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http://www.blackwavetrader.com Soy un corredor de bolsa registrado desde 2000 cuando comencé a trabajar para Fexco Stockbroking, que desde entonces ha comprado Goodbody, uno de los corredores más grandes de Irlanda. Soy miembro del Instituto de Banqueros en Irlanda. Estoy registrado en la Sociedad de Analistas Técnicos en el Reino Unido y he trabajado en la industria durante algún tiempo, incluso en IG Group y Fidelity.
Gary Comey

Bought Kiwi Overnight

16 septiembre 2014, 10:37
You can now copy my trades with a two week free trial This account is up significantly now. September 16th 2014 Hi all. It feels like we are waiting for the next move higher for the USD...
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VIDEO: Sold EURJPY, Scotland Votes This Week
VIDEO: Sold EURJPY, Scotland Votes This Week

 This account is up significantly now. September 15th 2014 This is the week of the Scottish referendum and considering the downside risks I actually think markets have not sold off enough

Gary Comey
This account is up significantly now. September 15th 2014 This is the week of the Scottish referendum and considering the downside risks I actually think markets have not sold off enough...
Gary Comey

VIDEO: Forex Update

12 septiembre 2014, 10:23
September 12th 2014 – Good morning. The mood music continues to be about Dollar strength across the board. Also it may be worth noting that the polls are swinging back and forth in Scotland with the latest showing a majority in favour of keeping the Union however it’s too tight to call...
Gary Comey

VIDEO: Forex Update

11 septiembre 2014, 10:14
Forex Technical Update...
Gary Comey
You can now copy my trades with a two week free trial September 10th 2014 – Markets are cyclical as we all know. So what does that mean? Sometimes it means that eventually they will get around to each currency pair...
Gary Comey
The Daily Webinars are here My Profitable Signal is here September 9th 2014 – Markets now remain quite stretched due largely to the march of the Greenback. We spoke about this all year and we are now seeing it everywhere we look. EURUSD – Key weekly support now comes in all the way down at 1...
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USDJPY Looks Attractive. Sterling gets.....ahem....Pounded
USDJPY Looks Attractive. Sterling gets.....ahem....Pounded

September 8th 2014 – So USDJPY is beginning to look quite attractive and seems to be putting in a series of pivots that may well take us to 110 is short order. As you can see in my webinar here my

Gary Comey
September 8th 2014 – So USDJPY is beginning to look quite attractive and seems to be putting in a series of pivots that may well take us to 110 is short order. As you can see in my webinar here my bias is to buy and we have taken out not only the 2014 high but also the 2013 high too...
Gary Comey
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