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http://www.blackwavetrader.com Soy un corredor de bolsa registrado desde 2000 cuando comencé a trabajar para Fexco Stockbroking, que desde entonces ha comprado Goodbody, uno de los corredores más grandes de Irlanda. Soy miembro del Instituto de Banqueros en Irlanda. Estoy registrado en la Sociedad de Analistas Técnicos en el Reino Unido y he trabajado en la industria durante algún tiempo, incluso en IG Group y Fidelity.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
S&P500. This is what the 2008 financial crisis felt like too.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey 2020.03.08
Gary Comey
Gary Comey 2020.03.08
Cheers guys. There’s a few anonymous characters waiting patiently for my demise since the Chinese stock market crash of 2015, BREXIT of 2016 etc etc. Now we are at 2020 and patience is running thin 🤣. Let’s leave them to demo accounts and the latest get rich EA.
chris971 2020.03.08
Wow that situation is becoming very scary...being against CHF and JPY when stock market and oil prices are collapsing doesn't look good. First time in 15 month that I have been copying Alpine and pacific that I really fear for my capital; Hope that Gary will eventually accept to take a loss if situation gets worst and not bust the account like many have done recently
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
[Alpine] February Cash +1.14%: This represents the worst month since January 2018 and we end it in a DD. Risk correlated assets are having a volatile time but are mostly increased in price. What saves us as always is position size. Individual days are largely random and depending on news flow about the Corona virus. Lets face it this will be a pandemic if it is not already one. Our particular interest is in how it affects financial markets and on that score I feel governments will try to backstop the selling before the stock market itself becomes a systemic risk. A March rate cut by the FED is already fully priced in before they even open their mouths. The S&P 500 sliced through the 200 day M.A and stopped at the next support level being the October 2019 low. In fairness markets had gotten way ahead of themselves so I guess if it was not the Corona virus it would have been something else. I am not a doctor but I know a little about markets and this too shall pass. I don't know what the excuse will be for the retracement, the FED, the White House or some other news flow but all of a sudden prices will look rediculous and the market will retrace because guess what? The markets have gotten a way ahead of themselves on the downside too. I'm glad not to be one of the traders who blew up this week. If I get hit by a bus tomorrow my last two words are "position size".
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
S&P500 now getting close to significant multi-year support. If the market begins to stablise here perhaps we will see less need to hold Swiss Franc's. The dollar appears to be seen as a safe haven too and so a rally of the Euro against it will also help our EURCHF trade.

As I said before I buy when over sold and sell when over bought so I deliberately get myself into these situations. When a currency is oversold or overbought there is usually an attached headline to tell you why and the headline makes me seem nuts to be doing what I do. :-) The trick as always is position size.

BREXIT being a perfect example.
Walter Scott
Walter Scott 2020.02.28
you are also a poet as well as a great trader better for you... if I were you I would not waste time in these bullshit ... but the fact that the 2 trades that you have opened are recording the negative records of the last 5 years and nobody can know when they will stop ... indeed they will only continue to get worse!

diocanetrader 2020.02.28
i am watching nzdusd mark the new negative record from 2009 to today ... it could be the beginning of a new Age, the Corona Age
Gary Comey
Gary Comey 2020.02.28
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
[Alpine] Week: 0.51%. Trading is a funny business and since GBPCHF late last year it's been tougher to make money. This too will pass. This morning's French and German PMI data showed that the Eurozone while definitely not humming along, the state of affairs was not as bad as forecasts suggested. Aside from a brief rally nothing happened until the U.S session kicked off and the Euro found a bid against a few currencies, AUD, JPY, & CAD and it's move against the Greenback allowed us out of our single EURUSD position there. Still a game of two halves because the safe haven CHF did not relent even while the safe haven Yen has been busy dropping several hundred pips against the Euro in the last few days. Frustrated? Annoyed? Impatient? That's understandable but if trading was easy.........
diocanetrader 2020.02.25
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
[Alpine] DD 18%. Pacific and California DD's circa 8% and 3% respectively. There's a gap in EUR/USD down to circa 1.0780 however the market is only 15-20 pips away from that support right now. This EURUSD decline is pulling on EURCHF. If 1.0780 holds on EURUSD perhaps......just perhaps we are close to the bottom in EURCHF in spite of the elliot wave analysis doing the rounds.

