Utilidades de trading para MetaTrader 5 - 21
Más abajo, podrá ver algunos programas comerciales que simplificarán el comercio en MetaTrader 5. Desplace el cursor sobre un producto para leer la descripción del mismo y su cometido.
This utility tool draws timeframes top/bottom horizontal named lines on the chart, which highlight important regions and can assist in decision making for trading. Inputs: Timeframes Top/Bottom Lines: H1 (1 hour), H4 (4 hours), D1 (Daily), W1 (Weekly), MN1 (Monthly): You can choose to enable or disable timeframes top/bottom named lines. Lines Color: You can choose your favorite from the available colors or type in a custom RGB color (values from 0 to 255, e.g.: 100, 128, 255). Lines Style: You c
For Meta Trader 5. We have all experienced a situation where the market wipes out our stoploss before it turning in the direction we had anticipated. This experience is more frequent when you use a trailing stoploss. If only there was a way to place and trail the stoploss just the perfect amount of pips away. Well, there is... The Average True Range (ATR) is a one of the most popular technical analysis indicator, introduced by J.Welles Wilder, that measures Market Volatility for a given numbe
VR MultiPrice Analysis es un indicador que permite medir el grado de solidez de un par de divisas. Pongamos como ejemplo el par EUR/USD. ¿Cómo determinar qué moneda en el momento actual es débil y cuál es fuerte? El modo más fácil y confiable consiste en hacer una comparación de la moneda EUR con otras monedas, excluyendo la moneda USD Opciones de distribución del grado de solidez: El EUR aumenta su valor frente a otras divisas, lo que indica que la moneda se ha vuelto más atractiva para los tra
MMHelper - инструмент для удобной работы с ордерами. Позволяет рассчитать и выставить ордер, в зависимости от выбранного риска. Интерфейс продуман для максимального удобства. Нет лишних элементов на графике.
В параметрах возможно указать: порог безубытка (по прохождении какого количества пунктов выставить безубыток); размер безубытка в пунктах; закрывать ли половину позиции при достижении уровня безубытка; размер максимального риска по всем позициям в процентах.
Automaticé sus estrategias comerciales para uso de binarias en MT5 y con nuestro Mt5BridgeBinary envié las órdenes a su cuenta de Binary y listo, ¡comience a operar así de fácil!
Los asesores expertos son fáciles de configurar, optimizar y realizar pruebas de robustez; además en el test podemos proyectar su rentabilidad a largo plazo, por eso hemos creado Mt5BridgeBinary para conectar sus mejores estrategias a Binary.
Características: -Puede utilizar tantas estrategias como desee. (Expert Adv
With it, you leave pre-configured two expansion settings and one fibo retraction configuration to use via keyboard shortcut and mouse click.
That is, the Fibo_Z utility facilitates the use of MT5's native functions.
The shortcut keys are:
"Z" configuration 1 of the expansion.
"X" expansion setting 2
"Z" retraction configuration.
"V" clears objects from the screen.
It is.
Success and good trades!
Are you accidently making mistakes with your stoplosses, you thought you were risking 5% but you actually risked 15%? Are you causing yourself unncessary drawdowns by moving the sl too many times? Don't worry this ea has your back, it lies in the background and always watches your risk. No matter how many orders you have open in both directions it will make sure you stop out at your set risk percent. It also removes all stoplosses and targets in the case of a full hedge situation.
The same as Ri
VR Template Switcher es una potente utilidad para trabajar con plantillas de gráficos en el terminal MetaTrader. Ya no es necesario realizar muchas acciones para cargar, guardar y eliminar plantillas. La utilidad VR Template Switcher permite guardar la plantilla de gráfico utilizada con todos sus indicadores, niveles y configuraciones, así como cargar otra en un solo clic. ¿Dispone de plantillas para diferentes instrumentos financieros? Al cargar la plantilla, VR Template Switcher establecerá el
Горячие клавиши плюс клик левой кнопки мыши на графике. Советник открывает сделки, выставляет лимитные и стоповые ордера, удаляет ордера и закрывает позиции, также делает реверс открытых позиций, выставляет прописанные в настройках стоп лосс и тейк профит. (реверс только на неттинговых счетах) При запуске советника можно посмотреть подсказку как действует советник при нажатии клавиши + клик на графике.
