
V. Arbitration Order

1. If dispute arises between the Customer and the Developer, which cannot be solved without the involvement of a third party, any of the parties may apply to arbitration.
2. Arbitration of disputes is based only on the Requirements Specification and system comments on the confirmation of each step.
3. The term of accepting the arbitration application is 10 working days. The term of making a decision of the arbitration is not regulated and depends on the actual circumstances of the situation in question.
4. If necessary, outside experts may be involved and additional materials may be requested. The decision of such a necessity is taken by the resource Administration.
5. The situation in arbitration is discussed and the decision is made directly in the relevant Application.
6. The decision of the arbitration shall be final and binding both for the Customer and the Developer.
7. The arbitration may make one of three decisions:
7.1. To complete the job in favor of the Developer: 100% of the amount blocked for a job in question is deducted from the Customer's account, while 90% of this amount is transferred to the Developers account and 10% is the service commission. The job is classified as "Completed" and the feedback can only be given by the Developer.
7.2. To cancel the job in favor of the Customer: 10% of the amount blocked for a job in question is deducted from the Customer's account, while the remaining 90% is released; no amount is transferred to the Developer's account and the service commission is 10%. The job is classified as "New" and becomes available to new Developers; the feedback can only be given by the Customer.
7.3. To lay the blame for the situation on both parties and split the money in half: 50% of the amount blocked for a job in question is deducted from the Customer's account, with the remaining 50% being released; the Developer receives 40% of the amount specified in the Agreement and 10% is the service commission. The job is classified as "New" and becomes available to new Developers; the feedback can be given by both parties - the Developer and the Customer.