I have an admittedly small private account where I am now doubling my exposure and buying EURUSD too. Not for the faint hearted. That said I can do a lesser version with the Blackwave accounts with combined $275K.

Therefore given the extended nature of the EURUSD move and despite the correlation I am going to place one EURUSD BUY ORDER and NO MORE.
XUAN TUNG CAO 2020.02.18
Đánh như L ấy
diocanetrader 2020.02.20
keep it up you're going to great !!!!
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
[Alpine] Week + 0.34%. Obviously the predominant issue is the prolonged position in EURCHF though off the lows today but still deeply oversold. Until the DD improves the focus is capital protection so I’m not likely to open a new pair.
Taha Ebrahim
Taha Ebrahim 2020.02.16
One of the best signals available
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
{Alpine} EURCHF is measuring Relative Strength W1-29, D1-25, H4-28, H1-38. The last time EURCHF was this low was February 2017. They say it's down the German political developments plus the diverging economic outlook between E.U and the U.S. Last time EURUSD was this low was September 2019. That said when I am buying a technically oversold pair it's usually because of a negative fundamental reason and the opposite is always true too with technically overbought when I sell. The strategy is after-all contrarian. Even with wall to wall positive or negative news nothing tends to go up or down in a straight line. Would love to say this is the bottom but this is speculation and not crystal ball stuff. DD is about 13.25% which is well within the safe limits for high risk Alpine, for Pacific and California which are medium and low risk the DD is obviously less than the high risk account.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
[Alpine] Cash +0.28% This is a case of Dollar strength which is why EURUSD is down and USDCHF is up and USDCAD is up too. Our major position the less correlated EURCHF is down (because the Euro is weak against the buck and therefore weak against the Franc too). So what's the plan? It's the same plan as I've always had, trade the technicals and keep position size in order therefore I buy on oversold and sell on overbought and as long as position sizes are correct this will work again. Worth noting that EURUSD is now Daily oversold too. DD in control and if volatile markets are fun, ranging markets take patience and I have plenty of the later.
Walter Scott
Walter Scott 2020.02.12

Tomorrow will be 30 days stuck in eur-chf.
Good job

Walter Scott 2020.01.22 15:27 (modified 2020.01.22 15:30)

... Lucky purchase and closing of eur-chf on 2 previous occasions on 8Gen and 9Gen and now stuck in these trades without the possibility of doing anything.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
Month 3.33% at least half of what I was hoping for. Nevertheless EURCHF appears to be forming a base on deeply oversold levels. In all likelihood we will benefit from this trade in February and not January. All I can do is follow the script here and await price developments. Would prefer some excitement though. 🙄
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
[Alpine MAM] Week: Cash +0.14%. EURCHF has now filled the gap down to 1.0718 that I thought initially was a possibility (and said so on Twitter @BlackwaveFX) is trading at RSI 20 Daily which is quite oversold. Indeed it has traded lower as the Euro declined against the buck and cable too. These two other markets are now well off their moving averages too and a rally here may underpin a rally in EURCHF.

In the meantime the DD is well within risk parameters this after noon at about 7% in this high risk account. I continue expect a rally in this very oversold market.

Hopefully we get back to cash in time to book a decent January. 3.3% so far.

Sorry for no update last Friday. I was in Portugal checking on renovations to an apartment.
diocanetrader 2020.01.28
@Onebody I have not seen any of his provocative comments, however as you say he will certainly be a great "bastard" . And @ Mr. 3555elvis I can assure you that I have no one of chip on my shoulder... it is so curious that all those who defend this trader do nothing that insult other people ... maybe it is a necessary thing here ... insult and treat others as idiots. Keep it up.
Onebody 2020.01.28
I was wrong to use an insult. For the rest, I stand by my opinion. One of the comments was actually deleted. I used the word "bastard"when I answered it. Let him return it if his word is worth anything. Then we'll talk.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey 2020.01.28
@diocanetrader was correct last week. Trolling the people who are trolling me seems like a good revenge but it just ultimately invites more deranged comments than ever so I've deleted the screen shot of "Mr Scotts" rant. You were correct and I was wrong.