Правее последнего бара, ниже цены Ctrl+ЛКМ - OpenSell Правее последнего бара, выше цены C
The Expert Advisor will send notifications via Discord when orders are opened/modified/closed on your MetaTrader 5 account. - Send message and screenshot to Discord group/channel. - Easy to customize message. - Support custom message for all languages - Support full Emoji.
Parameters - Discord url Webhook - create webhook on your Discord channel. - Magic number filter - default all, or input magic number to notify with comma, like: 111,222,333. - Symbol filter - default all, or input symbol
Esta aplicación exporta todas las operaciones terminadas a un archivo de texto delimitado por <TAB>, coma, punto y coma o cualquier carácter definido por el usuario, incluyendo también los comentarios y el número mágico de las operaciones, que se pueden exportar fácilmente a EXCEL o Google Spreadsheets.
Los archivos se generan en la carpeta "archivos", separados individualmente por mes con el nombre en el formato: 999999-AAAA BBBB- [9-9999] donde:
999999 = Número de cuenta comercial MT5
Este EA exporta todas las operaciones completadas a un archivo de texto delimitado por <TAB>, coma, punto y coma o cualquier carácter definido por el usuario. Los archivos se generan en la carpeta "archivos", separados individualmente por mes con el nombre en el formato: 999999-AAAA BBBB- [9-9999] donde:
999999 = Número de cuenta comercial MT5 AAAA BBBB = Nombre de usuario de cuenta comercial [9-9999] - Mes y año que se refieren a operaciones dentro del archivo. Con cada nueva operación comple
CopierTrader is an easy-to-use and reliable position copier for the MetaTrader 5 account hedging system.This expert Advisor allows you to copy trades from multiple terminals (master) to a single terminal (slave).
When writing this adviser, the idea of quickly copying positions was implemented, i.e. the adviser sends requests to the server as quickly as possible. If it is impossible to quickly accept requests for trading operations by your broker, the adviser not only resends the rejected reque
Make csv for Deep learning data. This sript use on Strategy Tester. (If you like it, please buy it) Output file to [ C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Tester\***AppId***\Agent-*\MQL5\FIles\ ] (sry, depending on the environment)
ItemName description MaPeriod Base MovingAverage period. PredictPeriod ex) BarTime1h, PredictPeriod=30 -> predict price after 30 hours. InputRange ex) InputRange=24 -> Get price from 24 hours ago to the present. file example: https://gist.github.com/
This utility tool shows the intraday price variation as a percentage. It just works on any symbol and timeframe. Inputs: Font Size: You can change the font size of the price variation. Defaults to 15. Corner Location: You can choose between "Left upper chart corner", "Left lower chart corner", "Right upper chart corner", "Right lower chart corner" to show the information.
With a single mouse click you can add the indicator Vwap V2 (free download available) to the graph. The indicator Vwap V2 has been extended with a cyclic Vwap indicator. With the cyclic Vwap indicator it is possible to reset the Vwap after a predetermined number of bars. e.g. the CAC 40 index, after 14 (closing - opening: 23-9 = 14) measures, a new day starts and the Vwap is automatically reset with a new time. Or in a graph of 5 minutes, 60/5 = 12, the Vwap will reset the time parameter every h
AnaliTIck is a financial instrument analysis and testing program based on the Metatrader5 platform. The object of analysis is the sequence of changes in the prices of Bid and Ask - ticks. The program may be useful to developers of scalping advisers and strategies, those who work on the news. When the program is loaded, an array of ticks for the financial instrument, on the chart of which the program is installed, is filled for the current period. The analyzed period is 4 trading days. On this pe
1. Development background Forex is a ratio, different from futures and the stocks. For example, if EURUSD has risen, it may be that EUR is falling and USDX has fallen even more. I believe everyone knows that the US dollar index is an essential reference index in forex analysis . In MT5 client, it is very valuable to see the US dollar index. Similarly, if you can see the index of other forex in the MT5 client, which is very valuable for trading. Because the US dollar index is very authoritat
More stable MetaTrader 4 version is available here: Lot Calculator Tool . This tool helps you to automatically calculate and manage risk, conveniently place orders visually, schedule orders, trail stops, move them to break-even and more.
