This would be best explained over skype.
I am a volume profile trader that uses statistics analysis to trade. I am looking for a program that can generate basic stats and notify me of those stats across a variety of trading vehicles.
Here are some very basic examples.
The IB (initial balance) is set at 10:30 am est. The probability that either the IBH or IBL is broken is 97%. however the likely hood of both the IBH and IBL are broken in the same session is only 3%. Each day the prev high or prev low is broken 80%+, however the likely hood that both are broken is around 20%. If the trade pulls back to Mid with a 1.5 point range +/- has a 89% probability that it will continue in the days overall direction. If the product is above mid and op by the set of IB at 10:30am eastern there is an 80%+ probability that it continues to break the IBH. I would also like to look at Markov chain probabilities of the likely hood of the probability that X is attained when Y has been breached. Example. the product closes above mid and open at 10:30 am, the likely hood that IBH will be broken is 80%+ and once ibh is broken there is a 90%+ that IBX 1.1 is hit and 86% 1.3 ibx is hit and a 75% that 1.5 IBH X is hit.
You would need to be able to write the code to find the probabilities of a multiple scenarios. I would ideally like to be able to look at things like NQ and have the stats of the probabilities calculated for me. Then switch to a product like EUR/USD and have those probabilities calculated for me. If this makes any sense to you please contact me at joshdawson at live dot com