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2008.04.10 07:26
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2014.04.21 14:52
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Author: not specified

Indicator BollStarc-TC. The author gives the explanatory here.

MTF_CustomCandle[HL] MTF_CustomCandle[HL]

MTF_CustomCandle[HL] indicator.

MTF_DeMarker MTF_DeMarker

One more indicator Demarka, is under construction on the basis of comparisons of a maximum of a current bar is compared to a maximum previous.

MTF_atrstops MTF_atrstops

Indicator MTF_atrstops. Works with indicator ATRStops_v1[1].1.

ATRStops_v1[1].1 ATRStops_v1[1].1

ATRStops_v1[1].1 indicator.