Features Place market or pending orders using draggable lines Schedule orders Calculate and limit risk using various methods See current spread See time till next candle Set custom order comments Trail stops Move stops to break-even See order profit/loss in p
This OCO Closer is one of the most useful things in my toolbox. You can place as many pending orders as you want on your chart, then after adding this to the chart it will delete them all once a Buy or Sell Position Opens. This is great for those times when you think the price might reverse trend, or if you simply want to hedge your bets both ways. Bear in mind that this will only delete the pending orders on the current currency pair, so you can set Buy and Sell pending orders on as many pairs
Una línea de productos de la serie FiboPlusWave Sistema de comercio basado en ondas de Elliott y niveles de Fibonacci . Una solución simple y asequible. Visualización de marcación de ondas de Elliott (principal o alternativa) en el gráfico. Formación de niveles horizontales, líneas de soporte y resistencia, canal. Superposición de los niveles de Fibonacci en las ondas 1, 3, 5, A Sistema de alerta (en pantalla, correo electrónico, notificaciones push). Peculiaridades : sin profundizarse en la
Great dashboard for market analytics. The panel helps analyze the values of the Bollinger Bands indicator and prices.
Using this panel you can: watch the current signal from the Bollinger Bands for all time frames; watch the current signal with the Bollinger Bands for different characters; look at how far the Bollinger Bands is from the price; look at how much the Bollinger Bands value has changed; several types of signals for analytics. Value of cell: Bollinger Bands main line; Bollinger
Great dashboard for market analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the Envelopes indicator and prices.
Using this panel you can: watch the current signal from Envelopes for all time frames; watch the current signal from Envelopes by different symbols; look at how far Envelopes is from the price; look at how much the value of Envelopes has changed; several types of signals for analytics.
Values in the table cell: Envelopes value upper line; Envelopes value lower line;
"the cor
このEAを使用することによりワンクリックによる決済、 決済したい通貨のチャートに適用しておけば様々な条件で自動で 決済することが可能になります。 パフォーマンスを考慮しているので動作が非常に軽いです。
トレード毎に自動スクリーンショット取得 詳細な情報はこちらにサイトがあります。
分かりやすいPips表示 移動可能
Break Evenラインの表示
Time Line for MT5
機能: 昨日高値、安値、本日始値、高値、安値の時間から線を引きます。 時間足により表示する時間が変わります。 1分、5分足では1時間ごとの表示 15分、30分足では4時間ごとの表示 1時間、4時間は12時間ごとの表示 日足以降は時間は表示されません。 高値安値は週足より下位足で表示されます。 各ラベルを変更可能になります。 更新頻度を変更できるのでチャート表示が 重くなることはありません。
Server_Time:6 サーバとの時間差を入力 Yesterday_High_Label:昨日高値 Yesterday_Low_Label:昨日安値 Show_Open:true 始値の線を表示するかどうか Today_Open_Label:本日始値 Today_High_Label:本日高値 Today_Low_Label:本日安値
max_bar:true 使用するバーを制限するかどうか Maxbars:1500 制限を使用した場合に1分では5日分 UpdateFrequency:60 更新頻度、ディフォルトは60秒ご
Old Partridge knew markets which are almost as old as the Earth itself are never wrong. The legend says he knew how to beat a legion of others. This system he will to me. This system I will give to you.
Example [1] = 100 pips, profit boundary [2] = 2.0, take profit [3] = 400, stop loss [4] = 200 You buy EURUSD as 1.1440. SL will be set to 1.1420, TP will be set to 1.1480, when EURUSD = 1.1460 SL will be moved to 1.1450 EA works with the pair it is run on, [5] option allows to escort positions
Great smart dashboard for market analytics.