The original idea behind these posts was to let you see what I am sending the managed clients on a Friday evening as an alternative to responding via instant message to any number of MQL5 traders on a daily basis.

I guess the managed clients don't troll me and in fact I am taking some of them out on Sunday evening so the relationship there is totally different to MQL5. I used to work with some of the managed clients, I know their kids and their wives.

I must obviously be a sensitive little soul to fall for the abusive comments so maybe it's best if I leave the posts to stand for themselves and allow you guys to argue over it. Forgive me if I withdraw to the background. I am sure you would prefer that the trader is not being influenced by destructive comments full of either fear or greed. It's no good for me, or for you and, ironically not good for the people who try to get into my head with those comments. They are apparently happy to try and melt the head of the very person in charge of their money which is not logical.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
[Alpine] Week: +1.76%. One trade open and close to cash. After a week and a half we are more than 3%. I'd like a good start to the year because it sets us up nicely given the nature of compounding. You guys can withdraw if you want but I will be doing my best not to.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
{Alpine} For the record then. 2019 100%. December 3.09%. Week: 1.33%. One of the great wonders of the world (according to Einstein) is compound interest. While making no withdrawal ultimately leaves the potential for disaster on the table it also means you get paid for the risk. From 2016 to early 2019 I made hardly any withdrawals but finally relented in mid 2019 and went on something of a splurge buying art and property for both Blackwave and myself. Now I think I'll "cool the jets" again and allow Blackwave funds to go from circa $265K to $500K and therefore renew my faith in myself and my strategy. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
28% for 2019. Happy New Year From (Low Risk) Blackwave California.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
81% for 2019. Happy New Year From (Medium Risk) Blackwave Pacific.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
100% for 2019. Happy New Year From (High Risk) Blackwave Alpine.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
Week: 0% but it's been a short trading one with less activity and participants. 2.97% for the month to date but not quite ready to call the month yet. I've a few short positions in a very overbought NZDJPY. I wonder what are the odds that Kim Jong Un fires a missile over the Sea of Japan in the next few days. Hmm!
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
Merry Christmas all.
Albert Gommeren
Albert Gommeren 2019.12.22
Merry Christmas to you as well, and thanks for the profits this year ;)
Gecimar Loss
Gecimar Loss 2019.12.24
Hi Gary,
I operate with sign copying for a long time in MQL but your sign I am copying just 2 months.
In all my MQL experiences I see good comments when DD is low and provider is making money and destructive comments when DD is high and provider is not making money.
If you want to continue in MQL you should get used to these comments because it's part of the game, people are like that.
You are very correct in classifying them as "snowflakes" and so they always will be, they see and go quickly.
The hindsight of your sign speak for itself, there is no need for explanation, just ignore the destructive comments.
Please Gary, release posting to MQL, I would like to exchange ideas with you about possible trades in order to "contribute".
While you are a signal provider in MQL it is wise to keep an open channel of contact with your clients.
Please "teacher" frees sending messages in MQL.

Andrew Liau Chin Eng
Andrew Liau Chin Eng 2019.12.24
Merry x mas...
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
ALPINE GROUP: Week 2.66%. A lot has already been said but suffice to say people who thought it was high reward got to see and more importantly feel what high risk is like. This is the reason I am so fussy about who is in the MAM account in the first place. Thanks for your patience, thanks for your kind words, thanks for your balls of steel.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
Attention Copy Traders.

Following on from the recent trades in GBPCHF and now that those trades are closed in profit you should;

Understand that Blackwave Alpine/Australia = High Risk
Understand that Blackwave Pacific = Medium Risk
Understand that Blackwave California = Low Risk

Understand where the DD's for these accounts are modeled to go to stay well within risk parameters.

Understand the maximum position size based on your balance versus the examples given below.

While there are a few copy trading websites and you have all clicked on buttons that say you accept the risk I don't want it to go unsaid from Blackwave's point of view that you must understand the product, understand the risks, understand that trading forex is risky. If you do not understand the product you must in good conscience UNSUBSCRIBE.
Gary Comey
Gary Comey
I’ve withdrawn $50K from Blackwave Pacific as a dividend to shareholders. Current “skin in the game” $265K across all three risk levels.