Nested templates

Templates can be nested within classes/structures or within other class/structure templates. The same is true for unions.

In the section Unions, we saw the ability to "convert" long values ​​to double and back again without loss of precision.

Now we can use templates to write a universal "converter"(TemplatesConverter.mq5). The template class Converter has two parameters T1 and T2, indicating the types between which the conversion will be performed. To write a value according to the rules of one type and read according to the rules of another, we again need a union. We will also make it a template (DataOverlay) with parameters U1 and U2, and define it inside the class.

The class provides a convenient transformation by overloading the operators [], in the implementation of which the union fields are written and read.

template<typename T1,typename T2>
class Converter
   template<typename U1,typename U2>
   union DataOverlay
      U1 L;
      U2 D;
   T2 operator[](const T1 L)
      data.L = L;
      return data.D;
   T1 operator[](const T2 D)
      data.D = D;
      return data.L;

The union is used to describe the field DataOverlay<T1,T2>data within the class. We could use T1 and T2 directly in DataOverlay and not make this union a template. But to demonstrate the technique itself, the parameters of the outer template are passed to the inner template when the data field is generated. Inside the DataOverlay, the same pair of types will be known as U1 and U2 (in addition to T1 and T2).

Let's see the template in action.

#define MAX_LONG_IN_DOUBLE       9007199254740992
void OnStart()
   const ulong value = MAX_LONG_IN_DOUBLE + 1;
   double d = value// possible loss of data due to type conversion
   ulong result = d// possible loss of data due to type conversion
   Print(value == result); // false
   double z = c[value];
   ulong restored = c[z];
   Print(value == restored); // true