Using this dashboard you can: find signals from different indicators from all timeframes ; find signals from the Moving Average from all symbols ;
Include: 9 indicators (10 in Mt5 version); 27 signals (29 in Mt5 version); "Total" page.
Indicators and signals: MOVING AVERAGE MA cross Price - MA crosses Price; MA more/less Price - MA higher/lower Price; BOLLINGER BANDS BB crosses Price (in) - Price crosses Bollinger (upper/lower line) i
ResiSupo (Traders Club)
このインジケータは直近の高値と安値を抜いたときに何ら方法で 知る方法はないかと思い開発されました。
機能: 指定したローソク足の本数で終値をベースに最高値と最安値の ラインを自動で引きます。 最高値と最安値のラインにタッチするとアラートで通知します。 通知はE-mailやSNSにも送信することができます。 最高値と最安値のラインを終値か高値または安値ベースにするかを選択できます。 Indicator Noを変えることによるこのインジケータを複数適用することができます。 これにより過去80本と20本などでの最高値と最安値のラインを引くことが可能になります。 現在のATRの値を画面に表示します。 これにより現在のボラリティーの状況が一目で分かります。 表示されているSLはディフォルトではATR値の1.5倍になっています。 この数値は現時点でのボラリティーの状況からの損切り幅の目安となります。 ATRのレベルにより表示の色が変わります。 ボタンを押すことによりアラートの通知を無効にできます。 ※ネットワークの不安定な環
The utility allows you to build different types of graphs: Seconds chart from 1 second to 86400 seconds Tick chart from 1 tick and above The volume chart Delta chart Renko chart Range chart Product demo https://www.mql5.com/ru/channels/clustersecondforex Built-in indicators for volumetric analysis: daily market profile and market profile of the selected timeframe, Cluster Search Imbalance VWAP Dynamic POC, VAH, VAL the profile depth of the market vertical volume with various display options, del
Utility for know the performance of your acoount.
From dialog you can filter data in this modes:
- You can include or not include the open positions - You can include or not the closed positions - You can filter the data by date (from, to) - You can filter the data by simbols (multi selection) - You can filter the data by magic number (multi selection)
On bottom of table, are show the total of:
- Number of data - Total size - Total commissions paid - Total swap paids - Total profits - Total
Great dashboard for market analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the MACD indicator and Macd`s signals.
Using this panel you can: watch the current signal from Macd for all time frames; watch the current signal from Macd by different symbols; look Macd value (main line and signal line); look different between Main line and Signal Line; several types of signals for analytics.
Values in the table cell: Macd value (main line); Macd value (signal line);
main line minus signal l
Excellent dashboard for analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the Alligator indicator and its signals.
With this panel you can: watch the current signal from Alligator on all timeframes; watch the current signal from Alligator for different symbols; watch the current Alligator value; several types of signals for analytics.
Values in a table cell: Jaw Teeths Lips Jaw - Teeth Jaw - Lips Teeth - Lips
Signal type: Lips - Teeth - green line (lips) crosses red line (tee
Excellent dashboard for analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the Momentum indicator and its signals.
With this panel you can: watch the current signal from Momentum on all timeframes; watch the current signal from Momentum for different symbols; watch the current Momentum value; several types of signals for analytics.
Values in a table cell: value of Momentum
Signal type: Momentum crosses "100" line Momentum upper/lower "100" line Momentum direction
Work option: all
Excellent dashboard for analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the TRIX (Triple Exponential Moving Average) indicator and its signals.
With this panel you can: watch the current signal from TRIX on all timeframes; watch the current signal from TRIX for different symbols; watch the current TRIX value; several types of signals for analytics.
Values in a table cell: value of TRIX
Signal type: TRIX crosses "0" line TRIX upper/lower "0" line
Work option: all symbols added to t
The professional browser of News and Trading Sessions is now available in MetaTrader 5.
