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2013.04.15 08:41
Mise à jour:
2016.11.22 07:32
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The script gets prices from the specified symbol, analyzes them and writes price movement data in the binary file in certain periods of time. The FileWriteInteger() function is used for writing all data.

Date value will be preliminary converted to the string, split to the uchar type array and then written in the file using the function.


//--- show the window of input parameters when launching the script
#property script_show_inputs
//--- parameters for receiving data from the terminal
input string             InpSymbolName="EURUSD";           // currency pair
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES    InpSymbolPeriod=PERIOD_H1;        // timeframe
input datetime           InpDateStart=D'2013.01.01 00:00'; // data copying start date
//--- parameters for writing data to the file
input string             InpFileName="Trend.bin"; // file name
input string             InpDirectoryName="Data"; // directory name
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   datetime date_finish=TimeCurrent();
   double   close_buff[];
   datetime time_buff[];
   int      size;
//--- reset the error value
//--- copy the close price for each bar
      PrintFormat("Failed to copy the values of close prices. Error code = %d",GetLastError());
//--- copy the close price for each bar
      PrintFormat("Failed to copy the values of close prices. Error code = %d",GetLastError());
//--- receive the buffer size
//--- open the file for writing the values (if the file is absent, it will be created automatically)
   int file_handle=FileOpen(InpDirectoryName+"//"+InpFileName,FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_BIN);
      PrintFormat("%s file is available for writing",InpFileName);
      PrintFormat("File path: %s\\Files\\",TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH));
      int   up_down=0; // trend flag
      int   arr_size;  // arr array size
      uchar arr[];     // uchar type array
      //--- write time values to the file
      for(int i=0;i<size-1;i++)
         //--- compare close prices of the current and next bars
               //--- write date value to the file using FileWriteInteger
               //--- first, write the number of symbols in the array
               //--- write the symbols
               for(int j=0;j<arr_size;j++)
               //--- change the trend flag
               //--- write the date value to the file using FileWriteInteger
               //--- first, write the number of symbols in the array
               //--- write the symbols
               for(int j=0;j<arr_size;j++)
               //--- change the trend flag
      //--- close the file
      PrintFormat("Data is written, %s file is closed",InpFileName);
      PrintFormat("Failed to open %s file, Error code = %d",InpFileName,GetLastError());

Traduit du russe par MetaQuotes Ltd.
Code original : https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/1635

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