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TimeZonePivotsOpenSystem_Alert - indicateur pour MetaTrader 5
- Vues:
- 5208
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- Publié:
- 2018.12.18 19:20
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The indicator of expanding time zone corridors with the background color filling and the channel TimeZonePivotsOpenSystem average line. The indicator provides alerts, sends email and push notifications when the formed corridor expansion is broken.
Fig. 1. TimeZonePivotsOpenSystem_Alert indicator. Channel breakthrough on the first bar
Fig. 2. TimeZonePivotsOpenSystem_Alert indicator. Activating an alert
Traduit du russe par MetaQuotes Ltd.
Code original :
Expert Advisor based on iRSI (RSI) and iMA (Moving Average, MA).
Two PerBarSimultaneous opening of two oppositely directed positions
The indicator of expanding time zone corridors with the background color filling and the channel Hans_Indicator_Cloud_System average line. The indicator provides alerts, sends email and push notifications when the formed corridor expansion is broken
Hans_Indicator_Cloud_SystemThe indicator paints candles going beyond the Hans_Indicator_Cloud channel expansion