Now all the most important market information is collected on one dial!
News located on the Time scale. Planning your working time has never been so easy and convenient ... The news scale can be switched a day, two, a week, a month forward or backward (see the details in the short video). All news updates in real time.
Thanks to the built-in filters, you can configure the display of news by importance, cou
Trade with your MT5 Account on a custom API-Endpoint.
1. Activate API on your Signal Site.
2. Enter your Username.
3. Enter your Account-Password.
4. Enter the API-Endpoint URL to your MT5 Account (Extras -> Options -> Experts -> Allow WebRequest).
Lot Size Settings
Auto Lot = 0 and Fixed Lot = 0 : Copy Lot Size.
Auto Lot : Option to send normalized Lot-Size depends from Free Margin on Trading-Account. Because other Traders will start with different Account Size.
For Example:
- You put
Flat è una utility pensata per chi ama operare con take profit e stop loss virtuali ed ordini di copertura come sistema di protezione del capitale, ma a volte ad esempio la notte non è possibile operare quindi si è costretti ad intervenire nel momento e nel modo sbagliato Facciamo un esempio, dopo aver ricevuto un segnale ti posizioni sul mercato con una posizione Long ma il mercato a bassi volumi e comprendi che il tuo posizionamento è valido ma bisogna attendere più di quanto pensavi fosse ne
Do you already know Display N Bars?
Do you already know the Start tool (from Midas indicators)?
In this indicator, we unified the two tools, allowing you to define which candle will start counting, or use the automatic numbering that was already available in the previous version.
Description of the utility follows:
Display N Bars
The Display N Bars utility is a simple tool that aims to help identify candles.
If a trader tries to share the knowledge with a colleague but it is difficult t
新機能:Ver3.5 28通貨ペアの強弱も表示するようにしました。 監視ペアで最強、最弱の通貨ペアとなった場合、四つ葉のマークが出るように変更しました。 15分足、1時間足、4時間足単位での通貨ペアの強弱を表示するようにしました。
詳細な情報はこちらにサイトがあります。 https://toushika.top/tc-cs-plus-cfd/
注:こちらはTitanのデモ口座で動作します。 XMで使用したい場合は こちらのでセットファイル を使用してください。
機能: 一目で現在の通貨の方向性と強弱が確認できます。 15M,1H,4Hでの方向性を表示します。 15M,1H,4Hでの方向が揃った場合にドットが表示されます。 通貨の相関が揃った場合にドットが表示されます。 ※相関はピアソン相関係数を使用しています。 より詳しい情報につきましてはこちらを参照してください。 https://www.mql5.com/ja/articles/5481 通貨の強弱を表示します。 現時点でのボラリティーの状況を表示します。 過去20日/過去5日/今日のボラリティーを表示しま
The Expert Advisor allows you to receive notifications to the mobile phone (or tablet PC), mailbox or play the sound alert when some events occured: opening or closing position (also closing all positions), placing or deleting pending order; changing open price, stop loss or take profit; the account balance, equity, margin level, free margin or drawdown has reached the user specified level. You can specify a notification interval, notification text template and audio file for sound aler
This is Advanced NotifyMe version with large interface.
The Expert Advisor allows you to receive notifications to the mobile phone (or tablet PC), mailbox or play the sound alert when some events occured: opening or closing position (also closing all positions), placing or deleting pending order; changing open price, stop loss or take profit; the account balance, equity, margin level, free margin or drawdown has reached the user specified level. You can specify a notification interval,
Deje que el robot escanee todo el mercado por usted y detecte las mejores oportunidades comerciales mientras vive su vida normal.
Market Deviation Scanner mide la desviación de los precios de un promedio dado en porcentaje.
La configuración recomendada para todos los promedios es un PROMEDIO EN MOVIMIENTO SIMPLE DIARIO DE 200; sin embargo, cualquier parámetro se puede modificar a voluntad: el escáner es totalmente personalizable.
