatenate levels if on the same price. Example: Level 1 & Level 2 - Ability to tick or untick levels that user does not want to plot - Ability to show price values on the level (user should be able to select this in the
1 Application
C# Autre Forex C#
100+ USD
Just to confirm Indicator will be able to have the following: - Ability to upload multiple levels for multiple tickers (stocks, ETFs, Futures) - Ability to change color of the lines - Ability to concatenate levels if on the same price. Example: Level 1 & Level 2 - Ability to tick or untick levels that user does not want to plot - Ability to show price values on the level (user should be able to select this in the
1 Application
C# Autre Forex C#
30+ USD
I need help me with copy trade from dxtrader to another dxtrader, ctrader to another ctrader, tradelocker to another tradelocker? Can this be possible and what is the estimate to get this done
0 Applications
Other Autre Forex
50+ USD
I have an already working codes but I want to automates those features to work on multiple tickers on Sierra Chart platform. And also I want users to be able to send texts on the chart. Can I get help with that
1 Application
C++ Autre Forex C++
35+ USD
I am looking for stable solution to disable auto-updates for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5. The update window should not appear on terminal launch if there is a new update available
2 Applications
(4) MQL5 Autre Consultation