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http://www.blackwavetrader.com Soy un corredor de bolsa registrado desde 2000 cuando comencé a trabajar para Fexco Stockbroking, que desde entonces ha comprado Goodbody, uno de los corredores más grandes de Irlanda. Soy miembro del Instituto de Banqueros en Irlanda. Estoy registrado en la Sociedad de Analistas Técnicos en el Reino Unido y he trabajado en la industria durante algún tiempo, incluso en IG Group y Fidelity.
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Gold Moves
Gold Moves

Copy My Trades

Gary Comey

Gold Moves

2 octubre 2014, 10:13
Copy My Trades...
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Today's Canadian GDP and Thursday's ECB & Initial Jobless Claims
Today's Canadian GDP and Thursday's ECB & Initial Jobless Claims

Copy My Trades. September 30th 2014. The USD run has at this point probably gone too  far, too fast and yet the pressure remains on the likes of EURUSD which is a key driver of many other pairs

Gary Comey
Copy My Trades. September 30th 2014. The USD run has at this point probably gone too far, too fast and yet the pressure remains on the likes of EURUSD which is a key driver of many other pairs...
Gary Comey
You can now copy my trades with a two week free trial September 29th 2014. Last week extended markets were largely extended further and on EURUSD we managed to break multi-year support. NZDUSD – Continues lower...
Gary Comey
You can now copy my trades with a two week free trial September 25th 2014. The Greenback Strengthened substantially overnight talking out EURUSD stops below 1.2750 and causing some panic across the board...
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Dollar Strenght Takes Out Stops
Dollar Strenght Takes Out Stops

You can now copy my trades with a two week free trial September 25th 2014. The Greenback Strengthened substantially overnight talking out EURUSD stops below 1.2750 and causing some panic across the

Gary Comey

Dollar Strenght Takes Out Stops

25 septiembre 2014, 11:41
You can now copy my trades with a two week free trial September 25th 2014. The Greenback Strengthened substantially overnight talking out EURUSD stops below 1.2750 and causing some panic across the board...