Existe la posibilidad de configurar un correo electrónico, pus
This is an analogue of the Virtual Stop Loss / Take Profit
Features: automatic closing of trades by profit/loss points/money the number of deals and the total profit for the Symbol
Auto close deals by profit / loss (analogue of virtual StopLoss / TakeProfit): mode: Off; by profit / loss in points by profit / loss in the deposit currency Types of deals: Buy and sell only Buy only Sell set conditions for closing by profit per trade set conditions for closing at a loss per trade
Attention: t
It is a utility (Expert Advisors) that you can easily tweet from MetaTrader Support for "Twitter API v2 OAuth 2.0 with PKCE".
Just add a few lines of code to the Indicator , EA or Script you create TweetHelper will tweet a message for you.
Preparation: Please apply for a developer account to access the Twitter API. Please refer to the following for setting details and procedures.
Example of code (script) for using TweetHelper https://www.mql5.com/ja/code/31044
MetaTrader settings:
Esta utilidad dibuja Order Blocks y otros bloques fácilmente mediante el trazado rápido de lineas y rectángulos con 1 click y 1 tecla. Las teclas Hotkeys son programables y son 5: Order Blocks Fair Value Gaps (o Liquidity Void) Rejection Blocks Mitigation/Breaker Blocks Fast Object Delete (Borrado Rápido de objetos) Las 4 teclas de dibujo toman las coordenadas de la barra donde se clickeo y trazan 1 linea horizontal y 1 rectángulo delimitando la zona de OTE (Optimal Trade Entry). Automáticamente
Equity X è una utility che chiude tutte le posizioni ed eventuali ordini pendenti ad un importo prestabilito, è possibile fissare il bilancio del tuo conto quando il netto e uguale o superiore oppure uguale inferiore all'importo desiderato Ha integrato un sistema per la notifica mobile instantanea che genera il messaggio ad operazione avvenuta Uno strumento che permette di ottimizzare al massimo il rendimento del tuo investimento, è possibile utilizzarlo anche come gestore virtuale di take prof
Xrade EA is an expert advisor as technical indicator. For short period trade it's the best for next previsions of the trend of the market.
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very Important Our robot(data anylizer) does'nt take a trade procedure. If using only our robot you must take positions by yoursels +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The technical indiator provide for a given sma
PanelCME - это инструмент для помощи трейдеру в ручной торговле. Данная панель автоматически выставляет стоп лосс и тейк профик к каждому ордеру. Имеет функцию перевода позиции в безубыток и функцию трала стоп лосса. Основное преимущество данной панели то, что тейк профит выставляется встречным лимитным ордером , что позволяет избежать проскальзывания при закрытии позиции. Данная панель делалась для скальпинга на СМЕ, но может так же работать и на форексе.
Fast closing of all positions in one click. A very useful button when you use position averaging, adding new orders, and when the price returns for a few seconds to the desired point, and there are more than 10 orders, it is very important to have time to close all of them. The second time the price may not return. Super fast execution. Orders are closed asynchronously without waiting for the previous result. The utility allows you to add a button to any window. Multiple buttons can be added fo
Profit X invia notifiche sul tuo dispositivo mobile mantenendoti aggiornato sul profitto dei tuoi investimenti anche nei momenti in cui non puoi fisicamente controllare i mercati, ad esempio quando sei alla guida, sul posto di lavoro, in una riunione o con amici, con parenti e non puoi distrarti Può essere disattivata e attivata ed è possibile scegliere la frequenza del aggiornamenti in minuti, ore, giorni, settimanale o mensile La configurazione e personalizzazione è molto semplice, di default
EnkiSoft Trade Clone EA new!
User description in MQL5 blog
You can use it on unlimilted clients for unlimited time! MT4 version download here
With Trade Clone EA you can trade on multiple MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 accounts simultaneously, clone the trades of any trading robot from server account to your friends and family accounts. Note: All MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 must run in same computer, or you need copy the trade file to the Client computer. You can run multiple Tr
EnkiSoft Trade Clone EA
User description in MQL5 blog New version 1.57 Read updates MT4 version download here
With Trade Clone EA you can trade on multiple MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 accounts simultaneously, clone the trades of any trading robot from server account to your friends and family accounts. Note: All MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 must run in same computer, or you need copy the trade file to the Client computer. You can run multiple Trade Clone EA as server, and yo
The Expert Advisor helps in manual trading or closes the positions of another Expert Advisor. He is designed to automatically close position or group positions when the total conditions is reached. He does not open deals on his own. The EA can close positions on one symbol, on the entire account or on a specified magic number. You can specify in the settings the general Take and the general StopLoss for a group of positions for close. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, write me
Protect your EA from unauthorized use. With EA Locker you can generate individual licenses for your EA to your customers.
Product blog page Download MT4 version from here
Protection consists of three parts: 1. Your Unique EA identifier 2. User Identifier 3. Expiration date
Description of parts: 1. EA ID is your internal EA identifier. Itcan be the short name of the EA. (MyGridEA, TradeCopierEA...) 2. User identifier can be anything user specific data (Mt4 account number, Account number + User
Trader's Panel is a simple EA for managing trades once open. Your options for managing open trades are to close an entire open trade, close a percent of an open trade, which can be input from the trader panel, and then set stop loss to break even on an open trade. The Trader's Panel hovers at top left of screen right below the one click order buttons. **Note that this EA does not open trades. It only manages trades once they are open.
Exactly this program was used to set World Record in Trading 2020
Account Equity was increased from $1,000,000 to $100,000,000 in 16 days
Details => www.mql5.com/en/users/AIS
In the last days of this record the position was creating by 1000-2000 orders
It was used the computer with 1 core Pentium 4 CPU at 2.8 GHz and 1 GB memory
In the last two days the daily profit was $40,000,000 every day
It was 100% manual trading
And this special program was used to
This utility sends notification to trader’s MT5 (for MT4 version, checkout this link ) mobile app, to remind traders about their open positions. Super useful for part time traders to keep track and not forget any positions. To turn on notification, please visit this link (https://www.metatrader4.com/en/trading-platform/help/setup/settings_notifications)
Features Keep track on open orders (pending orders, running orders) Customize time to send notification Customize notification interval (se
Utilidad para la configuración automática de niveles de stop loss y take profit. Creado por un comerciante profesional para comerciantes. La utilidad trabaja con cualquier orden de mercado abierta por un comerciante manualmente o mediante asesores. Puede filtrar operaciones por número mágico. La utilidad puede trabajar con cualquier número de pedidos al mismo tiempo.
Versión MT4 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/56485
establezca un stop loss virtual y obt
Utilidad para el cierre automático de operaciones mediante niveles de trailing stop. Le permite aprovechar al máximo sus ganancias. Creado por un comerciante profesional para comerciantes. La utilidad trabaja con cualquier orden de mercado abierta por un comerciante manualmente o mediante asesores. Puede filtrar operaciones por número mágico. La utilidad puede trabajar con cualquier número de pedidos al mismo tiempo.
Versión MT4 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/56487
La utilidad para el comercio semiautomático, la gestión de pedidos, también se puede utilizar para restaurar posiciones no rentables en la cuenta. Tiene la función de reducir la reducción de la cuenta superponiendo pedidos no rentables. Puede trabajar con órdenes manuales, órdenes abiertas desde el panel o órdenes abiertas por otro Asesor Experto. Tiene un mínimo de parámetros, es fácil de configurar, funciona con cualquier número de órdenes. Para realizar pruebas, utilice el modo visual en el
The tool allows user to easily add: Stop Loss, Take Profit, Trailing Stop, Break Even, Target Manually editing the lines. Parameters : Magic Number : number to identify your EA, used when applied to multiple assets. Distance from Bid Price (ticks): Current price value to place the buy or sell order in ticks (each tick represents the smallest price variation). Slippage (0 = off): represents the maximum difference in pips for the order to go through. Volume: Lot size. Ex
Set your Stop Loss, Take Profit and enter the operation and with the Close Position button, exit the operation whenever you want and safely. What's more, let us control your operation with Trailing Stop. With Expert Trade Control, you can enter a trade with your stop loss and take profit defined, but if you want to leave before the market reaches these targets, just click on "close position" and your position will be closed at the same time.
Mechanisms like this prevent a counter-order from be
FX Trade Manager is a tool used to open and manage your buy and sell orders with few clicks and with ease in MetaTrader 5 . Through this fantastic tool you can open orders like: SELL BUY SELL LIMIT BUY LIMIT You can open an order just by informing the lot volume you want, your takeprofit and stoploss and clicking on the opening button, or just placing the lot volume you want and clicking on the opening button.
If you don't know the lot size you want to open, let the FX Trade Manager tool do it
ATM Auto Trade Manager Expert Advisor will manage all transactions you make using Expert Advisor, or manually from all platforms (Web Trade, MT5 Windows, MT5 Mac, MT5Mobile phone) Multi Currency In one chart, the Tool will manage transactions of all currencies or according to the available list.
Currency Selection All Transactions of All Pairs Based on the Pairs List
Auto Manage, with setup parameters on one chart Auto Close Profit Average Auto Close Profit only Auto SL / TP Auto Trailing
News: IDEA 2.0 is out with lot of features, like telegram bot notifications and Limits order! Check the changelog at bottom of page (*).
Hi all,
here you can find my Expert Advisor, called IDEA (Intelligent Detection & managEr Algorithm) . In short, with this software you can: Have a clear view of market status , with an indication of current trend. Simply add symbols you want to monitor to your market watch, and IDEA will notify you if some of them are in trend; Have an automatic lots ca
Technical confluence zones is a very popular tool for traders. This EA detects such zones by studying chart patterns, naked price levels, fib levels, SMA/EMA over multiple timeframes and more. The source data is loaded from Mytradingpet.com. To find out what are factored in when determining such zones, visit https://mytradingpet.com - a free service for all traders. The zones are color coded. Purple indicates the highest level of confluence.
Indicator to create and manage your own watchlists. It allows you to load one symbol to multiple charts with just one click.
There is an addon to save objects from drawings (lines, fibos etc.) and load when the symbol is changed.
Supports Multi-Timeframe-Usage
Load one symbols to multiple charts with just one click
Automatically created list with all tradeable symbols
Custom watchlists can be created
Symbols can be added and deleted from the created watchlists
Sortfunction to sort a
A "simple design" trading panel, which is characterized by small byte size, low CPU usage, simple steps, and quick operation, 1 to 2 clicks to complete a functional operation,
saving time and increasing efficiency . The panel is easy to use, and it is not complicated to set parameters, which is in line with traders' habits. At the same time, its compact-
design, clear at a glance, and comprehensive functions are a powerful tool for manual trading! Key features of the panel:
Click "Bid/Ask Pri
izi hedge is a tool that helps you manage risk, manage hedge orders and rebalance losing orders.
How it works It will place an order opposite to the order you placed with that currency pair. If the order you place is correct, the reverse order will be automatically deleted If the market unfortunately goes against your order and touches the hedge order, it will begin to calculate the hedging volume to limit the risk of the market going in reverse.
AutoLevels is a precise tool for identifying support and resistance levels. Allows you to trade with reliable information, making your analysis fast and easy. Usage
Features and settings Features : Data based levels Dynamic coloring and width Works on any timeframe Settings : period : sets the averaging the period of the ATR; scale_factor : sets the ATR's multiplicator; levels_number : sets the maximum number of levels on the chart; dynamic_col
¿Sabe usted por qué MetaTrader Market es el mejor lugar para vender estrategias comerciales e indicadores técnicos? Con nosotros, el desarrollador no tiene que perder tiempo y fuerzas en publicidad, protección del programa y ajustes de cuentas con los compradores. Todo eso ya está hecho.
Está perdiendo oportunidades comerciales:
- Aplicaciones de trading gratuitas
- 8 000+ señales para copiar
- Noticias económicas para analizar los mercados financieros
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